Mise à jour : Nous ne recommandons plus l’utilisation de FeedBurner car c’est un produit moribond plein de bogues. Veuillez lire cet article pour savoir pourquoi vous ne devriez pas utiliser FeedBurner et trouver des alternatives.
Tous les grands blogs utilisent FeedBurner pour graver leurs flux RSS car il s’agit d’un système gratuit riche en fonctionnalités que vous ne pouvez pas refuser. FeedBurner fournit des statistiques, une option d’optimisation des flux, une option de publication des flux et bien plus encore. L’intégration de FeedBurner et de Google Analytics est un must pour tout blog WordPress. Dans cet article, nous allons vous afficher comment vous pouvez configurer les flux de votre blog WordPress avec FeedBurner et l’utiliser pour vous aider à faire passer votre blog au niveau supérieur.
Pourquoi FeedBurner est-il important pour les blogueurs ?
FeedBurner est un service gratuit qui propose de nombreuses options que vous n’avez pas avec le flux par défaut de WordPress. Voici quelques-unes de ses fonctionnalités :
- Statistiques sur vos abonnés/abonnés RSS afin que vous puissiez analyser et optimiser vos publications de blog.
- Donnez à vos utilisateurs/utilisatrices plusieurs options pour s’abonner, comme l’E-mail, et d’autres lecteurs de flux (Netvibes, Google, etc.).
- Preuve sociale (nombre d’abonnés/abonnées)
- Option de personnalisation de vos flux, par exemple en modifiant les titres des publications, la marque et plus encore.
- Option de ping pour les différents services de lecture de flux une fois que vous publiez vos publications.
- Intégration de Google Adsense pour monétiser vos flux RSS.
- Et plus encore…
Rien qu’avec cette courte liste de fonctionnalités, vous pouvez voir qu’il s’agit d’un outil indispensable pour tous les blogs. Nous allons maintenant configurer le compte FeedBurner.
Réglages de votre FeedBurner pour les flux WordPress
Tout d’abord, vous devez disposer d’un compte Google (n’importe quel compte Gmail fonctionnera). Visitez la page du service feedburner pour commencer ce processus.
Dans la première étape, vous taperez le lien vers le flux de votre blog WordPress. Si vous avez une structure d’URL WordPress SEO Friendly, alors votre lien de flux devrait être comme votredomaine.com/feed/.
À l’étape par étape, vous choisirez le titre de votre flux et l’adresse de votre flux. Il est conseillé de garder le même titre de votre flux que celui de votre blog. Il est préférable que l’adresse de votre flux soit courte et mémorable.
Techniquement, vos flux sont créés, vous n’avez donc plus besoin de suivre les étapes. Cliquez sur le lien Aller directement à la gestion des flux.
Vous verrez une page avec un lien vers des tonnes de plateformes de blogs. Ignorez tout cela car nous y reviendrons ultérieurement dans cet article. Cliquez simplement sur l’onglet Optimiser que vous voyez dans l’image ci-dessous.
Dans l’étape par étape 5, nous allons travailler sur l’optimisation du flux de votre blog WordPress. Vous devez vous assurer que vous avez l’option Browser Friendly activée, Smart Feed activé et FeedFlare activé. Vous pouvez activer d’autres services si vous le souhaitez, mais ces 3 services sont incontournables. BrowserFriendly rend les abonnés/abonnées beaucoup plus simples. SmartFeed assure une compatibilité maximale avec toutes les applications de lecteurs de flux. FeedFlare rend les publications plus interactives en ajoutant l’E-mail de l’expéditeur et d’autres options de partage.
À l’étape par étape, nous allons examiner toutes les options de publicisation du flux. Vous devez permettre les E-mails d’abonnement sur votre site parce qu’il y a des utilisateurs/utilisatrices qui préfèrent recevoir des mises à jour par e-mail plutôt que d’utiliser Google reader. Pingshot doit être activé car il notifie les services lorsque vous publiez. Le widget Feedcount vous permet d’afficher le nombre de vos abonnés/abonnés. C’est l’une des meilleures méthodes de preuve sociale. Awareness API est utile si vous essayez de vous inscrire sur des sites tels que BuySellAds, car ils peuvent facilement extraire votre nombre d’abonnés/abonnés. Il existe d’autres options intéressantes comme Headline Animator, BuzzBoost que vous pouvez activer si vous le souhaitez.
La monétisation de votre flux est une autre des bonnes fonctionnalités de FeedBurner, sauf qu’il vous permet uniquement d’utiliser Google Adsense. Inscrivez-vous donc auprès de Google Adsense et suivez leurs instructions.
Une fois que vous avez effectué toutes les étapes ci-dessus, vous pouvez cliquer sur l’onglet Analyser. Vous verrez probablement un écran comme celui ci-dessous parce que les statistiques ne sont pas enregistrées. Laissez passer jusqu’à 24 heures et vous commencerez à voir des chiffres. Utilisez le nombre d’abonnés/abonnés, les clics et d’autres données utiles pour améliorer votre blog. Voyez ce que vos utilisateurs/utilisatrices aiment et n’aiment pas grâce à ces stas, puis concentrez-vous sur le type de publications que vos utilisateurs/utilisatrices aiment et apprécient.
Intégrer FeedBurner dans WordPress
Même si vous avez configuré votre flux avec FeedBurner dans les étapes ci-dessus, mais vous ne l’avez pas encore vraiment intégré à WordPress. La première chose à faire est d’arrêter de diluer votre flux et d’en faire un seul. Vous devez créer une redirection, de sorte que lorsque les utilisateurs/utilisatrices essaient de visiter yourdomain.com/feed/, ils sont redirigés vers votre page de flux FeedBurner. De cette façon, vous pouvez garder une trace des abonnés/abonnées sur votre blog.
Il existe une extension appelée FD FeedBurner qui vous permet de créer cette redirection facilement. Vous pouvez également rediriger vos flux à l’aide du fichier .htaccess, mais nous ne partagerons pas cette méthode car ce n’est pas quelque chose que nous recommandons aux débutants.
La plupart des thèmes WordPress intègrent désormais FeedBurner, comme le thème Headway, le thème Standard et d’autres. Si votre thème n’est pas compatible, utilisez l’extension ci-dessus.
Ajoutez la boîte d’abonné/abonné par e-mail sur votre site
Visitez d’abord Publicize » Email Subscriptions puis copiez et collez le code qu’ils vous donnent dans le fichier de modèle que vous aimez (la plupart du temps sidebar.php). N’oubliez pas que pour personnaliser l’apparence de votre formulaire d’e-mail, vous devez avoir des connaissances préalables en HTML et CSS.
Si votre blog n’a pas de flux FeedBurner, téléchargez-le dès maintenant.
How to Setup Feed burner email subscription widget without any email verification
thank you so much! It all worked out!
Hi – thank you for the information. Question for you, if you don’t mind. I am trying to edit my email format for my subscribers. I changed my feeds to show only the title of the post and 100 words of content, that’s all (before I was sharing the entire blog post with photos, content, etc). I would like for it to show 1 photo from the blog post as well, but I am having the hardest time trying to figure out how to do this without having to share the entire post in the email. Are you able to help here?
Thank you so much!
Pratik N Borkar
My feeds not update to latest post my feed shows 6 months old post any solution for this
this my site
Help is appreciated
Samual Ross
Thanks for sharing such great useful info. I have one question my original feed url is which shows some kind of error like « This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 37: Unsupported encoding UTF-7
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. » but my Google Feed burner works fine which is:
Can you please tell me what’s wrong with my original feed?
Thanks again.
WPBeginner Support
It seems like you are using UTF7 as your character encoding. Visit Settings » Reading, if you see Character encoding option on that page, then change it to utf8.
If you do not see it there, then you need to deactivate all your plugins and switch to a default theme. Check your feed, if this resolves the problem then probably one of the plugin or theme is the culprit.
If this does not solve it, then you need to change DB_charset in wp-config.php. Edit your wp-config.php file. if you have define( ‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf7’); then change it to define( ‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’); If you have neither of them, then add define( ‘DB_CHARSET’,’utf8′);
I have a job website..I want a plugin like email pop up when the site is opened and once the candidate enters the email id it must automatically open the feed burner link to subscribe..Can any one help me how to set up.
Simone Robinson Ross
I have a website and blog set up and have for two years. Unfortunately, the email used is not recognized. Is there a way to change email address associated with the Blog at this point?
I want to be able to connect with subscribers, and right now I have no idea who is seeing my Blog.
I need help fast
Thank you
Hi there,
I moved my blog from weebly to wordpress and now my feedburner doesn’t work or recognize my RSS Feed address. I’ve been in touch with the WP theme people about the RSS address and my hosting company. No one seems to be helping, so I thought I’d try you.
I also opened up a Mail Chimp account based on reading your related article. That too does not recognized my RSS.
I’m starting to panic and my blog is not being sent to my subscribers. Can you help? I’d be forever grateful.
WPBeginner Support
We were able to access your RSS feed by simply adding /feed/ at the end of your URL.
http://www.example.com/feed/ Replace example.com with your own domain name and then use that URL in MailChimp.
Kindly update the monetization for feeds are available now
thank you very much Syed , this is the perfect post for setting up feed for my blog which was started 3 month ago. Since then i wasn’t able to start my feedburner .
Hello. I am looking for info on what is a better RSS feeder if Feed burner is no longer recommended?
Thanks so much
WPBeginner Support
See this article: Stop using FeedBurner – move to FeedBurner alternatives
Hi, i just transferred my blog from blogger to wordpress. I installed a plugin for feedburner subscription. I gets a mail whenever someone subscribes to my website, but when i checked my feedburner email subscription list it doesn’t show any new subscriber..can anyone help me with it?
Hi, I just moved a website from Blogger to WordPress.
Now Feedburner sends out not only the usual daily emails when a new post gets published. It also sends out summary emails every now and then with the last 8 articles in a list.
Feedburner was used on blogger already, so the feed didn’t change, the links are the same like before.
I think somehow FB thinks that all these posts are « new ». Any idea how to stop this?
I am a complete newbie in this blogging sphere. I need your help
I have activated the email subscription on feedburner. By mistake I deleted the feed in the beginning. At that time, I was able to see two subscribers. Then I re-activated the feed with the same name. My latest blog post were coming as it is , but no. of email subscriber are zero in feedburner account now. I am using genesis e-news extended plugin for my feedburner.
Aaditya Sharma
all steps i followed and active feed, but i can not find the option of monetize and awareness api
WPBeginner Staff
Yes, your feed will still be at the same URL. What you are doing, is displaying your blog posts on a custom page. This does not change the chronological order of your posts or feeds.
How can I find my feed address? My blog located on
Please help.
WPBeginner Staff
Your feed address can be found by simply adding feed after your website’s url like this:
You gave me a general answer? I know it. It is in your article too. Thant’s why I sent you my blog URL. You have removed it on my first comment. That is bad. What I really want to know is my site is wordpress. But my blog is a page, but getting all the updates. I can’t even explain it. May be you can. This is where my blog is
WPBeginner Staff
We do not recommend our users to use Feedburner any more. Please take a look at stop using FeedBurner move to FeedBurner Alternatives
Firoz Hassan
how to add email subscription like your one??
I recently changed just my Feedburner Title. Why it doesn’t update also in my Feedburner page but only in management settings?
Thank you so much i have successful setup feed burner on my site..
:). feeling happy.
WPBeginner Staff
Yes, they will continue to get updates as long as you don’t delete your FeedBurner feed.
Sofie Couwenbergh
I don’t use feedburner for email signups, but I still have some people who are subscribed to my rss feed through feedburner.
I use the feedburner feedsmith extend plugin for that.
If I delete that plugin, will those people still get my updates, or not?
WPBeginner Staff
Check out our FeedBurner Alternatives guide
WPBeginner Staff
This is an old article. It is displayed here just for archival purposes. We do not recommend our users to use feedburner anymore.
Usman Arshad
Then what use?
I am confused. You start your article with « We no longer recommend using FeedBurner because it’s a dying product full of bugs. » Then you finish with saying »If your blog does not have FeedBurner feeds, then get it right now. »
Which one?
Shanu Shetri
Thanks to wpbeginner.com.. this website is always helpful for me..
Fleur Glansbeek
Tried to setup a feedburner link for my WordPress website (http://gripopgewicht.com), but the following error appears (over and over again):
« Feed filesize is too large, you need to reduce its size in order for Feedburner to process it. »
But i can’t find out how to solve this problem, could you maybe help?
Rafael Perez
My feedburner feed only publishes my podcasts posts but not my blog posts. What will happen if I change my original feed to allow both to be published? Remove the /category/podcast from original feed? Thanks
WPBeginner Staff
Then your users will get all your posts. However, you should consider that many of them may have signed up just for your podcast and they may not like receiving posts they didn’t sign up for.,
Troy Vayanos
I have an existing feed set up and am trying to set up a second one for a new website. In ‘my feeds’ when I type in the new domain name in ‘burn a feed right this instant’ I get the following message. The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 153: The string « — » is not permitted within comments.
Is this because I have a new website where the wordpress theme is not set up yet and I only purchased the domain 24hrs ago?
Your help is appreciated.
WPBeginner Support
If you have not installed WordPress on your new site yet, then feedburner will not be able to find a feed.
I can’t find a solution to my problem anywhere so I am trying here. My blog has around 8 thousand subscribers and as of April 4th subscribers are saying they are not recieving emails from feedburnner any more. I haven’t changed anything and I still get the email. Does anyone know what the problem could be?
Thank you
I have heard Google has stopped supporting feedburner.
Thanks! Very useful. I have one question. I’ve installed the plugin to redirect my feeds, but I’m not sure what to put in under « Redirect my feeds here: » form. What link goes there?
I’m very new to this. Thanks for your help!
Never mind! Figured it out.
Is it possible to create a feed from a multisite? I’ve tried to search for plugins that would be able to do this pretty easily, and I’ve found it impossible.
Barry Friedman
Is it possible to publish a page on my WordPress site and have it *not* go out to my Feedburner? These are just some internal landing pages and I just discovered they are going to my RSS Subscribers. Thanks for any tips you have on this.
WPBeginner Support
Barry, Pages in WordPress do not appear in RSS feeds. Are you sure your pages are appearing in the feed? Are you using some plugin that adds pages or other custom post types into your main feed?
Rick Olsen
When I try to enter a new email on the Follow Button I get this error message. What do I do?
The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled
Post images show as absolute links in my feedburner feed.
How to fix that? I have add feedburner feed to hotlink exception too.
Val Frania
I already have Feedburner set up on one of my blogs, but want to use it on another one. Do I start a new account for my new website? How does this work? When I go to Feedburner, it goes to my current account.
WPBeginner Support
Go to Feedburner, click on My Feeds and then enter the URL of your new blog under the option Burn a feed right this instant.
Mohammad Fazle Rabbi
Hi there thanks for fantastic tutorial. I am running a WordPress (woocomerce) based ecommerce site . but whenever I try to activate my feed by then it is showing below message
Received HTTP error: « Not Found » while fetching source feed.
I have also tried feed validator but not validating my feed. As well as I have tried with FD Feedburner and some other Feedburner plugins but not working. Is there any problem that my main page displaying as a static page with products. Because I don’t publish any post just adding product on static (front) page of my site. please tell me How to solve it? Kindly reply me soon.
Mohammad Fazle Rabbi
WPBeginner Support
Open the main page of your website and view its source. You will find your rss feed url on a line like this:
1-click Use in WordPress
Note that this link could be different, or may not be there. For example, people using WordPress SEO plugin sometimes accidentally turn off their RSS feeds. Try deactivating all your plugins and then reactivate them one by one, check your feed each time.
Mohammad Fazle Rabbi
I have found the feed according to your example but nothing is happening. Getting same message in feedburner.
« Received HTTP error: « Not Found » while fetching source feed. »
When I click on my fee from view source code then it is displaying a line at the top-
« This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. »
Mohammad Fazle Rabbi
Oh!!! it worked..my main feed address was
But I was trying with below feed address
Anyway thanks for your help. Wish you best of luck.
I have followed all the steps to set up my email subscription in feedburner for my website. But my subscribers are not getting any updates.please help..
Thank you so much for the article, I have completely configure the feed-burner on my site but subscriber list is not increasing on feedburner even after receiving confirmation email of new subscription, please advice
WPBeginner Support
Feedburner subscriber count can be showing delayed stats sometimes.
Thank you for this step by step process. You made it really easy, this was awesome. Thanks again. Also, Leigh (above) commented « …I do fear that one this service will be pulled by Google…. » Is this a real concern or do you think we may be worrying unnecessarily? Thanks again
WPBeginner Support
We cannot speak for Google, but this is a legitimate concern of feedburner users. Google has previously shutdown adsense for feeds, and Google reader both were Feed related products.
Thanks for this very helpful tutorial.
Hello, I have used the step 1 and after that I am getting an error showing – We could not find a valid feed at that address. and when I validate it it shows HTTP error 404. Please help me out
Thanks for the tutorial. I do fear that one this service will be pulled by Google.
Ray Neish
Hi There.
Just want to say thank you very much for this tutorial/step by step guide on how to configure feed-burner and word-press. I’m completely new at rss feeds etc.
But I now have it setup on my website and all seems to be okay just need some subscribers now Thanks again.
Hi. I am a newer blogger and have set up both feedburner and adsense on my wordpress blog. However, I cannot find any way to integrate the adsense into the feedburner account. On my feedburner management page the « Monetize » tab is not there. I have tried working through adsense also, but no luck. Can you help?
Pasha O
Sadly Google have shut down Adsense for feeds so you can no longer monetize that way.
Marie Hills
Sorry to seem stupid, but where in the sidebar.php file should I add the code? I have created a child sidebar.php file and copied in the existing adult sidebar.php code and then copied in the Feedburner code but I don’t see anything come up?
Pasha O
Hi. You can add the code as a text widget. Go to Appearance > Widgets. Look for the Text widget and drag it to your existing sidebar or footer area, usually located on the right hand side.
Paste your FeedBurner coded into the text area and save. No check your website to make it shows up in whatever widget area you’ve placed it in.
Hi, I tried to follow your guide but I always get this error: The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 275: The element type « link » must be terminated by the matching end-tag « ».
Also the Feed validator tells me: It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn’t find one. Please enter the address of your feed to
I activated Seo Friendly Url and deactivated all useless plugin. I don’t know where to find the error and what to do.
is there a way that all new user registration emails are verified like feed burner with opt-in option to avoid spam.
WPBeginner Support
Actually when a new user creates account on WordPress they do not enter their password. Instead, WordPress sends their password to them via email. Now if they login to their account this means their email account is verified. You can also use this plugin http://wordpress.org/plugins/dm-confirm-email/
Jagdish Kashyap
Wow wow wow admin its truly helpful for me.
thanks admin.