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Quali sono le caratteristiche in arrivo con WordPress 3.6?

Sono passati solo pochi mesi dalla versione di WordPress 3.5 (11 dicembre 2012, per l’esattezza). Ebbene, la prossima versione principale, WordPress 3.6, è già in corso. La versione di WordPress 3.6 è prevista per la fine di aprile 2013. Abbiamo seguito gli sviluppi di WordPress 3.6 e abbiamo deciso di condividere con voi le caratteristiche che vi aspettano. In questo articolo discuteremo le caratteristiche in arrivo con WordPress 3.6.

Migliori controlli editoriali

WordPress 3.6 sarà un grande aggiornamento soprattutto per i blogger e gli editori di contenuti. Si concentra sull’area di modifica degli articoli, fornendo strumenti e supporto migliori per migliorare il processo editoriale di creazione di contenuti con WordPress.

Blocco degli articoli

WordPress 3.6 avrà una caratteristica di controllo editoriale, chiamata blocca articolo. Questa funzione consentirà agli amministratori e agli autori del sito web di bloccare un articolo in modo che altri utenti non possano lavorarci finché non viene sbloccato. Se un altro utente ha i diritti per modificare un articolo, gli verrà chiesto di tornare indietro o di sostituirlo. Si tratta di una caratteristica molto utile per i blog con più autori.

Post Lock in WordPress 3.6

Salvataggio automatico migliorato

WordPress 3.6 sarà incentrato sulla modifica dei contenuti, quindi la caratteristica del salvataggio automatico vedrà alcuni grandi miglioramenti. Si parla di salvare le modifiche non salvate nella memoria locale del browser. Questo sarà molto utile perché impedirà di perdere articoli a causa di cookie in scadenza, perdita della connessione a Internet, navigazione involontaria, errori dei plugin o del core durante il salvataggio, crash del browser, crash del sistema operativo, gatti che camminano sulla tastiera, ecc. Se si verifica una di queste eventualità, si potrà riprendere la modifica esattamente da dove la si era lasciata.

Local Backups for Revisions

L’obiettivo è far sì che le persone si fidino di WordPress per i loro articoli. La caratteristica del salvataggio automatico è stata introdotta per questo motivo, perché le persone avevano paura di perdere il loro lavoro. Questo è il motivo per cui molti usano applicazioni di terze parti come Windows Live Writer per scrivere i loro articoli su WordPress. La speranza è che, migliorando la caratteristica di salvataggio automatico, molti utenti comincino a fidarsi delle capacità di salvataggio automatico di WordPress.

Migliore gestione delle revisioni degli articoli

Le revisioni degli articoli ora riflettono i cambiamenti tra le diverse versioni. Le modifiche saranno messe in evidenza con colori ed elementi visivi, in modo da poter notare rapidamente la differenza tra di esse.

Compare Post Revisions UI

Flusso di lavoro editoriale

Si era parlato di integrare uno dei migliori plugin per il flusso editoriale nel core. Tuttavia, a causa di vincoli di tempo, questa caratteristica non sarà aggiunta in WordPress 3.6. L’impegno non è stato sprecato perché ha portato alla luce molte sfide legate al processo. Questo permetterà al team di prepararsi in anticipo per la prossima versione. (Vedere la spiegazione di Mark Jaquith). Beh, non c’è nulla di cui preoccuparsi. È ancora possibile utilizzare il plugin Edit Flow (noi lo stiamo usando).

Nuova e migliorata interfaccia utente per i formati degli articoli

Come sapete, WordPress supporta i formati degli articoli e i formati personalizzati. Tuttavia, la vecchia interfaccia non era molto evidente. In WordPress 3.6, ci sarà una nuova interfaccia utente per i formati degli articoli. Gli utenti potranno scegliere e passare da un formato di articolo all’altro e l’area di modifica cambierà in base al formato dell’articolo. L’ispirazione per questi cambiamenti proviene dal plugin UI per il formato dei post di Alex King, di cui vi abbiamo mostrato in precedenza come installare il Post Format UI Plugin in WordPress 3.5. I collaboratori stanno inviando idee e wireframe su come dovrebbe apparire l’interfaccia utente dei formati degli articoli. Di seguito è riportato un mockup inviato da Mel Choyce:

Post Formats UI Mockup


WordPress 3.6 avrà anche Twenty Thirteen, il nuovo tema predefinito di WordPress. Twenty Thirteen avrà un grande supporto per i formati degli articoli. A differenza dei precedenti temi predefiniti di WordPress, Twenty Thirteen utilizzerà molti colori grassetti. Utilizzerà un colore di sfondo diverso per ogni articolo, che sarà perfetto quando l’utente scorrerà la pagina verso il basso. Twenty Thirteen sarà completamente responsive e si presenterà allo stesso modo su schermi di diverse dimensioni, risoluzioni e dispositivi. Guardate la demo live.

Twenty Thirteen Demo Screenshot

Una nuova interfaccia grafica per i menu di WordPress

Anche l’editore dei menu di WordPress avrà una nuova interfaccia utente più intuitiva. Noi di WPBeginner abbiamo notato che molti principianti di WordPress non capiscono il sistema dei menu. Le schede, i menu a discesa, la scelta di più menu e il passaggio da uno all’altro sono banali per la maggior parte dei nuovi utenti. Speriamo che questo cambi con WordPress 3.6 e che diventi più facile creare e gestire i menu in WordPress.

Notifiche di accesso migliorate

A volte la sessione di un utente scade proprio nel bel mezzo di qualcosa di importante. Il nuovo sistema di notifiche di accesso chiederà all’utente di accedere senza lasciare la pagina su cui stava lavorando.

Improved Login Notifications - WordPress 3.6

C’è ancora un po’ di tempo prima della versione di WordPress 3.6. Si tratta di una versione importante, quindi oltre a queste nuove caratteristiche, ci saranno diversi miglioramenti al codice principale, correggimenti di bug, aggiornamenti di sicurezza, ecc. Ricordate che potete sempre inviare le vostre idee per WordPress, le più votate saranno incluse nelle prossime versioni di WordPress. Quali nuove caratteristiche vorreste vedere in WordPress? Qual è la vostra caratteristica preferita di questa versione di WordPress 3.6? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti qui sotto.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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40 commentiLeave a Reply

  1. Shailan

    I think WordPress Staff is doing a great job. I hope they can make it more user friendly in the next release. Not all wordpress users are programmers, you know.

  2. Marian Pena

    As a new user to WordPress, I’m actually impressed already with the speed in which it loads. I have been a solid Joomla user for the last 8 years or so and until I had a problem in my own site yesterday, I had never tried WordPress, but decided while I wait for host to fix problem that I’d give it a go. Within an hour, I notified host not to bother, because I was switching CMS. However, as a 1 person admin site, I can honestly say that Lock Post does me no good, since I’m the only person who’s going to write my site, but for sites such as this one where there are probably several authors I can see it’s value.

    The auto save feature from what I saw of it works just fine, so I’m not understanding the reasons for it’s improvement, but at the same time, being new, I wouldn’t know that either.

    As a new user, I did find the menu/navigation a bit confusing, between understandind the difference between Pages and Categories, but as an experienced Joomla user and html user, I caught on quickly. I can see where newbies would get confused by it however.

    The biggest improvement tho that I’d like to see is like the “newspaper” guy who noted about the media library area. The fact that we can’t add our own folders or subfolders and need to rely on WP to do this for us based on a monthly folder system is disconcerning. Let’s say your a recipe site where you have tons of images, if your just starting to build your site, you could end up with 30k in images for your first week or month of work and they are all in that one folder. I’d rather be able to folderize my images in my own manner and in a way that I recognize when I’m looking at the backups on my hard drive or if I have to find something down the road.

    Now, I’m off to find a replacement for feedburner and hopefully I will find one. I don’t really want a newsleeter, I just want something that will automatically allow my visitors to get updates much in the same feedburner works. Hearing that it might be closing was sad news, since I’d just figured it out a few days ago.

  3. John

    Some extra post-types “out of the box” would be a nice addition. Just having the option of posts & pages can sometimes be a bit limiting, and creating custom post types, custom taxonomies and metaboxes can be a pain.

  4. StephenB

    How many sites will need/use the ‘multi-user’ features is debatable. A significant proportion are never going to need them.

    Post-formats looks interesting. I assume the loop will be able to display them easily.

    But stop adding bits and start sorting the core. Taxonomy meta data is an essential. No use implementing all the cms goodies of custom post-types & taxonomies if they can’t be used properly. Post meta and user meta is there… why they didn’t add the tax_meta table is frustrating. There’s a Trac for this with plenty of recognised power-users pleading for it!

  5. Chris Howard

    What WP desperately needs is better image management. Categories and tags, to begin with. I’m working for a newspaper site at the moment and the Media Library quickly fills with images. When you want the user to re-use one – e.g. a stock image of a politician or corporate logo – it’s pain for them to locate.

  6. Phil Simon

    Looks great. WP freaking rocks.

  7. Keith Davis

    Thanks for the review guys
    I love the WordPress custom menus interface.
    Watched a video and then it was easy to use.

    Obviuosly because of security, we have to upgrade but the one click upgrade is pretty painless.
    Am I tempting fate saying that?

  8. Robert Wilkins

    Thanks for the post! Auto lock looks promising but I agree with some of the other posters here, I don’t believe they really improved some of the items that needed improving. The visual editor, tinyMCE is horrible still. I have so many complaints from customers with this. On the tinyMCE site, the editor works flawlessly, it’s buggy in WP and broken with new version of Chrome.

    Autosave is no big deal. I usually deactivate this on all my sites. WordPress is an awesome publishing platform but it’s getting bloated. It would be nice if automatic feeds aren’t optional or turned off. All that does is add size to the database.

    I look forward to each release, but as Ryan Hellyer said, I keep hoping they make it better by reducing and optimizing rather than adding.

    • Hugh Sands

      I agree with you. It’s curious why so many software that become succesful follows the same path: ignoring bugs, avoiding optimizations, … getting into the bells and whistles run

      When we’ll see many-to-many relationship integrated in the core or Ajax support improvements, specially performance?

      Autosave/Revisions are overestimated IMHO

  9. Yasir Jilani

    WoW…. just awesome, Thanks for the update, i am waiting for the 3.6 release!

  10. Sandra

    These sound great, but I keep hoping they’ll do something to better organize the area in the dashboard that lists pages and posts.

    A folder system instead of just indented subpages, for example, would be really helpful with large sites. That’s used in a number of commercial CMS platforms and it keeps things much better organized.

  11. Andor Nagy

    WoW, Just wow. It’s unbelievable what these guys can come up with. I’m so exited about the new Post formats and stuff. The new theme looks amazing, but where did the sidebar go? :D
    Also they’d really need to change how comments.php for themes works. It’s a nightmare to work with it D:

  12. Gautam Doddamani

    oooh twenty thirteen looks awesome..i had heard about post lock a while back, a very interesting feature indeed! i have already controlled my post revisions to be maximum at 2 for every post…really thought editorial flow would come in wp 3.6 as well, hmm i guess they will introduce it later…i am really excited, mostly because a more new and nice gui has been given for the post editor :)


  13. Matt Rittman

    How about fixing the issue of not being able to link images to “file”? I always have to manually edit this in code view, otherwise it links to the post.

    • conualfy

      I guess you are talking about inserting galleries. You can change the box from File to Attachment and back to File. This is the way I make it work until they fix the javascript.

  14. Rajesh Magar

    Thanks Syed,

    This is really great news that WordPress most popular theme is going to come with “Responsive Design” functionality.

  15. Chris

    Instead of Automatic Inc, investing 1.2 Million Dollars in and the EverCache system (Which really isn’t that great), they should have used the money to fix WordPress..

    • Editorial Staff

      Ummm why? Automattic is a separate entity created for profit. WordPress is a non-profit open source project. Anyone can contribute and make it better. Perhaps you should stop making money and contributing full-time to make WordPress better or in your own words “fix it”???


  16. M Asif Rahman

    Thanks for the update. Nice timely post. I understand the cause of dropping Edit Flow from 3.6 core. But with Post lock and Improved Auto save maybe future version like 3.7 will come up with advance Editorial Flow control.

  17. Davide De Maestri

    95% of these features are unuseful XD

    • Editorial Staff

      Dang sorry you think that way :) We really thought that auto-save and post locking was a great step forward in those areas.


  18. Aaron

    I am very excited to see the additions! I can’t wait to see what the new post formats ui looks like!

  19. Arif Rahman

    Looks exciting, waiting for the new release!

  20. Harley

    I hated 3.5. Still do and regrets upgrading to it and despises the new media uploader. I always TURN off post revisions and hopes in 3.6 one still can.
    What you NEED to fix is the way WP always messes with any custom HTML if switched back to VISUAL mode.
    WordPress is really beginning to become bloated and intrusive, If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    • Editorial Staff

      If the formatting troubles you, then you can always disable them.

      remove_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');
      remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');
      remove_filter('comment_text', 'wptexturize');
      remove_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize');

      Yes, you can always turn off revisions, but we find them to be very useful.


  21. Mohan Babu

    Wow ! just nice version …..

  22. Ahmad Raza

    Great features..can’t wait to see these all features working on my site…

  23. Ajay

    I switched from WLW to WordPress’ editting interface because of its media manager back in 3.4 which just got better with 3.5.

    WLW just didn’t give me the flexibility for managing images. And, worst of all it doesn’t work on a Mac

  24. Elliott Richmond

    Post locking looks sweet! And it’s about time Post Formats had a little overhaul :)

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes, we are very excited for the future of themes. Because now more themes will have an incentive to be compatible with these post formats.


    • Ryan Ray

      Yup, very excited about post formats! Should be a big help in pushing themes to adopt them as well!

  25. anwar hussain

    Just want to say WOW! for new WordPress 3.6… Specially Twentythirteen theme……

  26. Pritesh Desai

    Looks exciting, waiting for the new release!

  27. Ata Ur Rehman

    Very interesting and looking forward to it..

  28. Ryan Hellyer

    My favourite feature is the lack of features. This release seems to be concentrating more on improving what is there rather than adding more junk to the trunk.

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