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Corrección: Error de memoria agotada de WordPress – Aumentar la memoria PHP

¿Ves un mensaje de error de tamaño de memoria permitido agotado en WordPress?

Este es uno de los errores más comunes de WordPress, y puedes corregirlo fácilmente aumentando el límite de memoria PHP en WordPress.

En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo corregir el error de memoria agotada de WordPress aumentando el límite de memoria PHP.

Fix: WordPress Memory Exhausted Error – Increase PHP Memory

¿Qué es el error de memoria agotada de WordPress?

El error de memoria agotada de WordPress es un mensaje que puede aparecer si su sitio web tiene problemas para realizar tareas.

WordPress utiliza PHP, un lenguaje de programación del lado del servidor que necesita memoria para funcionar.

Al igual que cualquier otro ordenador, los servidores web disponen de una cantidad limitada de memoria para ejecutar varias aplicaciones al mismo tiempo. Los proveedores de alojamiento de WordPress asignan tamaños de memoria específicos a diferentes aplicaciones, incluido PHP.

Cuando su código WordPress requiera más memoria que la asignada por defecto, verá este mensaje de error:

Error fatal: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2348617 bytes) in /home4/xxx/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line xxx

Memory exhausted error displayed on a WordPress site

Es posible que su sitio WordPress esté agotando la memoria de su servidor:

  • Muchas imágenes, vídeos y otros tipos de medios
  • Muchos plugins de WordPress sin usar
  • Se le han quedado pequeños los recursos de su plan de alojamiento

Por defecto, WordPress intenta automáticamente aumentar el límite de memoria PHP si es inferior a 64MB. Sin embargo, 64MB no suele ser suficiente.

Dicho esto, veamos cómo aumentar fácilmente el límite de memoria PHP en WordPress para evitar el error de memoria agotada.

Puedes utilizar los enlaces rápidos que aparecen a continuación para navegar por el tutorial:

Nota: Algunos de estos métodos requieren que edite directamente sus archivos de WordPress. Le sugerimos que primero haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para evitar que aparezcan más errores en su sitio web.

Opción 1: Editar el archivo wp-config.php

En primer lugar, debe editar el archivo wp-config.php en su sitio de WordPress. Se trata de uno de los archivos principales de WordPress situado en el directorio raíz, normalmente denominado public_html.

Tendrás que utilizar un cliente FTP como FileZilla o el gestor de archivos de tu panel de control de alojamiento web.

A continuación, tienes que pegar la siguiente línea en el archivo wp-config.php justo antes de la que dice, ¡Eso es todo, deja de editar! Feliz blog.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

Este código le dice a WordPress que aumente el límite de memoria PHP a 256MB.

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo encontrar y editar el archivo wp-config.php.

Una vez que haya terminado, debe guardar los cambios y volver a subir el archivo wp-config.php a su servidor.

Ahora puede visitar su sitio WordPress y el error de memoria agotada debería haber desaparecido.

Opción 2: Editar el archivo .htaccess

El siguiente método consiste en editar el archivo .htaccess. Este archivo también se encuentra en la carpeta raíz del sitio web de WordPress.

Aquí, necesitas pegar el siguiente código antes de la línea que dice #END WORDPRESS.

php_value memory_limit 256M

Similar al código anterior, le dirá a WordPress que aumente el límite de memoria PHP a 256MB.p

Después, simplemente guarde los cambios y vuelva a subir el archivo a su servidor web. Ahora puede abrir su sitio web WordPress de nuevo para ver si el error de límite de memoria ha desaparecido.

Si no encuentra el archivo .htaccess, consulte nuestra guía sobre por qué puede faltar el archivo .htaccess y cómo encontrarlo.

Opción 3: Comprobación del archivo php.ini

Si los métodos anteriores no funcionan, es posible que desee echar un vistazo a su archivo php.ini.

php.ini es un archivo que controla tu configuración PHP, incluyendo la versión PHP y los scripts PHP. No es un archivo del núcleo de WordPress, ya que normalmente lo gestiona tu proveedor de alojamiento.

Puede marcar / comprobar su código para ver su límite de uso de memoria PHP. Para más detalles, puede consultar nuestra guía sobre cómo encontrar y editar el archivo php.ini.

Sin embargo, dado que se trata de un método avanzado, le recomendamos que se ponga en contacto con el equipo de soporte de su proveedor de alojamiento web para ver si pueden aumentar el límite de memoria de WordPress manualmente. De lo contrario, podrían producirse más errores.

Puede leer nuestra guía sobre cómo solicitar correctamente asistencia de WordPress para obtener más información.

Opción 4: Actualizar el alojamiento de WordPress

Si se encuentra constantemente con el error de memoria agotada, podría ser una señal de que su sitio web ha superado su plan de alojamiento actual.

A medida que su sitio web atrae más visitantes y añade más contenido, requiere más recursos para funcionar sin problemas. Actualizar a un plan con una mayor asignación de memoria puede ser una solución permanente.

Considere la posibilidad de actualizar su alojamiento de WordPress si:

  • Has probado las soluciones anteriores y el error persiste.
  • Su sitio web ha crecido significativamente en tráfico o contenido.
  • Tiene previsto añadir características o funcionalidades que requieren más recursos.

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Cómo evitar agotar la memoria de WordPress

Ahora que ha solucionado el error de memoria agotada de WordPress, aquí tiene algunos pasos proactivos para evitar que vuelva a ocurrir:

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a solucionar el error de memoria agotada de WordPress aumentando el límite de memoria PHP. Puede que también quieras ver nuestra guía paso a paso para principiantes sobre cómo solucionar errores de WordPress y nuestras selecciones de expertos sobre los mejores plugins de WordPress para hacer crecer tu sitio.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. rahul

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262198 bytes) in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data01/91/3161991/html/wp-content/object-cache.php on line 574

  3. Bijay Budhathoki

    It Worked for me when i changed the following

    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘264M’);

  4. Gus

    Thanks! Worked like a charm! I tried 64M and did not worked, then I tried 512M and worked. Note: I always makes notes on my files for future reference, so I noticed that for some weird reason, when I wrote a note it did not worked, I removed the note and worked … I know! it is weird, but I am just sharing my weird experience in case this happens to someone else.

  5. Brian

    It really worked like a charm on my site One thing i am beginning to learning about wordpress. Have you FTP app open and ready when handling any upgrades or plugins installs

  6. ussy

    worked for me
    I increased it to 512M

  7. Muhammad Farooq

    Sometimes 64M also doesn’t work try to change it to 128M, then it will work fine.
    Thanks for sharing this awesome info :)

  8. Troy Vayanos

    I’ve been getting this error for a couple of weeks now and my host continually increases the memory but it still occurs when I’m doing updates and going in and out of my WP dashboard.

    Error below:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 805306368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 96 bytes) in /home/vwa9843/public_html/ on line 1833

    I’ve checked the plugins and they are all low of memory they take up.

    Is there any other solution I could try?


  9. Pascal mutulu

    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);
    It worked for me in a second after 1week hustle.

  10. Tuấn

    thank you so much, you are save my life, it’s worked like a charm!!

  11. Avtar Nanrey

    You’re a life saver. Thank You.

  12. Olagoke Tobi

    Thanks guys, worked like a charm!!!!!

  13. RetroMike

    Nice one! Instafix :)

    (well… after opening loads of other tabs and not doing it for 10 minutes…)

  14. Shubham Singh

    I’m getting this problem..please help me wp beginner..

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 786432 bytes) in /home/mom14isgod/public_html/wp-includes/SimplePie/Item.php on line 2736

  15. JK


    Where exactly should I place this in the wp-config.php file? Under what? Before what?

    Please help – I think this issue has made me a bit more insane!


    • WPBeginner Support

      You should paste this code just before the line “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */”


  16. sajid

    sir i am trying to upload images in wordpress directory but after add images in wordpress page its not showing and also showing 404 error can you tell me the reason ?

  17. Sarah

    Problem: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) ..

    Solve: I sovle It

    step 1. Login Cpanel

    step 2. Go to Web root (public_html/www) click GO

    step 3 find php.ini OR .htaccess file

    edit php.ini OR .htaccess file

    max_execution_time = 30
    max_input_time = 60
    memory_limit = 128M


    max_execution_time = 30
    max_input_time = 60

    memory_limit = 512M

    Then solve my error.

    If any body face problem please contact me at

    • Shah Nasir

      Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 18 bytes) in /home/unlockingportal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/modules/Ultimate_List_Icon.php on line 147
      plz fix this i tried so many times with ur instructions but still i face same problem

    • Smith

      I solve my problem flow your note but one more problem if you provided your contact i will helpfulness

    • faisal

      hi. i have facing some issue with word press online. i worked locally on my machine then upload online, everything working fine, but my theme not editable online.

      HTTP ERROR 500

    • john

      hello mate im having this problem with my wordpress can you help i already tried that what you post. best regards

    • Gabriela

      I can’t find my .htaccess or php.ini file in CPanel :( Help!

      • Anonimos

        There’s a window open when you click on cpanel file explore, tick dot show hidden file

    • Alpesh Desai

      Bro I searched this but not found

      and Found

      but not showing memory limit please email me

    • hassan

      i increased the size but notning happens

    • saad

      i had put up in the wpconfig.php
      define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’); still i am facing the problem
      please help me out

  18. Jhasketan Garud

    Thanks a lot . It just saved me from a 503 error as well.

  19. aqib

    i am getting this eror when i publishig new post
    ”Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 77 bytes) in /home/veri85fa/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-23-related-posts-plugin/recommendations.php on line 57
    plz give sloution to fix this

  20. Ahmed

    i don’t know how to thank you, i spent the whole day tryig to figure out what’s the problem with my site until i found this simple “memory increase” solution.


  21. Erick Ferrari

    Thanks WP Beginner!

    It worked great with my website.

    As a suggestion: This happens due to the over usage of memory.

    In my case I had too many Plugins installed in my website.

    I deleted the unused plugins as well and the memory problem was solved easily.

    If you are planing for a robust website it is better to extend the memory on the config.php as you start to build the website.



  22. Mos

    How do identify the main php tag?

  23. Christian

    Sweet! Worked perfectly. Thanks!

  24. gopi

    front-end is working fine but when open the back-end i tried to access the menu section under appearance but when i clicked on it, it shows the Fatal Error of Memory exhausted.
    The error is

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home/yyyyyy/public_html/ on line 838

    Please help me in this regard.

  25. sandy

    I got this error when trying to install wordpress does anybody got in solution.

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in F:\xampp\htdocs\site1\wordpress\wp-admin\includes\misc.php on line 105

    thank you

  26. Aldaz

    New to word press how can I fix the following, any help is much appreciated.

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6785803 bytes) in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas10_data01/69/2702869/html/wp-content/object-cache.php on line 574

  27. Gerhard

    Also had the memory limit problem on edit.php for a custom post type. Found out that if the CPT is hierarchical wp loads all posts so if you dont need it to be hierarchical set it to false in the declaration.

    greets gerhard

  28. Lindsay

    Worked like a charm! Thanks for the super simple fix!

  29. Dani

    Thanks Sabi Hussain, it just fixed my problem. I saw every forum all adressing the same problem, I have 512M allowed with my server, and define in config.php for 128M but it wasn’t working till I saw your comment, best tip ever. It was overwriting what I define in config.php. Thanks a lot!

  30. David

    Please how do I locate my Root WordPress Directory. Please explain with images to help me understand better. Thanks

  31. Ashlee

    Supposed to be updating today and got the white screen of death. Went into wp-config.php and changed debug status to true which then popped up with this message. I’ve added the suggested code of both 64 and then 128. This is not working and my host says there is nothing they can do? They keep saying that i’m well below my capacity on my hosting account. I’m not sure they completely understand the issue? Is it something in regards to WordPress that they have to change or does it have to do with my memory space on their server.
    I hope this article isn’t too old and you can response quickly.
    – Ashlee

    • Doug

      Hi Ashlee,

      If you have already changed your wp-includes/default-constants.php file, it could be the server. If you have access to WHM or a developer does who can change settings like max file size for upload.
      For example, if you are having issues with uploading files to Wordpress because of their size this can be changed in WHM under Service Configuration > PHP Configuration Editor. You would want to change the upload_max_filesize field from 2M (default) to whatever file size you need.

  32. Kenold Beauplan

    128M worked for me.

  33. lootoffers

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare win_is_writable() (previously declared in /home/u805727311/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php:1684) in /home/u805727311/public_html/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 557

    Please solutions

  34. Sabir Hussain

    so simple
    check this file


  35. Dong

    sorry but the suggested solution is not a fix for me.

    I am using a w3 cache plugin but it was not the culprit.
    I’ve increased memory in php.ini and wp-config.php to 512MB and I still get the Fatal error.

    the workaround was to stop non-important plugin and so far the site is OK (temporarily)

  36. Victoria Miller

    Thanks SO much!

    I had created a child theme (my first) and couldn’t understand why just trying to Customize the Appearance in dashboard would cause a Server error. This fix define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’); did the trick!!!!

  37. mrunmay phanse

    Hey it worked awesome for me…… and thanks to that person who added 128m in comment… i used that tag and it worked =D thanks

  38. Kim

    Hi Everyone – Is there a fix for this exact same problem, except instead of “/wp-includes/plugin.php” at the end of the error it’s ” /file.php” ?
    I’m still getting the error and I”m unable to update anything on my site. Thanks so much!

  39. Kassiah

    Thanks for this great tip! Worked like a charm :)

  40. Saskia

    I have a white screen and cannot open the items in the wordpress directory (only SEO and guestbook). How to increase the memory?

  41. Alex

    Hi guys,

    This method can be use to fix the “508 Resource Limited Reached” Problem?

    Thank You

  42. Pete Trenery

    Thanks for the great tip – worked a treat.
    Unfortunately all we got after an initial upgrade to Wordpress was the WSOD when attempting to login and edit our website.
    Your steps were clear and solved our issue – now able to access via admin login again.

  43. Henry

    its great thanks , it worked after increase the memory limit up to 128mb

    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);

    • Jessica

      This worked for me, thanks a bunch everyone!

  44. Abdul Qayoum

    I installed a wordpress template and then demo content. After that i tried to access the menu section under appearance but when i clicked on it, it shows the Fatal Error of Memory exhausted.
    The error is

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 28593220 bytes) in /home/xxxx/public_html/ on line 1198

    Please help me in this regard.

  45. Anriëtte

    Had a strong suspicion this won’t work for my host, but it did, thanks! :)

  46. Phil


    128mb to remove error as short term solution
    contacted hosting to see if there needs to be a longer term answer also getting php versions updated as well

    added on top line after php tag
    /** Memory Limit */
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);


    brilliant! thanks for this. I had to increase the limit to 256M, but it worked like a charm.

  48. Kasra Khosravi

    Thanks for the great article. I encountered this problem and I used a setting in “All in One SEO Pack” to increase the memory limit.

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