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Cómo añadir varias miniaturas de entradas / imágenes destacadas en WordPress

Por defecto, WordPress es compatible con una sola imagen destacada por entrada, pero muchos sitios web modernos y estrategias de contenido exigen más flexibilidad visual.

A lo largo de los años, muchos de nuestros lectores nos han preguntado cómo añadir más de una imagen destacada a sus entradas de WordPress.

Esta característica puede mejorar el aspecto de su contenido, sobre todo en blogs con muchas imágenes, escaparates de productos o artículos ricos en multimedia.

En esta guía, vamos a compartir cómo añadir múltiples miniaturas de entradas o imágenes destacadas a su sitio de WordPress.

How to add multiple post featured images in WordPress

¿Por qué añadir varias imágenes destacadas en WordPress?

Las imágenes destacadas son una característica por defecto de WordPress, y las encontrarás en todos los temas de WordPress.

Ayudan a dar vida a su contenido y hacen que las entradas de su blog sean más atractivas. Además, ayudan a captar la atención de los usuarios y hacer que hagan clic en tu artículo.

Hay situaciones en las que puede necesitar añadir varias miniaturas de entradas a su sitio web WordPress. Tal vez un cliente tiene un requisito especial para utilizar más de una miniatura, o el diseño de su sitio web requiere varias imágenes.

Por ejemplo, secciones como la página de inicio o las páginas de archivo (el blog y la sección de categorías) requieren diferentes tamaños de imagen. En este caso, disponer de una opción para mostrar varias miniaturas es realmente útil.

En WPBeginner, utilizamos varias imágenes características para las páginas de archivo, medios sociales y miniaturas que aparecen en una entrada de blog. Aquí hay una miniatura que aparece dentro de la entrada del blog:

Thumbnail that appears in post

En cambio, las imágenes que aparecen en las páginas de archivo son diferentes.

Aquí puedes ver cómo aparecen las miniaturas en la sección de blog de WPBeginner:

Thumbnails on archive pages

Ahora, le mostraremos cómo añadir múltiples imágenes en miniatura en WordPress, así como un consejo extra. He aquí un resumen rápido de los temas que debatiremos en esta guía:

¿Preparados? Primeros pasos.

La forma más sencilla de añadir múltiples imágenes destacadas sin plugins es colocándolas manualmente en su contenido en el editor de contenido de WordPress.

En primer lugar, puede subir su miniatura principal utilizando la opción de imagen destacada por defecto en el editor de contenido de WordPress.

Basta con hacer clic en el icono de engranaje de la parte superior para abrir el panel de ajustes de la derecha y, a continuación, ir a la sección “Imagen destacada”.

Upload primary featured image in content editor

Después, puede hacer clic en el área “Establecer imagen destacada” y aparecerá el cargador de medios de WordPress.

Sube tu foto o selecciona una imagen de tu biblioteca de medios.

Upload your image

Tras seleccionar una imagen, basta con hacer clic en el botón “Establecer imagen destacada”.

El siguiente paso es añadir un bloque de imágenes en cualquier parte del contenido para insertar otra imagen destacada.

Para ello, haga clic en el botón “+” y añada un bloque de imágenes en el que desee mostrar la imagen destacada secundaria.

The WordPress Image block

Una vez añadido el bloque de imágenes, sólo tiene que subir la miniatura a la entrada de su blog.

También puede seleccionar una imagen existente de la biblioteca de medios de su sitio web de WordPress o utilizar la opción “Insertar desde URL”.

Upload or select an image from media library

Incluso puede añadir un bloque de galería y mostrar varias imágenes destacadas. Esto es especialmente útil si tiene una tienda de comercio electrónico o necesita mostrar numerosas imágenes de productos de alta calidad.

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo crear una galería de imágenes en WordPress.

Ahora puede visitar su sitio web WordPress para ver varias imágenes destacadas.

Preview of multiple featured images

Si desea mostrar una imagen destacada diferente para los artículos de una categoría determinada, la mejor solución es utilizar el plugin Category Featured Image.

En primer lugar, tendrás que instalar y activar el plugin Category Featured Image. Si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en marcar / comprobar nuestra guía sobre cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress.

Una vez que el plugin esté activado, puedes ir a Entradas ” Categorías desde tu escritorio de WordPress. Ahora verá una nueva opción de “Imagen destacada” al añadir nuevas categorías o subcategorías.

Para empezar, basta con hacer clic en el botón “Añadir nueva imagen”.

Add category featured images

Al hacer clic en el botón, aparecerá el cargador de medios de WordPress.

Puede subir su imagen desde la unidad local de su ordenador o seleccionar una de su biblioteca de medios de WordPress. A continuación, simplemente haga clic en el botón “Establecer imagen destacada”.

Upload your image

También puede editar las categorías existentes en su sitio web y añadir una imagen destacada.

Para ello, primero pase el cursor por encima de cualquier categoría actual y haga clic en la opción “Editar”.

Edit an existing category

A continuación, desplácese hasta la sección “Imagen destacada”.

Siga adelante y haga clic en el botón “Añadir nueva imagen” y suba su imagen destacada para la categoría.

Add a featured image to existing category

No olvides hacer clic en el botón “Actualizar” cuando hayas terminado.

Ahora puede volver a la página “Categorías” de su panel de administrador de WordPress y ver la imagen destacada de cada categoría.

View featured image for each category

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a aprender cómo añadir múltiples miniaturas de entradas / imágenes destacadas en WordPress. A continuación, es posible que desee ver nuestra guía sobre cómo hacer la edición básica de imágenes y cómo crear superposiciones flipbox y al pasar el cursor en WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    Having multiple post thumbnails seemed like a complex task until I found this tutorial. Your explanation and recommended plugins made it straightforward. Thanks for simplifying the process!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  3. Thodoros Athineos

    This is very handy for many purposes that special images might be needed (eg mobile-image).

    Is it possible for your future plans, to provide the ability of an array of images, instead of single?

    For example, the developer might need to add an album-images instance, in order that user can select multiple images to be provided to an album.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will look into possibly adding that in the future but you may need to look into a plugin for that level of customization.


  4. Robin Parker

    hi, everything works down to this paragraph.

    “Even though you can add a secondary featured image in your WordPress admin, it will not display on your site until you configure your theme. All you need to do is add the following code inside your post loop where you want to display it. This could be in your single.php (for single posts), archive.php (only for archive pages), etc.”

    Can you explain a little more about where to place this part of the code within the theme? Thx!

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would depend on your specific theme, normally it should have the code to display your content and you would place the code in that area, for understanding the loop you would want to take a look at the page:
      For where to place the code for how you’re wanting it, you would want to reach out to your theme’s support.


  5. Parvez

    I want to add two images; one as a thumbnail (in search engine, archives, homepage or any other place it showed) and another one as featured image (Reader will see this image only at the time of reading content).

    Is there any solution for my problem?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to the support for the theme you are using for that type of customization.


  6. Lisa

    Hi. Could you possibly update older articles? This one uses a plugin that hasn’t been updated in over 2 years.

    Just wondering.

    • Kashif Riaz

      Hi, Please tell me how to access the second thumbnail. For example we can access the default featured image by “the_post_thumbnail()”.

  7. Otaku Desu

    please… can someone help me
    i just want take the url image
    how do that?

  8. Kristina

    Why isn’t the “Multiple Post Thumbnails” updated? It said that it was last updated 2 years ago. It needs to be updated because some people cannot use plugins that wasn’t updated since 2-3 years ago…

  9. Leslie

    I hope you can help me. Can you tell me if this plugin can do what I need?

    I need to be able to add a second featured image to a post (or custom post type) that is in more than one category. On the archive page for one of the categories, I need for the second featured image thumbnail to show, and everywhere else on the site I need for the first featured image thumbnail to show.

    Thanks for whatever you can tell me!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Leslie,

      We are not sure this plugin can do that on its own. You will probably need to edit your theme files to achieve this.


  10. Nick W

    I use genesis and i cannot figure out where to paste this snippet so the 2nd featured image shows only as the thumbnail on the home and category pages. Please help.

  11. Lance

    Great Plugin! Could it be possible to make it so when there is a secondary image set, that only the secondary image shows?

  12. yasir kham

    it really help full for me Thank’s

  13. Brian

    Can you add it to just one page in the admin area. Like if i wanted to just add it to the front-page.php file in the admin area so if you go to edit another page it is not on it in the admin area?

  14. birjit

    how to get secoundry featured image id

  15. Neil desucatan

    Hi i’m new with wordpress and i hope you can help me :) with this

    i need to use this to my sidebar.php but now showing the secondary image

  16. Anas Iqbal

    Hi, I am using this plugin with NewsPaper WordPress theme but everytime it display the latest secondary image added in all post.

    Like I display 6 posts in sidebar, and secondary image was added in just first 2 posts, but the same image will display in all 6 posts.

    Please tell me how can I use this with NewsPaper WordPress theme.

  17. Joseph

    this isn’t working for me, 2nd featured image is not showing in page editor.

  18. Barrett Hemmings

    Is there a way to use this method to assign a secondary featured image based on a category that is chosen? I am building a site for a reclaimed wood company that does all kinds of projects and some of the project photos have multiple categories within them. For instance, one project we did has items throughout the house that we did, and we included the category “Shelves” to a posting that the featured image doesn’t show any shelves. That project will be displayed within a page of shelves and have the featured image of a counter top. Is there any way to make it display one of the photos of the shelves when it is displayed in this category?

    • Ankita

      there is always an id for any post type so in your case if it is “shelves” then ‘post_type’ => ‘shelves’ will be in your code.

  19. tareq

    It’s really working on post. bt i wanna set it on custom post. How can i add multiple feature image in custom post?

  20. Patrick Buntsma

    It might be very easy, but I cannot seem to get it right…
    How do I get it to show up in all my post types? The ‘post_type’ => ‘post’ only makes it available in WP Posts. I need it in ‘page’ and ‘event’ as well.

    Please advice.

  21. Abdul wahab

    The 2nd feature image is not showing,how i can get the image ID?

  22. David

    How can i get the ID of the extra Thumbnail?

  23. Anas Naqvi

    for multiple feature images copy this code in your functions,php

    if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {

    for($i=2; $i ‘Secondary Image-‘.$i,

    ‘id’ => ‘secondary-image-‘.$i,

    ‘post_type’ => ‘page’




    In order to display your featured image paste this code in your loop of your single.php/page.php where you want to display the images.

    if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :

    for($i=2; $i<=5; $i++)


    MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), 'secondary-image-'.$i);



  24. Rajith Gunawardena

    this is a very useful tutorial.. So the admins doesn`t need to go to widgets as all items could be added at once ( if the items are unique to that post ./ page ) .. Does anyone of you guys know how we could have a similar one for featured text and extra text areas within the post ?

  25. Rajith Gunawardena

    this is very useful and i manage to get it to work without any issue. do you know how we could have a similer things with FEATURED TEXT and MULTiPLE FEATURED TEXT ?

  26. amitmojumder

    What if somebody wants to show more than 2 featured images? say 10-12?

    • KyawNaing Tun

      I solved it like this :)

      // in function.php

      if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {

      new MultiPostThumbnails(array(

      ‘label’ => ‘Secondary Image’,

      ‘id’ => ‘secondary-image’,

      ‘post_type’ => ‘product’

      ) );

      new MultiPostThumbnails(array(

      ‘label’ => ‘Third Image’,

      ‘id’ => ‘third-image’,

      ‘post_type’ => ‘product’

      ) );


      // in template

      if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :

      MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’);


      if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :

      MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘third-image’);


  27. MatsDagerlind

    I solved it like this (based on code provided in this article, its comments and other sources):

    MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’, NULL, ‘medium’);
    $mptId = MultiPostThumbnails::get_post_thumbnail_id(‘post’, ‘secondary-image’, $post->ID);
    $p = get_post($mptId);
    echo “”;
    echo apply_filters(‘the_excerpt’,$p->post_excerpt);
    echo “”;

  28. Vinnie James

    Is it possible to just return the image url without the tag when calling it up within the template file? Something similar to:

    //Get the Thumbnail URL
    $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), array(320,240), false, ” );
    echo $src[0];

    EDIT: Yes, there is. Use this —
    $custom = MultiPostThumbnails::get_post_thumbnail_id(‘post’, ‘secondary-image’, $post->ID); $custom=wp_get_attachment_image_src($custom,’post-secondary-image-thumbnail’); echo $custom[0];

    • KyawNaing Tun

      Thanks @Vinnie James

  29. Masood

    Thank you for this article its very help full for bigner like me

  30. gunadi

    hi, this perfect plugin.
    but, can i create slider with this plugin..?

    thank’s :)

  31. Mehdi

    Hi, Thank you for your work :)

    Using this plugin, can I add more than 1 additional Thumbnail image ??

    Thank you.

      • Mehdi

        Awesome! But it looks that from the back-office I can only add One secondary image. How can I achieve that ?
        Thank you.

        • Mehdi

          Sorry, this is how we can do it :

          // To be Added in functions.php
          // Multi-Thumbnails code
          if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {
          for($i = 1; $i ‘Gallery Image’.$i,
          ‘id’ => ‘image-‘.$i,
          ‘post_type’ => ‘post’

          Thank you.

  32. Steve

    Great article!

    Just what I’ve been looking for.

    But how I could make it work with a custom post type?

  33. abid

    got it, just copy and past this function how many time you want feature images, and change id and label…:)

  34. abid

    how to add upto 5 or 6 features images…?

  35. abdul

    What is different between default image and featured image in wordpress./////////////??????????

    • WPBeginner Support

      The featured image is an image that you can attach to a post using the featured image box in the post edit area. If you want, you can set a default fallback image for your featured images. This default featured image will appear when there is no featured image set for a post.


  36. Gunaseelan

    I have created a plugin for displaying Page Title, Featured Image and the content.

    Instead of displaying featured image, I need to display the secondary image that is uploaded via plugin.

    How to accomplish this? I will share a small part of my plugin. Please go through it.

    function widget($args, $instance) {
    extract( $args );
    $title = apply_filters(‘widget_title’, $instance[‘title’]);
    $page_id = $instance[‘page_id’];
    $featured_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($page_id);
    $image = $instance[$featured_image];
    echo $featured_image;


    $content = strip_shortcodes($content);
    $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $content);
    echo $this->break_text($content, $page_id);



  37. Eoghan

    I cannot get the resize part to work for me.

    I add image size in functions.php:
    add_image_size(‘small-featured-image-size’, 250, 150);

    I add my image:
    if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {
    new MultiPostThumbnails(
    ‘label’ => ‘Small Featured Image’,
    ‘id’ => ‘smaller-featured-image’,
    ‘post_type’ => ‘product’

    And then:
    if( class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’) ) {
    MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(‘product’, ‘smaller-featured-image’, NULL, ‘small-featured-image-size’);

    The image keeps coming out on the page as its original size. Can anyone help me?

    • wgoodman

      I tried to get it to work by copying the code on this page and pasting it in my functions.php. It did not work until I realized that I was pasting smart apostrophes. Once I changed them it worked great. I think this is what happen to EOGHAN. Thank you for making this webpage. It really is helping my project.

  38. David

    Hey Thanks!!

    I Have a cuestion.
    can i display this on a slider on the single page?

  39. Joshua

    Hey, I’m trying to figure out how to turn this block of code into an array that can be used outside of the loop (in a foreach loop thats after the post loop).

    if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :

    MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’);


    How would you do this? Great tutorials by the way!

  40. Rajeev

    Please give me idea to add two featured images from front-end using code.

  41. Aura Ide

    Thank you for this article as I was looking for a long time, it turns out I found here. We will practice immediately. The tutorial is very clear, good luck!

  42. Travis Pflanz

    To improve on this idea, you could just use a custom meta box/fields plugin or create a custom repeatable field… To allow different number of “post thumbnails”

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