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Comment mettre en évidence les termes de recherche dans les résultats sous WordPress

Afin de rendre votre recherche WordPress encore plus simple/simple d’utilisation, vous pouvez mettre en évidence les termes recherchés dans les résultats. Nous avons fait cela pour l’un de nos clients, nous avons donc pensé que ce serait utile pour d’autres utilisateurs/utilisatrices. Dans cet article, nous allons vous afficher comment vous pouvez mettre en évidence les termes de recherche dans les résultats sur WordPress.

Highlighting search terms in WordPress search results

Ouvrez tout d’abord votre search.php et recherchez le code suivant :

<?php the_title(); ?>

Remplacez le code ci-dessus par :

<?php echo $title; ?>

Confirmez que vous collez cette ligne au-dessus du code du titre :

<?php $title = get_the_title(); $keys= explode(" ",$s); $title = preg_replace('/('.implode('|', $keys) .')/iu', '<strong class="search-excerpt">\0</strong>', $title); ?>

Ouvrez maintenant votre fichier CSS et ajoutez le style pour la classe rechercher-excerpt, et le terme sera mis en évidence. Actuellement, le code met les termes de recherche en gras. Vous pouvez essayer ce CSS simple dans la feuille de style de votre thème. { 

Source : Michael Martin

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Reader Interactions

16 commentairesLaisser une réponse

  1. Rachelle

    This works great but how do you highlight the search term in the excerpt and not just the title?

  2. Imme

    Hej, thank you very much for this very helpful piece of code. Is there a way to exclude links? The code as is breaks many of the “more”-links on my site.

  3. Vernon Fowler

    Any chance you can update this neat tutorial for modern themes such as Twenty Seventeen where instead of title() in the loop, the loop goes through:

     get_template_part( 'template-parts/post/content', 'excerpt' );

    I’m comfortable with replacing

    <strong class="search-excerpt">\0</strong>

    with HTML5


    and the relevant CSS.

    Or will we need a different approach in themes using get_template_part ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Vernon,

      Thanks for the suggestion. We will try to update the article with more detailed instructions.

      Meanwhile, you will need to edit the /template-parts/content-search.php template. If your theme does not have it, then you can create it and then reference it in your search.php template.


      • Vernon Fowler

        That’s working. Thank you.

        Can we do the same for the_content as for the the_title or do we need a different approach?

  4. Wayan Cenik

    Thanks a lot for the code, is work perfectly
    I just the code at function, and done, is work

  5. Marlene


    I can´t find on my site. I have this:

    How can I change someting in that?


  6. Steph

    There is no “” in my search.php file..
    Mine looks like this:


    • WPBeginner Support

      Seems like you wanted to paste code and it stripped out. Please wrap your code around [php] [/php] tags


  7. Steve

    This doesn’t even come close to working. All it does is display the title of the page the search term is found on. The terms themselves aren’t wrapped in any tags whatsoever.

    • nate

      Actually, it works perfectly. I don’t think you know what you are doing.

  8. Jason

    Thanks! Works like a charm!

  9. Chris

    You should add a little example image on every tutorial, that would be more understandable (:

  10. DauAnunturi

    Nice tutorial. And for those wo want to make some highlight with colors they must define their css class as div.highlight
    and replace the code with
    And that`s alll. Thanks and have fun.

  11. Nina

    Very helpful tutorial, will use it later on :)
    Thanks for sharing!

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