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Cómo instalar y configurar W3 Total Cache para principiantes

La velocidad del sitio web es crucial para la experiencia del usuario, el SEO y las conversiones. Un sitio web lento puede frustrar a los visitantes, llevándoles a abandonar su sitio antes incluso de tener la oportunidad de explorar su contenido. Por eso utilizamos un plugin de caché para que nuestros sitios web funcionen rápido.

W3 Total Cache es un popular y potente plugin de caché para WordPress que puede mejorar drásticamente el rendimiento de su sitio web. Crea versiones estáticas de tus páginas, reduciendo la carga del servidor y entregando el contenido a los visitantes mucho más rápido.

Esta guía para principiantes proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para instalar y configurar W3 Total Cache en su sitio web WordPress. Te explicaremos las principales funciones y ajustes para que puedas optimizar la velocidad de tu sitio y crear una experiencia más fluida y agradable para tus usuarios.

W3 Total Cache installation and setup guide for WordPress beginners

Nota del editor: Ya no usamos W3 Total Cache en nuestro sitio web y hemos cambiado a WP Rocket, un plugin de caché premium. W3 Total Cache sigue siendo una buena solución que funciona bien.

¿Qué es W3 Total Cache?

W3 Total Cache es uno de los mejores plugins de caché de WordPress que le permite mejorar fácilmente el rendimiento y la velocidad de WordPress.

Por defecto, WordPress utiliza PHP para generar dinámicamente cada página de su sitio web cuando es solicitada por un usuario.

PHP es un idioma de programación del lado del servidor. Esto significa que cada petición de un usuario aumenta la carga de su servidor. Esto afecta al rendimiento de su sitio web, a la experiencia del usuario y al SEO.

Los plugins de caché de WordPress le ayudan a reducir este problema omitiendo PHP y sirviendo una copia en caché de su página web.

How caching works

También le permite conectar fácilmente su sitio web a una CDN (red de distribución de contenidos) para mejorar aún más el rendimiento de su sitio web.

Instalación de W3 Total Cache en WordPress

Antes de instalar el plugin W3 Total Cache en WordPress, deberá asegurarse de desactivar cualquier otro plugin de caché de su sitio web. Esto te ayudará a guardar o ahorrar recursos del servidor y evitar conflictos entre plugins.

Una vez hecho esto, puede instalar y activar el plugin W3 Total Cache. Para más detalles, consulta nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress.

Una vez activado, W3 Total Cache añadirá un nuevo elemento / artículo de menú llamado Rendimiento a la barra lateral del administrador de WordPress. Al hacer clic en él, se iniciará el asistente de configuración del plugin.

W3 Total Cache set up

Basta con hacer clic en el botón Siguiente para continuar.

En primer lugar, se le pedirá que active la caché de página. Haga clic en el botón Probar caché de página para continuar.

Configure page cache

W3 Total Cache le mostrará diferentes opciones de motor de almacenamiento. Debe elegir la que le ahorre más tiempo. Normalmente, será la opción ‘Disk: Mejorado’ en la mayoría de las plataformas de alojamiento compartido.

Haga clic en el botón Siguiente para continuar.

Ahora, se le dará la opción de Probar Caché de Base de Datos. Le recomendamos que elija Ninguno. Para la mayoría de los sitios web pequeños y medianos, su servidor MySQL podrá obtener los datos más rápidamente que la caché de base de datos.

Database cache

Haga clic en el botón Siguiente para pasar al paso siguiente.

Esto le llevará a la sección Caché de objetos. La caché de objetos permite a W3 Total Cache almacenar consultas de base de datos para páginas dinámicas y reutilizarlas para mejorar el rendimiento.

Object cache in W3 Total Cache

Si el resultado de la prueba muestra apenas unos milisegundos de diferencia, puede elegir Ninguno.

Haga clic en el botón siguiente para continuar.

A continuación, haga clic en el botón Probar caché del navegador y seleccione la opción “Activado” en los resultados de la prueba.

Browser cache

Esta opción solicita al navegador / explorador del usuario que almacene una copia de la página web durante un tiempo limitado. Cargar una página desde la caché de un navegador es mucho más rápido que cargarla desde la caché de su servidor web.

Haga clic en el botón siguiente para pasar al paso siguiente.

Por último, el asistente de configuración le pedirá que active la carga diferida para las imágenes.

Actualmente, WordPress incorpora la función de carga diferida de imágenes. Sin embargo, algunos navegadores antiguos pueden no ser compatibles con esta característica.

W3 Total Cache utiliza JavaScript para añadir carga diferida a las imágenes, lo que puede resultar aún más rápido y eficaz.

Enable Lazy Loading

A continuación, haga clic en el botón Siguiente para finalizar el asistente de configuración y ver el Escritorio de W3 Total Cache.

Opciones avanzadas de caché en W3 Total Cache

Los ajustes básicos sirven para la mayoría de los sitios web. Sin embargo, hay muchas opciones avanzadas que puede configurar para mejorar aún más el rendimiento.

Veamos las más importantes.

Minimizar JavaScript y CSS en W3 Total Cache

El término “minimizar” se utiliza para describir un método que reduce el tamaño de los archivos de su sitio web. Para ello, quita espacios en blanco, líneas y caracteres innecesarios del código fuente.

Nota: Minimizar los archivos JS y CSS puede potencialmente romper su sitio web. Si la activa y su sitio web no se ve bien, simplemente desactive estas opciones.

W3 Total Cache también permite minimizar fácilmente el código fuente JavaScript, CSS y HTML. Sin embargo, recomendamos minimizar solo los archivos JavaScript y CSS.

Simplemente diríjase a la página Rendimiento ” Minimizar y desplácese hasta la sección JS.

Enable JS minify in W3 Total Cache

Marque la casilla siguiente a ‘JS minify settings’ para activarlo.

Ahora, desplácese hasta la sección CSS y active los ajustes de minimizar CSS de la misma manera.

Enable CSS minify

No olvides hacer clic en el botón Guardar todos los ajustes para guardar tus ajustes.

Para métodos alternativos, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo minimizar archivos JavaScript y CSS en WordPress.

Activación de la compatibilidad con CDN en W3 Total Cache

Las CDN o redes de distribución de contenidos le ayudan a mejorar aún más el rendimiento de su sitio web sirviendo archivos estáticos como imágenes, CSS y JavaScript desde una red global de servidores.

Esto reduce la carga de su servidor de alojamiento de WordPress y mejora la velocidad de carga de la página.

W3 Total Cache es compatible con / da soporte a varias plataformas CDN.

Recomendamos usar Bunny. net que es la mejor solución CDN del mercado. Esto es lo que usamos para nuestro sitio web OptinMonster.

En primer lugar, debe registrarse para obtener una cuenta en Después de registrarse, debe crear una Pull Zone para su sitio web.

Bunny CDN dashboard

Una zona pull añade un hostname a CDN. Este hostname se utiliza para servir archivos estáticos para su sitio web.

Añada un nombre para su zona de extracción y, a continuación, indique el nombre de dominio de su sitio web.

Create pullzone

Después de añadir la pullzone, tienes que visitar la página Rendimiento ” Ajustes generales.

A continuación, desplácese hasta la sección CDN.

Enable CDN

Marque la casilla Activar situada junto a la opción CDN y elija Espejo genérico junto a la opción Tipo de CDN.

No olvides hacer clic en el botón Guardar todos los cambios para establecer los ajustes.

A continuación, visite la página Rendimiento ” CDN y desplácese hasta la sección Configuración: Objetos.

Add CDN hostname

Desde aquí, tienes que añadir el hostname que creaste anteriormente para tu pullzone y hacer clic en el botón de test mirror.

W3 Total Cache comprobará la disponibilidad de su hostname y mostrará el mensaje Test Passed cuando sea correcto.

Ahora puede hacer clic en el botón Guardar todos los cambios para establecer los ajustes.

W3 Total Cache empezará a servir sus recursos estáticos desde el servidor CDN.

W3 Total Cache también funciona bien con Cloudflare CDN gratuito. Alternativamente, también puedes usarlo con Sucuri, que es el mejor servicio de cortafuegos de sitios web con servicio de CDN integrado.

Diagnosticar problemas con W3 Total Cache

Una vez que haya configurado W3 Total Cache correctamente, debería funcionar sin problemas en segundo plano para mejorar la velocidad de WordPress y aumentar el rendimiento.

Ocasionalmente, puede encontrarse con problemas por los que no vea inmediatamente los cambios realizados en su sitio web, o puede que un plugin no funcione correctamente.

La razón más común de estos problemas es que probablemente esté viendo una versión antigua en caché de su sitio web.

Esto se puede corregir fácilmente vaciando la caché en WordPress.

Simplemente haga clic en el menú Rendimiento en la parte superior y luego seleccione la opción Purgar todas las cachés. W3 Total Cache vaciará todo el contenido almacenado en caché de su sitio web.

Clear all cache in W3 Total Cache

Si sigues viendo la versión antigua de tu sitio web, intenta vaciar también la caché de tu navegador.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a instalar y configurar W3 Total Cache en WordPress. Puede que también quieras ver nuestra guía sobre cómo aumentar la velocidad de carga de las páginas en WPBeginner y nuestra selección experta de los mejores plugins de caché de WordPress para acelerar tu sitio web.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

162 comentariosLeave a Reply

  1. Rabia

    Thanks valuable information.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  2. Jiří Vaněk

    I would recommend everyone to make a note of the changes you have made, especially. Issues on the website may not manifest immediately. For instance, it happened to me that after a week, WordPress started behaving strangely, and it was happening randomly. It took me quite a while to find the problem in the cache plugin and incorrect settings. If I had documented the changes I made, I would have found the problem more easily. It’s a recommendation for everyone.

  3. Roin


    I’ve a question:

    Does a free version slow the website ? My opinion is that a free version of this plugin makes website slow.. how do you think?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The free version of plugins will not slow down your site, poorly coded plugins can slow down your site.


  4. Abu Allaah

    Thanks for the valuable tips,

    I would like to ask if it’s possible to update the article with the latest version of the plugin.

    Thanks in advance

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will look into updating the article as soon as we are able :)


  5. Balu

    I enabled Minify settings in W3 Total cache plugin and also installed cloudflare extension in w3 total cache plugin.
    Should I enable minify settings in Cloudflare extension also?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to only use one or the other, if your W3 Total cache minification is working well then stay with that for the moment :)


  6. Prajyot Kumbharjuvekar

    Do I still need to install a caching plugin if I use CLOUDFLARE CDN

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is not required but it is recommended to use a caching plugin with your CDN


  7. Duryab

    This post is much outdated now, please update this post to the latest W3 total cache plugin.


    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know about this post being outdated, we will update this article as we are able :)


  8. Tom Lloyd

    Thanks for the great article! I really benefitted from it and have a better performance now 1/4 load time. One thing you should mention is in the Browser Page under Performance tab there is a box at the bottom that says Rewrite URL. Don’t check that it ruined my pages. All links were alterred but I took it off and it’s ok.

    • Gavin

      Thanks for your very easy to follow tutorial (with screenshots) on W3 Total Cache. I noticed an immediate difference in load time of the site.

  9. Bikramjit

    Hi, As per your recommendation, I have decided to go for MaxCDN, Is there any new update about CDN? Going to the MaxCDN site, there are different service including Content Delivery Network, Edge Delivery and other. Can your recommend me which service I have to select initially? I have new blog with no affiliate link till now and not planning for the next six month. And I am planning to apply Google adsense in the near future.Presently I installed WP Super Cache.
    Do I need to switch W3 Total Cache to configure with MaxCDN? if I can configure MaxCDN with WP Super Cache, do you have any guideline?

  10. HumbleHuman


    Thanks for those detailed instructions and I must say that you helped me much in setting up W3TC for my website..

    I have a small issue with W3TC.. It is not purging my feed cache even though I have enabled this in the Purge Policy..

    Will you help me how to solve this issue?

    Thanks in Advance

  11. Brandon

    After following this guide, I get the error: “Error: Empty hostname / CNAME list.” I have filled the “Replace site’s hostname with:” with all my cdn.* fields. Has anyone ran into this issue?

  12. Vijay Prajapati

    I am Using W3 Total cache plugin for WordPress. My post has one table which updates every minute/hour. But as I do caching, the server does not serves latest version, instead it displays cached copy to the visitor. How can I purge cache every 30 minutes automatically so that it shows latest version of the post at after every 30 minutes?
    I have already tried inserting this code in functions.php file but its not purging cache every 1h, instead it dies 2-3h later.

    function w3_flush_cache( ) {

    // Schedule Cron Job Event

    function w3tc_cache_flush() {
    if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( ‘w3_flush_cache’ ) ) {
    wp_schedule_event( current_time( ‘timestamp’ ), ‘hourly’, ‘w3_flush_cache’ );

  13. Anna

    Thanks for such an easy to follow article. I broke my website yesterday using instructions from another blog. I should have come here first!!

    I am a bit surprised by my results though. I did a Pingdom and GT Metrics test before I made all these changes and my page load time was:
    Pingdom: 8.91 secs and GT Metrix: 5.3 secs

    After I made all the changes I re-ran the tests:
    Pingdom: 9.51 secs and GT Metrix: 9.9 secs

    I thought my load times were meant to get much better – not worse!!?? What have I done wrong?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Anna,

      Allow the plugin to generate cache and recheck your scores. If that doesn’t help try to review your cache settings to make sure everything is setup properly. Alternately, you can try WP Super Cache and see if it helps.


  14. Roman

    Thank you for so great content.
    Should I enable “Page cache” option in the process of development of site or only at when I launch it?
    For me it is convenient to do this right now, but I think maybe during development it is not good as I visiting thousand times to check the progress.

  15. Jessica Braboy

    Hi! Trying to install the W3 Total Cache Plug In, and while it says it is compatible with my version of WordPress, it says that the plug in is unavailable and says “Not allowed on our system due to performance, security or compatibility concerns. Please contact support with any questions.”
    First of all… do you know why this is no longer working? And, do you have an alternative cache plug in that you recommend? Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Jessica,

      This means that your WordPress hosting company doesn’t allow the plugin. Most probably because they have their own caching solution integrated into your hosting account which doesn’t work well with W3 total Cache. Please contact your hosting provider for more details.


  16. Andy Sellers

    Hi, I need some help please.
    I’ve followed the instructions to serve my static files through CDN (and they’re very clear, thank you) and have found the process straightforward so far- but when I log in to my site the URL still starts with ‘www.’ and not ‘cdn’ so I guess cdn is not operational yet.
    One thing I notice is that in the MAXcdn account page there is no option to ‘Update’ the Custom Domain settings as mentioned in the instructions – is this OK? I assume it now updates automatically?
    But my main problem is that, assuming I now have to do this, I don’t know how to specify the static files in the custom files list in the custom setting of W3Total Cache. Help please. How should I fill in this Advanced panel – it’s now getting a bit too techie for me? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Andy,

      You will login to your WordPress site using the normal URL. CDN only serves static files via their network not the whole website.

      MaxCDN settings may have changed, but you would still need to setup your domain. Please contact their support and they will be able to guide you.


  17. sazia kazia

    Hi Very helpful and useful article. I set w3 total cache as per above instructions and could see it improved my website speed in good level. I ‘ll use MaxCDN instructions …Thank you so much

  18. Amit Jain

    Hello Team! I am following your blog since long now and trust have learnt a lot. Thanks.

    I need a little bit of help – Mine is a startup site, but have started with Cloud VPS Server with Data Centre located in Mumbai, India. 2.80*4 CPU and 8GB Ram is the part of Server Configuration. For better Site Security and Performance what should i use – Cloudflare (If cloudflare then free or paid plan) or Sucuri, W3Total Cache, WP Super Cache, Varnish Cache or Some other plugin/software.

  19. Francis

    Good and Quality tutorial
    thanks Syed Balkhi.
    this really helped me

  20. Raj singh

    I have an issue with this plugin , when I trying to update this plugin it failed and after fails when I Refresh my wordpress site .
    It says under maintenance come back after few hours.
    So I leave and came back after few hours but after few hours when I try to open my site .
    It’s Totally blank , Nothing is show on my Site.
    Only white page comes when I Try to open.

    So now what should I do ?

    Please help me…

  21. Derek C

    Thank you so much! I was about to go pay an extra $15 a month for cloud based hosting because my blog had gotten so slow at times it was unbearable! I had setup W3 Total Cache and just enabled everything.

    I didn’t recognize it until going through your guide, but this was the main reason my dashboard and WP console was taking FOREVER to do anything. Sometimes I would wait 20-30 seconds just to create or save a post. Now it is like 2-3 seconds at the max. Also, my site loads even faster with a lot of that junk turned off.

    I am on a shared hosting plan, and I guess all of the caching was actually bottlenecking the CPU or something…. Anyhow, thanks for such a useful guide!

  22. Pronob

    thanks a lot for this article.i was searching for this.

  23. Amit

    Dear sir,

    I use your guide with w3 total cache but facing the issue of rendering CSS file. This is link of my blog How its work

    Can I use Cloudfare with subdomain CDN ? Is it speed up loading time?

  24. Rahul Rampal

    Hi, I have a problem with My yoast sitemaps not rendering. A blank screen appears when I click it. My question is should I include or exclude Sitemap.xsl file in custom file settings in CDN?
    Kindly advice.

  25. Dinuka

    What is ‘server response time’? And how to reduce it?

  26. Mody Star

    Hello , I’m using w3 Total Cache on multisite wordpress … I want to exclude certain site from being excluded
    I want to exclude the whole site from being cached
    and what about exclude caching of certain plugin on
    Help me Please :)

  27. Utkarsh

    I did the settings of W3 total cache plugin and the favicon of my website stopped appearing. Can you please check it

  28. Jon

    I downloaded plugin and now its loading slower.

    Each time I test in pingdom the % faster than other sites decreases.

    Its only a 1 page site at this time.

  29. Ian Smith

    I recently set up W3 Total Cache with the Rackspace Cloud Files CDN. It all works, but I had expected the media files in the wp-content/uploads folder to only be posted in the CDN rather than on the server. Instead, media uploads now go to both the CDN AND the wp-content/uploads folder. Is this what is supposed to happen? It seemed unnecessarily redundant to me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, but the images on your server are stored so that you can end using CDN service anytime you want, or move to another service, or to create backup using WordPress backup plugins. However, your visitors will be served images from the closest CDN server instead of your site.


  30. Himanshu Grewal

    MAXCDN is free ir not??

  31. Ian


    Are you still using maxcdn on this site? I’m trying to decide between maxcdn and keycdn. I noticed this post was from a few years ago and wondered if your thoughts about maxcdn are still the same?


  32. Bart Percy

    Superb site you have here but I was wondering if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics discussed in this article? I’d really like to be a part of group where I can get feedback from other knowledgeable individuals that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Bless you!


    Hi ! I installed yesterday Super Cache because it seemed easier to configure than W3 Total Cache but this morning my site was very very very slow… So I decided to follow your tutorial step by step and change plugins.
    So, the first step was to deactivate the first plugin, so I clicked deactivate Super Cache and my whole site crashed !!! I get this message : 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE no server is available to handle this request.
    I don’t know what to do. Can you help ?

  34. Anant

    Minify via disk is currently disabled

    I tried to check the box and when I save after the refresh, it’s disable. enabling it 100 times over still results in an unchecked box, and the message “Minify via disk is currently disabled. Anyone know how to fix that ?
    Thank you


  35. TJ

    Thank your this tutorial. I have used it for a couple of my sites.

    One thing, which might be a “duh” situation… But, I had my site in “Maintenance Mode” using SeedProd’s Coming Soon Pro. I did not see the CDN in front of the image urls until I turned off maintenance mode. Then, when I turned it back on again, they were gone again.

    Just in case someone needs this information :-)

  36. Rahul

    hi there, thanks for making this post for wp beginners. i’m also using wp total cache plugin for . could you help me or check my website what is problem in this becasie i’m not getting hits pls help me a humble request to u

  37. Jewel

    I appreciate so much, your posts. They have helped me learn a bit about setting up my website. However, this particular post led me to check a bunch of boxes under”Performance » Browser Cache” that took me from faster than 91% down to faster than 71% on speed. I had checked them just as you have in your picture above. I unchecked all your suggested boxes and got back to 84%. (on Pingdom) This was the only change I made. I don’t understand why it made things slower, or why I couldn’t get back to my original speed. If you could explain this I would appreciate it. Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      A lot of reasons can show you conflicting results when you are expecting something different. For example, you may have forgotten to save plugin settings, your server is particularly under heavy traffic at that time. Make sure you enable gzip compression as we have shown above, then test.


  38. sojib

    I am not using this cace plugin anymore. Using now wpfc two of my site. simple and faster then other plugins.

  39. Tea

    Thanks for the tutorial…really helpful
    However my website is slower then before.

    I also have these performance issue “Remove query strings from static resources”.

    I haven’t enabled database caching and Minify as per your insutrctions as yet…also don’t have CDN service.

    before my website was faster.
    Any thoughts?

    • WPBeginner Support

      How are you checking your website speed and performance? We recommend testing with pingdom using different locations. If it is still slow, then try resetting the plugin and follow the setup instructions again.


      • Tea

        yes using pingdom to test and speed is 2.55s…I think we can do better :)

        All my performance scores are 100 or 95 the lowest, but the “Remove query strings from static resources” is at 12.

        Any suggestions?

        Many thanks

  40. Lifa

    This has to be one of the best if not the best WordPress learning sites ever! Detailed and very easy to understand modules. Thank you for all your hard researched work.

  41. Penelope

    THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS! I’m EXTREMELY cautions on the plugins I install from horror stories. I’ve also heard horror stories about this very plug in. Therefore, I research as much as I can: tutorials, forums, reviews, troubleshooting etc. I am going to follow your tutorial exactly. My server says my site is too large, 500kb, and needs to be gzipped. [sigh] Another plugin to search.

    Helpful note: You may have a downloadable instructions on your site somewhere & I am not see it. But It would be helpful if I could download to print OR this was print friendly. you have have link but I am not seeing it.


  42. Keami

    When I check the box for enable for page cache and click save all setting it doesn’t stay checked. Help please?

  43. reza

    Please Inform That if Enable Object Cache is checked may cause very slow or accessible admin panel after some times as happened to me and i have to disable object cache and after that i have no problem with this Great plugin

    TnX for your tutorial too

  44. deepa tiwari

    Thanks for sharing . I tried to install W3 total cache showing Error not Available for you. How to fix it. Please help me

  45. Manu

    i always come back for W3 Super Cache settings after messing-up with the plugin and i never back or restore its settings :P because i know where to look for it.

    Thanks Wpbeginner for this awesome tutorial.

  46. tracey sharp

    Many thanks for this really detailed step by step guide. I’ve installed google adsense along with a couple of other plug ins and my load time seems to have almost ground to a halt. I’ve installed Total Cache which has helped a little but I’m not sure what to do next. I’ll keep looking!

  47. Hasnain Abid Khanzada

    I have one question that as we know that when we open any new website then browser cache it so then why we need any plugin for improving cache performance?

  48. Muhammad Imran

    Hello WPB team,
    I have connect MAxCDN by following all the guidlines as suggested in the article. But after some days my 99% images de-indexed in Google. Please is there any tutorial to FIX this? Will be very thankful to you for the help.


  49. Tristian


    I do have one question, when static pages are created for example you have 200 pages and just installed and set up W3 cache. So now when static pages will be created for all those 200 sites.
    Do you have to load it manually every site by site in your browser ? I understand that this action takes some time so when exactly those sites are created ( static copies on a disk) ?

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