A soli 3 giorni dal rilascio di WordPress 4.2, un ricercatore di sicurezza ha trovato una vulnerabilità XSS di tipo zero day che colpisce WordPress 4.2, 4.1.2, 4.1.1, 4.1.3 e 3.9.3. Ciò consente a un utente malintenzionato di iniettare JavaScript nei commenti e di violare il sito. Il team di WordPress ha risposto rapidamente e ha risolto il problema di sicurezza in WordPress 4.2.1. Vi consigliamo vivamente di aggiornare immediatamente i vostri siti.
Jouko Pynnönen, ricercatore di sicurezza presso Klikki Oy, che ha segnalato il problema, lo ha descritto come segue:
Se attivato da un amministratore connesso, con le impostazioni predefinite l’aggressore può sfruttare la vulnerabilità per eseguire codice arbitrario sul server tramite gli editor di plugin e temi.
In alternativa, l’aggressore potrebbe modificare la password dell’amministratore, creare nuovi account di amministratore o fare qualsiasi altra cosa l’amministratore attualmente connesso possa fare sul sistema di destinazione.
Questa particolare vulnerabilità è simile a quella segnalata da Cedric Van Bockhaven, che è stata risolta con una patch nella versione di sicurezza di WordPress 4.1.2.
Sfortunatamente, non hanno utilizzato una corretta divulgazione della sicurezza e hanno invece pubblicato l’exploit pubblicamente sul loro sito. Ciò significa che chi non aggiorna il proprio sito correrà seri rischi.
Aggiornamento: abbiamo appreso che hanno provato a contattare il team di sicurezza di WordPress, ma non hanno ottenuto una risposta tempestiva.
Se non avete disabilitato gli aggiornamenti automatici, il vostro sito si aggiornerà automaticamente.
Ancora una volta, vi consigliamo vivamente di aggiornare il vostro sito a WordPress 4.2.1. Assicuratevi di eseguire un backup del sito prima di effettuare l’aggiornamento.
Rajnish Tyagi
hi there,
my site was 2 times in last week, i am using aws server, for database i am using RDS, but today my database was crashed it take 2 hours for recover, i am using the latest version of wprdress 4.2.2
please advice me some good security tips
Thanks for the post. I’ll update my sites immediately!
If you have Akismet running there is a good chance that the comments will get flagged as spam so do not check your spam queue.
Please take a look at http://klikki.fi/adv/wordpress2.html where it is clearly explained how they tried contacting wordpress.com and received no reply SINCE NOVEMBER 2014 (Confirmed vulnerable: WordPress 4.2, 4.1.2, 4.1.1, 3.9.3.):
“WordPress has refused all communication attempts about our ongoing security vulnerability cases since November 2014. We have tried to reach them by email, via the national authority (CERT-FI), and via HackerOne. No answer of any kind has been received since November 20, 2014. According to our knowledge, their security response team have also refused to respond to the Finnish communications regulatory authority who has tried to coordinate resolving the issues we have reported, and to staff of HackerOne, which has tried to clarify the status our open bug tickets.”
If that is correct, disclosing the issue was the only responsible thing to do, and sites are vulnerable not because of the disclosure, but because of the failure on the part of WordPress to address this issue for almost 6 Months.
I understand that security is a complex issue, but please get your facts straight.
WPBeginner Support
Our sincerest apologies. We have updated the article.
Bilal Bin Amar
but after the update, my CMS(wordpress) and my Site have became very slow, under the CMS when i click in the added a plugin this is giving error
William Charles
I was auto updated and now it’s asking me to update my database, when I update my data base I get the following error: Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/doctorof/public_html/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php on line 1459
Any thoughts on how to fix it? Tried the usual methods (turning off plugins, default theme etc).
Editorial Staff
Please get in touch with your hosting provider. This may be happening due to a database corrupt table. We had it happened with our site List25, and our host was able to fix it right away.
Just visit your admin login page /wp-admin and then press the update database button, this should fix the issue.
After the auto update applied it totally messed up our instances and we got no server responses. Investigating for 6 hours now, with no positive results. Server is fine, ip providers / isps are fine…
raja babu
i want to know how can i secure my site , how can i stop auto update of site??? please help me
WPBeginner Support
It is highly recommended that you update your WordPress site as soon as there is a new update is available. Not doing so makes your site vulnerable. However, if for some reason you want to update manually, then you can disable automatic updates in WordPress
Elaine Maul
Thank you for the alert! Although I have automatic updates set, it hadn’t got round to doing it yet for some reason, so I have actioned it myself
Thank you
ha manh bui
How can i know if my site http://homelytips.com/ is effecte, it just auto update itself to 4.1.4
Editorial Staff
The auto update is done by the WordPress team if you didn’t disable them.
4.1.4 also fixes the issue.