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Por qué NO debes eliminar las fechas de las entradas de tu blog en WordPress

Cuando empecé WPBeginner allá por 2009, tomé la decisión de no incluir fechas en ninguna de las entradas de mi blog. Lo hice porque me creía más listo que el resto. Mi teoría era que WPBeginner NO es un blog. Es un recurso como el códice de WordPress o Wikipedia ninguno de los cuales tiene fechas en sus artículos. Además, pensé que la eliminación de las fechas de las entradas del blog engañaría a los usuarios haciéndoles creer que mi contenido es perenne. Estaba muy equivocado. En los últimos meses, estoy notando una tendencia que más y más vendedores de Internet y autoproclamados “expertos en SEO” están aconsejando a sus usuarios a eliminar las fechas de sus entradas de blog de WordPress. En este artículo, voy a proporcionar detalles en profundidad sobre por qué elegí no incluir fechas al principio y lo que me hizo cambiar de opinión más tarde. También cubriré si/cuáles son los impactos SEO de tener fechas en las entradas de tu blog (post-penguin y panda). Por último, mi objetivo es que después de leer estas entradas entiendas que tu problema no es con las fechas, sino con la fecha de publicación. He encontrado una solución que te complacerá a ti, a tus usuarios y a los motores de búsqueda.

Razones para quitar / no incluir fechas

Cuando empecé WPBeginner en 2009, siempre lo vi como un sitio de recursos similar al Codex de WordPress o Wikipedia. Si usted ha utilizado cualquiera de los dos, entonces usted sabe que no tienen sello de tiempo o fechas en sus entradas / registros. Probablemente se pregunte cuál podría ser la posible ventaja de esto. Bueno, como usuarios tenemos un prejuicio incorporado hacia el contenido obsoleto. En cuanto vemos una fecha, estamos programados para clasificarlo en una de las dos categorías: anticuado O relevante. En teoría, que el contenido sea antiguo no significa que no sea relevante, pero los usuarios hacen esa suposición. Como bloguera, ese pensamiento me resultaba inquietante porque quería que todo el mundo leyera mi contenido. ¿Qué hice entonces? Decidí no incluir fechas en las entradas de mi blog. Mi pensamiento era que la gente lee Wikipedia incluso cuando tiene información relevante que puede o no estar actualizada. Como el usuario nunca conoce la fecha de publicación original, le concede el beneficio de la duda.

Wrong Way

En los últimos meses, he visto a numerosos vendedores de Internet y SEO dando su veredicto en contra de tener fechas en entradas de blog. Cada uno tiene sus propias razones, pero todos siguen la misma palabra de moda: contenido perenne. Cuando los blogs populares como CopyBlogger deciden eliminar las fechas, se establece un ejemplo a seguir para los demás.

Yo ya he pasado por esta ruta, y puedo decirte por qué es una ruta equivocada.

Por qué nunca volvería a quitar las fechas

No cometo el mismo error dos veces. No tener citas al principio fue un error, y no creo que volviera a repetirlo. Mi esperanza es que después de leer esto, usted haría lo mismo. Cuando empecé WPBeginner, mi principal prioridad era ayudar a los usuarios con mis tutoriales de WordPress. Como otros bloggers, quería pensar que mi contenido era perenne. Pero en realidad NO lo es. Aunque vuelvo y actualizo los artículos, no es posible mantenerlo todo al día todo el tiempo.

Al principio, no tuve problemas / conflictos / incidencias con la fecha. Sin embargo, 6 meses después empecé a recibir correos electrónicos de usuarios quejándose de un artículo antiguo. Al principio, me limitaba a actualizar el artículo de inmediato. Sin embargo, a medida que el sitio crecía, actualizar todos los artículos parecía cada vez más improbable. Llegó un momento en que recibía regularmente varios correos electrónicos, tweets o mensajes de Facebook sobre las fechas. Tardé un año y medio en rendirme a mi tozudez y añadir las fechas en la entrada.


En retrospectiva, me di cuenta del flaco favor que estaba haciendo a mis usuarios y a la comunidad de WordPress en general al no incluir las fechas en el sitio. Quería ayudar a los principiantes de WordPress, pero a veces acababa orientándoles mal o causándoles más confusión porque no sabían que estaban viendo una captura de pantalla o un tutorial antiguo.

Con el tiempo, también he aprendido que muy pocas entradas son perennes. Siempre se aprende algo nuevo y los métodos cambian. Te das cuenta cuando alguien cita tus propias palabras en una sesión en la que estás hablando y contradices una entrada anterior. Adivina qué, si esa entrada no tiene fecha, entonces no puedes decir que ese artículo es viejo.

En resumen, si realmente valoras a tus lectores, no quitarías las fechas. Los blogs, por definición, están pensados para no estar actualizados. Tanto si tienes fechas como si no, sigues mostrando tus entradas en orden cronológico inverso. Si realmente cree que su contenido es perenne, ¿por qué no cambia ese orden y muestra las entradas en un orden aleatorio?

Espera, ¿cómo puedo estar satisfecho sabiendo que las entradas de mi blog están desactualizadas? ¿No penaliza Google el contenido obsoleto? ¿Me estoy perdiendo lectores por culpa de los prejuicios de los usuarios hacia las entradas antiguas? Pues estoy satisfecho porque he encontrado una forma alternativa de mostrar las fechas que me mantiene contento a mí y a mis lectores. Supongo que también mantiene contentos a los motores de búsqueda.

Nuevo método de fechas, lectores y motores de búsqueda

Me di cuenta de que mi problema no eran las fechas. Era con la característica de fecha de publicación” porque no reflejaba con exactitud la cantidad de trabajo que había invertido en el sitio. La característica de fecha de publicación es relevante para los libros porque los autores no actualizan el libro original. En su lugar, sacan la versión 2. Como blogger, yo personalmente vuelvo a actualizar una o dos entradas cada día en WPBeginner y aún así esa entrada sigue apareciendo como publicada en una fecha anterior. Bueno, por suerte, WordPress también tiene la capacidad de mostrar la “última fecha de actualización”, que en mi opinión era la solución que necesitaba desde el principio.

Working Time

En los datos de las entradas de WPBeginner, hemos decidido reemplazar la fecha de publicación por la última fecha de actualización. El código es el siguiente:

Last updated on <time datetime="<?php the_modified_time('Y-m-d'); ?>"><?php the_modified_time('F jS, Y'); ?></time>

La función de tiempo modificado en WordPress comprueba la última vez que actualizaste la entrada. Si la última vez que actualizaste la entrada fue cuando la publicaste, entonces muestra la fecha en la que la publicaste. Sin embargo, si volviste a actualizar esa entrada seis meses después, entonces mostrará la última fecha de actualización.

Creo que en el mundo actual, la última fecha de actualización es más valiosa para los lectores que la fecha de publicación real. La fecha de publicación es irrelevante cuando has vuelto a escribir todo el artículo.

En cuanto a los motores de búsqueda, si crees que quitando las fechas de tu diseño los engañarás, entonces eres muy ingenuo. Tu mapa del sitio de WordPress contiene la última fecha de modificación de cada artículo, y es muy probable que hayas enviado tu mapa del sitio a las herramientas para webmasters de Google. Yo personalmente escribo para mis usuarios, y valoro sus pensamientos mucho más que algún motor de búsqueda. Sin embargo, el código anterior sigue un esquema de marcado adecuado que indica a los motores de búsqueda la última hora de actualización de la entrada. Sí, eso significa que Google mostrará la última fecha actualizada junto a tu entrada en lugar de la fecha de publicación original.

Por último, la característica de la hora modificada me satisface como bloguero. Me exijo mucho a mí mismo y sé que mis usuarios tampoco me fallan (gracias a todos por ser tan duros conmigo). Aunque todos los blogs están destinados a estar desactualizados, la audiencia de WPBeginner no tiene permisos para ello. Recibimos informes regulares sobre artículos desactualizados, y hacemos todo lo posible para actualizarlos tan pronto como podemos. Si ves un artículo obsoleto, por favor háznoslo saber tuiteándonos a @wpbeginner o usando el formulario de contacto.

Yup esta solución mantiene a todos contentos.

Everyone is Happy

Hoy en día, sigo viendo WPBeginner como algo más que un blog. Lo veo como el mejor sitio de recursos de WordPress, y añadiendo la fecha creo que lo he hecho aún mejor. Tener relevancia temporal no nos convierte en un mal recurso, más bien nos convierte en un sitio de recursos más útil. Mi esperanza es que con mi opinión, te he convencido de no quitar las fechas de las entradas de tu blog de WordPress. Siempre estoy abierto a la respuesta / comentario / opinión. Por favor, comparta sus pensamientos sobre este debate en los comentarios a continuación.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

182 comentariosLeave a Reply

  1. Liz

    This was excellent information. I was serious going to remove the published dates from my blog. After reading this I think I will let them stay as is. Thanks.

  2. Jake

    Would sorting posts by date updated on the blog index be an edit inside the loop? Also, can this be applied to the RSS feed? Also, if you simply updated a typo and barely any text, would this be bad practice?

  3. Personia

    I like the idea of “Last Updated … “, yet I use “Released on … ” . What are your thoughts on such a phrase?

      • Personia

        To an extent, but I really don’t want to convey the wrong message. You made a point of it in your article.

  4. Roselle

    It’s funny, I was just telling my husband today about the inner war going on in my head about date stamps on my blog…

    My niche is relatively new to Internet marketing and such techniques as this, so I thought that maybe I could get away with deleting the published date.

    But I had this persistent, nagging thought that if I were to truly believe that I publish great content, then the date stamp would be a non-issue. The content would attract visitors no matter how old because its still good relevant content.

    Thanks for this post, it really made me get off the fence. :)

  5. Gretchen Louise

    Great post. I’ve chosen to remove the dates from my post permalinks but leave them within each post itself, so the date is there to be seen and referenced but it’s not in the url.

      • Personia

        That’s what I’ve always done with my site. The URLs are just the title of the article following the domain. The actual article contains the date.

        I was contemplating about removing my dates, though I’m glad I found your article. It’s not the first time your advice has helped.

  6. gmornob

    hello syed,Now i am going to remove post from my blog but when read your post i decide that it is not important for better SEO . thx for share your tip

  7. David

    Interesting concept. At the moment I am using relative dates. I have always wondered who users would perceive some of my more outdated content. Thank You for sharing this point of view. Personally I couldn’t agree more. And is especially true with content that applies to technology.

  8. Mike Schinkel

    Hi @Syed,

    Thanks so much for writing this. The trend of bloggers removing dates is very disturbing and I think what Claire Boyles said really summed it up well. I hope those advising people to do that realize the harm they are causing and just stop.

    If someone hides dates it tells me they are clearly more focused on achieving gains for themselves than being interested in creating value for their readers; I want to help the latter be a success if and when I can. But the former? No so much.

    Also, the irony is that WordPress provides a perfect mechanism for evergreen content, it’s called the “Page” (vs. a “Post”); see this site for great examples of using pages for evergreen content, follow the top menu links. BTW, most bloggers can only manage to maintain a small number of really good evergreen content pages; choose wisely.

    Finally, I like your “Last Updated” idea but I’d really rather see both “Last Updated” and “First Published.” If you really want to help the reader, it’s helpful to know both.

    P.S. BTW, nice to meet IRL in Atlanta.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thanks for your input Mike. We will definitely talk about the published date in the meeting.


      • Mike Schinkel


        On a related note, have you considered using real names rather than _”Editorial Staff?”_ In general when I see a moniker like that I think that content was written by an intern or someone less skilled so I tend to ignore articles that don’t actually have the person’s real name.

        I think author names are a lot like using post dates; be more transparent and we’ll reward you for it. :)

        • Pamela

          I think the same! I like to know with who I’m talking…
          using ‘Editorial Staff’ sounds really cold to me…

        • Editorial Staff

          That is another problem. Let’s say Author X writes the post 2 years ago. To update the post, Author Y went in and updated it (which can mean entirely rewriting the post). Who should get the credit? Original author? Or the new author? Sure, we can use Co-Authors+, but that would just complicate things even further because as this site grow we might have over 5 people who worked on the same article. Using Editorial Staff is a simple solution. If you think that our articles are of low quality, then shoot us an email. But making a snap judgement just because it says Editorial Staff is your choice, and we can’t do anything to change that. We can only hope that you find value on our site regardless of who the author is.

  9. Muskie

    I’ve always used publish date in my posts ever since I put my blog up in 2005. A lot changes in lets call it 7 years. I too go back and edit or add to posts. I also just delete crap including entire posts if it is just not valuable content.

    I may go modify my footer to use last publish date there. I use some sort of Google sitemap plugin and Google definitely notices when I upgrade old posts. The most important qualities to strive for in your writing are Timeliness and Timelessness, without a publish data how would you measure either?

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Muskie,

      While your sitemaps definitely show the last updated content, in Google’s search results it doesn’t. It keeps the published date which is what’s often displayed. We too delete entire old posts or redirect them to a newer/better version.


  10. jason

    Well said. Thanks for the tips. i have the same mindset as you before i read this article. Thanks for enlightening me.

  11. Zimbrul

    I might be dumb today but where do you drop the code?

    • Trish Jones

      @zimbrul, if you’re using something like Genesis (which is what I use), it won’t be that straightforward to just drop the code in although you could use a hook or code it within the functions.php file. However, I’m now using the Last Modified Timestamp WordPress plugin as suggested by one of the Genesis developers. It works a charm.

      • Zimbrul

        Trish, you are a star (actually 5 stars). Yes, I use Genesis on most of my sites and your suggestion comes very handy.
        @ Editorial Staff: I think this is one of the most important article I was reading this year (not kidding) regarding WordPress posts. Giving it a little bit more thought I think this is the way to go: last updated date is more important than the published date.

        • Trish Jones

          You’re very welcome Zimbrul. I hope this comes in useful for anyone else using Genesis or similar.

      • Zimbrul

        Trish, I’ve tried the plugin you’ve suggested and it does not alter in any way the date when I update the article. Am I missing something?

        • Trish Jones

          I double checked since you updated this comment and you are correct, it isn’t updating correctly. So sorry about this. See the Editorial comment much further down in this string and you’ll see that they provided the code for Genesis.

          I’ve added it to my functions.php file and it worked.

    • Editorial Staff

      You have to drop it somewhere inside the loop. That’s why we linked to the post meta data article for reference rather than explaining everything there.


      • Zimbrul

        So you say this is like a date snippet that shows where you drop it?

        • Editorial Staff

          Exactly. If you add the code after post content, then it will show after post content.

  12. Trish Jones

    I was surprised to see that Copyblogger had gone down the route of removing posts and hence the reason I decided to research more into why a blogger would do this and my research led me to your site.

    Your post is 100% spot on and your emphasis on the user is premium. I have ignored articles in the past which have no dates and I’m sure users would do the same to me. Your solution makes logical, SEO and user sense. Thanks!

    • Zimbrul

      I think the Copybloger stuff is pretty much “timeless” as I cannot see what could change in the next 10 years let’s say in the way writers write a good piece of content.

      • Editorial Staff

        They have plenty of articles that uses words like today or contain timely content (i.e news of theme releases or product launches). So yes while a lot of those articles retain value overtime… it’s still good to know when it was last updated.


  13. Charnita Fance

    I totally agree that you should NOT remove the dates from your blog. The first thing I look at when reading a blog post is the date. I want to know how recent it is. I’d never deprive my readers of that because I know how much it annoys me.

    Great article. Thanks.

  14. Chris Rouse

    A cleaner string for this (that should work with the latest version of WordPress) is:

    This method is about as simple as it gets and pulls the formatting from the user’s WP admin settings. It’s a lot fewer options to worry about and doesn’t require any additional configuration other than wrapping it in the proper tags and adding “Last modified” to it.

    • Chris Rouse

      Apparently php gets stripped from comments. Makes sense, I guess.

      So, the part that is missing is the follow, wrapped in php tags:


  15. Stijn Vogels

    Interesting concept. At the moment I am using relative dates. I have always wondered who users would perceive some of my more outdated content. I would love to ability to run an A/B test on something like this. A simple CSS modification should do the trick. Do you know of any tool that can provide this ability?

  16. John Smith

    Yes! Thank you! I’ve never liked the idea of tricking users. I run a technology blog and I also put the version of software I’m doing a tutorial for! As a reader, it’s super annoying to read half a page of text only to find that the tutorial is only for version 1 of software X when the latest version is 18.

    Thanks for posting this!

  17. Mattia

    Well said….
    And I am one of those users who had been hard with you! ;)

  18. Mohammed Jobran

    This is the only blog i used to accept to read it without a date. Thanks Sayed.

  19. Read

    You read my mind.
    I was thinking like you that removing the date will make users think the article is still relevant. I know I was wrong. WordPress is very dynamics, it grows pretty fast. Some functions get deprecated. Some code just don’t work or just get better on latest version of WordPress.

    Well, in the case of Copybloggers, that’s all depends on the type of content. If you’re in news related blog or something that often change like WordPress, date is a MUST.

    Thanks for the tips for having last updated date. Never think of that before. Now I see why I need to add that.

  20. Dave

    You’ve a reply threading issue here BTW. After 4 replies the reply button becomes to small to use.

    What’s you opinion on showing the two dates? One for original published date, the other for updated?

    Side by side, else where in the post eg the bottom or just show updated?

    Not sure how the Schema for time/date would work in a wordress post as opposed to static.

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Dave,

      We have disabled threading after 4 replies to keep the styling intact. You can always show two dates. Just have the schema tags on the last updated date, and show the published date as plain text. Don’t think that there is a schema for last updated date yet.


        • Dave

          Interestingly if you use both both codes (date published & updated) and schedule your post into the future then date updated will be newer than date published. A little confusing for some readers I imagine.

        • Editorial Staff

          Don’t think that would be. Because your published date is the date which you schedule the post for.

          You can even code it with a script that says only show last updated date if it is newer than the published date.

  21. Thorir Vidar

    I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve been reading an article, especially on tech related matters, only to halfway into it gotten the feeling that perhaps this isn’t very recent. And rarely a date to be found. Which is daft, cause the content might be relevant even if a few years old, but it can be difficult to value without knowing the timeframe in which it was written.

    I don’t think the author is deliberately trying to hide anyting from me though, just didn’t realize the effect of not giving their readers this valuable piece of context.

  22. Adnan Shahid

    As a newbie in the field of blogging, i always get guidance from your blog and this article also helps me a lot. But dear i could not understand that where and how to add the code mentioned in your article. Please guide me how can i replace post date with Last updated on?


    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Adnan,

      You would need to place it in your single.php file where the date code is. The date code looks something like this:

      <?php the_time('F j, Y'); ?>

      You would have to replace that.


  23. Glenn C

    Wicked tip!

    I have managed to follow your guide to complete this task on the single.php area of my site. However, the original date still appears on the front of my blog page. I have inserted the same code into the blog.php area to no avail.

    Any ideas what else I need to do?

    My site is Orange Copywriting

    Thanks in advance,

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Glenn,

      I personally wouldn’t recommend changing the dates in the archive. Mainly because it would freak the user out about the order. Your archives are set in the order of new to old (by published date). Unless you are re-organizing that by last updated date, it is only best to show the published date. Perhaps show both, but don’t get rid of the published date from archives.

      This is why you will see in WPBeginner’s archive page that it shows the original published date.

      As for the code not working on your blog.php file, I don’t know why that is. It should work as long as it is inside the post loop.



  24. Gautam Doddamani

    thanks man i had previously disabled the dates on posts page too..but now using this method to show dates..i think this is more effective than the previous one :D

    by the way wat do u think about the date exclusion seo plugin…i think if ppl see outdated content in google results they are less likely to click on it…decreasing CTR…a solution for this would be to hide dates for very old posts and show dates for new posts…this seems to be a win-win as we are maintaining our clickthrough rate as well as providing a good user experience!!

    • Editorial Staff

      You should always show dates because by not doing so you are doing your users a disservice. Quite frankly, if I haven’t updated an older article that needs updating… then I don’t deserve to get the user’s click in the first place.

      Just my 2 cents.



      • Gautam Doddamani

        well said i am convinced syed! :)


  25. Jack Bastide

    Some info really is Evergreen

    so maybe use PAGES for Evergreen and Posts for everything else?


    • Editorial Staff

      I’d agree with that. Use pages to create evergreen guides and use posts for timely subjects.


  26. Claire Boyles

    If I find myself at a blog post that doesn’t have a date on it, I leave very quickly, why? Because I feel that the author is deliberately trying to hide something from me, and I don’t like not knowing when the post was written.

    A blog post is not an information page on a website, those I would expect there not to be a date on, and I would expect them to be fairly up to date.

    Not having a date on a blog post is the opposite of transparency, and as a blog reader I don’t like it.

    I’ve always had dates on my blogs, and when I tweet out older blog posts, I usually include #archive in the tweet, so that people know.

    I still send people to older blog posts, as the information there is still relevant, but I let them know when I wrote it, to be transparent.

  27. Eugenio

    Great analysis, i think a blog is like a diary and the date is the first thing we write in a diary’s note. The modified date is a solution for all perspectives
    Thank you for sharing :)

  28. arunii

    Will you recommend any plugin for this because i am always afraid and hesitate on coding side.
    if no plugin exist at that moment then Please explain in more detail where to put the code exactly in single.php ( i am themejunkie theme )

    • Editorial Staff

      Unfortunately, no plugin exist for this. Go to single.php file and find where the current date is being displayed. Replace that with this new code.


  29. Chris Howard

    I stand and applaud. The removal of dates is one of the most frustrating web trends ever.

    As a developer/designer, I rely a lot on articles and tutorials. Even opinion pieces lose relevance over time.

    Nothing worse than starting to read an article and then getting the feeling it might be out-dated, but then it has no date to verify. But at least I have sufficient experience to identify that, others may not, but it does waste my time.

    Thanks. I hope others listen to you.

  30. Carolina

    Thanks for sharing this; it’s quite helpful. I just used the code you provided for Genesis and added the date after my blog posts. However, I noticed that it just shows the date but it would be helpful to have it read: “Last updated on [date].” Is it possible to do that? Also, do you know if it’s possible to view published posts in the admin dashboard by the last modified date? It would be helpful to be able to see the posts that haven’t been updated for a while so that they can be updated as necessary.

    Thanks again! This is my first comment, but I’m a regular reader of your blog. :)

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes it is possible. Just add Last updated on in line 4 of the code. As for the admin, I’m sure it is possible. I just haven’t looked into it.

      P.S. Thanks for dropping by and commenting.


      • Carolina

        That worked perfectly, thanks!

  31. Robert Nelson

    Read your “Add A Comment” and noticed that it is says “all links are nofollow”. Why?

    • Editorial Staff

      So users don’t spam the comments with links thinking that they are getting some link juice.


  32. Susan Silver

    Thi is great advice actually, especially for SEO. I was just reading some advice the other day about the importance of updating posts from your archives. Can really improve things for your visitors. I think I will make this mod today for the recently updated time function. It makes a lot of sense.

  33. Jeff

    Great Article Syed! Just trying to add it now.

    In Genesis, the single.php page is under the parent framework, not the child theme. Do you recommend duplicating a second single.php and adding it to the child theme folder?
    Many thanks!!

    • Editorial Staff

      No. In genesis, you would want to do it by hooking into genesis_before_post_content. Any example would be:

      add_action('genesis_before_post_content', 'add_last_modified_date');
      function add_last_modified_date() {
      if (is_single()) { ?>
      <time datetime="<?php the_modified_time('Y-m-d'); ?>"><?php the_modified_time('F jS, Y'); ?></time>
      <?php }

      Paste that code in your functions.php file. Remember to make sure that the syntax is right (i.e that you are not posting this inside another function or something).


      • Carolina

        If I use the code provided on Genesis, the last modified date shows up underneath the byline. How can I get the last modified date to show up before the author byline as it does on the WPBeginner blog posts (“Last updated on … by …”)?

        • Editorial Staff

          Well, we have disabled the default genesis function and created a custom one for the author and the date.

  34. Wendy Crumpler

    Really helpful and timely. Not only did you answer the WordPress/blog date question, you also reminded writers (all writers) that what you pen today may not be your truth tomorrow. Write anyway. Thanks

  35. Dave

    Have to say that’s the first time I’ve come across this piece of code.

    Out of interest, does the timestamp change in the Database? So if one wanted to default back to the original published date could you?

    And secondly what do people thing about having a “published date” and a “updated date” running side by side? This would come into play for things like reviews or events.

    • Dave

      Okay I tested it. No DB change.

      Question though. If you display both Published, and Last Updated Dates, which one will Google choose to display? Or does it get this data from the timestamp?

      • Editorial Staff

        Haven’t tried it. But if you use the time schema codes like we have, and then just display the published date as normal, then I would assume that it would pick the last modified date.


        • Dave

          “time schema codes” That’s something there’s not too much written on either is about is aside from

          Probably too much for a comment, but it might make an interesting follow up post to this one – how to implement etc.

        • Editorial Staff

          There is all the information you need on It is as simple as the time snippet and the date format. That’s all.

  36. Zseller Istvan

    Tech info is not evergreen. I would hate to go through a longer tutorial when half way I get a warning about deprecated, or non-existent functions. Not every editor can catch these kinds of errors. If some info is more than one year old I just completely disregard it. If it is about WordPress, API changes are not that frequent, so a two year old thing might work just fine. If a piece of software has been around for longer time, such as Emacs, or Vim, older tutorials are just fine.

  37. Bob Dunn

    I totally agree. And since I do WP tutorials as well, it is a disservice to the reader if they don’t realize it’s from 2 years ago, and likely outdated :)

    So appreciate you posting about this because I come across so many sites that choose to not show their dates and don’t realize the consequences to their readers…cheers!

  38. Jennifer

    I’ve got a few questions (just a couple months into using WP). — Where does this code go?

    And, can the code work avoiding certain posts? (I have some that will need to retain their published date, and may be updated for a while, depending on how my blog evolves.)

    • Jennifer

      I think this recommendation applies more to coding, which becomes outdated within a few years. And perhaps other more-transient matters. On some blogs though, re other less-changing matters, it might not matter whether they -ever- have dates. IMHO

      (Thinking, relationship blogs, et al. Might matter due to the particular circumstances being blogged about, and the author’s circumstances, though the subject matter itself, well, dates seem not to matter, within decades / sociological changes. Perhaps, think about your content, may serve well within this overall recommendation.)

  39. pamela

    When I first started to make blogs I wanted to hide dates too, to look ‘cooler’ hahaha, but I do think it’s a bad idea now. I visited copyblogger the other day and I didn’t know they deleted the dates, I almost never visit the site. I got so confused because I didn’t know how old the information was. I ended up leaving, I just assumed that the dates were old…

  40. Michael

    I’m glad you have brought attention to this phenomenon. It’s obvious to most readers, I believe, that when the author or owner of a site doesn’t include dates on their material, they’re trying to intentionally obscure it’s “sell-by” date, and if that’s the case, it typically isn’t going to be very valuable information anymore, and a waste of the reader’s time. And as you pointed out, that will eventually result in resentment, avoidance and lost readership. Unfortunately, lots of people do this, and I often find myself halfway through an article before I begin asking myself “when was this even published?” because the further you get into it, the more obvious it is that it’s irrelevant and obsolete. Sure enough, no date or byline anywhere on it. (Same goes for many design blogs that tweet and “repurpose” their “fresh” material and icons and whatnot that feature MySpace and no Pinterest, for example. 2009 isn’t really “fresh” by internet standards.

  41. Jay Castillo

    How about removing dates in Google SERP’s? Do you think that increases click-through rates?

    • Editorial Staff

      That depends. If the article has an older date, then I would assume yes. However, if you put an article with newer date vs. something with no date… then I’d pick the newer date article. Click rate also depends on a lot of other factors as well (your title, author verification, description, etc). So it would be really hard to measure just one variable when so many are at play.


  42. PolarStar

    Syed – you rock . this is very useful. I have been thinking now for weeks if I should be doing something about this or jot. And you summarized so many of the thopughts I had + gave a great solution.

    Thank you and congrats!

  43. Corrinda

    Thank You for sharing this point of view. Personally I couldn’t agree more. And is especially true with content that applies to technology. I would even go so far as to say removing the date from this type of content is deceptive whether intentional or not. It also wastes time when trying to research a topic.

    I do think as with most things there are some exceptions to the general rule and there is a small amount of evergreen content. But for the most part it is not. And even if it is “evergreen” a date can help provide a context.

    Your alternative, supplying a last updated date is a great suggestion.

    This idea that removing the date will get more of your content read does not make sense. In fact, I suspect it may actually provide the reverse affect.

  44. Main Uddin

    I am agree with author as blogger should ultimately do what she/he feels is best for own blog, and its readers, when it comes to adding or deleting the date from blog post. but better option is remain it .

  45. Edward Caissie

    I couldn’t agree more that posts should be dated (I’d even be willing to argue the same point for pages). I spent a great deal of time with my most recent theme insuring that both the original date and, as the case may be, the modified date (and author) was included or able to be included on all posts and pages,

    As far as I see it, no date does not translate to “evergreen” content as much as it is more likely to translate into no readers.

  46. Connie

    I always feel stupid when I search for a burning problem, find some blog posts, study them and after some time of intellectual work I notice that that special post is outdated.

    I always have the feeling that a blogger who does not publish a date either thinks he / she will not continue the blog longer than 3065 days or that she/he is not caring for her/his users

    well, do not trump your users, especially when you offer kind of support material or tutorials!

    • Editorial Staff

      Agreed Connie. This is why we made the switch in 2011. Thanks to all the users who complained about my stubbornness :)

      Thank you for dropping by and commenting.


      • Cynthia LaLuna

        So – just to be clear – this code will show the updated date in the byline, but won’t change the original order of appearance on the blog index page?


  47. John Saddington

    well-said here. i’ve considered it myself and haven’t pulled the trigger ever on removing dates. adding the modified is a great middle-ground between the two.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thanks for dropping by John. Yes, I put the last updated date on the single post page while keeping the published date on the archive pages to keep things organized. This way when the user is viewing the archives, they don’t confused by the dates and the reverse chronological order of posts.



  48. Michael McKean

    As a WordPress “beginner” (less than a year) myself, I made it a point to rip out all of the post info (dates, author, etc). I had that same impression that if no one knows when or where it came from it could last forever and looked prettier. What I didn’t understand, at first anyways, was I even forgot when things were done. I was missing things that I had meant to go back and update and couldn’t remember the things that I had already updated. (I try to spend most of my time on the front end of my sites to understand the user experience and only go to the back-end when necessary.) I appreciate the last updated code you provided, I will be using that :) hope you don’t mind. I think this will definitely help me stay on top of the things I need to. Thank you.

    • Editorial Staff

      Michael, I don’t mind if you use the code at all. As a matter of fact that was my main intention when I wrote this post. I want people to add the last updated date rather than the published date because I feel that is more helpful.

      Thank you for dropping by and commenting.



  49. Tushar

    Having `Date Modified` sounds good to me & makes a lot of sense.

    Yes, having a date (any) on article is a good thing and there is no way one should trick users to raise complaints.

    Now, question is – What date would search engine pick – especially when Google does not rely 100% on date shown on the article because it can be tricked by many ways for various benefits.

    Thanks :)

    • Editorial Staff

      Google already knows the last modified date of your article through the sitemap. By changing the timestamp like we did in our article, Google will display the last modified time in the results.


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