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Cómo corregir el error de sintaxis en WordPress

Los errores de sintaxis en WordPress pueden resultar abrumadores, especialmente si eres nuevo en el mundo del código.

Este problema puede surgir al añadir fragmentos de código de tutoriales. Incluso un pequeño error puede romper todo su sitio.

Si has visto el temido mensaje “Error de sintaxis, inesperado…”, no hay por qué alarmarse: ¡has venido al lugar adecuado! Nos hemos encontrado y corregido este error un montón de veces en nuestros sitios web, y sabemos cómo ayudarte a solucionarlo.

Esta guía le guiará a través de los pasos para corregir el error de sintaxis en WordPress. Al final, sabrás cómo volver a poner en marcha tu sitio web sin problemas.

How to Fix the Syntax Error in WordPress

¿Qué es un error de sintaxis en WordPress y por qué debería preocuparme?

Un error de sintaxis en WordPress se produce cuando el código que has añadido tiene una sintaxis incorrecta, es decir, no sigue las reglas del lenguaje de programación.

Este tipo de error puede deberse a algo tan simple como la falta de una coma, un corchete de más o unas comillas mal colocadas.

Entonces, ¿por qué deberían importarle los errores de sintaxis?

En primer lugar, pueden hacer que todo su sitio web se detenga. En lugar de ver su sitio bellamente diseñado, los visitantes son recibidos con un mensaje de error. Esto no solo afecta a la experiencia del usuario, sino que también puede dañar la reputación y fiabilidad de su sitio web.

Además, los errores de sintaxis pueden hacer que le resulte imposible acceder al área de administrador / administración de WordPress. Esto puede ser particularmente estresante si no se siente cómodo con el código y no sabe cómo corregir el problema.

En resumen, los errores de sintaxis son pequeños pero significativos errores en el código que pueden tener un gran impacto en su sitio web. Ser capaz de identificar y corregir estos errores rápidamente es clave para mantener un sitio fluido y de aspecto profesional.

Sintaxis correcta para evitar errores

Asegurarse de que el código está correctamente escrito desde el principio puede ahorrarle muchos quebraderos de cabeza. Prestando atención a la sintaxis adecuada, puedes evitar muchos errores comunes que conducen a errores.

Lo primero que tienes que hacer es consultar la guía para principiantes sobre cómo pegar fragmentos de código de la web en WordPress. Este artículo enumera algunos errores comunes que cometen los principiantes al pegar código en plantillas de WordPress.

Example of a syntax error in WordPress

El error de sintaxis suele estar causado por un pequeño pero crucial error en la sintaxis de tu código. Por ejemplo, una coma que falta o una llave de más pueden romper todo el script.

¿Has pegado recientemente un fragmento de código de la web? ¿Ha actualizado un plugin? Entonces, lo más probable es que sepas exactamente dónde buscar.

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Corrección del error de sintaxis mediante FTP

Para corregir el error de sintaxis, tienes que editar el código que lo causó. Puedes eliminarlo o corregir la sintaxis.

A menudo, los principiantes entran en pánico porque este error hace que todo su sitio sea inaccesible.

Si pegaste el código usando la sección Apariencia ” Editor de tu escritorio de WordPress, entonces estás bloqueado. Puedes comprobar nuestra guía sobre qué hacer si estás bloqueado en el administrador / administración de WordPress.

¿Cómo se edita el código?

La única manera de corregir esto es acceder al archivo que editó por última vez utilizando FTP. Para obtener instrucciones paso a paso, puedes consultar nuestra guía práctica sobre cómo utilizar FTP.

Tras instalar el programa FTP, conéctalo a tu sitio web y ve al archivo del tema que necesitas editar. Si olvidaste qué archivo necesitas editar, simplemente mira el código de error. El error te dirá exactamente qué archivo y línea necesitas editar.

Puede eliminar el último código que añadió o escribir el código utilizando la sintaxis correcta. Una vez que haya terminado de quitar / editar el código, guarde el archivo y vuelva a subirlo a su servidor.

Después de eso, puede visitar su sitio de WordPress y actualizar la página. Debería ver que su sitio funciona de nuevo.

Cómo evitar el error de sintaxis en WordPress

Para evitar que su sitio web de WordPress se rompa de nuevo, siempre recomendamos añadir código personalizado con un plugin de fragmentos de código como WPCode.

WPCode's homepage

WPCode facilita añadir fragmentos de código en WordPress sin tener que editar el archivo functions.php de tu tema. También incluye validación inteligente de fragmentos de código para evitar errores.

A medida que añadas tu código personalizado, WPCode detectará automáticamente cualquier error. Al pasar el cursor sobre un error aparecerán instrucciones útiles para que pueda corregirlo fácilmente.

Smart code snippet validation to find code errors

WPCode también desactivará inmediatamente tu código personalizado cuando detecte un error de sintaxis.

Con este plugin, nunca tendrá que preocuparse de romper su sitio al añadir fragmentos de código.

Error handling in your custom code snippet

Puede obtener más información en nuestra guía sobre cómo añadir fácilmente código personalizado en WordPress.

¿Se ha roto su sitio de WordPress? Que no cunda el pánico: nuestro equipo de soporte de emergencia para WordPress puede ayudarle. Nuestro servicio bajo demanda puede hacer que su sitio web vuelva a estar en línea rápidamente, garantizando un tiempo de inactividad mínimo. Sin contratos, sólo soluciones puntuales. Concierte una llamada ahora mismo.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a corregir el error de sintaxis en WordPress. Puede que también quieras ver nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir el error WordPress updating failed / publishing failed o nuestra lista de problemas comunes del editor de bloques de WordPress y cómo solucionarlos.

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85 comentariosLeave a Reply

  1. Mark Perkins

    Awesome this is the best site on wp. saved ne again.

    Thank you so much

  2. Francisco


    I got this error after I updated some plug ins,
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘var’ (T_VAR) in /home/smilesonbristol/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/sal/class.json-api-date.php on line 55

    Please help.

  3. Spring

    I cannot thank you enough! You have saved my life! I was to a break point as I thought I’d lost my entire 2 days of work on my new website. Now I have ftp’d the file, and I am back in wp-admin again! Thank you so much for your wonderful site.

  4. sangeet kumar


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘define’ (T_STRING) in /home/designba/public_html/wp-content/themes/hestia/functions.php on line 1

    i got the above error message. i cant access any page. i did every steps you mentioned, but i am getting same problem again. actually i didnot change anything in functions.php

    Please Help

  5. Ashley

    Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in the theme section. I try to fix the error in FileZilla but I’m getting “Critical error: Could not connect to server”. PLEASE HELP

    • WPBeginner Support

      Please check your FTP username, password, and host information. You may have received this information in an email when you signed up for your hosting account. You can also ask your hosting support to provide these details.


  6. Jim

    You guys are awesome.. Saved my life..

  7. daphne

    Here’s another one:
    logged on to the FTP (as suggested by this blog…thanks for that!!), found the files…. but couldn’t download them:
    ….Status: Starting download of /www/wp-admin/theme-editor.php
    Error: Failed to open “/theme-editor.php” for writing
    Error: File transfer failed…..

    idea? Anyone?

    • Raffy

      I had the same problem, a red error message when I tried to download it from the right-click window: so I simply searched for my desktop, dragged the file there, edited it, deleted the old functions.php file in my wordpress and dragged the new edited file in the same place. Hope this helps.

  8. Deb

    I cannot tell you how much you’ve saved my life!!! Well, my blog!!! Follow every step, guys!

  9. Kathleen

    I am getting this error. I did what you said, pasted in some code that didn’t work. When I took the pasted code out, it still gave me the error. So, fine, I just copied the whole file from a fresh download, and I’m still getting the same error, so I have no idea of what to do now.

  10. Stephen

    This article saved my life – lol. Thank you so much for the step by step. Fortunately, I had copied and pasted the good code into a text file so going back was easy after I understood what I was looking for.

  11. Tracie

    OMGosh, thank you for this post! That just happened to me, and I thought I had lost my site for good. What a relief to know the solution was as simple as using FTP.

  12. Walter

    Hi guys,
    I need some help to solve this issue below quickly please

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/cardapio/public_html/wp-content/themes/zerif-lite/inc/customizer.php on line 41

    I saw a comment below talking about a video explaining an solution but i didn´t find the link… somebody could help me please?

    • Walter

      This error happen after I made the plugin´s update by WP Painel.. and now I can´t access the WP Painel anymore… only by FTP

  13. Mikael Andersen

    Would it be possible for the WP developer team to develop some kind of a script, that is checking out the code syntax in the functions.php file in order to prevent the user from saving the file if it contents any error.

    I think it could be of a big help for many users, especially if a user has taken a copy of the file before making any changes in it.

  14. Imran

    Hello guys ,

    Can anyone help me with this, I’m having an error when i check my blog health on I dont know how to fix this error. I have tried so hard but couldn’t fix it.

    Improper use of href attribute

    The href attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to. Without this attribute, the <a> is not a hyperlink.

    How to solve this issue

    This is essentially a broken link and therefore should be fixed asap so as to not affect SEO negatively.

    Thank you

  15. Samuel Muiruri

    I’ve got an error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in /home/runningw/public_html/test/wp-content/themes/travel-lite/inc/customize.php on line 167 I was editing customize_register for a theme and on upload on complete it crashed.

  16. Rachel

    Thank you. This video saved me! Clear information for someone who would not even call themselves a beginner yet! Very much appreciated!

    • Walter

      Where is this video´s link?

  17. fran garcia


    I got the same problem, but searching for the theme folder, THERE IS NO FOLDER named like that, so I can’t edit the php!

    Any ideas about how to proceed?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Can you find the wp-content folder or can you see any WordPress files when you connect to your site using FTP or File manager?


  18. Pradikta Rachmat

    Thank you very much, I can access my blog now.

  19. Martin Watson

    This post is awesome! Worked for me in 30 mins!

  20. Raj

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home/rev/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-pagelike-widget/short_code.php on line 28
    i got above error message cant access my website please help me

  21. Nick

    It really was a moment to freak out, but thanks to your article it was fixed in a matter of time. Thanks a lot!!

  22. masterdungeon

    Error at last line of main.php.

  23. muhammad saeed

    Editor not found Please fix this

  24. inas dan

    i have this error in function.php in twenty sixteen chiled theme

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /home2/hmh49/public_html/myplog/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen-child/functions.php on line 10

    please help

  25. alex

    It worked beautifully! Thank you!
    I was on a verge of having a shock seeing that my page was not available anymore but thanks to your help I managed to fix the issue! Thank you million!

  26. Kay

    Hi there,

    I am needing help to fix this error please
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in /usr/www/users/ogbuldwqdf/wp-content/themes/theme53993/includes/sidebar-init.php on line 51

    I pasted the same code back, but still getting the problem

  27. Sibel Baklacı

    I have changed my theme’s functions.php file a little bit and now I have an syntax error. Functiıns.php parse error. I can’t access my site anyway. I can’t use ftp to access to it because my site hosted on and they don’t allow using ftp. What I can do to solve this problem. Please help!

  28. Mano

    Thanks a Lot, I did and got the problem solved

  29. zad

    i have big problem, help me please :(

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$content_width’ (T_VARIABLE) in /home/u369283888/public_html/wp-content/themes/mharty/functions.php on line 1

    i used FTP what kan i do to fix it?

    • Ark

      I think you miss , after php statement.please check it carefully.It is not a big issue.

  30. Bharath Bhushan Naidu

    Any plugin to minimize css erros?

  31. Jaideep Bedi

    I’m stuck in the white screen of death…i did not pasted a code but did a very tiny editing(Appearance->editor) ….it worked and i got what i wanted but later when i tried loading page, it never loaded. On inspecting Element it says: Syntax error Unexpected ” } ” .
    I undo that tiny editing but nothing happend….. please help!!!!

  32. thomas

    I’m creating a site using local host on my pc so its not gone live yet and i tried to change a bit of code in the editor in WP in the functions.php file. I got this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in C:\xampp 1\htdocs\wp\wp-content\themes\theme\keid-hosting\functions.php on line 43 and i now cant access my admin via the usual http://localhost/wp/wp-admin/.

    Ive tried to replace the functions.php file with an original from download and also i replaced all theme files with originals, still getting the error. I also tried to change the name of the theme and themes directory to try get it revert back to default theme (twentyfifteen etc…) but still getting the error

    Can you help me pls???

    Thanks in advance

  33. Erin

    Hello –

    I have a similar error. The site had a theme and I changed it. It worked fine and I was customizing when the issue happened. When I go into FTP the new theme files are not there- only the old theme is shown. How can that be?

    I tried to upload the new theme here to overwrite whatever is causing it to stay down but nothing is working. Any advice?


  34. Karen

    YOU are incredibly AWESOME! Your site will be carried around in my back pocket and shared with everyone I know that uses WP. Thank you for this valuable info. You saved my site!

  35. Andrew

    When I go to my website I get this error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘/’ in /home/cycletrk/public_html/wp-blog-header.php on line 12

    I know it’s a code error but I haven’t made any changes to the website for a while so the code just suddenly changed? I can log into the admin section site fine but I can’t find where this code is.

    Any help?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Try deactivating plugins. See how to deactivate all WordPress plugins when not able to access wp-admin. If this does not work, then try updating your WordPress site URL. Simply edit your wp-config.php file and add these two lines:


      Replace with your own domain name. It is possible that your site URLs are changed and have an unexpected ‘/’ at the end of the URL. IF this does not work out, then try deleting .htaccess file. If the .htaccess method solves the problem, then remember to visit Settings -> Permalinks page and click on update button to refresh your permalinks.


      • Matt

        Updated WordPress to 4.2.3 and the problem went away. Thanks a lot for your help. Much appreciated!

  36. Kristy Abbott

    Life saver! FTP did the job

  37. WPBeginner Staff

    See our FTP Tutorial

    Once you are connected through FTP locate the file where you pasted the code. Most probably you added it in /wp-content/themes/yourthemename/functions.php

    Download the file to your computer. Edit it to remove the code and then upload it back to the server.

  38. Lindsay Hoffman


    I’ve downloaded FTP but I have no idea what to do once inside besides logging in. How do I find my error and correct it?

    A little more background:

    I was trying to change where an ad on my page was by the code. Put the code in wrong so I can’t log into the page now. No idea how to change it back.


  39. Za

    If i am using mamp as my wordpress server, but now I am locked out because of the “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected”, does this mean I need to get a ftp account in order to edit my error?

  40. Eric

    Hi – I was able to login to my FTP by am unable to open the functions.php file. I keep getting a file transfer failed message. Any advice? Thanks!

  41. GM

    I’ve been trying to correct the syntax error I made whilst building my site, but the mapping for where I’m being told the error is doesn’t appear to exist when I try to access the site through FZ. I’m guessing it’s a similar issue to Jose’s last month. Any advice? Thanks

  42. K

    I cannot connect my site to FZ, it says ” Could not connect to server ” I already installed wordpress. And now I cant access my site because I accidentally pasted theme_hooks into theme_function. I don’t know how to find my server. Please HELP me, thanks

  43. Jose

    Hello, After editing the Functions.php I received a parse error on a certain line. Although I knew what the problem is the site is hosted on I can’t access the file via FTP. Any recommendations?

    Thank you in advance.

  44. K


    I got this error when I tried to access the my blog :(

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/content/……../wp-content/plugins/easy-related-posts/easy_related_posts.php on line 75

    Please help. :(

  45. WPBeginner Staff

    Seems like your theme’s functions.php file is broken. Here is what you need to do. First connect to your website using an FTP client. Go to wp-content/themes/laboratory_child/ directory and then edit functions.php file. On line 20 you will see a closing curly bracket ‘ } ‘ This bracket is not supposed to be here.

    If this is a child theme, then you can backup your functions.php file and then delete it from your webserver. The parent theme’s functions.php file will take over.

  46. yamini priya

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in ………./wp-content/themes/laboratory_child/functions.php on line 20

    i got the above error message. i cant access any page. i did every steps you mentioned, but i am getting same problem again. actually i didnot change anything in functions.php…..

  47. diego

    Thank you for this post! It gave a big relief!

  48. Rachel

    Happened exactly to me last week. Thank you I will file this for the next time!

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