El aviso ‘Error al establecer una conexión con la base de datos’ en WordPress es un error fatal que hace que su sitio sea inaccesible para los usuarios. Ocurre cuando WordPress no se ha podido conectar a la base de datos.
Dado que hay múltiples factores que pueden afectar a esta conexión, el error puede ser un poco difícil de diagnosticar para los principiantes.
Llevamos 16 años publicando nuestro blog en WordPress y nos hemos encontrado con una gran variedad de errores y advertencias, como el “Error al establecer una conexión con la base de datos”. Gracias a nuestra experiencia y a muchos periodos de prueba y error, hemos aprendido a diagnosticar estos problemas sin interrumpir nuestro sitio.
En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo corregir fácilmente el “Error al establecer una conexión a una base de datos” en su sitio de WordPress, paso a paso.

¿Cuál es la causa del error al establecer una conexión de base de datos en WordPress?
Una base de datos es un programa informático que facilita el almacenamiento, la organización y la recuperación de datos de otros programas.
Como sistema de gestión de contenidos, WordPress utiliza una base de datos para almacenar todo el contenido y otros datos del sitio web. Se conecta a la base de datos cada vez que alguien visita su sitio web.
WordPress necesita la siguiente información para conectarse a la base de datos:
- Nombre de la base de datos
- Nombre de usuario y contraseña de la base de datos
- Servidor de base de datos
Esta información se almacena en su archivo de configuración de WordPress, que se llama wp-config.php.
Si alguno de estos datos es incorrecto, WordPress no podrá conectarse a su servidor de base de datos y aparecerá el error “Error al establecer una conexión con la base de datos”.

Es uno de los errores más comunes de WordPress. Aparte de unas credenciales incorrectas, este error también puede aparecer si el servidor de la base de datos no funciona o si los archivos de la base de datos están dañados.
Dicho esto, veamos cómo corregir el problema “Error al establecer la conexión con la base de datos” en WordPress diagnosticando paso a paso la incidencia.
1. Marcar / comprobar las credenciales de la base de datos de WordPress
Lascredenciales incorrectas son la causa más común del error de conexión a la base de datos. Si ha trasladado recientemente su sitio de WordPress a un nuevo alojamiento, es probable que este sea el problema.
Las credenciales de la base de datos de WordPress se almacenan en el archivo wp-config.php. Es el archivo de configuración de WordPress que contiene ajustes importantes, incluida la información de la base de datos.
Si no ha editado antes un archivo wp-config.php, consulte nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo editar el archivo wp-config.php para obtener más instrucciones.
Busque las siguientes líneas en el archivo wp-config.php:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** // /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define( 'DB_NAME' , 'database_name_here' ); /** MySQL database username */ define( 'DB_USER' , 'username_here' ); /** MySQL database password */ define( 'DB_PASSWORD' , 'password_here' ); /** MySQL hostname */ define( 'DB_HOST' , 'localhost' ); |
Aquí debe asegurarse de que la información del nombre de la base de datos, el nombre de usuario, la contraseña y el alojamiento de la base de datos es correcta.
Puede confirmar esta información desde el escritorio de su cuenta de alojamiento de WordPress. Para este tutorial, vamos a utilizar Bluehost, pero el proceso será similar para otros paneles de alojamiento también.
Al acceder, haga clic en la pestaña “Sitio web” de la columna de la izquierda y, a continuación, cambie a la pestaña “Avanzado”. A continuación, desplácese hasta la sección “Base de datos” y haga clic en el botón “Gestionar” situado a su lado.

Esto abrirá la página de Bases de Datos MySQL en cPanel en una nueva ventana.
Aquí, puedes encontrar tu nombre de base de datos y nombre de usuario en la sección ‘Base de datos actual’. No olvide copiar y pegar estos datos en un bloc de notas para poder añadirlos al archivo wp-config.

A continuación, desplácese hasta la sección “Usuarios actuales”, donde podrá enlazar el enlace “Cambiar contraseña” situado junto al nombre de su base de datos.
Esto le llevará a una nueva pantalla, donde podrá cambiar la contraseña de la base de datos a su gusto.

Una vez que haya confirmado todos los detalles de su base de datos, puede cambiar esa información en su archivo wp-config.php si es necesario.
Después de eso, intente visitar su sitio web de nuevo para ver si el error de conexión a la base de datos ha desaparecido.
Si sigue apareciendo el error, significa que algo va mal.
2. Marcar / comprobar la información del alojamiento de su base de datos
Si está seguro de que el nombre de la base de datos, el nombre de usuario y la contraseña son correctos, asegúrese de que la información del alojamiento de la base de datos es correcta.
La mayoría de las empresas de alojamiento de WordPress utilizan localhost como host de su base de datos. Sin embargo, algunas empresas de alojamiento gestionado de WordPress utilizan servidores independientes para alojar las bases de datos. En ese caso, la información del alojamiento de la base de datos no será localhost.
Esto significa que deberá ponerse en contacto con su empresa de alojamiento de WordPress para confirmar estos datos.
3. Reparación de la base de datos de WordPress
Ahora, puede estar recibiendo un error diferente en el panel de wp-admin, como ‘Una o más tablas de la base de datos no están disponibles’ o ‘La base de datos puede necesitar ser reparada’. En ese caso, necesita reparar su base de datos.
Puede hacerlo añadiendo la siguiente línea en su archivo wp-config.php. Asegúrate de añadirla justo antes de la línea ‘¡Eso es todo, deja de editar! Feliz blog”:
1 | define( 'WP_ALLOW_REPAIR' , true); |
Una vez hecho esto, puedes ver los ajustes visitando esta página: http://www.yoursite.com/wp-admin/maint/repair.php. Sólo asegúrate de sustituir yoursite.com por tu propio nombre de dominio.
Aquí, debe hacer clic en el botón “Reparar base de datos” para iniciar el proceso.

Nota: El usuario no necesita estar conectado para acceder a la página de reparación de la base de datos. Una vez que haya terminado de reparar y optimizar su base de datos, asegúrese de quitar esta línea de código de su wp-config.php.
Sin embargo, si no desea añadir ningún código a su sitio, también puede reparar su base de datos utilizando el cPanel de su cuenta de alojamiento.
Vaya a su cuenta de alojamiento y abra la página “Sitios web” en la columna de la izquierda. A continuación, vaya a la pestaña “Avanzado” y haga clic en el botón “Gestionar” en la sección Base de datos.

Esto abrirá cPanel en una nueva pestaña. Aquí, desplácese hasta la sección “Modificar bases de datos” y elija el nombre de su base de datos en el menú desplegable “Reparar base de datos”.
Una vez hecho esto, basta con hacer clic en el botón “Reparar base de datos” para iniciar el proceso.

El panel de alojamiento reparará automáticamente su base de datos.
Una vez finalizado el proceso, también verá un mensaje de correcto.

Ahora puede visitar su sitio de WordPress para ver si el error se ha resuelto o no.
4. Marcar / comprobar si el servidor de base de datos está inactivo
Si todo parece correcto y WordPress sigue sin poder conectarse a la base de datos, es posible que su servidor de base de datos(servidor MySQL) no funcione.
Esto puede ocurrir debido a un gran tráfico en el servidor. Su servidor de alojamiento simplemente no puede manejar la carga (especialmente cuando usted está en alojamiento compartido).
Debido a esto, su sitio será lento e incluso puede dar error a algunos usuarios. En este caso, usted debe conseguir en la llamada telefónica o chat en vivo con su proveedor de alojamiento y preguntarles si su servidor MySQL es adaptable.
Además, si usted tiene otros sitios web que se ejecutan en el mismo servidor, entonces usted puede marcar / comprobar esos sitios para confirmar que su servidor SQL está abajo.
Si no tiene ningún otro sitio en la misma cuenta de alojamiento, simplemente vaya a su Escritorio de alojamiento y cambie a la pestaña “Avanzado”.
A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Gestionar” situado junto a la sección phpMyAdmin.

Esto abrirá phpMyAdmin en una nueva ventana, donde debe hacer clic en la opción ‘Base de datos’ en la parte superior.
A continuación, haga clic en el nombre de su base de datos para acceder a sus ajustes. Si puede hacerlo, entonces es el momento de comprobar si el usuario de la base de datos tiene permisos suficientes.

Para ello, debe crear un nuevo archivo llamado testconnection.php y pegar el siguiente código en él:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | <?php $link = mysqli_connect( 'localhost' , 'username' , 'password' ); if (! $link ) { die ( 'Could not connect: ' . mysqli_error()); } echo 'Connected successfully' ; mysqli_close( $link ); ?> |
Al pegar el código, asegúrese de sustituir el nombre de usuario y la contraseña por los suyos. Ahora puede subir este archivo a su sitio web y acceder a él a través de un navegador / explorador.
Si el script se conectó correctamente, entonces significa que su usuario tiene permisos suficientes, y algo más está causando el error.
Ahora, debe volver a su archivo wp-config y explorarlo para asegurarse de que todos los detalles son precisos y sin errores tipográficos.
Soluciones adicionales que han funcionado para los usuarios
Si los consejos para diagnosticar problemas mencionados no consiguen corregir el error de conexión a la base de datos en su sitio web, puede probar estos pasos adicionales.
Según informan nuestros usuarios, estos pasos han ayudado a algunos de ellos a resolver el error de conexión a la base de datos en sus sitios web.
1. Actualice la URL del sitio de WordPress
Puede intentar actualizar la URL del sitio de WordPress utilizando phpMyAdmin en cPanel.
Simplemente acceda a phpMyAdmin desde el Escritorio de su cuenta de alojamiento y seleccione su base de datos WordPress de la lista.
A continuación, cambie al menú SQL de la parte superior e introduzca la siguiente consulta MySQL:
1 | UPDATE wp_options SET option_value= 'YOUR_SITE_URL' WHERE option_name= 'siteurl' |
Debería verse así:

No olvide proporcionar la URL de su propio sitio y cambiar wp_options
por el nombre de su propia tabla, ya que es posible que haya cambiado el prefijo de la tabla de WordPress.
2. Reinicio del servidor web
Los usuarios de servidores dedicados, servidores locales y servidores privados virtuales (VPS) pueden intentar reiniciar sus servidores.
Esto reiniciará su servidor web y de base de datos, lo que puede corregir algunos fallos temporales que causan el error.
3. Pedir ayuda
Si todo lo demás falla, es posible que tenga que ponerse en contacto con su empresa de alojamiento web. Todas las buenas empresas de alojamiento de WordPress le ayudarán a diagnosticar el problema, le indicarán la dirección correcta o incluso se lo corregirán.
También puede contratar desarrolladores de WordPress utilizando una plataforma como WPBeginner Pro Services para ayudarle a corregir este problema por tarifas razonables. Tenemos un equipo dedicado de desarrolladores expertos en los que puedes confiar para resolver cualquiera de tus problemas / conflictos / incidencias en WordPress.

También puede utilizar el servicio para el mantenimiento de sitios, la reparación de sitios pirateados, la optimización de la velocidad, la reconstrucción de sitios web y la optimización SEO.
Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a corregir el problema “Error al establecer una conexión a la base de datos” en WordPress. También puedes consultar nuestra guía práctica para diagnosticar problemas en WordPress o nuestro tutorial sobre cómo añadir una página de error de base de datos personalizada en WordPress.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Thank God I found this article. Replacing wordpress database password and username with my cpanel login credentials got me through it.
Adrian Ramos
Thank you!
i solved the problem by changing my new username and password in the wp-config file.
Thank you very much!
Another solution that worked. Delete the current MySql user and add a new one. It’s a solution for this specific error:
Access denied for user ‘foo’@’%’ (using password: YES)
Derek Morrison
Hi, Im a long way in to my blog with txt and pictures however, I am new to this and now finding my uploading of media is freezing 4/5 in and goes to error. Looking on the web found many others have had this problem, however, the common stream is increase image memory I’ve only used 115 MB what’s going on does anyone know? I’m very frustrated as I can try and try for HOURS sometimes to upload
Thank you
Paul Hutchinson
Had this error pop up yesterday on my ten year old WordPress installation that is hosted @ GoDaddy.
Turns out GoDaddy changed the Hostname for the SQL server. updated the DB_Host value and all is working fine.
Thanks for the detailed post about this issue.
I do have same issue with GoDaddy, tried everything out from this post and others.
but not get any result.
After heading everything I just tried to change the user name as it was same as database name before.
and the issue solved.
so thought the issue is having database and username is same for the DB.
Kaustav Banerjee
Super effective article. It has just happened with me. The most common mistake of all is the difference between password set for database user from backend and the one mentioned in wp-config .How could I forget this…
Thanks a lot!!
One thing that needs to be mentioned that if you are using MAMP the password for the database is root as a default. This little thing took me hrs to figure out.
Thanks for this guide, it really saved me! I changed my database password not realizing what would happen, I managed to fix it thanks to this guide though
If it helps, I would like to add that my particular problem occurred when I updated the password to my database through godaddy, and the wp-config file did NOT update the password, I had to go in manually to change it.
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘PasswordGoesHere);
Jesse Josserand
I pretty much had to do everything above including changing the password in wp-config. After all that… and editing my sql backup I was restoring so that it used the correct db_name and username and password, as well, everything started work except for errors caused by problems with the super cache plugin. I’m still fighting that issue, but hallelujah to God and all y’all above for getting me this far!
David Kley
This is why we use Joomla more than WordPress.
Easier to move, easier to set up quickly, easier to troubleshoot. WordPress makes it a huge pain if you want to move your site to another server or change domains. To each their own though. Each has it’s own set of weaknesses.
I have the problem intermittently and randomly. It doesn’t stop the site from working entirely, the ‘error establishing a database connection’ message shows up randomly (both backend and frontend). My host says the problem is a plugin conflict. I’d be happy to test that but because the problem is random, I can’t tell immediately if deactivating a plugin will help. Arrggh!
We started having this issue recently as well. We contacted our host and they said it sounds like our database is either maxing its connections or our tables are locked during a call (which would most likely happen from a plugin).
WPBeginner Support
You could deactivate all plugins and try to reproduce the error.
Tomas Hujer
Hi, in my case it was been problem in bad domain values in table wp_blogs. There must be valid domains.
Good Luck!
Sreekant Shenoy
Thanks you bro.. very very much..it workd..
I am very happy..luv you so much..I am on GoDaddy and i just placed the testfile.php and it workd..Thank you very much <3 <3 <3 <3
Joel Donfak
I had the same issue with a new website and I finally found that the MySQL username in the CPANEL was not linked to the database. After doing it, it work properly!
So make sure the problem doesn’t come from there.
I changed my MySQL password for security reasons and updated it right away in wp-config but now I get the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” on both front and back end. I know my login credentials work as I can connect fine to phpMyAdmin.
– I tried a fresh re-install of WordPress via FTP (without overwriting wp-config or wp-content folder) and that didn’t help.
– I am trying to do the database repair method mentioned above but I can’t even access that page as it won’t let me get past the database connection error.
– I tried the test connection method and get the following error:
Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/xxxxxx/public/testconnection.php on line 2
Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/xxxxxxxx/public/testconnection.php on line 2
Error: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)
None of these solutions work! Please help someone! I haven’t touched my wordpress site or made any changes prior to the mySQL password update so I know it’s not a wordpress code or plugin issue. Would nginx or cache effect this?
Go to wp-config file and find this:
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘PasswordGoesHere’);
Make sure the password matches what you use to log in to your database.
Kyle Coombs
So, I have always accessed WordPress via the internet and never downloaded the client onto my computer. I’ve always wondered why someone would want to do that and now I think I understand why after receiving this same error message.
I’m curious, can I do any if I cannot access my WordPress account to make these changes listed? Or do I need to contact my host or hope that problem resolves itself?
Just checking if there’s anything I can do on the front end.
I had this error yesterday, and to make a long story short, the solution was as simple as restarting MySQL, i.e. issuing the following commands from the command line:
sudo mysql stop
sudo mysql start
Thanks this one helped me
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘’);
Hi, I have been reading this message over and over when I log in to another domain for my WordPress. Please help
Error: Unable to find the specified administrator account in WordPress. Specify the username of your administrator’s account in WordPress. This account will be associated with Plesk.
I was trying to load my website (from backups) to a new hosting company today. It was tricky figuring out how to make it work. Ended up installing and uninstalling a bunch of times due to some mistakes. I first tried loading my wordpress files via FTP and creating a new Mysql database manually in my hosting control panel, but I could not get the two to see eachother and could not import my backed up SQL file to the new database, finally figured out (after some trial and error), i needed to install a fresh wordpress from my hosting control panel which installs wordpress for me and creates a database. Once there is a linked database you can drop all the tables, and import the backed up database. I would then upload my wordpress backup via FTP on top of the fresh install and choose ‘Overwrite’. When it finished, I had the front page of my website showing up like it was working, but all the pages were “object not found, no database, or page outdated, please notify the author, etc.”…. I tried repairing/optimizing the database, which did not help…. I updated my wp-config file with the right database info, which did not fix it….So I uninstalled everything and started over many times (uninstalling reinstalling with the same results — FINALLY WHAT WORKED. fresh wordpress install via my control panel, I used the same username password for the admin that I previously had used on my old site (this helped my new wordpress “see the mysql backup” better once I imported it), then FTP the wordpress backup files on top of the fresh install with overwrite option. change the wp-config code to the new database info (mine was a new database name/pw everytime i reinstalled wordpress). After I did all of this I was getting the front page but still getting “object not found” pages for everything else. BUT now I could login to my admin…. once I was at this point, I realized that wordpress or the server wass checking itself (updating itself) after all of the major changes I had made via FTP and MySQL…. basically just wait, I think I waited a half hour to an hour and I started seeing my other pages (without graphics), took a nap, and then all the pages were there. I only had a few pages and posts but after such major changes, the server had to catch up and verify itself, I think…
Just wanted to share my experience – I received this error when I created my account in cPanel with a user name that was more than 8 characters long. Apparently it confused the WordPress installer, and it couldn’t create the database.
So I just deleted the entire Cpanel account and started over with a cPanel user name of 8 characters – worked like a charm!
Sarah Baker
I tried just about all these things and nothing worked – just about but not all. I’m not an expert but not a beginner. Finally, I decided to delete the account from the server (new site with no data yet), start over, and install WordPress manually. I use Rochen which uses cPanel and Fantastico and it’s only been recently that I’ve been having this problem.
Installing manually worked fine and I had no problems. Will be submitting a support ticket to Rochen for sure.
I built my site on an Amazon ec2 instance and frequently get the Error establishing database connection on both the frontend and backend. what I do that always solves the problem is telnet into the server and restart mysqld. But I was wondering what the underlying issue was that is always causing this error to recur. any ideas??
You’re running out of RAM and memory management is killing your mysqld process. You will need to upgrade to an instance that has at least 2GB RAM. I’m tipping you’re on free tier and you have 1GB of RAM.
For me what worked was changing localhost entry in wpconfig.php to; they may work with out doing all of the above so its a quick. I must say all this data above was a good start for me to understand the problem and root cause.
Christina Torres
Totally random, and maybe this is dumb, but I realized my problem on Mac was that it kept changing a regular ‘ into a stylized one in text edit every time I added in my username, password, database name, etc, even as a text file. weird. anyway, thanks for the help!
Colin Murphy
Just incase other people have had the same issue you get this error also on a multisite installation if the URL’s in the wp_blogs are not set correctly . I had this issue this morning when moving the site from my dev version to staging.
Jack Bobeck
I just experienced it on our site, first time. So I did as you recommended, called Bluehost, our host provider to find out WTH? They said that our database is limited to 15 connections at once, and that because of activity, when you hit that ceiling, you get that error. So they suggested we run a test on all of our plugins and see if there are some that are hogging connections, then run a program that converts our pages to HTML pages as a backup, in case people want to access the site as a backup and do so in a quicker manner. I hope this makes sense, not an expert web guy, but just repeating best I can. But best thing to do first is contact your host provider for answers.
Ryan Turner
I just had the same problem for my site. Went through the article and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. messing around in wordpress I reset my ‘WP Super Cache’ plugin to the defaults and cleared it out and my site started working again.
WPBeginner Staff
Please contact your web host.
Ali Khan
Doesn’t let me sign into phpmyadmin from my cPanel, saying account is not verified.
Daniel DeNewasha
Intermittently I get the following error visiting the site. There’s absolutely nothing on major search engines with this error number alone. I can get to wp-admin, which is the sites login page with theme loaded, etc. and login. In Admin, I can do anything with no issues. Sometimes I can visit the site, other times not, even in different browsers, e.g., on refresh may or may not appear. Have done the repair and settings show no errors. I am on Godaddy shared hosting. Just finished building site so very little content, DB incredibly small 2mb on export.
“ERROR 677-402iqz. We’re sorry, error reading database, missing or
corrupt. This website is no longer unavailable.”
Any ideas anyone?
WPBeginner Staff
WordPress stores all your site’s information in a database, which is managed by a database server. If for some reason WordPress is unable to connect to the database server then you will get this error. Please contact your web hosting provider for support.
I was trying to fix non appearance of widgets on my site when I got
“Could not connect to the DB Server!”
. Even when I just enter the site in the address box or include wp-admin.
I have no idea now. Just assume I am a 5 year old idiot if you reply.
Syed Balkhi
If you’re getting on a welcome screen, then it means that you replaced your database credentials.
Hi my site has been off since this morning telling me Error establishing a database connection in french since it is a french website http://c2cteaching.com
I called my host who told me to modify my wp-config.php, and since we did I land on a welcome setting page of wordpress ! I’m getting crazy, what can i do ? help me please !
Hi, I had this error show up on our primary domain, add-on domains and a sub-domain.
I use GoDaddy for hosting.
Long story short: We found that because for some reason the MySQL databases table inside hosting > databases didn’t have any users attached to the databases that the sites were showing this particular error.
Just below that table on the right hand side, there is a ‘Add User to Database’ section. I assigned each user to a database. So, i388299_wp1 was selected as user and i388299_wp1 was selected as the database and all the sites started working fine again.
So, there is a bug in GoDaddy that causes users to be deleted from that list for some strange reason.
I was trying to clean up and tossed some mysql servers (they’re all one anyway) that I thought I wasn’t using and one of my site alarms went off. Sure enough that site was using the server that I tossed. Changed to a different server (as I said they’re all one) in the wp-config file and all was again well. Thanks!!!
Vonnie Hudson
I had this problem today on my VPS. Error establishing connection to Database. Checked disk space and confirmed it was fine but memory usage was almost depleted. I ran sudo free -m and top to find the biggest offenders but couldn’t really figure it out. I had something like 5MB of RAM left. I even rebooted the server but that didn’t fix it. So I just waited and eventually it came back – my only guess at this point is that my server was inundated with too much traffic. But it’s a VPS so I don’t know what’s going on. I hope this doesn’t happen again tomorrow –
random guy
You need to get a fully managed cpanel VPS so that someone that knows what they are doing can assist you.
When you have 5mb of ram left, you are stuffed. The server would be slowing down immensely. From here, upgrading the ram, or installing cpnigix, or having someone fine tune the VPS, can all reduce your ram usage and improve performance.
Thank you so much for your help.
I am just a rookie that had to do this job.
This helped me:
1define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database-name’);
2define(‘DB_USER’, ‘database-username’);
3define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘database-password’);
4define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);
I justed wanted to thank you very much.
You saved my day.
I rebooted my server. Problem solved. You might want to mention that first in the article. Saves time, lol.
Log into ubuntu 12.04 -> Reboot
I had this same issue. I rebooted the server, problem resolved but wp-admin panel is running too much slow since i rebooted the server. Any idea?
I met a problem , I can’t go to front end it show the message that
“Error establishing a database connection” of my page I did it on localhost, what can I do?
WPBeginner Staff
Jacob, it seems like your database server is frequently down. Contact your web host or switch to a better WordPress Hosting provider.
As for the facebook issue we will recommend you to use WordPress SEO by Yoast. Once it is activated go to SEO -> Social and check the box next to Add Open Graph meta data.
Aaron Winters
I’m having same issue as Jacob had, but on my local install. In the time it takes to make an edit of any sort, I sporadically get sent to the “Error establishing a database connection” page. (Only on Admin side) 1 in 5 times it actually forwards past it on its own and completes the update, otherwise I have to copy the entire post, paste over the old, submit over and over until it finally accepts. Also happens on image uploads. No problem on the remote host that I know of.
Jacob Wall
I get the error sporadically – only when I’m signed into my admin account. Although one blog reader did inform me that once it took her 4 attempts to load the main page. It never lasts long, but happens often (4 or 5 times a day?).
Also, while I am writing blogs, I will often get a “Connection to server lost” error, and then I have to wait for it to reconnect before I can save. As I said, it never lasts more than about 15 minutes, but often enough so it makes writing blog posts a very time consuming process.
Finally, when I try to share on FB, the preview doesn’t show up – only a link. I have know idea if these three errors are related, but they seem to show up around the same time, and all three are too frequent.
Deepika Arodhiya
I have change my hosting. How to proceed? Getting error:
Error establishing a database connection
I have anothere issue here.. the posts are working fine. but in the main url, the error “error establishing database connection” is appearing? Is there something with my theme? I am not able to figure it out…..
Thank you! Appreciate the post. Worked for me, although had to do a combination of the methods stated!
all my wp on my host error
should i check one by one 