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Comment corriger l’erreur Trop de Redirections dans WordPress

Le problème  » Erreur trop de redirections  » est une erreur WordPress qui peut être causée par une extension ou des réglages incorrects. En fait, c’est l’une des erreurs les plus courantes rencontrées par nos lecteurs et d’autres utilisateurs de WordPress.

Cette erreur peut même vous empêcher d’accéder à votre site, ce qui la rend difficile à résoudre. Heureusement, nous avons dépanné le problème des redirections trop nombreuses à plusieurs reprises, et nous savons donc exactement quoi faire.

Dans cet article, nous allons vous afficher comment corriger facilement le problème  » Erreur trop de redirections  » sur WordPress. Nous couvrirons également la façon de regagner l’accès à votre site et de dépanner l’erreur.

Fixing too many redirects error in WordPress

Conseil d’expert : Vous préférez confier le dépannage à des professionnels ? Nos services d’assistance WordPress peuvent corriger votre erreur en un rien de temps et remettre votre site en état de marche. De plus, nous proposons des correctifs ponctuels, vous n’avez donc pas à vous soucier des contrats en cours.

Quelle est la cause de l’erreur « Trop de redirections » dans WordPress ?

L’erreur « trop de redirections » est due à une mauvaise configuration des redirections dans WordPress.

Comme vous le savez peut-être déjà, WordPress dispose d’une fonctionnalité de structure d’URL favorable au référencement qui utilise la fonction de redirection. De même, de nombreux plugins WordPress populaires utilisent cette fonctionnalité pour configurer des redirections temporaires, créer des redirections 301 permanentes et corriger les erreurs 404.

Si vous utilisez une extension pour corriger le problème de contenu non sécurisé SSL ou une extension de mise en cache WordPress, cela peut également affecter les redirections et provoquer l’erreur « trop de redirections ».

Voici à quoi ressemble le message « ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS » dans Google Chrome.

Error Too Many Redirects in Google Chrome

Cependant, cette erreur ne vous indique pas ce qui cause le conflit et force la boucle de redirection dans WordPress.

Voici à quoi ressemble l’erreur dans Firefox avec le message « La page n’est pas redirigée correctement ».

Too many redirects error in Firefox

Ceci étant dit, voyons comment corriger l’erreur trop de redirections dans WordPress.

Nous vous accompagnons dans le dépannage étape par étape, pour accéder à votre site WordPress et éviter que l’erreur ne se reproduise.

1. Effacer les cookies et le cache du navigateur

Une cause fréquente de l’erreur pourrait être les cookies de votre navigateur web. Essayez d’accéder à votre site en utilisant un autre navigateur web, comme Firefox, Safari, Opera ou Microsoft Edge.

Si vous pouvez accéder à votre site normalement en utilisant un autre navigateur, vous devez alors effacer les cookies et la mise en cache de votre navigateur habituel.

Clear cookies and cache in Google chrome

Nous avons un guide détaillé sur la façon de vider le cache de votre navigateur dans tous les principaux navigateurs qui vous aidera à le faire.

En revanche, si la modification du navigateur ne corrige pas le problème, vous pouvez passer à l’étape suivante.

2. Désactiver toutes les extensions WordPress

La cause la plus fréquente des boucles de redirection WordPress ou ‘ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS’ est un conflit d’extension. Une extension WordPress essayant de configurer une redirection d’une manière qui entre en conflit avec les redirections WordPress par défaut peut provoquer ce message d’erreur.

Pour corriger ce problème, vous devez désactiver toutes les extensions WordPress de votre site. Normalement, il vous suffit d’aller sur la page WordPress  » Tous les plugins «  dans la zone d’administration de WordPress et de désactiver les plugins à partir de là.

Deactivate all plugins

Cependant, nous supposons qu’en raison de l’erreur de redirection, vous ne pouvez pas accéder à la zone d’administration de WordPress.

Dans ce cas, vous devrez désactiver les extensions WordPress à l’aide d’un client FTP comme FileZilla ou de l’application Gestionnaire de fichiers de votre panneau de contrôle de l’hébergeur WordPress.

Il suffit de se connecter à votre site à l’aide d’un client FTP et de se rendre dans le dossier /wp-content/.

Renaming the plugins folder using FTP

Vous y trouverez le dossier des extensions, que vous devez renommer en « plugins.deactivate ».

Cette opération désactivera toutes les extensions WordPress de votre site.

Renamed plugins folder

En principe, WordPress recherche un dossier appelé  » plugins" pour charger les fichiers d’extension. Lorsqu’il ne trouve pas ce dossier, il désactive automatiquement les extensions activées dans la base de données.

Vous pouvez maintenant essayer de visiter votre site WordPress. Si vous pouvez vous connecter à la zone d’administration de WordPress, cela signifie que l’une des extensions est à l’origine de l’erreur.

Pour savoir quelle extension est en cause, vous devez revenir au client FTP ou à l’application Gestionnaire de fichiers et renommer votre dossier plugins.deactivate en « plugins ».

Après cela, passez à la zone d’administration WordPress de votre site et allez à la page  » Plugins  » Tous les plugins. À partir de là, vous pouvez activer vos extensions une par une, puis consulter votre site pour voir si vous pouvez reproduire l’erreur.

Une fois que vous avez trouvé l’extension qui est à l’origine de l’erreur, vous pouvez trouver une alternative à cette extension ou signaler le problème au forum de support WordPress de l’extension.

3. Corrigez les URL de WordPress

Une autre cause majeure de cette erreur est une mauvaise configuration des Réglages de l’URL de WordPress. Normalement, vous pouvez voir ces options sur la page Réglages  » Général.

WordPress URL settings

Pour la plupart des sites, les URL des champs « Adresse WordPress » et « Adresse du site » doivent être identiques. Toutefois, certains utilisateurs/utilisatrices peuvent finir par utiliser « www » dans une URL et une URL non www dans l’autre.

Comme vous n’avez peut-être pas accès à la zone d’administration de WordPress, vous devrez peut-être corriger les URL de WordPress à l’aide d’un client FTP ou de l’application Gestionnaire de fichiers.

Connectez-vous simplement à votre site WordPress à l’aide d’un client FTP et rendez-vous dans le dossier /wp-content/themes/your-theme-folder/.

Edit functions.php file

À partir de là, vous devez trouver le fichier functions.php et le modifier à l’aide d’un éditeur de texte simple comme Notepad ou TextEditrices.

Ensuite, vous devez ajouter le code suivant au bas de la page :

update_option( 'siteurl', '' );
update_option( 'home', '' );

N’oubliez pas de remplacer « » par les URL de votre propre site. Vous pouvez maintenant enregistrer vos modifications et téléverser le fichier sur votre site.

Ensuite, essayez de visiter votre site pour voir si cela résout l’erreur.

Pour plus de méthodes, consultez notre tutoriel sur la manière de modifier facilement les URL de WordPress.

4. Réinitialiser le fichier .htaccess de WordPress

Le fichier .htaccess est un fichier spécial utilisé par le serveur du site pour gérer les redirections et autres réglages du serveur. WordPress utilise également ce fichier pour les URL favorables au référencement et d’autres redirections.

Il arrive que les extensions WordPress apportent des modifications au fichier .htaccess de votre site, ce qui peut déclencher cette erreur. Il est également possible que le fait de désactiver une extension ne retire pas ces modifications de votre fichier .htaccess.

Dans ce cas, vous devrez réinitialiser manuellement votre fichier WordPress .htaccess.

Là encore, vous devrez accéder à votre site à l’aide d’un client FTP ou de l’application Gestionnaire de fichiers du tableau de bord de votre hébergeur. Une fois connecté, vous verrez le fichier .htaccess dans le dossier racine de votre site.

Editing .htaccess file via FTP

Note : Si vous ne trouvez pas votre fichier .htaccess, consultez notre guide sur la façon de trouver le fichier .htaccess dans WordPress.

Tout d’abord, vous devez télécharger une copie de votre fichier .htaccess sur votre ordinateur à titre de sauvegarde. Ensuite, vous pouvez aller de l’avant et supprimer le fichier de votre site.

Vous pouvez maintenant essayer de visiter votre blog WordPress. Si tout fonctionne normalement, cela signifie que votre fichier .htaccess était à l’origine de l’erreur de redirection.

Puisque nous avons supprimé le fichier .htaccess, vous devez le recréer. Normalement, votre site WordPress peut le faire tout seul. Pour vous en assurer, il vous suffit d’aller sur la page Réglages  » Permaliens et de cliquer sur le bouton  » Enregistrer les modifications  » en bas.

Refresh permalinks to create .htaccess file

5. Empêcher les erreurs de trop nombreuses redirections dans WordPress

Corrigé, les étapes que nous venons de couvrir ont corrigé le problème de redirection sur votre site. Si elles n’ont pas corrigé le problème, vous devrez peut-être vous adresser à votre entreprise d’hébergement WordPress pour vous assurer qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un problème de serveur.

Une fois qu’ils auront corrigé le problème sur votre site, vous devriez également être en mesure d’en déterminer la cause.

S’il s’agissait d’une extension, alors vous devez signaler le problème au forum de support du plugin. Consultez notre guide sur la façon de demander le support de WordPress. Cependant, si vous ne parvenez pas à obtenir de l’aide, alors vous pouvez toujours trouver une extension alternative qui fait la même chose.

Si l’erreur est due à une mauvaise configuration du site WordPress, vous pouvez en prendre note et vous assurer que les Réglages de votre site sont correctement définis.

Pour plus d’astuces, consultez notre tutoriel détaillé sur la façon de dépanner les problèmes WordPress par vous-même comme un vrai pro de WordPress.

Tutoriel vidéo

Si vous n’aimez pas les instructions écrites, vous pouvez suivre notre tutoriel vidéo à la place :

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Reader Interactions

302 commentairesLeave a Reply

  1. Gerjon

    When plugins are the issue (a sort of site appears when the plugins folder in de-activated), chances are you’ve used an ‘under constructions’ plugin when building the site on a temp location. de-activate this plugin first!

  2. Bene

    I’ve followed to the letter this tutorial to move my site from my localhost to my production site. However I’m having issues with accessing the site.
    I’m all good to access the WP-admin dashboard however I cannot get to the website, for some reason it keeps redirecting me to my localhost.
    This is driving me nuts:
    – I’ve updated the wp_ptions both home and siteURL
    – I’ve placed the .htaccess as per the comment
    – I’ve searched my database and could not find anywhere else except on cross-page links localhost
    I really don’t know how this redirect to my localhost is taking place.
    Any hint?

  3. Nate Balcom

    Thanks so much this worked like a champ. It took all of 2 minutes and I was able to get back into my admin. Much appreciated. I’m going to share the bajesus out of this.

  4. kiran dev

    copy plugin folder from wp-content and place it somewhere else then just delete plugin folder from wp-content and reload your wp-admin.php url now it ask for wp login…enjoy but all plugins will deactive and copy plugin folder from where you saved it and paste inside wp-content…..
    now its normal ……

    thanks me later :)))

  5. Dan N

    I’ve been trying to solve this issue. My site works fine and I’ve removed the plugins directory, but I can’t seem to get to my wp-admin page. Anything beyond wp-admin results in 404 and if I go to /wp-admin, it results in ‘too many redirects’.

    Can’t seem to figure it out!!!!! Please help!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      First try the section ‘Change Site URL Without Access to Admin Area’ in the article above. Try adding www to your site URL. If it already has it, then try removing it. If this does not solve your problem, then try these steps.

      Connect to your website using FTP.

      In your site’s root folder, locate the .htaccess file and download it to your computer as backup.

      Edit the FTP file on your webserver and paste this code inside it.

      # BEGIN WordPress
      <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteBase /
      RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
      # END WordPress

      Try accessing your website and admin area now.


      • Dan N

        OK so get this. I did all of the possible things from this site and others and absolutely none of it worked. Then I went to do a restore to a previous backup and it got worse. HTTP500s all around.

        After some troubleshooting, it turned out somehow Namecheap’s file permissions got mucked around with (not by me) and once that was fixed by the tech, everything came back up just fine.

        I guess you can’t really rule out SERVER ISSUES even if it isn’t being controlled by you.

  6. Latif

    Thankss aaaaloottt brooooo…. I’ll reinstall my wordpress if i dont find how to fix here hahahahahaha

  7. Intan

    Help please, i added in script into the html body in wordpress.. then my website is not accessible. I have deleted the script but still cannot access my website.any advice?

  8. Jon

    Is it possible that having the url setting you mentioned in your first solution could cause the cycle of redirects if they are set to https but a plugin is forcing all pages but one to http?

  9. Javier

    Hi! Ijust upgraded WP on one of my sites to 4.4.1. After doing so, site loads fine, but when trying out wp-admin, I keep getting a:
    The page isn’t redirecting properly error.
    I tried to delete .htaccess but I don’t see it regenerated. I also tried to rename plugins folder with no luck.
    Permissions seem to be fine, and it is just wp-admin failing.

    Any clues you can share with me?

  10. Rantej

    Just sharing solution that worked for me. I had tried everything including disabling plugins, changing themes, home & site url in phpmyadmin or wp-config etc. But in the end just deleted and uploaded the recent wp-admin and wp-includes folder. Everything is back to normal

    • Laura VAB

      Thanks! Reuploading the folders worked for me when nothing else did!

    • Rantej

      Don’t forget to replace outside wordpress files as well (wp-logon, wp-settings etc) apart from wp-admin & wp-include folders.

    • mad

      Thanks bro It worked for me..

    • neetta

      Thanks a lot. It worked for me too when everything else failed.

  11. Sam

    Had this issue. Added a new SSL certificate. Discovered it was a setting in WooCommerce under Checkout Settings. Had to uncheck the « Force HTTPS after checkout » option. Instead, I used the Force https plugin.

  12. Donna

    Just created a new page on my blog and am getting a redirect loop on it. Just on the one page. All of the other pages seem to work.

    Before it happened I click the buy button and since that it went to redirect. Baffled… but hate the idea of reloading all of the plugins. Hoping there is a shorter solution.

  13. Jamie

    Just the information I was looking for! I changed my DNS then quickly changed back to the original DNS after some issues. Now, I get this error in Firefox and some other browsers. Is this something that my host has to fix?

  14. Shailansh

    Can you please tell me how to check, which plugin is causing the redirect loop error?

  15. Sumon

    hi thanks for nice post, still i am wonder how to solve my website loop error, i am facing problem on particular feed page that is showing error, pls reply to solve my problem

    • WPBeginner Support

      It seems your feed is redirecting to an unauthorized URL. This could mean that your site is infected. Before you do anything else, first deactivate all your WordPress plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme like twenty sixteen. If this resolves your problem then it was an issue with one of your plugins or your WordPress theme. If this does not help, then try steps in our step by step guide fixing hacked WordPress site.


  16. panos

    Thank you very much! You have helped me a lot!!!

  17. Uzair Hayat

    I’m not sure what caused the error on my site upon launch.
    A few users started facing redirect errors including some on my team.
    I believe this was the work of some plugin, but i cant put my finger on it :/

    I was able to fix the problem by removing www from my urls.

  18. Adam

    Thank you for this post. I have been trying to deal with my redirect problem for days. I have tried everything on this site, yet the problem persists. I even did a fresh install. And, while that helped googlebot being able to crawl my site and helped my sitemap not being redirected, I still have a redirect issue when I use the seobook header check tool.

    I even changed the permission to 755 on only the directories of wp_admin. The only thing I haven’t done is delete .htaccess because if something goes wrong there, then I would have to rebuild the site. And, I’ve been at this too long to rebuild it again to have the same problem.

    Is it a hosting issue? I’m with godaddy and the site is . I definitely learned a lot about WordPress having this redirect issue. Can you help?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can download your .htaccess file to your computer and then delete it from server. If anything goes wrong you can upload the original .htaccess back to the server.


      • Adam

        Thank you. I have done what you asked and the site is still reachable, however SEOBook and MXToolbox still show and infinte redirect loop. Should I give it some time first? Thanks again.

  19. Nikhil

    Thanks for all…

    After research of two days and try everything in that blog….

    Finally I found

    0750 replace 0755


    The Best Blog I Ever seen for WordPress Solution….

    All Solution at One Place….

    Keep Posting……

    • Strahinja Krstić

      Hey NIKHIL,

      Thanks for your comment. Just one question:

      You said « 0750 replace 0755 ». Do that numbers mean file permissions for FTP folders?

  20. Craig

    First I want to thank you for your article.

    Some of this worked, all of it help me troubleshoot.
    If you have Woo-commerce installed into your blog for a store add-on there are additional settings added to your Permalink Settings; Common Settings and Product permalink base.

    The Common Settings are for the articles and must be set to any setting other than default or Custom Structure. This will stop the error.
    You helped me, I hope this helps another.


  21. Taufiq

    Thank you for the tip. It worked! I messed up the WP settings when I changed the site address URL and WP address URL from to ….. the website then went to a redirect loop! Couldnt even log in.

    Downloaded FileZilla and added


    as suggested and it worked!! Thank you so much.

    However, now the URLs on the settings are pretty much locked. But its ok, I dont think I will ever change it again!

  22. Teo

    Thanks a lot for this post, really helpful!!

  23. Caroline

    I found that mine was caused by a missing trailing slash « / » at the end of my upload_url_path in the wp_options database table…

  24. Presto

    After looking at several highly technical and complicated to no result, your post did the trick. To me, it was the plugin I chose to include during the WP installation.

    Thanks a lot!

    • Strahinja Krstić

      Hey PRESTO,

      Can you share with us which plugin caused your problem?

  25. Graham Frame

    Tried all teh above and still getting same error?

  26. Jose

    My website was doing good, but I installed woocommerce plugin on my site and now my website has this error message, so like I read it is good to contact my host?

  27. megan

    if we change mysql username and password
    in cpanel or … and if we don’t edit wp-cofing.php file this error follow us

  28. Sarah Brabazon

    Thank you so much! I read the first paragraph of the tutorial and fixed my problem.

  29. Deepak

    I really appreciate for this tutorial with simple explanation.


  30. manohar

    Am glad you are doing this , Create job with simple explanation. Thanks.

  31. Josh

    I tried this solution and it completely complicated things even more, making the issues much worse. Be careful, always seek out the help of a professional developer before playing around with areas like this in your website.

  32. David

    Great post. I also had the issue of the redirects and here is one solution that I came across just recently. I had deactivated the plugins and had the url in the proper locations. What happened is that I transferred the site over to another host. The issue that I came across was the php.ini file that was causing the issue. Some servers will let you put in a custom .ini file while others do not. I deleted the .ini file since it was not needed in the new server since I set the php files to be all the same for multiple accounts. Once I did that, I was able to log in the site as usual.

    • sandeep


      Could you please elaborate on how you resolved the issue. I am facing the same probelm, we moved the site to a new host and new domain name. The urls are proper and there are no plugins. we have multiple sites hosted. If multisite is set to false, login page works fine,but cant see any sites in the dashboard. If multisite is set to true, getting too many redirects issue. The url is being pointed to new-domain-name/wp-signup.php?new=new-domain-name

      if I could fix this too many redirects issue, I should be able to view my sites in dashboard (also I have do search/replace in wordpress database (interconnectit script)

      « Some servers will let you put in a custom .ini file while others do not. I deleted the .ini file since it was not needed in the new server since I set the php files to be all the same for multiple accounts. »

      Did you delete the php.ini file in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ?

      Looking for urgent help. Thanks in advance !!

  33. Odinekachukwu Ishicheli

    Admin, Now I am having issues with my pages. The homepage is the only thing working.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Login to admin area of your WordPress site. Go to Settings -> Permalinks. Click on the save changes button at the bottom of the page. View your website to see if it worked.


  34. Odinekachukwu Ishicheli

    I can’t thank you enough for this. M site has been giving me the « redirect error » since February and even after deactivating all plugins still had the same issue, until I looked for my .htaccess file from my cPanel and delete.

    Thank you so much for the help, I am stuck now to your site learning all the little tips and tricks after running away from my software engineering classes.

  35. emile

    hi there,

    i tried all of the above and it still won’t work.


    with and without the www.

    i tried deleting the .htaccess and deactivating all the plugins and ‘This webpage has a redirect loop’

    ‘ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS’ is still showing.

    can someone help me?


  36. Asif Shahzad

    I am using cloudflare ssl and i am getting same error check this screenshot how can i fix this ssl redirect loop error?

  37. Ernest

    Just wanted to thank you for this. I’ve been struggling with a specific plugin and your recommendations help me fix it.

    I haven’t found a solution for the layman anywhere else.


  38. Ashish Makwana

    Hi every body,

    i also have same problem but solution is here:

    Ref :
    Open wp-config.php and add these two lines
    /*also add below */
    /*Ref :*/
    define(‘ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH’, ‘/’);
    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’,  »);
    define(‘COOKIEPATH’,  »);
    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’,  »);

    /*and in last if you have apply code for canonical url into ,htacces then comment it means disabled it but not remove */
    take backup first .htaccess file then do above change.

    Enjoy your day!!!!!!!!!

  39. Andre

    OMG! I simply have no words to thank you. I’m about 10 hours trying to fix this issue to install wordpress and I’ve read a thousand blogs and couldn’t fix it.
    Editing config.php with those two first lines solved the problem.
    Thank you very much.
    Succes for you!

  40. WPBeginner Staff

    No they do not. People usually assume that applying permissions recursively on directories should also affect files inside directory. This is not correct. You can have different permissions for directories and different permissions for files inside the directory.

  41. robrecord

    Well, I am totally flummoxed. I have one site in a multisite install that only does this SOMETIMES. For example, Earlier today the site was fine and I was loading it up on multiple browsers and multiple machines. I have not touched the config or anything on the backend, and now it’s ‘too many redirects’. This has been going on for weeks. Really need this to be fixed!

    I’ve verified permissions. I’ve verified & reset permalinks settings. I’ve removed cookies. I’ve verified & reverified domain mapping settings. Checked home & site URLs. Checked SEO settings. Reset nginx page cache and WC3 object cache. Disabled browser cache. Disabled all WP plugins.

    It’s only saying ‘too many redirects’ for the home page; I can log in to admin and view other pages.

    I appreciate all help so far… Does anyone have any further suggestions please?

    • Paul Vincent

      Hi, did you ever find a solution to your issue with the occasional too many redirects issue? I’m experiencing the same problem – it occurs once or twice a day for anonymous users, but anyone signed in is fine, which makes me assume it’s a cache problem, but so far nothing has fixed the issue…



    just fyi, anyone trying to solve this issue where other conventional suggestions do not work…

    make sure your owner/group permissions are correct.

    ie, if you manually uploaded wp-admin & wp-includes via your root login, you will need to change folder/file ownership and group to whichever account your wordpress installation is on.

    to change ownership/group from shell:

    chown -R ownername:groupname foldername


    chown -R wpaccount:wpaccount wp-admin
    chown -R wpaccount:wpaccount wp-includes

    this applies to cPanel, Linux, Unix installations etc.

  43. WPBeginner Staff

    First create a backup of your website download all your files and backup your database using phpMyAdmin.

    After that delete your .htaccess file

    Open wp-config.php and add these two lines


    Replace with your own domain name.

    If you are not seeing error too many redirects issue but seeing white screen. Then try these steps:

    If this doesn’t help then select your wp-admin folder in FTP client and change file permission to 755. Make sure you check to apply the permissions recursively and apply it to all the directories inside wp-admin. Do not set it for all files resursively, just the directories.

    • robrecord

      « Make sure you check to apply the permissions recursively and apply it to all the directories inside wp-admin. Do not set it for all files resursively, just the directories. »

      These sentences appear to contradict each other.

  44. Nabil Kadimi

    A few more tricks that can help:
    * Re-save your permalinks structure
    * In permalinks settings, remove any non-alpha-numeric characters from the bases

  45. R0ckland

    Thanks for this. Took my some time to get this working but your blog sorted it out for me.


  46. Pamela

    Thanks for the information. Based upon what you said, I thought I may have a conflict with an SEO plug-in that I recently installed, but my redirect problem was with one new post. In the settings for the plug-in, I saw that « create autogenerated description » was checked. Since I am writing my own descriptions, I unchecked that (thinking that it may create a conflict). But that didn’t change anything.

    Elsewhere, I read that the redirect error could be caused by changing the post title when the permalink is set to post title. Since I have a new assistant helping me with the blog, I thought maybe this had happened.

    Before unplugging all of the plug-ins, I created a new post, pasted the text from the post with the redirect error, deleted error-prone post, and published the new post. Now it works!

  47. Jason George

    Thanks for your information. I have also read that this can be caused by a file permissions issue on wordpress folders. The article mentioned verifying that the permissions are set to 644 on all of your wp-admin folders and files. Hope this helps someone out.

  48. Evelyn Guzman

    I’m glad you’re doing this and you’re doing a great job. I also feel great to be following you because I have 2 big problems with WordPress so I am watching for these. One is on getting a lot of spams and I have Akismet on. Perhaps the problem is that in the comment box, WordPress puts down by default my user name and the clickable word logout instead of getting prospective commenters to login.

    • robrecord

      You would only see your name as the user name because it’s you, and you are logged in. Everybody else sees a blank login box.

    • Uzair Hayat

      You can actually try using disqus for your commenting. :)

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