El aviso ‘Error al establecer una conexión con la base de datos’ en WordPress es un error fatal que hace que su sitio sea inaccesible para los usuarios. Ocurre cuando WordPress no se ha podido conectar a la base de datos.
Dado que hay múltiples factores que pueden afectar a esta conexión, el error puede ser un poco difícil de diagnosticar para los principiantes.
Llevamos 16 años publicando nuestro blog en WordPress y nos hemos encontrado con una gran variedad de errores y advertencias, como el “Error al establecer una conexión con la base de datos”. Gracias a nuestra experiencia y a muchos periodos de prueba y error, hemos aprendido a diagnosticar estos problemas sin interrumpir nuestro sitio.
En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo corregir fácilmente el “Error al establecer una conexión a una base de datos” en su sitio de WordPress, paso a paso.
¿Cuál es la causa del error al establecer una conexión de base de datos en WordPress?
Una base de datos es un programa informático que facilita el almacenamiento, la organización y la recuperación de datos de otros programas.
Como sistema de gestión de contenidos, WordPress utiliza una base de datos para almacenar todo el contenido y otros datos del sitio web. Se conecta a la base de datos cada vez que alguien visita su sitio web.
WordPress necesita la siguiente información para conectarse a la base de datos:
- Nombre de la base de datos
- Nombre de usuario y contraseña de la base de datos
- Servidor de base de datos
Esta información se almacena en su archivo de configuración de WordPress, que se llama wp-config.php.
Si alguno de estos datos es incorrecto, WordPress no podrá conectarse a su servidor de base de datos y aparecerá el error “Error al establecer una conexión con la base de datos”.
Es uno de los errores más comunes de WordPress. Aparte de unas credenciales incorrectas, este error también puede aparecer si el servidor de la base de datos no funciona o si los archivos de la base de datos están dañados.
Dicho esto, veamos cómo corregir el problema “Error al establecer la conexión con la base de datos” en WordPress diagnosticando paso a paso la incidencia.
1. Marcar / comprobar las credenciales de la base de datos de WordPress
Lascredenciales incorrectas son la causa más común del error de conexión a la base de datos. Si ha trasladado recientemente su sitio de WordPress a un nuevo alojamiento, es probable que este sea el problema.
Las credenciales de la base de datos de WordPress se almacenan en el archivo wp-config.php. Es el archivo de configuración de WordPress que contiene ajustes importantes, incluida la información de la base de datos.
Si no ha editado antes un archivo wp-config.php, consulte nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo editar el archivo wp-config.php para obtener más instrucciones.
Busque las siguientes líneas en el archivo wp-config.php:
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );
/** MySQL database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );
/** MySQL database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );
/** MySQL hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );
Aquí debe asegurarse de que la información del nombre de la base de datos, el nombre de usuario, la contraseña y el alojamiento de la base de datos es correcta.
Puede confirmar esta información desde el escritorio de su cuenta de alojamiento de WordPress. Para este tutorial, vamos a utilizar Bluehost, pero el proceso será similar para otros paneles de alojamiento también.
Al acceder, haga clic en la pestaña “Sitio web” de la columna de la izquierda y, a continuación, cambie a la pestaña “Avanzado”. A continuación, desplácese hasta la sección “Base de datos” y haga clic en el botón “Gestionar” situado a su lado.
Esto abrirá la página de Bases de Datos MySQL en cPanel en una nueva ventana.
Aquí, puedes encontrar tu nombre de base de datos y nombre de usuario en la sección ‘Base de datos actual’. No olvide copiar y pegar estos datos en un bloc de notas para poder añadirlos al archivo wp-config.
A continuación, desplácese hasta la sección “Usuarios actuales”, donde podrá enlazar el enlace “Cambiar contraseña” situado junto al nombre de su base de datos.
Esto le llevará a una nueva pantalla, donde podrá cambiar la contraseña de la base de datos a su gusto.
Una vez que haya confirmado todos los detalles de su base de datos, puede cambiar esa información en su archivo wp-config.php si es necesario.
Después de eso, intente visitar su sitio web de nuevo para ver si el error de conexión a la base de datos ha desaparecido.
Si sigue apareciendo el error, significa que algo va mal.
2. Marcar / comprobar la información del alojamiento de su base de datos
Si está seguro de que el nombre de la base de datos, el nombre de usuario y la contraseña son correctos, asegúrese de que la información del alojamiento de la base de datos es correcta.
La mayoría de las empresas de alojamiento de WordPress utilizan localhost como host de su base de datos. Sin embargo, algunas empresas de alojamiento gestionado de WordPress utilizan servidores independientes para alojar las bases de datos. En ese caso, la información del alojamiento de la base de datos no será localhost.
Esto significa que deberá ponerse en contacto con su empresa de alojamiento de WordPress para confirmar estos datos.
3. Reparación de la base de datos de WordPress
Ahora, puede estar recibiendo un error diferente en el panel de wp-admin, como ‘Una o más tablas de la base de datos no están disponibles’ o ‘La base de datos puede necesitar ser reparada’. En ese caso, necesita reparar su base de datos.
Puede hacerlo añadiendo la siguiente línea en su archivo wp-config.php. Asegúrate de añadirla justo antes de la línea ‘¡Eso es todo, deja de editar! Feliz blog”:
define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);
Una vez hecho esto, puedes ver los ajustes visitando esta página: http://www.yoursite.com/wp-admin/maint/repair.php. Sólo asegúrate de sustituir yoursite.com por tu propio nombre de dominio.
Aquí, debe hacer clic en el botón “Reparar base de datos” para iniciar el proceso.
Nota: El usuario no necesita estar conectado para acceder a la página de reparación de la base de datos. Una vez que haya terminado de reparar y optimizar su base de datos, asegúrese de quitar esta línea de código de su wp-config.php.
Sin embargo, si no desea añadir ningún código a su sitio, también puede reparar su base de datos utilizando el cPanel de su cuenta de alojamiento.
Vaya a su cuenta de alojamiento y abra la página “Sitios web” en la columna de la izquierda. A continuación, vaya a la pestaña “Avanzado” y haga clic en el botón “Gestionar” en la sección Base de datos.
Esto abrirá cPanel en una nueva pestaña. Aquí, desplácese hasta la sección “Modificar bases de datos” y elija el nombre de su base de datos en el menú desplegable “Reparar base de datos”.
Una vez hecho esto, basta con hacer clic en el botón “Reparar base de datos” para iniciar el proceso.
El panel de alojamiento reparará automáticamente su base de datos.
Una vez finalizado el proceso, también verá un mensaje de correcto.
Ahora puede visitar su sitio de WordPress para ver si el error se ha resuelto o no.
4. Marcar / comprobar si el servidor de base de datos está inactivo
Si todo parece correcto y WordPress sigue sin poder conectarse a la base de datos, es posible que su servidor de base de datos(servidor MySQL) no funcione.
Esto puede ocurrir debido a un gran tráfico en el servidor. Su servidor de alojamiento simplemente no puede manejar la carga (especialmente cuando usted está en alojamiento compartido).
Debido a esto, su sitio será lento e incluso puede dar error a algunos usuarios. En este caso, usted debe conseguir en la llamada telefónica o chat en vivo con su proveedor de alojamiento y preguntarles si su servidor MySQL es adaptable.
Además, si usted tiene otros sitios web que se ejecutan en el mismo servidor, entonces usted puede marcar / comprobar esos sitios para confirmar que su servidor SQL está abajo.
Si no tiene ningún otro sitio en la misma cuenta de alojamiento, simplemente vaya a su Escritorio de alojamiento y cambie a la pestaña “Avanzado”.
A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Gestionar” situado junto a la sección phpMyAdmin.
Esto abrirá phpMyAdmin en una nueva ventana, donde debe hacer clic en la opción ‘Base de datos’ en la parte superior.
A continuación, haga clic en el nombre de su base de datos para acceder a sus ajustes. Si puede hacerlo, entonces es el momento de comprobar si el usuario de la base de datos tiene permisos suficientes.
Para ello, debe crear un nuevo archivo llamado testconnection.php y pegar el siguiente código en él:
$link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password');
if (!$link) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysqli_error());
echo 'Connected successfully';
Al pegar el código, asegúrese de sustituir el nombre de usuario y la contraseña por los suyos. Ahora puede subir este archivo a su sitio web y acceder a él a través de un navegador / explorador.
Si el script se conectó correctamente, entonces significa que su usuario tiene permisos suficientes, y algo más está causando el error.
Ahora, debe volver a su archivo wp-config y explorarlo para asegurarse de que todos los detalles son precisos y sin errores tipográficos.
Soluciones adicionales que han funcionado para los usuarios
Si los consejos para diagnosticar problemas mencionados no consiguen corregir el error de conexión a la base de datos en su sitio web, puede probar estos pasos adicionales.
Según informan nuestros usuarios, estos pasos han ayudado a algunos de ellos a resolver el error de conexión a la base de datos en sus sitios web.
1. Actualice la URL del sitio de WordPress
Puede intentar actualizar la URL del sitio de WordPress utilizando phpMyAdmin en cPanel.
Simplemente acceda a phpMyAdmin desde el Escritorio de su cuenta de alojamiento y seleccione su base de datos WordPress de la lista.
A continuación, cambie al menú SQL de la parte superior e introduzca la siguiente consulta MySQL:
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value='YOUR_SITE_URL' WHERE option_name='siteurl'
Debería verse así:
No olvide proporcionar la URL de su propio sitio y cambiar wp_options
por el nombre de su propia tabla, ya que es posible que haya cambiado el prefijo de la tabla de WordPress.
2. Reinicio del servidor web
Los usuarios de servidores dedicados, servidores locales y servidores privados virtuales (VPS) pueden intentar reiniciar sus servidores.
Esto reiniciará su servidor web y de base de datos, lo que puede corregir algunos fallos temporales que causan el error.
3. Pedir ayuda
Si todo lo demás falla, es posible que tenga que ponerse en contacto con su empresa de alojamiento web. Todas las buenas empresas de alojamiento de WordPress le ayudarán a diagnosticar el problema, le indicarán la dirección correcta o incluso se lo corregirán.
También puede contratar desarrolladores de WordPress utilizando una plataforma como WPBeginner Pro Services para ayudarle a corregir este problema por tarifas razonables. Tenemos un equipo dedicado de desarrolladores expertos en los que puedes confiar para resolver cualquiera de tus problemas / conflictos / incidencias en WordPress.
También puede utilizar el servicio para el mantenimiento de sitios, la reparación de sitios pirateados, la optimización de la velocidad, la reconstrucción de sitios web y la optimización SEO.
Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a corregir el problema “Error al establecer una conexión a la base de datos” en WordPress. También puedes consultar nuestra guía práctica para diagnosticar problemas en WordPress o nuestro tutorial sobre cómo añadir una página de error de base de datos personalizada en WordPress.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
had this happen to me when trying to install word press, didnt realise i hadn’t actually enabled user privileges! thanks for this helpful article
Just had this happen after I backed up my files and had set up a password to access and backup my database before I upgraded.
Thanks for your site realised that I had accidentally replaced the autogenerated password (as I didn’t know it existed) . So I found it in the config.php file in my backup set and reset it in the admin panel on my host’s site. All now OK.
Can’t thank you enough for a brilliant article.
I’ve tried them all! Eventually I solved by creating a
different DB Username in my host cpanel (giving it all the privileges of
course) and also changing the DB Host to my server IP in the wp-config.php file.
I’ve got no clue why that would solve the issue but perhaps
it could be that the DB Name and DB Username cannot have the same name. (You may think: “duh! Of course not!!!”, well, my host’s “DB Creation Wizard” had auto generated the two fields and, believe it or not, it wouldn’t let me change it at the beginning). I had to create a new user
separately later on to solve the issue.
Thanks for this great post. x
You’re the best ….
I didnt know that changing the db password would drop the database connection to wordpress ….
Solution 2 was brilliant ……. 2 min max.
Thanks alot!!!
hello…i am getting this error. it just happened out of the blue today! nothing was changed other than some text on a page. i logged out. now i got the error.
in one of the paragraphs you state: “First thing you should do is to make sure that you are getting the same
error on both the front-end of the site, and the back-end of the site
(wp-admin). If the error message is the same on both pages “Error
establishing a database connection”, then proceed onto the next step.” what is the next step? i get the error on both sides.
this was confusing to me. sorry. so what is the next step so i can try to figure out how to fix this!
thanks for your help!
This error happened to one of my membership sites, except when you logged in, the site looked and acted normally.
After following the usual routes, including changing the database user and accusing the theme of being the culprit, I discovered an extra “?>” at the end of the wp-config.php file. Once I deleted that everything worked.
I have no idea how that ended up there. Hours of frustration sorted by deleting two characters!!
Jayden Lawson
Thanks guys! One of my tables failed to repair, so I followed this advice to repair that table in phpMyAdmin http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp_options-table-is-marked-as-crashed-10?replies=6
Ed Luvables
This worked perfectly, I forgot to change my password in the config file. Thanks!
George Stroud
With this problem I found that it was a database corruption but that it resulted in my not being able to access the Wordpress repair tool – however, I could effect a repair by using the mySQL section in my hosts control panel (cPanel) and then the site came straight back up.
just encountered this type of error..and i be able to fixed this through database optimize and repair..i like this post..thumbs up..
Carrie Case
I had the Permalinks set to Post Name. I switched it back to Default and the error went away and my pages re-appeared. I then switched back to Post Name because I prefer this setting, and it still worked. Good to go. Only took several hours to figure that crap out. Lol.
Saved my life – changed the database password within the hosting control panel, had no idea I had to update it in wp-config. Hours of stress avoided – thanks!
K.C. Bateman
thank you
This was very helpful!
Ayo Akinbode
It worked! tnx so much
I had this issue today.
Server had crashed last night and was attended to fairly quickly when the issue was known.
All worked for a while but today WordPress couldn’t make a connection to the database.
The Simple Machines Forum database was working ok and the forum would load.
What I did was:
1. Create a new database user
2. Assigned that user to the WP database with full privileges.
3. Updated WP_config to use that user
After that all was good.
Seems that after a server issue the WordPress user privileges can become corrupt or changed even though the user is shown with full privileges.
Thanks for this post. It pointed me in the right direction.
Thank you very much!… hours and hours seeking the answer and your’s worked just fine!…
This worked for me as well. Very strange.
Hi! I having constantly this issue, I go to the webpage and it shows this error, but then I refresh some minutes later and the error it’s gone. It stopped happening so I even forgot about it. But today I asked my work partners (4 people) to enter the site at practically the same time to see the new mobile appearance and some got the error and others didn’t (it wasn’t exactly at the same time since I asked to do it in their phones and everyone had different speed) this concerns me a lot. I read you told someone else who also had this issue but it fixed by itself that it was because of his server. Should I call my server and ask what’s going on? Or is there a chance I did something wrong? Almost everyday it’s weird and it just go away. Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
It seems like your database server is not working properly. Please contact your web host.
Thank you! Edited the .php file and fixed my problem. Awesome.
Sorry guys,but for a real beginner your information appears to assume a greater knowledge on how to do stuff than perhaps some of us have.It’s ok to say,check this or that, but when we have no idea how to get there, it is not much help.I know you are saying that we should not be here if the tech. level is not there, but that does not help.One can follow a more step by step procedure but perhaps that is asking too much.Thanks.
WPBeginner Support
We understand, and we are sorry that you didn’t find this information easy. Please let us know which part you are having trouble with and we will try to explain it more.
Thanks – Your article helped me to fix the problem in minutes!
Last night my Centos server crashed and when it came back up I had the error.
What worked for me was to rename the file /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock, start the mysql service with service mysqld start, shutdown the server with shutdown -h now, then bring the server back up.
Basically, the crash had locked up MySql so it thought it was running when it really wasn’t.
Thank you very much!
In my case I fixed it by
1) deleting the current user that was connected to my database
2) creating a NEW user with all privileges
3) adding this user to the database
4) refreshing my details in config.php (user and password)
5) refresh my site (F5)
Furthermore, although I hadn’t changed anything about this, when I reloaded my WP admin page, a Fatal error occured which told me that the Facebook plugin was creating some sort of memory exhaustion. I disabled the plugin by renaming it in wp-content/plugins and got rid of my problem.
This, by the way, also solved some display issues on my homepage.
Hope this feedback helps and again, thank you very much for sharing this article!
I cant log i to my wp after successful installation of db
When I went to login to my company’s dev site this morning, I got this message (on the back end and on the front end), but 10 minutes later I refreshed the page and it wasn’t a problem anymore. On the one hand, I’m glad it resolved itself, but on the other hand, I’d really like to know why it happened and how it got fixed so it doesn’t happen again. Any ideas?
WPBeginner Support
It is possible that the database server was down at the time you got this error. The issue resolved when the database server came back online again.
Derek Smith
I am having a database error that I need help with. I bought 40 WP sites and transferred them from one host to another (GoDaddy). I made the mistake of switching some content on the sites before switching the DNS. I switched all of the domains last night to match the DNS of Godaddy, not I am getting database error problems with all of the sites that I worked on.
I’m kind of a newbie on the backend side, but I’m thinking that changing the files and then pointing the DNS after this somehow messed everything up, this is the only thing that I could come up with since the sites I didn’t touch still work. Thanks
WPBeginner Support
First you should have backedup your old databases using phpMyAdmin and then import them to your new webhost’s database server using phpMyAdmin. You should then change your DNS settings to point to your new web host. After that you need to edit wp-config file on all your sites, change the database name, password, host, settings to match your new databases.
Derek Smith
What do I do to fix it now that it is at this point? All the DNS settings are changed and I keep getting the error messages. Is there a way to go back and install the original files ?
Hi there…
I’ve been working with a local install for a while now and wanted to change the url of my local install to something else, so I went ahead and changed quite a few times my wp-config database name, my mamp settings of the database in “wp-options”..plus some others I don’t know remember. This resulted in “error establishing database connection”. I troubleshooted for a whole day, (returning back to the same nightmare I got when I first installed mamp and wordpress locally). I changed everything back the way it was to no avail, making me feel soooo frustrated and stupid again…! So, I read this article to the end and where it says “siteurl” solution in the “Solutions that worked for others” section and went back in phpmyadmin to check this…surely enough…in the “wp-options” of the particular database, in the “site url” field, it had the name of my database, (which I had stupidly changed previously without realising its impact), I also checked it against other databases I could access with no problems and the field indeed said, “siteurl” instead of the actual db name!
I changed it immediately and phewww….got my database back and working and logging in with no problems..!!
People, if you did something similar, check this first…it surely made me feel stupid…at least I have another troubleshooting trick up my sleeve now…thank you for your input..!
WPBeginner Support
Glad that you found the solution. Thanks for sharing it with other users.
Thouhedul Islam
Well, thanks for details. But I think, it is very simple. Don’t take it complicated like you. Just open wp-config.php and change the database username and password. Hope it will be fix.
Bamanya Brian
Thanks man..i followed all thru and now my site is up..Godbless
Thanks for this description.
I just moved my site from BlueHost to DreamHost.
When going to my site I get an EMPTY (really empty, white) page. Nothing else.
However, when I go to wp-admin… “Error establishing a database connection” is displayed.
I can log in into the MySQL (going to msql.remete.org) and it works.
All four parameters in wp-config seem to be oké, as well:
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ”);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ”);
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”);
/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ”);
Here I had replaced the “localhost” by the “msql.remete.org”, as it should be with DreamHost.
My site is remete.org.
I moved already several WP sites … and some worked well, some had the white page at the root, however, this is the first and only one with “Error establishing a database connection” error.
How may I make the DB connection work?
How can the root made work, as well (instead of the white page)?
I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks a lot,
Tamas from Budapest
Ace post, worked a treat
for a multisite deployment, you also need to check the table wp_blogs and make sure the correct URL appears there, otherwise wordpress will say “error-establishing-a-database-connection”
DING DING! I had pulled down a copy of production data and was suddenly getting this error with a multisite instance. Updated the “domain” column in wp_blogs and it works again. Thanks for pointing it out!
Thank you for producing this quality post. Your instruction worked perfectly! and saved me lots of hassle
Thanks! it solved my problem in few minutes..
Hey man. I just wanted to thank you for this GOOD post. It didn’t work and I didn’t know why.
I read your blog and followed everything and now it works again.. after 11 HOURS of work.
This is a sign of appreciation.. If you were here I’d get you a huge beer. Thanks so much for your clear help!
Oh my goodness. Typically posts like these usually don’t pan out for me after following directions… but you sir have saved the day here. Thank you!
Thanks so much. It worked.
Thank you so much for this! I definitely thought I had lost my site completely until I followed this. My only hangup was that I had no idea where to find the wp-config.php file without being able to get into wordpress. I eventually found my file manager through my hosting, but it took me a while to figure that part out. Keep the great info coming!
Why do I get this message and how can I fix it
Downloading update from http://wordpress.org/wordpress-3.8-new-bundled.zip…
Unpacking the update…
Could not create directory.: /home/mrc-et.com/www/wp-content/upgrade/wordpress-3.tmp
Installation Failed
WPBeginner Support
Zewdu this could happen when your file permissions are not properly set, or some configuration issue on your hosts end. Please contact your web host.
*IF* you were messing around in the editor with any of your .php pages/code in the editor and your copy/paste back to the original did not work on this database connection error… the work-around is to then copy/paste back via FTP to the exact folder of the .php file rewriting over the edited one and this will for sure work to get your site to show back up online again.
Hi! Im facing the same problem with the wordpress. I did copy and paste the testconnection.php and it showed “Access Denied”. But when I edited the line – “mysql_connect” to “mysqli_connect” database was connected successfully. How do I implement “mysqli_connect” in the wordpress config file?
WPBeginner Support
Superfunkie please check your php version if it is PHP 5.5 then contact your webhost and let them know about this error.
Aaqil Mahmood
I am seeing “a secure data connection could not be established” on android browsers for my site
, only when reading posts not on homepage.
Hi there,
I am desperately trying to launch a new install of Wordpress with MAMP, both Apache en MySQL give green lights, but when starting up in the browser I get the “Error establishing a database connection” message.
I am relatively new and most of the options above seem rather advanced, and for websites that have already been working, is there a simple way to tackle this for new installations of Wordpress?
Wordpress was supposed to be not too difficult to install….
Thanks in advance!
WPBeginner Support
marcel open the wp-config.php file in your WordPress install folder. And check your database username and password. Usually on fresh install of MAMP database username should be root and password should be left blank.
patel sumit
very help full thanks
Gautam Sharma
i am a newbie & my site data access via filezilla, Please tell how to test connection as i have not seen any phpmy admin in hosting control panel.
WPBeginner Support
If your web host is using cPanel you will see phpMyAdmin under database section. For other hosting control panels, you can ask your web host about it.
Thanks, worked!
Jen Barnes
Pardon my seemingly dumb question, but what do I put in for “root” in the MySql test?
$link = mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘root’, ‘Q3dDZE3PiUpQ’);
WPBeginner Support
replace root with your MySQL username (unless your MySQL username is already root then don’t change it) and then your password. Let’s assume your mysql host is localhost, username is jenbarnes and password is Q3dDZE3PiUpQ then you would use it like this
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'jenbarnes', 'Q3dDZE3PiUpQ' );
lee getty
Thanks dude you saved my website
Hey, I can’t launch my site as wp-admin or just visit the site?
what to do? It’s all my 4 domains there’s been down by this error (below)
“Error establishing a database connection”
Please help me!
– Kasper
WPBeginner Support
Please try the steps mentioned in the article above.
Faysal Shahi
Bro, add Google translator in this blog. I need this post in Bengali.
Thanks mate !
Helped a lot, keep up the good work
Oh! thank you guys! I almost had a heart attack.
This was the first time I was backing up my data (so that my website doesnt crash or even if it did I could recover it) logged in to PHPadmin panel changed the password caz the original one was auto generated. logged in and backed up. relieved I went back to my website and boom! these big letters: Error Establishing a Database Connection
man, you can understand I flatlined for a few seconds..
Anyway thanks alot!!
Thank you so much!!! It works!!!