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Cambiar la reseña / valoración de Disqus – Aumento de los comentarios en un 304

Hace aproximadamente dos meses que dejamos de utilizar Disqus. Muchos de ustedes se dieron cuenta de este cambio y nos pidieron que escribiéramos una reseña / valoración de Disqus explicando por qué cambiamos. Después de usar Disqus durante aproximadamente un año, nos dimos cuenta de varios inconvenientes que nos obligaron a cambiar de nuevo a los comentarios de WordPress. En esta reseña / valoración de Disqus, destacaremos las razones por las que cambiamos y cómo nos ayudó a aumentar nuestros comentarios en un 304%.

Disqus Review - Why we Swithced Away

Empezamos a usar Disqus en abril de 2014. Nos cambiamos hace varios meses. Realmente apreciamos su paciencia y nuestras disculpas por tomar tanto tiempo para escribir acerca de esto. Sabemos que varios de ustedes han estado preguntando acerca de por qué nos cambiamos de Disqus, así que aquí va nuestra última reseña / valoración de Disqus.

¿Por qué cambiamos de Disqus?

Hubo varias razones por las que cambiamos de Disqus.

Insertar enlaces de afiliados sin permiso

Disqus ofrece a los editores la posibilidad de ganar un poco de $$ extra si activas Promoted Discovery que muestra historias patrocinadas en la sección de entradas relacionadas que Disqus puede añadir.

Como no queríamos ningún tipo de publicidad de ellos, teníamos todos los ajustes desmarcados.

Sin embargo, accidentalmente nos encontramos con lo que ellos llaman un “fallo” en el que Disqus estaba enlazando afiliados en el contenido de las entradas de nuestro blog sin nuestro permiso.

Básicamente Disqus tiene una asociación con Viglink que mira a través de su contenido y cambiar cualquier enlace que están asociados con un enlace de afiliado.

Nos dimos cuenta de esto cuando nos dimos cuenta de Viglink refiriendo ofertas a OptinMonster desde nuestro sitio WPBeginner. Qué ironía, ya que ambos son nuestros sitios. Hmmm.

Después de investigarlo, informamos del problema a Disqus, que lo corrigió y lo llamó “fallo”.

Nos decepcionó bastante la forma en que se manejó esto. No estamos seguros de cuánto dinero Disqus hizo a través de este fallo de inyección de afiliados, y lo extendido que era esto. No hubo ningún anuncio público acerca de esto, y definitivamente no recibimos ningún crédito de $$ por la publicidad que estaban colocando en nuestro sitio por quién sabe cuánto tiempo.

Eso nos dejó un mal sabor de boca.

Para más detalles sobre el fallo, puedes ver nuestro vídeo aquí.

Comentarios patrocinadores

Nos enteramos de esto a través de nuestro amigo Michael Hyatt cuando notó que aparecían comentarios patrocinados en su sitio sin su permiso.

Nos informó de que no se puede optar por salir sin la ayuda del equipo de soporte de Disqus.

Así que nos pusimos en contacto con Disqus para una respuesta oficial con respecto a este problema.

Nos confirmaron que no hay manera fácil para que una persona pueda optar por no participar sin llegar a su equipo de soporte. Dado que había criterios específicos para los comentarios patrocinados, la mayoría de los usuarios no se verán afectados por esto.

¡Genial! Como si la lucha contra los comentarios de Spam no fuera ya lo suficientemente difícil, ahora tenemos que estar atentos a Disqus y ponernos rápidamente en contacto con ellos si activan los comentarios patrocinados en nuestro sitio. No, gracias.

Matt Mullenweg, fundador de WordPress lo resume mejor en su respuesta al anuncio de Disqus: “¡No es Spam de comentarios si nos pagan por ello!”.

Nota: durante este fiasco de los comentarios patrocinadores, hemos descubierto un ajuste que se activa automáticamente para el seguimiento de cookies. Se encuentra en la pestaña de ajustes “Avanzados”. Asegúrate de desactivarla si utilizas Disqus.

Disminución significativa de la participación en los comentarios

Cuando activamos Disqus, algunos lectores se quejaron de que Disqus hace que sea más difícil para los comentarios de invitados. Dado que Disqus estaba siendo ampliamente utilizado en varios de los mejores sitios, no prestamos mucha atención a esas quejas.

Con el tiempo, nuestra participación en los comentarios disminuyó considerablemente. Después de desactivar Disqus, vimos que nuestros usuarios empezaban a dejar más comentarios. Desde el cambio, hemos avisado de que nuestros comentarios han aumentado un 304%.

Interfaz de moderación

Estábamos bastante entusiasmados con la nueva interfaz de moderación cuando hicimos el cambio, pero a medida que la utilizábamos más, no era algo que gustara a nuestros editores.

Nota: Esto es completamente una preferencia personal, y sabemos que hay otros usuarios a los que les encanta la interfaz de Disqus.

¿Qué echaremos de menos de Disqus?

Aunque no nos gustaron algunas de las prácticas empresariales de Disqus, hubo algunas cosas que seguramente echaremos de menos de la plataforma.

Escalabilidad y rendimiento del sitio

Los comentarios consumen muchos recursos. Si tienes muchos comentarios en una entrada, tardará mucho tiempo en cargarse.

Si muchos usuarios dejan comentarios al mismo tiempo, también afectará a la carga del servidor. La ventaja de utilizar un sistema de comentarios de terceros como Disqus es que reduces la carga de tu servidor y se la envías a ellos.

Incluso si su sitio está siendo atacado por un usuario malintencionado, no afectará a su servidor porque tiene que pasar primero por Disqus. (Nota: Esto solo es cierto, si ha desactivado la Sincronización de comentarios).


La mejor parte acerca de Disqus era que los comentarios se almacenan en una base de datos de terceros que es extremadamente útil con la redundancia. Definitivamente extrañaremos esto.

Por ahora, si alguna vez tenemos que hacer un fail-over, simplemente desactivaremos los comentarios hasta que nuestros servidores principales estén de vuelta. Aunque no es lo ideal, esta es la opción más sencilla que tenemos.

¿Qué es lo siguiente?

Por ahora, estamos utilizando la interfaz de comentarios de WordPress por defecto. En el pasado, hemos probado Disqus y Livefyre, pero hemos vuelto a los comentarios de WordPress porque nos parece la mejor opción disponible.

Definitivamente estamos considerando el uso de De:Comments, un plugin de comentarios de WordPress que hemos reseñado anteriormente.

La otra opción es potenciar los comentarios nativos de WordPress con un conjunto de otros plugins de funcionalidad como Suscribirse a Comentarios, Notificaciones de Respuesta, Edición Simple de Comentarios, y posiblemente algunos más.

Esperamos que esta reseña haya explicado por qué nos alejamos de Disqus. Realmente apreciamos su paciencia y nuestras disculpas por tomar tanto tiempo para escribir acerca de esto. Sabemos que muchos de ustedes han estado preguntando acerca de este cambio.

Si te ha gustado este artículo, suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube para ver tutoriales en vídeo sobre WordPress. También puedes encontrarnos en Twitter y Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

203 comentariosDeja una respuesta

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Moinuddin Waheed says

    Thanks for letting me know that disqus has some these bad practices and techniques in their part.
    I have used disqus for a longer time for my blog comments and never knew that these are the issues with it.
    I will definitely consider other options for wordpress comments. For now switching to wordpress comments.
    Thanks a ton.

  3. Sam Am says

    Great article , I used to have disqus for more than 2 years and I was always wondering why you guys are not using it. these days I was digging deep on my site and found couple of affiliate links redirects that I have never installed or dealt with. I just found out that it is from disqus “and I think you can disable them” but I decided to delete disqus all together since this is not acceptable doing something on my site with out my permission “it was automatically turned on”
    it time to say goodbye disques, and thanks for the great post.

  4. Frank Fajardo says

    I found your blog after doing a search on why Disqus would like to get quite a lot of permission from my Tweeter account, more than most apps that simply need my identity (email and name). Thanks for sharing. It makes me affirm my decision to not sign up.

  5. Erving says

    Interesting. I was researching if going with Discus was the way for my website. Now I will think it thoroughly a bit more.

  6. Kingju Pendalo says

    Thanks for you review, I was wondering about setting Disqus on my website. Looks like I’m not going to go this way.

  7. Abhishek Dorik says

    Hey! Thanks for this, it’s a great read. I too was using disqus on one of my blogs and I totally agree with all the takes in this blog. Interesting!

  8. Muskie says

    What changes did you have to make to your theme to move away from Disqus. It is basically blocked in China and slows my whole website down so I think it has to go given how long I’ve lived in China.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      As our theme is a custom theme, we had to ensure we had a comments template but for most themes, there should be a comments template already.


      • Muskie says

        I plan to upgrade to WordPress 5 and then update my theme. Disqus has been blocked for two years in China it has to go if you want anyone in China to leave a comment on your blog.

  9. Mathukutty P. V. says

    You said you are using wordpress native comment, but this comment box is different than my native comment box. Also could not find subscribe option. Why this change? One visitor complained the comment box below comments is difficult to access, and hence box should be above comments.

  10. Tim says

    Links to comments never, ever worked in Disqus. The software just plain sucks. Finding older comments is incredibly tedious.

  11. Taylor says

    I “Happened” across this article and am very glad I read it, along with numerous comments shared.

    I do NOT ever recall doing a “thing” with Disqus, and yet they had an account on me, linked to FB that was so old it had an email address I have not used in AGES, as in probably 7 yrs or. more? I shut it down tonight, but not sure that really means a thing. I never register anything with my FB account, ever! So this is interesting that they had it. Maybe somehow way back when I did, is all I can think of.

    I am hoping closing the account is the same as also rejecting them of any rights to access any of my information, or to share such information in part or in whole. But I don’t know. (??) Anyone know?

    When I go to make a comment in some sites, they ask for my email and they want you to click a box giving consent for them to have access to your whole life and your friends … These apps do NOT need my friend’s lists, contacts, location(s), phone number, place of work, my whole life…its none of their business, just so I can make a comment? So I close the window and move on, no comment made. Many of us move on. But in time I’m betting that will continue to change, which for me is alarming.

    Privacy matters! I fear for the next few generations as they further and further remove them from any understanding of the value of privacy and their rights to it.

    While I do have a Company website we have as of yet to place anything up that allows for “commenting”. in our blog/article section because we work in Psychiatric care and Human Rights needs for marginalized populations that are heavily stigmatized, to begin with.

    The last thing I want any of those we serve seeing is all the judgemental comments and crudeness that has already done enough damage to their healing process. So as a company in our field of work, we are torn on how to handle this and continue to debate what to do. We want people to have a voice and place to share their views appropriately, and give support to those who would gain from it, while educating the communities that are the foundation to the world we live in.

    A rational conversation would be great! Reality has shown me that is nearly impossible. There is the ideal world, then there is a reality.

    If there is a really good way to have comments done filtered from the spam and the hate, I’d love to know what it is. Yes, we do use Word Press but I don’t know it inside and out. I plan to explore plugins, etc. but frankly it seems to me that the time consumption of self-monitoring of comments would be extremely time-consuming.

    Thank you for writing the article, it did lead me to more information. and awareness of some complexities and even some tools I was unaware of. If I had not crossed this article, I’d have not even known I was in their system! That’s scary. So thank you!

  12. Khary says

    I recently removed the plug in after all my comments seem to have disappeared. Then i did an import and comments reappeared, but greyed out. In frustration in disabled the plug in and voila trouble free comments. Wouldnt ever use that program again.

  13. Val says

    I was about to switch from Disqus to WP native comments, but then I realize that in order to have Akismet spam protection there, I have to pay $5/month for that. With Disqus spam protection is included free. And I have not had ad problems that I know of. Are you paying for Akismet or is there another option? Thank you

  14. Ed says

    I’m so glad you posted this. Unfortunately, I’m just now seeing it after having the worst experiences with them. One thing, I can tell you, that made me leave Disqus is the way they’ve made it really easy to block individual voices that don’t agree with the status quo. I posted a comment on NPR that they didn’t like, and they marked it spam. Next thing I know, after posting on another site, my comment got marked as spam again. That makes it sound like it’s just me being a troll or something, I know, but I’m not. I’m just not someone who’ll say whatever it is that people want to hear instead of a dissenting opinion. Now, every time I post a comment, I have to go through a process where I’m more likely to get marked as a spammer because of these past two instances. As a result, I don’t use Disqus to discuss anything–but they did leave me filled with disgust.

  15. John S says

    I’ve read some sketchy stuff Disqus was doing before. As a Disqus contributor I was researching Disqus and came upon your experience with Disqus. I have to rethink myself using such a service that seems to do things a bit shady and underhanded. I don’t like Disqus because it tends to allow some really derogatory users who continue to berate other user comments without any ramifications. For me Disqus as sort of done a disservice to the web comment services by becoming more a negative then a positive way to exchange opinions and ideals.

  16. John says

    Disqust wants to see my friends list and many other things in order to become their customer? Really? And it told me it found my secret account (everyone’s entitled to privacy) and asked me whether I wanted disqust to let everyone know about it and tie it up with my public profile? Seriously? Does Yelp have a buddy at Disqust? Cause Yelp is buddies with Twitter, which in turn allows Yelp president to freely spy on everyone’s comments at Twitter (no kidding). I find difficult to post even using the very Disqusting account. And I never allow them to connect with my Gmail, Facebook etc. accounts. Once Disqust blocked me from posting on Disqust and exposed to me that they knew everything about me and my posts. Nothing illegal on my side and who is Disqust, a Scotland Yard?

  17. Jess Pacheco says

    This is some good insight. I actually came across this on my search for why my Disqus comments weren’t loading at the footer of my newest blog post. So, it seems like a lot of folks have encountered my issue with no solution.

  18. Vincenzo says

    “When we enabled Disqus, few readers complained that Disqus makes it harder for guest commenting.” This is the main reason why I hate disquis.

  19. Peter says

    This is a great article. Thank you for sharing. I was about to pay for Disqus but this has raised a red flag. Again, thank you.

  20. Trina says

    I just stumbled upon this while I was just about to download the disqus plug in. I am glad I read it.
    I have a few questions, at the moment I have a facebook plugin but my normal wordpress comment box is underneath. But I keep getting people trying to advertise in the wordpress comment box and it’s pretty annoying. I primarily work on facebook… would you suggest keeping the facebook plugin? I would like people to post from all platforms. Also, how do I moderate the comments?
    Sorry for all the questions, I am relatively new to this. Many thanks

  21. Ramin Faizy says

    Thanks for this great post i wanted to use disqus for my site but after this great post i will not use that thanks a lot

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