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  • The most experienced team of WordPress experts and educators.

  • Over 16+ years of WordPress and web development experience.

  • The team that advises some of the largest WordPress plugins in the industry used by over 25 million websites.
  • Led by WPBeginner founder, Syed Balkhi, a well-respected WordPress expert.


Our editorial staff includes a dedicated team of programmers, writers, video creators, and editors with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, web hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and online marketing.

WPBeginner Team

Our editorial team manages every piece of content we publish at WPBeginner. Unlike other copycat tutorial websites, every person in our team is a true WordPress practitioner. You can learn more about our Editorial Process here.

The team is led by the most well-known and well-respected WordPress expert in the world, Syed Balkhi. He graduated from University of Florida and have been building WordPress websites since 2006.

Syed is also the founder of some of the most popular WordPress plugins in the market.

About WPBeginner

WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource for beginners to learn WordPress. We are part of the Awesome Motive family and reach over 100 million visitors every year. Our content is fact checked and reviewed by our Editorial team for accuracy and integrity. You can learn more about us and our editorial process.

Come creare una pagina di archiviazione di post type / tipo di contenuto personalizzato in WordPress

I post type / tipi di contenuto personalizzati consentono di gestire e visualizzare separatamente diversi tipi di contenuti, come portfolio, testimonianze o prodotti. Una pagina di archivio dedicata a questi post type personalizzati aiuta i visitatori a trovare facilmente contenuti specifici, offrendo un’esperienza strutturata sul… Per saperne di più »

WPBeginner è ora powered by MaxCDN

La settimana scorsa siamo riusciti a trovare un accordo con uno dei maggiori Content Delivery Network (CDN), noto come MaxCDN, per accelerare i tempi di caricamento di WPBeginner. All’inizio della settimana abbiamo apportato alcune modifiche a WPBeginner in termini di ottimizzazione del sito.