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Corrección: Error de memoria agotada de WordPress – Aumentar la memoria PHP

Encontrarse con el error “tamaño de memoria permitido agotado” en WordPress puede ser frustrante. Es un problema común que aparece cuando su sitio necesita más memoria PHP de la permitida.

Este error puede ralentizar su sitio web o incluso bloquearlo temporalmente. Por eso es importante solucionarlo rápidamente para que su sitio web siga funcionando sin problemas para los visitantes.

Por suerte, hay una solución sencilla para este problema. Aumentando el límite de memoria PHP, puedes resolver este error y mejorar el rendimiento de tu sitio.

En esta guía, te guiaremos a través de los sencillos pasos para aumentar el límite de memoria PHP y volver a poner en marcha tu sitio.

Fix: WordPress Memory Exhausted Error – Increase PHP Memory

¿Qué es el error de memoria agotada de WordPress?

El error de memoria agotada de WordPress es un mensaje que puede aparecer si su sitio web tiene problemas para realizar tareas.

WordPress utiliza PHP, un lenguaje de programación del lado del servidor que necesita memoria para funcionar.

Al igual que cualquier otro ordenador, los servidores web disponen de una cantidad limitada de memoria para ejecutar varias aplicaciones al mismo tiempo. Los proveedores de alojamiento de WordPress asignan tamaños de memoria específicos a diferentes aplicaciones, incluido PHP.

Cuando su código WordPress requiera más memoria que la asignada por defecto, verá este mensaje de error:

Error fatal: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2348617 bytes) in /home4/xxx/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line xxx

Memory exhausted error displayed on a WordPress site

Es posible que su sitio WordPress esté agotando la memoria de su servidor:

  • Muchas imágenes, vídeos y otros tipos de medios
  • Muchos plugins de WordPress sin usar
  • Se le han quedado pequeños los recursos de su plan de alojamiento

Por defecto, WordPress intenta automáticamente aumentar el límite de memoria PHP si es inferior a 64MB. Sin embargo, 64MB no suele ser suficiente.

En la siguiente sección, le mostraremos cómo aumentar fácilmente el límite de memoria PHP en WordPress para evitar el error de memoria agotada. Puedes usar los enlaces rápidos de abajo para navegar por el tutorial:

Nota: Algunos de estos métodos requieren que edite directamente sus archivos de WordPress. Le sugerimos que primero haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para evitar que aparezcan más errores en su sitio web.

¿Preparados? ¡Vamos allá!

Opción 1: Editar el archivo wp-config.php

En primer lugar, debe editar el archivo wp-config.php en su sitio de WordPress. Se trata de uno de los archivos principales de WordPress situado en el directorio raíz, normalmente denominado public_html.

Tendrás que utilizar un cliente FTP como FileZilla o el gestor de archivos de tu panel de control de alojamiento web.

A continuación, tienes que pegar la siguiente línea en el archivo wp-config.php justo antes de la que dice, ¡Eso es todo, deja de editar! Feliz blog.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

Este código le dice a WordPress que aumente el límite de memoria PHP a 256MB.

Para más detalles, puede consultar nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo encontrar y editar el archivo wp-config.php.

Una vez que haya terminado, debe guardar los cambios y subir el archivo wp-config.php a su servidor.

Ahora puede visitar su sitio WordPress y el error de memoria agotada debería haber desaparecido.

Opción 2: Editar el archivo .htaccess

El siguiente método consiste en editar el archivo .htaccess. Este archivo también se encuentra en la carpeta raíz del sitio web de WordPress.

Aquí, necesitas pegar el siguiente código antes de la línea que dice #END WORDPRESS.

php_value memory_limit 256M

Similar al código anterior, le dirá a WordPress que aumente el límite de memoria PHP a 256MB.

Después, simplemente guarde los cambios y vuelva a subir el archivo a su servidor web. Ahora puede abrir su sitio web WordPress de nuevo para ver si el error de límite de memoria ha desaparecido.

Si no puede encontrar el archivo .h taccess, puede consultar nuestra guía sobre por qué puede faltar el archivo .htaccess y cómo encontrarlo.

Opción 3: Comprobación del archivo php.ini

Si los métodos anteriores no funcionan, es posible que desee echar un vistazo a su archivo php.ini.

php.ini es un archivo que controla tu configuración PHP, incluyendo la versión PHP y los scripts PHP. No es un archivo del núcleo de WordPress, ya que normalmente lo gestiona tu proveedor de alojamiento.

Puede marcar / comprobar su código para ver su límite de uso de memoria PHP. Para más detalles, puede consultar nuestra guía sobre cómo encontrar y editar el archivo php.ini.

Sin embargo, dado que se trata de un método avanzado, le recomendamos que se ponga en contacto con el equipo de soporte de su proveedor de alojamiento web para ver si pueden aumentar el límite de memoria de WordPress manualmente. De lo contrario, podrían producirse más errores.

Puede leer nuestra guía sobre cómo solicitar correctamente asistencia de WordPress para obtener más información.

¿Cansado de lidiar con errores de WordPress? Entonces, puede dejar atrás el estrés y dejar que nuestro equipo de expertos le proporcione un soporte de emergencia rápido y fiable. Con nuestro servicio bajo demanda, obtendrá soluciones rápidas sin la molestia de los contratos en curso. Llame ahora a nuestro equipo de asistencia de emergencia para WordPress.

Opción 4: Actualizar el alojamiento de WordPress

Si se encuentra constantemente con el error de memoria agotada, podría ser una señal de que su sitio web ha superado su plan de alojamiento actual.

A medida que su sitio web atrae más visitantes y añade más contenido, requiere más recursos para funcionar sin problemas. Actualizar un plan con una mayor asignación de memoria puede ser una solución permanente.

Considere la posibilidad de actualizar su alojamiento de WordPress si:

  • Has probado las soluciones anteriores, pero el error persiste.
  • Su sitio web ha crecido significativamente en tráfico o contenido.
  • Tiene previsto añadir características o funcionalidades que requieren más recursos.

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Cómo evitar agotar la memoria de WordPress

Ahora que ha solucionado el error de memoria agotada de WordPress, aquí tiene algunos pasos proactivos para evitar que vuelva a ocurrir:

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a solucionar el error de memoria agotada de WordPress aumentando el límite de memoria PHP. También puedes consultar nuestra guía paso a paso para principiantes sobre cómo solucionar errores de WordPress y nuestra lista de expertos sobre los errores más comunes de WordPress.

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463 comentariosLeave a Reply

  1. Vennh

    This Worked for me.

    /**This is a test for memory*/
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

    Thank you for this wonderful share.

  2. joey

    Thanks for the great and simple help! This solved my issue ! ;) Thumbs up;)

  3. Lu

    Should the memory limit ever be higher than 64M? Most WP sites i’ve worked on the average page load never exceeds 40-5megs. The reason I ask, is I read that the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT defines the amount of memory WordPress can use per Apache thread. Which means that multiple threads will use more and more, and eventually swap to disk which is never good.

    Anybody an expert and can answer this?

  4. WPBeginner Staff

    It seems like WordPress is either unable to create wp-config.php file or the file gets deleted after the install. Use ftp to make sure that there is a wp-config.php file present on your site. If not then try creating one by renaming the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php file. You will need to manually edit the file and provide your database information.

  5. aiyeboy

    hope i wont be mocked, where do i see the config.php, is it in my phpmyadmin or where pls

      • aiyeboy

        if i locate it on an ftp, and i click on it, it brings it like a download file, pls help with a full guide on how to do it pls my site is going down everyday…

        • tony leon

          don’t double click it. Either right click and select EDIT or highlight it and look for an EDIT button somewhere (maybe at the top if it’s Godaddy). Good Luck!

  6. LJ LaValle

    I opened the wp-config.php file from my ftp directory.
    I was not sure how to completely enter the adjustment – I didn’t know basic coding for php, so I just copied the basic precursors shown for each entry and added as follows:

    /**This is a test for memory*/
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

    It worked!

  7. Ali

    how about i change it to 256 m

  8. Doug

    Thank you!!! This fixed a problem I created myself and saved having to pay someone at the hosting company to update the file.

  9. kim

    I am getting this exact error but I am not sure how to get into do I get into wp-config.php which is located in the root WordPress directory as I don’t know where to find it. Yes I am a complete beginner. Can you help?

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /home/crooked1/public_html/wp-includes/SimplePie/Sanitize.php on line 331

  10. mike .levine

    Thank you so much!! For real.. you have been a lifesaver. I can’t tell you how appreciative I am for your help.

  11. Timothy


    I’ve tried to increase the limit to 64mb, and I got this warning until 5 times:

    ‘WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.’

    The database backup is stopped until 60s%, and the result is below when it tried to upload to Dropbox:

    ‘ERROR: Uploaded file size and local file size don’t match.’

    What’s wrong with it? I’m using Bluehost.


    PS: I’m not a technical person, so give explanation in details :-)

  12. Thomas Cole

    Been having a doozy of a time working on my site and I would sacrifice a MacBook at midnight to get my site working, one little line of code and we are back up. Thanks!

  13. Domestic Herald

    THANK YOU so much!!!! This worked like a charm and took me less than a minute to implement.

  14. Jonni

    Thank you so much!!!!
    I’m in the middle of a launch and all of a sudden I couldn’t update or create any web pages on the whole site because of a 500 Internal Server Error. (And of course this happened as soon as I discovered the Home page had a big problem.)

    Could get no help from support, am not a web developer.

    Yet I was STILL able to follow your instructions and Hallelujah! Miracle of Miracles! Everything works now.

    All this work driving traffic, getting new people to the site – almost wasted due to server error – but Disaster Averted! you saved the day.

    My sincerest gratitude.

    Again, can’t thank you enough.

  15. bungkelip

    I add define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘1024M’); but its not work, help me

  16. Casey Friday

    Thanks so much! I was about to bitch to WooThemes that their $129 extension was breaking my site, but it turned out to be a memory issue. Cheers!

  17. Janelle

    Thanks a million! This is so useful, and more people should see this post.

  18. Adrian

    On line 36/37 of wordpress, wp-config.php you must type:

    /** Memory Limit */
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

    For me this problem is solve thi way. You can change 64M with what value you want.

    • Adam Singer

      This comment is sooo key!

      You have to add define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’ ); just before the unique key and salts are defined, otherwise the change doesn’t take effect. Thanks!!!

      • omniafausta

        yesssss thanks, I was wondering why it didn’t work for me. It was because so far no one told me WHERE in the wp-config i had to add this line. THANKS!!!

    • Rosie Taylor

      Thank you for clarifying this step. Now I know why it never just changing the other line for the value didn’t work before. This saved me big time for a client tonight!

  19. Titel

    Today I had a problem with wordpress: after I logged appeared “white screen of death”. We went into cpanel and inserted “define (‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M ‘)’ in wp-config.php and everything went very well.
    Thanks a lot WPBeginner.

  20. Hamza Ahmed

    Thanks a lot, i work very hard with every method i found on internet, but i filled , my problem occur during word-press installation i pasted this code in mid and increase its value to 128 mb , now its works fine, thanks a lot again.

  21. Jeff Danforth

    My host provides 64MB, and wants a hefty kicker to increase the php memory limit – so I’m inclined to be “green” and reduce my memory use.

    HOW might I determine what plugins or other things to remove to stay under 64MB
    A) php memory consumption, e.g. which plugins are being greedy
    B) have I got a memory leak issue, e.g. any plugins being nasty

    Thank you for this forum, by the way – I am truly a beginner, but excited about WP (grrr, if I can make it jump its hoops right)

  22. Matthew

    This worked for me, thanks for the tip!

  23. Daniel

    Didn’t work for me, but I’m not sure what it means to be “inside the main php tag”. I opened the file in Dreamweaver and did a search. The word “main” doesn’t appear anywhere on the page. So I put the code in line 2, just after the “<php". Tried it at 64 and 128. Thanks.

    • Editorial Staff

      The main php tag means just insert it like you did. Sometimes this doesn’t work in which case you have to ask your host.


  24. Deepanshu

    Thanks for the help.
    But 64M was already default for me and of course it wasn’t sufficient so I changed it to 96M and I think u should mention this as well.

  25. Jan

    Nice but nothing works – use rackspace cloud – tried 32 – 64 – 128 – 256- 512 – 1024Mb MU site i can’t go more up and only in admin i can’t get access after a plugin from wpmudev so guess i have to delete that and try something pro.

  26. Julie Geiger

    worked perfect.. thank you for sharing, tried a few other fixes but all errored out.

  27. Nick

    Thank you for the article. It was a great help

  28. pathik

    its really work,, i had problem of internam server,,, when add new plugine,,, i just increse memomry limit
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);
    in wp-admin and problem solved..

    tthnaks a lot

  29. Joke van de Fliert

    thanks! for me the provider had to change a setting to increase the memory limit, but that did fix it!

  30. Jennifer Ortiz

    Thanks a million for this! I got the error message right after the WordPress install–I never even had a chance to add a plug-in.:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted…

    All seems to be working fine now.

  31. Timothy Jacobs

    I have tried to do this, but it has not solved the problem.  I am on 1&1 hosting and I have tried all the changes, but I still get this error whenever uploading a semi-large picture:
    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 29884416) (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in /homepages/21/d258522816/htdocs/TBJFilms/WP/wp-includes/media.php on line 1010
    What is your suggestion?

    • wpbeginner

       @Timothy Jacobs Contact your host. If they refuse to help, then switch.

  32. aidilgoh

    Tried placing this at the end of the wp-config.php and didnt work.

    However, placing it on top right after the <?php tag worked. Hooray!

    • Guy

      Exactly !! thanks a lot – made my day !

    • Appdunia

      Worked for me only after placing just after php tag. Thanks a lot !

    • Ahmad Zaruq Spain

      Yes, I used the
      1error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
      3define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);I found in a post next to this one and was getting an error by using define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’); on the last line of my php-config file. Thanks to this comment I placed it right below <?php tag at the top and now the error report is no longer :) I just hope my site doesn't keep crashing on every new plugin install, going to check that now. Thanks to all you geeks out there!

  33. PatrickTyrus

    this was a great help, but as you noted it could easily be a plugin, or as someone mentioned it could be a memory leak.

    And as others have pointed out, there are memory settings for a reason, some hosts will cut your services if you try to circumvent them.

    Is there a way to check on what’s eating memory?

    I’ll be searching, but this is something that should be listed under related posts, or as a note and link at the end regarding one of the “numerous solutions for it”. Going for the “simplest one” might get you through the day, but is may not be a good long term solution as it may cover up the real problem and delay the inevitable.

    • Alexis O'Neill

      Worked for me!! I changed my site language to Spanish and I guess that used up the memory. Added the simple line recommended in the post and voilá!! Back in my admin mode. The really helpful part was “Don’t panic!” because my anxiety level was rising fast.
      Thanks ever so much.

    • Kiu Karakas

      define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);
      not solved
      define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘164M’);

  34. wpbeginner

    @shally1584 There is no = << in our code. So are you sure that you are pasting our code as an independent function and not as part of something else.

  35. shally1584

    hi.i tried to adjust memory limit and got this error

    ‘Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘=’ in /home/amanerdm/public_html/ on line 62′

    pls help fix this.thanx.

  36. Luna

    Thank you for this post… I had a couple of category / archive query pages that were throwing this error after I upgraded to WordPress 3.1. I was just about to re-write the queries until I found your post in a Google search.

    You saved me a lot of work and headaches :)

  37. Kdb

    I ended up having to switch hosting companies because I couldn’t get my current one to increase the memory from 32MB to, well, anything more. Pretty sad. Took a bit of hassle to transfer three WordPress sites (and multiple other sites), but it was worth it. My current host offers 128MB and my sites are working SO much better. I can actually add plug-ins.

  38. Richard

    I tried the fix by adding the line immediately after the opening >php tag (line 1)
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

    It did not work for me BUT
    I placed the line with comments for my own use on (as it happens) line 22 and it worked.

    I am testing this procedure on a test WP site using Twentyten 1.2 Theme


    Line 22 /** WP memory limit Note it does not work when placed immediately after line 1 */
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

  39. Chris

    This trick doesn’t work for me ever since WP 3.

    what I found worked was to create a PHP.INI file in the wp-admin folder with the line:

    memory_limit = 128M

    (or whatever you want to make it)

    • Editorial Staff

      Sounds like a host issue rather than WP 3.0 issue. We still have this trick working on our clients.


      • Trunks

        This worked for me! Thanks!!!

        Create PHP.INI in the wp-admin folder, with the line “memory_limit = 128M;”

        I changed all the other methods, and this was the only one that seemed to work.

        • Don

          Thanks. This worked for me! Nothing else worked until I read your comment. Website host was not overly helpful.

  40. kdb

    I tried this, but my host limits it to 32 megs. Can anyone recommend a good host for WP, because I’m going to have to change. Thanks!

  41. phil

    I put that line at the very top of the file (wp-config.php) and it worked!

  42. Eyl

    I have done the trick but seems like nothing happened. The error keep showing so can you suggest other solutions?

    • Editorial Staff

      On some hosts, this trick won’t work. So you have to ask (beg) them to increase the PHP Memory Limit. OR get rid of the plugin which is causing it.


  43. Seth Merrick

    Great article. A brand new plugin that may soon find its way on to this list is Cobalt WP Boost.

    Check it out here:

    It allows blog owners to raise their WordPress Memory Limits with a couple of mouse clicks, as well as showing at-a-glance memory usage information. WordPress keeps its internal memory limit at 32MB, which is fine for a small-time blog; but if you’re trying to add any robust plugins for social networking or ecommerce applications, 32M will not suffice. This problem can only be expected to worsen with the release of 3.0 which, judging from the beta release, will consume a lot more memory itself without upping the 32MB limit.

    • Chad McCullough

      I just downloaded the plug-in and I’ll give it a try on my test site. Thanks.

  44. W^L+

    Just remember that if the problem is a memory leak (either in PHP itself or in some library that is used by a plugin), this will merely delay the occurence.

    Before you change the memory limits, you should ensure that you’re using the most up-to-date versions of any plugins. Be sure you are running the newest version of WP. If your host offers multiple versions of PHP, be sure you’re using version 5.

    Your hosting service may have preset limits on memory usage. If your editing causes you to exceed those limits, your service may be suspended or canceled without warning.

    • Dunn

      I tried to deactivate the plugins one by one and found out that the Google XML Sitemaps plugin cause problem.

  45. wparena

    I think the better way is to put this limit in wp-setting.php file where this memory limit already described as 32M, just changed that value to 64M.

    • Chad McCullough

      Thank you, wparena. I’ll try this.

    • Chad McCullough

      Changing the settings in the wp-settings.php file fixed my 2 week, driving me crazy, issue! Thank you very much!!


    • Editorial Staff

      Yes, but editing the core files is not the best way. You would have to change that every time you update WordPress. The way we share in this article, will save you time.


      • Chad McCullough

        I would much rather not modify core files, if possible. Where would I place the line in the wp-config.php file? I’m not sure where the main php table is.

        Thanks for the article and the help!

        • Chad McCullough

          That worked. Thanks!

  46. Chad McCullough

    I think that this might fix an issue I’ve been having with my site. I just can’t figure out where the main php table is in the wp-confip.php to place the line.


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