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Apache is open-source web server software that is developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation and is available for free. It’s fast, reliable, and secure and runs on 31% of web servers, while an alternative, NGINX, runs on 34%. Apache can be highly customized… Read More »


In WordPress, the autosave feature automatically saves your work as you create or edit content. Whether you are designing a WordPress page, updating a post, or tweaking a custom post type, autosave makes sure that your progress won’t get lost when there are internet connection… Read More »

Administration Screens

In WordPress, the administration screens are the control panel of your WordPress website. They are also known as the WordPress admin dashboard, admin area, or admin panel. After completing your WordPress installation, you will usually be directed to access these screens to build and manage… Read More »

Absolute Path

In WordPress, an absolute path is the complete address of a file or folder within your website’s file system. The WordPress file system stores all the information for your website, like text and images. Each file and folder has a specific location, identified by its… Read More »

Admin Bar

In WordPress, the admin bar is a horizontal black bar at the top of the screen. It gives easy access to common administration tasks in WordPress such as adding a new post or editing your profile. It is visible only to users who have logged… Read More »