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Cómo verificar tu sitio WordPress en Pinterest (paso a paso)

Pinterest es una gran manera de compartir el contenido de su sitio web y atraer a más visitantes. Según nuestra experiencia, puedes desbloquear aún más beneficios verificando tu sitio web en Pinterest.

Cuando verificas tu sitio web, Pinterest sabe que realmente eres tú. Esto te da acceso a herramientas especiales como el análisis del sitio web para que puedas ver qué es popular. También podrás publicar anuncios y acceder a información detallada sobre cómo interactúa la gente con tu contenido.

Este artículo le mostrará cómo verificar fácilmente su sitio web WordPress en Pinterest.

How to Verify Your WordPress Website on Pinterest

¿Por qué deberías verificar tu sitio WordPress en Pinterest?

Pinterest es una de las plataformas de medios sociales más populares para compartir fotos, vídeos y otros contenidos visuales. Te permite crear una cuenta y gestionar tus imágenes como Instagram o Flickr.

También permite a otros usuarios enlazar sitios web y otros contenidos visuales creando tablones.

Si tienes un sitio web de fotografía o cualquier otro tipo de blog con imágenes y vídeos, Pinterest puede ser una importante fuente de tráfico.

Verificar tu sitio web en Pinterest te ayudará a saber más acerca de tus visitantes utilizando Pinterest Analytics. También podrás participar en su programa de anuncios y planificar una estrategia para aumentar tu tráfico en Pinterest.

Dicho esto, veamos cómo verificar fácilmente tu blog de WordPress en Pinterest.

Cómo verificar tu sitio WordPress en Pinterest

Antes de empezar, tendrás que actualizar tu perfil de Pinterest a una cuenta de empresa. Esto te permitirá utilizar todas sus herramientas Pro como analíticas, programa de anuncios y más. La cuenta de empresa de Pinterest es gratuita y fácil de establecer.

Entonces, vamos a los primeros pasos.

Tutorial en vídeo

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Si prefiere instrucciones escritas, siga leyendo.

Paso 1: Actualiza tu cuenta de Pinterest a Business

En primer lugar, debes acceder a tu cuenta de Pinterest y hacer clic en la flecha hacia abajo situada en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. A continuación, haz clic en la opción “Desbloquear herramientas de negocio”.

Click the Unlock business tools option

En la siguiente pantalla, verá una lista de las características que ofrecerá la cuenta de empresa.

Para actualizar su cuenta personal y utilizar estas funciones, haga clic en el botón “Cambiar a empresa”.

Select the Switch to business button

A continuación, introduzca los datos de su cuenta de empresa, como el nombre del perfil, la URL del sitio web, el país y el idioma.

Una vez introducidos todos estos datos, haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”.

Build your profile

Pinterest te pedirá que describas tu negocio. Puedes seleccionar un sector en el menú desplegable y elegir 3 objetivos entre las opciones dadas.

A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”.

Describe your business

En la pantalla siguiente, se le pedirá que seleccione una opción para obtener recomendaciones personalizadas.

Una vez hecho esto, asegúrese de hacer clic en el botón “Siguiente”.

Get customized recommendations

Ahora, se le pedirá que seleccione una opción si está interesado en anunciarse en Pinterest y, a continuación, haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”.

Para este tutorial, puede seleccionar la opción “No, no tengo previsto hacer publicidad”.

Planning to run Pinterest ads

A continuación, Pinterest te mostrará diferentes opciones para empezar con tu cuenta de empresa.

Puede hacer clic en la cruz de la esquina superior derecha para omitir esta parte.

Where would you like to start

Paso 2: Reclame su sitio web en Pinterest

El siguiente paso es reclamar tu sitio web en Pinterest.

Para ello, puedes hacer clic en el botón “Reclamar dominio” de tu página del centro de Pinterest Business, y te llevará directamente a la página de ajustes de reclamación.

Claim domain in Pinterest

Otra forma de reclamar su sitio web es haciendo clic en la flecha hacia abajo de la esquina superior derecha y seleccionando la opción “Ajustes”. A continuación, dirígete a la sección “Reclamar” en el menú de la izquierda.

Para obtener los créditos por tu contenido en Pinterest, haz clic en el botón “Reclamar” para sitios web.

Click websites claim

Al hacer clic en el botón, aparecerá una ventana emergente con tres opciones para reclamar su sitio web de WordPress.

Elegimos la opción “Añadir etiqueta HTML” porque es la más sencilla.

Choose how you want to claim

Sin embargo, si lo prefiere, puede elegir la otra opción en la que descarga el archivo HTML y lo sube al directorio raíz de su sitio web utilizando un cliente FTP o el gestor de archivos de su alojamiento WordPress.

También puede añadir un registro TXT de verificación a la configuración de su dominio utilizando su registrador de dominios.

Paso 3: Añadir etiqueta HTML a su sitio web WordPress

Hay muchas maneras de añadir una etiqueta HTML a la cabecera de su sitio web, pero solo vamos a tratar los dos métodos más sencillos.

Añadir etiqueta HTML Pinterest con un plugin SEO

En primer lugar, puede utilizar el plugin de WordPress All in One SEO (AIOSEO) e introducir la etiqueta HTML en su sitio web. Para más detalles, sigue nuestra guía sobre cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress.

AIOSEO es el mejor plugin SEO para WordPress y hace que sea muy fácil de optimizar su sitio para los motores de búsqueda sin necesidad de contratar a un experto.

Aunque recomendamos la versión Pro, también puedes utilizar la versión gratuita de AIOSEO para añadir la verificación de Pinterest.

Para añadir la etiqueta HTML, vaya a Todo en uno SEO ” Ajustes generales y, a continuación, haga clic en la pestaña “Herramientas para webmasters” del menú superior.

A continuación, haz clic en el bloque “Verificación del sitio de Pinterest”.

AIOSEO Webmaster Tools

Ahora, introduce la etiqueta HTML que copiaste en el paso anterior en el campo de verificación del sitio de Pinterest.

A continuación, debes hacer clic en el botón “Guardar cambios”.

Enter Pinterest Verification Code

Añadir etiqueta HTML de Pinterest con un plugin de fragmentos de código

Aparte de utilizar AIOSEO, otra forma de añadir la etiqueta HTML es instalando y activando el plugin WPCode.

Tras la activación, debe visitar la página Fragmentos de código ” Encabezado y pie de página en el panel de control de WordPress. En la sección “Encabezado”, debe pegar la etiqueta HTML. A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Guardar cambios”.

Insert HTML tag in header script section of WPCode

Una vez añadido el código HTML a la sección de cabecera de tu sitio web, tienes que volver a la pantalla de Pinterest y hacer clic en el botón “Continuar” de la ventana emergente.

Ahora le pedirá que introduzca la URL de su sitio web y, a continuación, haga clic en el botón “Verificar”.

Verify your site in Pinterest

Una vez hecho esto, verá un mensaje que dice: “Verificación en curso”.

Normalmente, el proceso dura 24 horas y usted recibe un correo electrónico acerca de la verificación de su sitio web.

Verification in progress

Ya está. Ya has verificado correctamente tu sitio web WordPress en Pinterest.

Consejo: Si Pinterest no se verifica después de añadir el código de verificación, significa que necesitas vaciar la caché de WordPress.

Guías de expertos sobre el uso de Pinterest en WordPress

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a aprender cómo verificar tu sitio WordPress en Pinterest. Puede que también quieras ver otras guías relacionadas con el uso de Pinterest en WordPress:

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219 comentariosLeave a Reply

  1. Carla Valdetaro

    Do I need a business WordPress plan to verify my pinterest account? I’m starting my blog and it’s still a free WP.

  2. Kacey

    Thank you this helped me out for sure. It was so confusing at first yet such a simple solution. Thanks again.

  3. Pat

    Wow! This was super easy to follow! Thank you!

  4. Carolyn Lawton

    I have just switched my personal Pinterest account to Business, and I’m now in the process of verifying my website. I do not have – nor do I want a Facebook account. I do not choose to use Twitter either. Can I pass that step and only use Pinterest?
    I do have a Quora account in addition to Pinterest … can that be added? Thank you for your help.

  5. Whitney

    Thank you! Your video was super helpful :)

  6. Stacy

    Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to find an easy way to do this – I had no idea I could verify my website with Pinterest through Yoast SEO. It took like 30 seconds. Next time I have a question about how to do something on WordPress, I’m coming straight to your site!

  7. Angela

    Thank you!! This worked perfectly!! It was immediate. Had searched through and tried other tutorials which were vague or gave erroneous information!!
    Thanks again!!!!!

  8. Jena

    I have tried this step by step process about 4 different times and I always get an email back from pinterest saying:
    “We couldn’t find the HTML meta tag or verification file on your site. Be sure to paste the HTML meta tag in the section of your site’s homepage, or upload the verification file to your site’s root directory. Try again or get help.”
    What am I doing wrong?

    • Kat

      I am having the exact same problem. Argh.

  9. Nickesha S

    This was extremely straightforward and helpful. I was so confused by the directions I got in the pinterest help forum.

  10. Bridget

    Gosh thank you so much! I’ve been trying to claim my site for days…I’m so happy I came across this post because within 5 minutes, my site is verified completely.

    Amazing! :D

  11. Avalon


    I tried both methods and an error screen came up saying:

    “403 Forbidden: A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site.”

    Any idea to why this might be happening?

  12. Julie Robertson

    Thanks for this tutorial! You made it so easy!

  13. Sarah

    This tutorial worked perfectly me for my word-press site, but I had to go through a lot of other duff tutorials to find this one.
    Is there any chance I can “pin” a link to this tutorial on a new pinterest board I am building about pinterest analytics and wordpress websites?

    Many Thanks


  14. Millye

    Pinterest has changed since then I think, because the process was different, but it was still helpful to see this before doing it! Thank you so much!
    I have a question about the plugin you recommended. Let’s say I need to claim/verify my website on other social media, (ex.bloglovin) can I simply copy paste the new codes i’m given under the pinterest one? I mean, can I add more than one code in the Header box of the plugin? thanks in advance!

  15. Shikhar Sehgal

    Hello Sir,
    I dont have any technical experience so I always try not to mess things up in the coding area. Can you please suggest any plugin that can make this work? For eg. for bing verification, i simply pasted the code in the Yoast SEO Plugin.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Shikhar,

      The above method is a plugin method. You will be using insert headers and footers plugin to add your verification code.


  16. Debbie Magee

    I tried your method and it didn’t work. I get an Opps message and that it can take more than an hour. I waited overnight and it didn’t work.

    Also, I am having a problem since Dec 18 when the only image that can be generated is the Featured Image. On Dec 29 the post Pinintert worked fine! But the next post has the same problem, plus it doesn’t even generate the thumbnails of the other images. They are not too big – I resize them like always in . What the heck? Is it related to not being able to confirm my website?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Debbie,

      We are not sure if it is related to that. Pinterest verification had some issues in the past but those issues were resolved.


  17. Rachel

    i followed the steps but I got an error message

    {“code”:”MethodNotAllowedError”,”message”:”POST is not allowed”}

    not sure what I did wrong

  18. Eleanor

    I tried to install the recommended plugin but got an install fail message: “Installation failed: Download failed. cURL error 6: Couldn’t resolve host ‘'”

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Eleanor,

      Please retry again. If the same thing happens again, then contact your WordPress hosting provider. They may not have curl extension enabled, which is required by WordPress to function properly.


  19. Katie

    Thank you! After trying several methods this one worked! I will reference it in my future posts for anyone that has this issue!

  20. Sarah Lentz

    Thank you! I tried uploading the file to my “public.html” root directory, but 24 hours later … nothing. And I wasn’t sure exactly where to put the meta tag, so finding this post really helped. I downloaded the “Insert Headers & Footers” plugin and added the meta tag in the plugin’s settings window (in the header section). Here’s hoping …
    But this is the most helpful article on this by far. Most articles just repeat what the Pinterest website tells you to do, which isn’t much help if you’re still an amateur blogger who doesn’t know where to put a “meta tag.” Maybe I should know that by now, but the techy side of blogging is still murky waters for me.

  21. Lisa

    Thank you so much for this info! After trying several methods, the Insert Headers & Footers was the plug-in that did the trick :)

  22. Veronica

    Thank you so much for this information. I was completely lost at the instructions on Pinterest but I found this article after a quick google search and my site is now verified.

  23. Astrid

    I had this problem months ago and tried all the fixes and it didn’t work so i gave up. I just tried it again and it finally worked! I also received the message that it could take up to an hour to confirm but see that it only took a few minutes and my site is now confirmed. Thank you for the easy to follow instructions – I ended up trying second way by inserting into the header.

  24. A Burrili

    Amazingly easy compared to all of the other methods I’ve seen out there. Thank you!!!!

  25. Burt Whyte

    Thanks for the excellent on target information! my site confirmation is official!

  26. Gabby

    I tried a couple of different methods before I finally came across this post. Pinterest pop up said “may take up to an hour” but I can be patient a little longer because I finally found a way to make it work! Thanks :)

  27. Michelle

    Your videos have been very helpful thank you. My website has already been confirmed on Pinterest and I never saved the meta tag or html file. Would you please advise how I can get the meta tag from my account with Pinterest. I can not find it anywhere?? Arrghh
    Thank you.

  28. Elizabeth

    I did exactly what this article says, but my website won’t confirm. Why is this?

  29. Sara

    I searched all over and couldn’t figure out how to do this, then I found this article. Thank you for giving such simple instructions! My website is now confirmed:)

  30. Craig

    Very good, practical instructions. Thanks!

  31. Bob

    Super easy to understand – love it.

  32. Angie

    Wow, you made this so easy! I was just about to give up when I found this video. Thank you thank you!!!

  33. The Rambler

    THANK YOU!!! Omg, this was the craziest brain hurting thing I’ve done with my blog. I downloaded that plugin and it so helped! Thank you, Thank you!!!!

  34. Jessica Abbott

    I had the same issue as everyone above. API method not found. Someone from pinterest reached out right away after I submitted my question, confirmed they could see the meta tag and sent in a request to have it confirmed manually within a day on their end.

  35. Dee

    Also tried this and I get the same API message. Is there something up with Pinterest?

    I’m self hosted and the domain I’m trying to verify is top-level. I’ve tried about 3 different methods and none work.

    I also get an error that Pinterest is having trouble connecting to my website but it’s running fine (double checked to make sure) Whats up?

  36. angela

    Does this still work for the free WordPress acounts?
    I have the Canard theme, and I have linked to my own domain..
    I dont have anywhere where it says header in my customization!

    Please help!
    Thank YOU

  37. Tracy

    Also tried this and got the API message. I am self-hosted (Blue Host) but I am terrible with anything like this, especially adding HTML – have you got a simpleton’s version of what to do when you get the API message?! Thank you! Love your site – it’s helped me out loads of times!

    • Lauren

      Yes I get the same API message. No one seems to know how to fix this. I’d love to know if you get an answer. Thanks!

  38. Renee

    I have put into the plugin and also tried putting it into my header. No matter what I do Pinterest tells me it can not find the API. It looks like others are having the same problem. What do I need to do to fix this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The Pinterest API allows only top level domain to be verified, if your site is hosted on a subdomain then it will not be confirmed. You can also try downloading the HTML file and then uploading it to your root domain.


  39. Grace

    Hi there, I followed all your steps. However, after I copy the code into the header section and save it, I recieve a message from pinterest saying ‘API method not found’.. help!

    • Melinda

      I get the same message. API method not found.

      • Chelsea

        I received the same API message. Did you guys ever figure it out?

  40. Whitney Pack

    Thank you so much. I have been trying to figure out how to do this for weeks. I am so glad i found your site :)

  41. Jessie

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I looked at so many posts that explained how to do this in terms that were over my newbie-blogger head. This worked perfect. Thanks again!

  42. Heather @ Boston Girl Bakes

    Hi- followed the instructions correctly- but when I added to the headers section with the plugin- and then clicked finish on pinterest- nothing happened.
    Saw others had the similar problem-…please help!

  43. Marjorie

    Good video and tutorial! I added the good version of Insert Headers and Footers on my site WP, I put my pinterest code but nothing happen.. No confirmation! Do you have more information about confirmation problems? Thanks!

  44. Kelly Mason

    Just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys have helped me on say many occasions that I have stopped counting. I love all your tutorials, videos, and various css helps, including this Pinterest one. I have been trying for over a week to confirm my website and could not figure it out. Downloaded plugin and verified in less than a minutes.

  45. Raza Bajwa

    I have added the code, but not receive any confirmation message or email that i have successfully add the code. How can i verify that my website is verified or not???

  46. Kobi Jae

    Thanks for the article! I used to have my site on blogger and it was verified with pinterest. I’ve recently migrated to self-hosted WP, but with the same domain. Do you know if I need to update anything? Thanks!

  47. Ann Marie

    I tried this but got the following warning:

    “The Header and Footer plugin(s) might cause issues when used in conjunction with Yoast SEO.
    Both Yoast SEO and Header and Footer create OpenGraph output, which might make Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks use the wrong texts and images when your pages are being shared.”

    There was the recommendation to deactivate Header and Footer (which I did), but I am temporarily at a loss on what I should do next. By the way, I’m a novice at this stuff.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Please remove header and footer plugin and then install “Insert Headers and Footers” plugin. These are two different plugins. The one you have installed is not compatible with Yoast SEO. The other one, that we have recommended in the article is fully compatible with Yoast SEO.


      • Devon

        I have installed the “Insert Header and Footer” plugin on my WordPress blog (hosted my GoDaddy) and have pasted the meta tag generated by Pinterest. This and all previous attempt via different method (using Verify Pinterest plugin and manually entering in section) result in the same message from Pinterest: API method not found.
        I am frustrated beyond belief. Any suggestions?

        • WPBeginner Support

          For the time being, Pinterest verification seems to be not working for most users. We tried reaching out to Pinterest but did not get a response.

        • Dave

          That is the problem with Pinterest. When one reaches out to them they do not respond. For poor support.

        • Sapna

          Has there been any update on this post? I am having the same API Method Not Found error, despite trying every method I can find to verify.

  48. Lemurian Girl

    Thank you! This worked on my self-hosted WordPress blog. Appreciate the tutorial ~ Alohas

  49. Meg

    Thanks for this! I did as instructed but didn’t get the success message. When I attempted it again I got simply the word “error” when I attempted to get my code. Any idea if this means it worked?

  50. Robert J Banach

    Already hooked up website to Pinterest, how does one get the Verification Code?

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