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Front End

In WordPress, the front end is the part of your website that visitors can see and interact with. The front end is where visitors will find all your web content, leave comments, use the menu, and so on. For eCommerce sites, it’s where they can… Read More »

Free Software

‘Free software’ is a term that describes software that allows users to freely look at the programming code, modify it, distribute it, and use it without any restriction. WordPress chose the free software model because it has a philosophy that encourages a spirit of openness… Read More »


In WordPress, functions.php is a theme functions file that acts like a plugin for your WordPress site and is automatically activated by your current theme. A functions.php file is included with all WordPress themes and uses PHP code to add new features or change the… Read More »

Fluid Layout

In WordPress theme development, a fluid layout is a website design approach that uses proportional values as a measuring unit for blocks of content, images, and other items. This allows the website to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Fluid layouts use flexible units… Read More »


FTP stands for ‘File Transfer Protocol’ and is a fast and simple way to upload files from your computer to your website or transfer files from one website to another. For example, when you create a new WordPress website, you can use FTP to upload… Read More »

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Featured Image

In WordPress, a featured image is the primary image for a blog post. It often appears next to each post’s heading on your home page and social media. Featured images help you build user engagement and increase pageviews. Search engines and social media websites may… Read More »


In WordPress development, a filter can be used to change or extend WordPress’ functionality. It does this by taking some data provided by WordPress, changing it into something else, and then passing it back. Filters are one of the big features that make WordPress so… Read More »


A footer is the bottom section of a web page. It normally appears the same on every WordPress post and page. That makes it a useful place to display a copyright notice, links to your privacy policy and other important pages, and other information you… Read More »