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Cómo mostrar una lista de las últimas entradas actualizadas en WordPress

En WPBeginner, mostramos la fecha de última modificación en lugar de la fecha de publicación original para todos nuestros artículos. Creemos que es una mala idea quitar / eliminar las fechas de las entradas de su blog de WordPress. Si usted está utilizando la fecha de última modificación, entonces es posible que desee mostrar una lista de sus entradas actualizadas recientemente en su sitio. En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo mostrar una lista de las últimas entradas actualizadas en WordPress.

Cada vez que actualiza una entrada, WordPress almacena la fecha y hora de esa actualización en la tabla de entradas como fecha de última actualización. Le mostraremos cómo crear una consulta personalizada de WordPress para listar sus artículos más recientemente actualizados.

Copie y pegue este código en un plugin específico del sitio o en el archivo functions. php de su tema.

function wpb_lastupdated_posts() { 

// Query Arguments
$lastupdated_args = array(
'orderby' => 'modified',
'ignore_sticky_posts' => '1'

//Loop to display 5 recently updated posts
$lastupdated_loop = new WP_Query( $lastupdated_args );
$counter = 1;
$string .= '<ul>';
while( $lastupdated_loop->have_posts() && $counter < 5 ) : $lastupdated_loop->the_post();
$string .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink( $lastupdated_loop->post->ID ) . '"> ' .get_the_title( $lastupdated_loop->post->ID ) . '</a> ( '. get_the_modified_date() .') </li>';
$string .= '</ul>';
return $string;

//add a shortcode
add_shortcode('lastupdated-posts', 'wpb_lastupdated_posts');

Eso es todo. Ahora si quieres mostrar las últimas entradas actualizadas en los archivos de plantilla de tu tema, entonces puedes usarlo así:

if (function_exists(wpb_lastupdated_posts)) : 

Para mostrar las últimas entradas actualizadas en WordPress entradas, páginas y widgets, entonces usted puede utilizar el shortcode [lastupdated-posts].

Hay muchas maneras diferentes de ordenar tus artículos en WordPress. Minientrada en orden ascendente, descendente y aleatorio, también puedes mostrar entradas por fecha de caducidad. Con este artículo, ahora puedes mostrar entradas por la última hora de modificación.

¿Cómo utilizarías esto en tu sitio? ¿Muestras la fecha de publicación original o la fecha de última modificación? Háznoslo saber dejando un comentario a continuación.

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Reader Interactions

37 comentariosDeja una respuesta

  1. Thomas Mirke

    i modified the code from “modified” to “date”. Then i noticed, that $lastupdated_loop->have_posts() is limited to the number of last posts which is presented on the main page. What is to do to get an (independent) number of f.e. 50 last posts? Instead of 6 as stored in the wp settings?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should be able to change from line 12 of the code the section ‘&& $counter < 5' and change the 5 to the number of posts you want to show.


      • Thomas Mirke

        Thank you, you can be sure, that this was the first thing i did. But notice that when you change the number in your code it is without result. Write f.e. ‘&& $counter <20' – this does not work as there is f.e. 6 in the wordpress settings. So the question is how to overwrite those settings temporarily or to find any other solution that works without corresponding to the max-posts-per-page settings in wordpress.

        • WPBeginner Support

          With your theme overriding the query that way, you could try adding a comma to the end of line 6 and on the next line add ‘posts_per_page’ => 20 to work on overriding your theme’s posts per page.

  2. Mewaram jat

    I want to show the list of the Latest updated Products, instead of Posts. is it possible? How?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check with your eCommerce plugin for what options they would recommend as they normally have a widget or similar option.


  3. Aditya

    How can I list more than 5 , say 30 post, recently modified post ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are using the code from this article, you would change the 5 to a 30 for that :)


  4. Sascha

    Thank you for the instructions. That was exactly what I was looking for! Finally I can show the latest updates in my sidebar.

  5. rren

    How do you include only updated posts and exclude pages?

  6. Gwénaël


    It works well, but it does not respect the content permissions of the page. It turns all the content visible to anybody…

  7. Des


    I followed you ‘How to Create a Custom WordPress Widget’, including ‘Creating a Site-Specific WordPress Plugin’ and that works perfectly. Great tutorial as I now have the ‘Hello world’ text displaying as a sidebar.

    But this one has me completely stumped. I followed the tutorial as best I could but it just displays my ‘Hello world’ text, never any list of updated posts.

    Where in my custom plugin file do I put the function wpb_lastupdated_posts()? Where do I put the ‘add_shortcode’ and where do I put the ‘if (function_exists(wpb_lastupdated_posts)) : ‘ statement?

    Many thanks,

  8. Patrick Fortino

    Code works but displays only 1 post?

  9. Gaurav Singh

    It is not working for genesis framework,

  10. sagun khadka

    How can i keep thumbnail of post when i keep it in widget ?

  11. Aida

    Thanks much, this article saved me. Code is working perfectly….

  12. Tommy

    Installed the code as stated. When using the short code- I add it to the bottom of the post. but when view the code- it puts the information on the top of the post. weird.

    • WPBeginner Support

      @Tommy, thanks for notifying us. We have updated the code. Please use the new code and it will resolve the issue.


    • Marceli

      Same request here. I’m interested in listing recently updated Pages + showing the last_modified date. Ideally with some excerpt or number of characters from page.

  13. jerik

    Great code, but is there anyway to get this exact same function but based on comments made by specific user (admin) and list the most recent comment made as the top of the threads in the list?


  14. Alberto Aguilar

    Hi… great post…. Yet I was wondering if you could give me a hand on something: I need to take the picture and title of the last three published posts and arrange them in some kind of Gallery (Just to show the latest three published articles, Any idea if there’s a plugin for that, I assume I can use the code you just placed above, but Im not quite sure on the DB structure)

    Thanks in advance… =)

  15. Mark Devlin

    Hi, how do I add code to display the category and the user who made the update?

  16. Norberto Vargas


    By the way nice article, so I have a doubt.

    Where to put this code:


    thank you

  17. Pierre Guimond

    I do not know how to change the office location address on my WordPress web site. Try as I may, I cannot reach it to change it. I would appreciate simple and straight answer. I can do most of the upkeep but that address change eludes me and i have not seen the key in the WP information and tutorials. help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      @Pierre your office location is stored inside a widget. Inside your WordPress admin area, go to Appearance » Widgets. On your right hand column you will see a list of widgets currently in use on your site. Look for Footer Widget Area and there you will see Get in Touch widget which you can edit and save your changes.


  18. Steve

    Hi, love this article but I don’t quite get what is meant to be updated when you mention ‘use it like this:

    Which file is this?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Some users might want to display last updated posts into different templates of their WordPress themes. Those users can use this code to add it. Other users can use the shortcode to add it in their posts, pages, and widgets.


  19. erricgunawan

    Instead of using $counter for your loop, why don’t you just use the 'posts_per_page' attribute on the WP_Query args ?

    Mine goes like this:

    $lastupdated_args = array(
    ‘orderby’ => ‘modified’,
    ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ => 1,
    ‘posts_per_page’ => 5

    Also, when I try the above code, it only give me one last modified post (not five as it should be).
    Wonder why …

  20. Mary

    I love your articles but this one is way over my head. Are there any plugins for this? :)

    Sorry but I dont know the “innards” of the website and have broken my site when I tried a few things.

    It is a great idea though.Thanks for all you great work. Mary

    • Rudd

      The code above is actually a ‘plugin’. Simply copy and paste the first code in functionality plugin. Then, there are two ways to display the list of posts, either using template tag or the easiest, using [lastupdated-posts] shortcode.

      • Tommy

        yes. but why does it add the content above the post wen using it as a short code?

        • tommy

          I want the content- then the shortcode info.

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