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Perché non si dovrebbe mai fare l’uploader di un video su WordPress (4 motivi)

Aggiungere video al vostro sito web è un modo intelligente per catturare l’attenzione dei visitatori e aumentare le conversioni. Abbiamo riscontrato che i contenuti video coinvolgono i visitatori e migliorano l’esperienza complessiva dell’utente, rendendo il vostro sito web più attraente.

Tuttavia, secondo la nostra esperienza, i video occupano molto spazio di archiviazione e larghezza di banda. Questo può aumentare i costi di hosting e rallentare il sito web, creando una cattiva esperienza per l’utente. Per questi motivi, vi consigliamo di non caricare video direttamente sul vostro sito WordPress.

In questo articolo spiegheremo perché il caricamento di video in questo modo può causare problemi ed esploreremo le migliori pratiche per aggiungere video al vostro sito web in modo efficace.

Why you should never upload videos to WordPress

Uploader vs. Oggetto incorporato (c’è una differenza)

Prima di spiegarvi perché non dovreste mai caricare video sul vostro sito web WordPress, assicuriamoci che tutti capiscano che c’è una differenza tra uploader e oggetto incorporato.

Caricare o ospitare un video significa che i file del video saranno memorizzati sul vostro sito, proprio come carichereste e memorizzereste le immagini utilizzando la libreria dei media di WordPress. Questo è il metodo che vi sconsigliamo.

Quando si incorpora un video, lo si carica prima su un sito di terze parti, come YouTube, e poi lo si può facilmente incorporare negli articoli del blog. Il video può essere visualizzato sul vostro sito web, ma viene memorizzato altrove. Consigliamo vivamente di incorporare i video ogni volta che è possibile.

1. Condivisione semplice

Incorporare un video in WordPress è più facile che caricarlo. È possibile condividere un video caricato su YouTube o su altri siti di video-sharing semplicemente incollando l’URL negli articoli del blog.

Embedding a YouTube video in your WordPress website

È anche più facile gestire un canale su YouTube. D’altra parte, in WordPress non è così semplice creare una sezione video separatamente dalle immagini e dagli altri uploader. Quando si carica un video su WordPress, questo viene mescolato a tutti gli altri contenuti della libreria dei media.

Con l’uploader del video su YouTube e su altri siti di condivisione di video, si facilita la condivisione del video da parte degli spettatori e la sua viralizzazione.

2. Salva la larghezza di banda

L’uploader di video sul sito web comporta un costo di larghezza di banda. I video di qualità superiore costano ancora di più in termini di larghezza di banda.

Se permettete ai visitatori del vostro sito di incorporare i vostri video sui loro siti web, la larghezza di banda viene moltiplicata ogni volta che il video viene visualizzato. Probabilmente dovrete anche aggiungere altri plugin per gestire e visualizzare i vostri video.

Questi plugin potrebbero anche aumentare il carico del server se non sono ottimizzati per la velocità. Se avete un hosting web condiviso, è probabile che l’host sospenda il vostro sito web e lo metta temporaneamente giù.

Ottimizzare la velocità del sito WordPress è più che mai importante, poiché influisce sulle classifiche SEO e sul traffico del sito web.

3. Visibilità e traffico

YouTube è il secondo motore di ricerca più utilizzato al mondo e il primo sito web più visitato. Questo fatto spinge molti proprietari di siti web a caricare i loro video su YouTube.

Caricare un video su YouTube può portare più spettatori che caricarlo sul proprio sito web. Le caratteristiche di social network di YouTube e di altri siti web di condivisione dei video possono innescare la popolarità virale dei vostri video.

Ad esempio, sul canale YouTube di WPBeginner abbiamo oltre 296.000 iscritti e decine di migliaia di nuove visualizzazioni ogni settimana.

The WPBeginner YouTube Channel

4. Ottimizzazione della qualità dei video

Quando si carica un video su siti come YouTube o Vimeo, questi elaborano ogni video per una migliore esperienza web. Gli spettatori possono scegliere se guardare il video in HD o su risoluzioni inferiori.

Inoltre, questi siti web cercano di rilevare automaticamente la connessione a Internet e il tipo di dispositivo dell’utente per riprodurre il video con la qualità migliore per lo spettatore.

Se fate l’uploader del vostro video su WordPress, non potrete usufruire di queste ottimizzazioni e il video verrà visualizzato così com’è, costandovi più larghezza di banda e distruggendo l’esperienza dell’utente.

Caratteristiche bonus

Molte piattaforme di hosting video offrono anche altre caratteristiche che si perdono se ci si limita a fare l’uploader su WordPress.

Ad esempio, è possibile:

  • Aggiungete didascalie automatiche ai vostri video per garantire l’accessibilità
  • Guadagnare con la pubblicità
  • Ottenere analisi sul numero di persone che guardano i vostri video
  • Creazione di miniature personalizzate per i video

…e molto altro ancora.

Quale servizio di hosting video utilizzare?

I servizi di video hosting offrono molti altri vantaggi oltre alla soluzione di tutti i problemi sopra descritti. Un buon servizio di video hosting regolerà automaticamente la qualità dei video in base alla velocità di internet dei vostri visitatori, e alcuni vi aiuteranno anche a raggiungere un pubblico completamente nuovo attraverso la loro piattaforma.

Il servizio di hosting video che WPBeginner utilizza è YouTube. Poiché è il secondo motore di ricerca più popolare al mondo dopo Google, vi aiuterà ad attirare ancora più follower.

Hanno anche un Programma Partner per aiutarvi a guadagnare online con i vostri video.

Dopo aver caricato i vostri video su YouTube, potete utilizzare un plugin come YouTube Feed Pro o Envira Gallery per visualizzare le gallerie di video di YouTube sul vostro sito WordPress. Per maggiori dettagli, selezionate il nostro elenco dei migliori plugin per le gallerie di video di YouTube.

Is Envira Gallery the right photo and video gallery plugin for you?

Se YouTube non fa al caso vostro o volete altre opzioni, consultate il nostro elenco dei migliori siti di video hosting.

Guide di esperti sulle prestazioni di WordPress

Speriamo che questo tutorial vi abbia aiutato a capire perché non dovreste mai caricare un video su WordPress. Potreste anche voler consultare altre guide relative al miglioramento delle prestazioni di WordPress:

Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.

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145 commentiLeave a Reply

  1. Damian Cichosz

    Thanks for explaining. I see that difference and fully understand that. Also i like that article is short and contains all important informations at the same time!

    A question that arises is, do you have any recommendations for users who want to maintain a consistent brand image or experience across their website and embedded videos? How can they ensure that the embedded videos seamlessly blend with their site’s design and branding elements?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the site but styles can be added to your blocks to modify the look within WordPress itself, it would depend on where the videos are embedded from for the options of what can be changed for the embed.


  2. Nelson Mbembe

    What if my website will work on a Local area Network only? what’s the best way for video gallery in that case ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless you do not have access to the internet you can still use this method but if it is only for your local network you could use your local storage instead of embedding from a video site.


  3. duncan

    I embeded a twitter video on my wp site but the complaint i get is that it takes too long to load . Is it the same with you tube or it is my site problem .

    • WPBeginner Support

      You are likely running into issues with your server resources, we would recommend reading the article above. Using YouTube embeds should be able to help with that issue.


  4. Braulio

    Thanks for your recommendation it make sense!

    I have a question, sometimes I publish short videos in mp4 formats, very short videos from 6 to 12 seconds, that matter anyway?

    Or what about using .gif formats?

    • WPBeginner Support

      For short videos, it is normally better to use gif format for your site’s content.


  5. Mr Page

    if my web host gave me unlimited bandwidth for my site that is like youtube, can my user upload video directly then?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is possible but you would want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure they are able to handle that.


  6. Leon

    Am making a website that can allow users to login,upload and post their own videos ,much like how youtube works.So my question is, how do i go about creating a page that displays the videos that users post to my website?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on how your current content is set up, if they are using posts then there are plugins to list recent posts available.


  7. Michael

    I was hoping to upload educational videos to my site and make them only available to my paying members. If I embed on a third party site how do you suggest i protect the content? Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      Depending on the third party site there are options to limit where the video can be embedded from, Vimeo is one service that has this option


  8. Sarah

    Why would you utilise another service such as YouTube who then controls your content AND plays other content to your site?

    And what IF your site will not allow / bans third party site?

    And why PAY for another service?

    Many ISPs allow free bandwidth and better still YOU have full control over YOUR content.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We cover our reasoning at the start of the article as not all hosts have unlimited bandwidth that they allow for sites. For banning third party sites, that would be a personal choice. YouTube is free and allows you to have your content on another popular search engine as YouTube itself can be considered a search engine for content on their site.


  9. Fonix

    I am glad i am here, thanks for the wonderful info.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our content can help :)


  10. Trevor Gordon

    The reason I want to upload videos to my site and host them is that I am a teacher who teaches Chinese students English.
    Sometimes i want to send them video of documentaries or news articles for them to watch and learn from.
    As you know YouTube is banned in China (not to get in the politics of it), so I want to be able to allow my students to see carefully selected articles.
    How do I overcome this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Trevor,

      You can use alternate video hosting websites that are available and popular in China.


  11. Dan

    So let’s say my website promotes different Events with WP Event Manager.

    How would I embed YouTube video into into an Event Post?

    (Example – I’m adding an Event to promote a band playing a gig and I want to include a video of them playing in the Event Advert).

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Dan,

      If the events on your WordPress site are a custom post type, then you can simply add the youtube video URL in the event description or details area.


  12. Calum

    I upload my homework help videos to both YouTube and my website in case my visitors cannot access YouTube (visitors from China can’t usually access YouTube due to censorship, schools may block it to prevent inappropriate content from being watched, etc.)

  13. Ed Hughes

    I’m planning to launch my first WP site soon and wanting to encourage my members to embed videos more rather than upload photos. But I’m wondering if I have lots lots of embedded vdieos, youtube or vimeo, on the site, will that still consume more resources vs upload photos? And what about memory? I also use YouTube plugin (by By EmbedPlus Team) to display YouTube playlist. So with all these setup, will I be better off to simply let my members upload photos instead of encouraging them to emebd YouTube/Vimeo? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support


      It actually depends on what kind of website you want to build. Embedding more videos on a page may affect performance but you can always manage those issues by displaying fewer videos per page, using lazy load, or increasing server resources.


  14. Michael Walther

    Nice article, and I totally agree as far as home/private users are concerned.

    For the business users behind their companie’s big firewalls, though, we ought to think different. Most of today’s big iron firewalls just won’t let YouTube through! So these users won’t see your video, but rather, they will see an error message like, ‘Sorry YouTube ist not allowed here’, meaning ‘Do not steal your company’s bandwith and time, will you please!!’

    So for your business users, the question is not whether to host videos yourself or to link them in from YouTube. But rather, the question is whether to host videos yourself, or have them concealed. I do prefer the former.

    • Brenda Donnelly

      Exactly! My company has banned all social media sites including YouTube and Vimeo. You just can’t see any video content on our website unless it’s uploaded directly onto the website, so HOW do you center an uploaded video please.

  15. Alejandro Ball


    My question on this topic is in regards to non-standard wordpress sites. To give a little context I use the wordpress platform to build sites for the contemporary arts. Now I can understand the argument to embedded rather than upload, which I agree with on a single video file.

    However, my question is in relation to creating a platform, from scratch, that is to house a screening of several artists’ films. The idea is basically to build a site that can run a play list for the film screening, which could be used at the venue to stream in and projected, but as well give audiences not local to the event, an opportunity to go to the site and view the film screening, therefore give a greater degree of distribution.

    So, as you can see embedding multiple videos from multiple sites (because no artist seems to use the same platform…) is difficult and probably not even an option, at least from my research. So I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations?
    to give more details on the platform in mind:

    1. the play style would be similar to VLC playlist operations, for creating short film screening (and have been looking at VLC plugin and api usage)

    2. because of permissions for using artist videos, video content would not be sharable, or be enabled to be embedded on other sites. the only sharing capabilities would link the user back to the screen platform, from social media platform etc.

    3. In terms of content management, I would ideally like to build something that a non-technical user could use after this initial screening. I am creating this for a small arts organisation, and they would be interested in using the platform again an again, so the ability for them to be able to change the playlist from the standard WP management system, with a degree of ease, would be key.

    4. The site would have a simple layout (with very few additional pages), and would only be used for this type of film screening projects.

    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

    • Paulette Henderson

      I am having the same issues as you describe, as I’m building a site much like the one you describe. Mine is a language site, and it also will not have many pages other than those video pages. It’s beginning to look like my best option is to create video playlists in WordPress, from videos I have uploaded to our WordPress site. The issue I am dealing with now is that the player takes up most of the room on the page, leaving little room to see the playlist. I am looking for help to resize the player and reformat the playlist. Any lessons you might be able to share on this?

  16. Val

    I am conflicted on this issue. I have created a number of content videos for marketing that I will sell on a subscription bases. Putting them on a youtube makes it more likely that people will rip it off where as in my personal site, I can control access base on setting up subpages and with login.

    • Gem

      I have the same worry. What you could do is embed a video on your site using YouTube, but make the video Unlisted on YouTube. Therefore, whoever you want to see it from whatever access controls you have on your WordPress, can see it. It is not public on YouTube, just those who have had a link to it from your site.


    Umm is there a way to embedded the video on fee version of WordPress

    • Benjamin

      your wasting your time after i had 500 episode of pokemon on my site but after the free trial was ended, i had to pay

  18. Miro

    I wish everybody stopped telling what I should or shouldnt do.
    can U tell me how do I add my video to the site, please…

    Thank u very much

    • Bill Frankell

      Not sure on yours, but on mine I just upload it to the Media tab, just like a picture. In fact I do agree with this article most of the time, except I believe there is a way to make videos so that they cannot be hot-linked. Do a Google search for it but include “wordpress” in the search term.

      Having said the above there are cases where it is desirable to load a video in to the site. Take a peak at my landing page;

      You will see about a 2 second delay – depending on your connection speed – where the screenshot displays as the video from the hotlink (YouTube) loads. I don’t like that. I feel that if the video was resident on the site that would be a much shorter delay, if at all.

      This delay bothers me, but it hasn’t kept me from getting too busy to deal with it up till now, but it is on my “to do” list.

      If you locate the code that stops the hotlink I would be very happy if you would share it with me, but not really necessary. I also think that i can do this from the server (have my own) but again been too busy to chase all this down.

  19. Jeddyson chukwuma

    Thanks for the article, its kinda great,good bro

  20. Sarah

    Any suggestions on how to deal with the excessive load the the YouTube player causes on pageload time? It seems to add a huge overhead on, for instance
    I’ve been embedding videos for the reasons you suggest, but the youtube viewer seems to take an age to load too!

  21. Jos Schuurmans

    Hi and thanks, this is useful.

    My customer’s concern with uploading their video to YouTube is that at the end of the playback, the embedded screen will show thumbnails with links to other YouTube videos, distracting visitors and potentially drawing them away from the website.

    Fixing that would be a selling point for using YouTube to embed video, so I think it’s worth mentioning. I found at least one way to remove those related video links here:

    Is that all fine or is there anything else to take into account?


  22. Douglas Pratt

    The first thing you should have made clear is that you are talking about self-hosting a WordPress site on Bluehost or Dreamhost, et. al., as implied at the banner link, “Start your WordPress Blog in minutes.”

    Second, the problem with using a video hosting service is you are limited in what can be posted. If there is any doubt at all about copyright, for example, a video can be pulled and your account might even be shut down.

    Another option is to use Amazon Web Services. A basic S3 account is all you need, and it will cost extra, above and beyond whatever you pay for a Web hosting service, but unless you have an extremely busy blog — very unlikely for beginners — the expense will be nominal. Assuming the videos are MP4, making them compatible with HTML 5, a WordPress plugin for embedding video isn’t needed:

    • Got a question

      Hi I have a new blog. I used cloudup to embed a video into wordpress. I can view it on samsung phone, samsung tab, microsoft desktop computer, but my friends with iphones cant see videos.
      Do you have any solutions.
      Kind regards

      • Frank Atwood

        Uploading a video to your site is like trying to re-invent the wheel.

        So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

        Simply upload your video to a video hosting servicelike YOUTUBE or VIEMO (pro if you want to protect it), then embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

        Once your video has been uploaded, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

        Very Respectfully,

  23. Duncan Pattinson

    Many thanks for this article. Just saved my bacon as we were about to upload video onto a website when it should have been an embed.

  24. Asad Ali


    Thanks for the article.

    I have one quick question: Which plugin would you recomment to embed videos on wordpress websites that can use a fallback mechanism? i.e., if a video is unavailable on one host e.g.,Vimeo, it should load the video from another source i.e., Youtube?and so on…

  25. Doug

    Thank you for clearly explaining the difference between upload vs embed. It’s helpful! Is there ever a good reason to upload?

    • WPBeginner Support

      In some cases, like when you are concerned about privacy and usage rights of your video content. But in most scenarios it is always better to use a video embed service like YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Vine, etc.


      • Rob

        I use uploaded videos because Youtube butchers quality. Lately even more than before.
        Sure, the points made in the article are valid, but when quality is important, you can’t go Youtube.

  26. Emily Gowen

    Why Can’t free accounts have Video Press? I am using word press for a class and would like to put some music on my website, but can’t because Video Press isn’t part of the free plan, and I can’t afford the premium plan.

  27. Jenifer Disusa

    Hello to all.
    The above is very useful but I mean to add few more points for why not to upload video and rather to embed it.

    1. File Size Limits and Storage Space:

    Most web hosting providers limit the maximum size of uploaded files to 50 MB or less, prohibiting you from uploading video files that are longer than a few minutes or so in duration. Additionally, large media files may violate the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy with your hosting provider and result in your hosting account being shut down.

    If you’re able to upload large video files to your server on a frequent basis, you could eventually exceed the amount of storage space provided by your hosting account, especially if you regularly back up your site.

    2. Slow-Loading Video or Unexpected Pauses During Playback:

    If your video file resides on a single server with a limited amount of bandwidth, folks who attempt to watch your video may experience unexpected pauses during playback while their computer waits for the file to download or stream to their computer.

    3. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.:

    You’ll will want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so the users can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).
    But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as for slower Internet connections.

    Now you’ve got half a dozen or more individual video files for playback on all the major web browsers and devices. But how does your site know which of those files to serve to each person?

    4. Video Players

    There are dozens of excellent video players that will handle the video requsts nicely (like the SublimeVideo Player), but WordPress 3.6 will actually include a built-in video player that will eliminate the need for a third-party video plugin. That’s great news! But it gets a bit tricky…

    5. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

    Third-party plugins require you to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server.

    There are more reasons also but I am finishing here.

    Janifer Disusa

    • Walt

      Thanks, that’s the 411 on hosting video, I been looking for, the OP is a bit dated, but your added info confirmed it for me.

  28. Tevya

    So how about a tutorial of how to remove .mov, .mp4, etc files from the acceptable file-types to be uploaded to WP? I see one for how to add new ones, but none for how to remove the core-default ones that are allowed.

  29. Franco

    Great article, however, if you want to keep your videos private, best is not to publish this on YouTube.

    If yo are looking to promote yourself your product or service, YouTube is the best platform to do this.

    Again thanks for the info.

  30. Ti

    this is so stupid , i want to own the video not youtube

  31. Dean Mickelson

    Is it possible to upload videos to sites such as YouTube and restrict viewing access except from my WordPress page. I shoot video at youth sporting events and would like to restrict access to parents and family by password protecting the videos from my site. Is this possible with YouTube?



    • Heather

      I am a newbie as well, but if there is a restricted page that is protected by a login, it may work. So, if the page is called “Videos” and the parents have to login on your page to access the page “Videos”, then you can post a link there. This may work with embedded videos as well, but I am not sure. When you create the video on YouTube, mark the video as “unlisted” and this will only allow those with a link to see the video. Therefore, you post a link to the videos on the “Videos” page and the parents have to login to get the link. I hope this helps.

    • Mike

      When you upload a video to YouTube, select the privacy settings to ‘Unlisted’. This means that YouTube and other search engines won’t index the video in search results. The video will be made visible only to people who have the link.

      The privacy setting ‘Private’ is also an option but each person will need to be given specific access

    • Carl

      I know you can add passwords to videos you upload to Vimeo.

  32. Brad

    Thanks for the great information. I am a beginner!!!!! How do I properly upload a video to a third party site like Youtube. Is there a right or wrong way of doing it.
    Also what format and file size or resolution is best so it will view well on computers and mobile devices. My research has found contradictory information.

    Thanks again, love your site

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