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Security Keys

Security Keys in WordPress are a string of random characters used for authorization and encryption of cookies generated by WordPress. These security keys can be defined by user in the wp-config.php file at any point in time. During initial installation, it is not necessary for… Read More »


A sidebar is a vertical column displayed on the left or right side of some WordPress themes. It contains blocks or widgets that can display different types of information. Sidebars can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, they can showcase your latest… Read More »


Spam is content you don’t want and didn’t ask for, often advertising products you are not interested in or linking to websites that may contain malware. And there is always too much of it. Most people are familiar with spam messages in their email inboxes.… Read More »


Splog or Spam Blog is a blog created for the sole purpose of linking to other associated websites. Some common characteristics of spam blogs are: Splogs contain meaningless or repetitive content. Articles on similar topics are often repeated using a few targeted keywords excessively throughout… Read More »

Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting is a term used for web hosting service plans where multiple websites share the resources of a large web server. Many WordPress web hosting providers offer shared hosting plans at extremely affordable rates ranging anywhere from $3.95 per month to $9.95 per month.… Read More »

Screen Options

The Screen Options dropdown menu lets you configure the display of a particular page in your WordPress admin dashboard, along with checkboxes to show and hide different sections of a screen. It may also contain the option to choose the number of items to display… Read More »

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Easy Code Snippets Plugin for WordPress. View this plugin

Static Front Page

A WordPress website can have a dynamic blog-like front page, or a static front page which is used to show customized content. By default, WordPress uses the first option by showing your most recent posts on the front page. Some users prefer the second option… Read More »


In WordPress, the Settings menu is the central hub for configuring the website’s basic settings. It contains links to the General settings, Writing, Reading, Discussion, and more. Some WordPress plugins will also create additional links in the Settings menu. How to Access WordPress Settings The… Read More »


Shortcodes in WordPress are little bits of code that allow you to do various things with little effort. They were introduced in WordPress 2.5, and the reason to introduce them was to allow people to execute code inside WordPress posts, pages, and widgets without writing… Read More »