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Hostinger se está convirtiendo en un nombre muy conocido en el sector del alojamiento de WordPress. Ofrecen alojamiento asequible, soporte 24/7 por chat en vivo y una plataforma robusta para alojar tu sitio web. Hostinger incluye instalación automática de WordPress en 1 clic, actualizaciones automáticas gestionadas, seguridad mejorada, CDN gratuito, aceleración de la velocidad de WordPress y migración gratuita de sitios. También ofrecen alojamiento geolocalizado con 7 centros de datos en EE.UU., Europa, Asia y Sudamérica. Hostinger da servicio a más de 3 millones de usuarios en 150 países. Además de todo esto, tienen un descuento especial del 77% para los lectores de WPBeginner combinado con SSL gratis y un nombre de dominio gratis.


  • Alojamiento asequible
  • Rendimiento optimizado
  • Excelente soporte al cliente
  • Instalación de WordPress en 1 clic
  • Dominio y SSL gratuitos
  • Múltiples centros de datos


  • Los precios de renovación son un poco más altos

WPBeginner users get an exclusive 77% off discount and free Domain!

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Hostinger Valoración De Nuestros Expertos

Hostinger es un popular proveedor de alojamiento web con una potente plataforma para lanzar sitios web. Ofrecen una gran variedad de planes de alojamiento compartido para todo el mundo, desde principiantes hasta grandes empresas. Sus precios son asequibles, y sus planes incluyen un montón de características útiles. Consulte nuestra experta reseña / valoración de Hostinger para decidir si es la opción adecuada para usted.

La mayoría de las empresas de alojamiento web prometen características y ventajas similares. En este análisis detallado de Hostinger, compartiremos nuestros puntos de vista y pondremos a prueba sus afirmaciones en estas áreas clave:

  • Velocidad y rendimiento: Comprobamos la velocidad de carga de los sitios web alojados en Hostinger y su impacto en la experiencia del usuario y el SEO.
  • Fiabilidad: Evaluamos el tiempo de actividad y la disponibilidad para ver si Hostinger puede mantener su sitio web accesible de forma constante.
  • Atención al cliente: Probamos su equipo de soporte para determinar si puedes obtener asistencia rápida y útil cuando la necesites.
  • Características: Revisamos qué incluyen los planes de alojamiento de Hostinger y cómo se comparan esas características con las de la competencia.
  • Precios: Evaluamos la estructura de costes de Hostinger para ver si ofrece una buena relación calidad-precio y formas de maximizar el ahorro.

En esta completa reseña de Hostinger, ofrecemos un análisis basado en la experiencia de primera mano con sus servicios.

Si no tienes mucho tiempo, aquí tienes un resumen rápido de nuestras conclusiones y la puntuación general de Hostinger.

Hostinger Review Summary
Performance gradeA
Average load time935 ms
Average response time72.4 ms
Free domainYes
Free SSLYes
1-click WordPressYes
SupportLive Chat / Knowledge base
Start with Hostinger

Conclusión: En nuestra reseña / valoración, Hostinger nos pareció un buen proveedor de alojamiento con un soporte fiable y un excelente conjunto de características.

Dicho esto, entremos en los detalles de cómo hemos llegado a esta conclusión.

Acerca de Hostinger

Hostinger se fundó en 2011, pero su historia se remonta a 2004. Lanzada como una pequeña empresa de alojamiento web en Kaunas, Lituania, la gente detrás de Hostinger lanzó varias marcas de alojamiento web a lo largo de los años.

Hostinger website

Esto les proporcionó la experiencia necesaria para desarrollar la tecnología y los conocimientos que ahora utilizan en Con más de 3 millones de clientes en 150 países, es una de las empresas de alojamiento web de más rápido crecimiento.

Pruebas de rendimiento de Hostinger

Nuestros lectores confían en las reseñas de WPBeginner porque sólo recomendamos productos y servicios que hemos probado personalmente.

Para cada revisión de alojamiento WordPress, contratamos cuentas y comprobamos sus afirmaciones mediante exhaustivas comprobaciones de rendimiento.

Para esta reseña de Hostinger, contratamos una cuenta de alojamiento e instalamos WordPress (creador de sitios web). Utilizamos el tema predeterminado y rellenamos el sitio con datos ficticios realistas, incluidos medios e imágenes.

Este enfoque garantizó que nuestro sitio de prueba reflejara el comportamiento y la estructura de un sitio web real de WordPress.

Resultados de la prueba de velocidad de Hostinger

Un sitio web rápido es crucial para el éxito de nuestros usuarios. Crea una buena experiencia de usuario y también mejora el SEO. Por eso, la primera prueba que hicimos fue medir la velocidad del sitio web con Pingdom.

Aquí están los resultados:

Hostinger speed test result

La velocidad de carga de nuestro sitio de prueba fue de una fracción de segundo, lo que está muy bien. Sin embargo, este tiempo de carga de la página por sí solo no muestra la imagen completa porque nuestro sitio de prueba no tiene tráfico.

Resultados de la prueba de resistencia de Hostinger

A continuación, queríamos ver lo bien que Hostinger gestiona el tráfico del sitio web durante las horas punta. Para medirlo, utilizamos una herramienta llamada K6 de Grafana Labs.

Fuimos aumentando gradualmente hasta llegar a 50 visitantes únicos a la vez para ver cómo gestionaba el servidor el aumento de solicitudes procedentes de varias conexiones al mismo tiempo.

Aquí están los resultados:

Hostinger stress test results

La línea verde representa el tiempo de respuesta de la solicitud, y la gris, el número de usuarios virtuales del sitio.

Como puede ver, Hostinger obtuvo muy buenos resultados en esta prueba. A medida que aumentamos los usuarios virtuales, el tiempo de respuesta se mantuvo estable incluso en los picos de tráfico.

Esto significa que si tiene un sitio web para una pequeña empresa, una tienda en línea o un blog en expansión, su sitio web puede gestionar fácilmente los picos repentinos de tráfico.

Prueba de tiempo de respuesta de Hostinger

A continuación, queríamos comprobar cómo responde nuestro sitio de prueba de Hostinger a las solicitudes procedentes de distintas ubicaciones geográficas. Para medirlo, utilizamos una herramienta llamada Bitcatcha.

Aquí están los resultados:

Hostinger response time test results

Como pueden ver, los tiempos de respuesta fueron excelentes en todos los ámbitos, sobre todo en Europa y Norteamérica.

Prueba de tiempo de actividad de Hostinger

También es importante señalar que nuestro sitio web no se cayó durante las pruebas y no registró ningún tiempo de inactividad. Activamos el rastreador de tiempo de actividad porque a veces, durante las pruebas de estrés, algunos servidores de alojamiento se caen.

Esta es otra señal de que Hostinger es una plataforma de alojamiento fiable.

Hostinger uptime test results

Planes de alojamiento y características de Hostinger

Hostinger ofrece varios planes de alojamiento con diferentes características. Estos incluyen planes compartidos, alojamiento de comercio electrónico, alojamiento VPS, alojamiento en la nube, un constructor de sitios web y mucho más.

Hostinger Pricing

Sin embargo, su principal oferta son los planes de alojamiento compartido. Los precios de Hostinger son muy competitivos, lo que lo convierte en una opción excelente para sitios web principiantes.

Echemos un vistazo a los planes que ofrece Hostinger.

Desglose de los planes de alojamiento compartido de Hostinger

Los planes de alojamiento compartido de Hostinger vienen en tres niveles diferentes. Todos los planes difieren en espacio en disco, ancho de banda y el número de sitios web que puede instalar:

Premium: Este plan básico incluye 100 GB de almacenamiento SSD, la posibilidad de instalar varios sitios web WordPress, un dominio gratuito, cuentas de correo electrónico gratuitas y protección DDoS estándar.

Business: Este plan de nivel medio incluye todas las características de ‘Premium’ y ofrece protección DDoS mejorada, sitios de ensayo con 1 clic, herramientas de IA de WordPress y mucho más.

Cloud Startup: Este plan es adecuado para medianas empresas y agencias de WordPress. Incluye todas las características del plan Business más almacenamiento adicional, copias de seguridad diarias y soporte prioritario.

El plan Premium tiene recursos limitados, y Hostinger no lo recomienda para sitios web de comercio electrónico con más de diez productos.

Además de planes compartidos, también ofrecen planes de alojamiento Hostinger Cloud y planes de alojamiento VPS con recursos dedicados como núcleos de CPU, RAM y almacenamiento SSD.

Características del plan de alojamiento Hostinger

También debe comparar las características que ofrece cada plan de alojamiento. Aparte de las limitaciones de cada plan, esto es lo que se incluye en cada plan de alojamiento ofrecido por Hostinger.

  • Autoinstalador de WordPress en 1 clic
  • Aceleración de sitios web en WordPress
  • Certificado SSL gratuito
  • Acceso Git
  • Hostinger CDN (no incluido en el plan Premium)
  • 24/7 Soporte por chat en directo

Además, cada plan también te da acceso a su panel de control de alojamiento personalizado. Esta alternativa a cPanel se llama hPanel y tiene toda la funcionalidad estándar que encontrarás con los proveedores de alojamiento cPanel, incluyendo la capacidad de instalar otras aplicaciones populares y software CMS como WordPress, WooCommerce, Joomla y más.

Hostinger ofrece una gran variedad de aplicaciones y herramientas avanzadas con su alojamiento compartido premium. Entre ellas se incluyen un gestor de PHP, funciones de seguridad, un gestor de archivos de arrastrar y soltar y optimización de la caché.

Hostinger control panel dashboard

Hostinger ofrece una garantía de tiempo de actividad del 99,9% y una garantía de devolución del dinero de 30 días.

Esto significa que en los primeros 30 días después de acceder, puede cancelar su cuenta por cualquier motivo y obtener un reembolso completo de sus cuotas de alojamiento. El reembolso no incluye las cuotas de registro del dominio; puedes conservar tu dominio.

Hostinger Soporte y Servicio al Cliente

Hostinger ofrece soporte al cliente 24/7 a través de chat en vivo. Actualmente, no ofrecen soporte telefónico. Su equipo de soporte técnico está bien entrenado y está disponible para ayudar cuando sea necesario.

Hostinger support

Su equipo de atención al cliente ofrece soporte en inglés a clientes de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, si ha adquirido su alojamiento a través de uno de sus sitios web locales, como ‘’, también tiene la opción de obtener soporte al cliente en ese idioma local.

Encontramos que su equipo de soporte al cliente es muy adaptable, con tiempos de respuesta casi inmediatos. Otras reseñas de usuarios también han informado de una buena experiencia del cliente al interactuar con el equipo de soporte.

Además del chat en directo, Hostinger cuenta con una amplia base de conocimientos que contiene tutoriales detallados paso a paso para responder a las preguntas más frecuentes de los clientes.

Ventajas e inconvenientes de Hostinger

Hostinger es una empresa de alojamiento web muy popular, pero puede que no sea la opción adecuada para todo el mundo. Antes de elegir un plan, ten en cuenta estos pros y contras.

Ventajas de elegir el alojamiento Hostinger

  • Planes deprecios más bajos: Ofrecen planes de alojamiento de muy bajo coste para usuarios que quizá sólo quieran probar una idea.
  • Excelente rendimiento: Teniendo en cuenta los precios de Hostinger, su rendimiento y velocidad son excelentes.
  • Buen soporte al cliente: Ofrecen un excelente soporte al cliente para todos los planes, lo que supone una gran ayuda para los principiantes

Contras de elegir el alojamiento Hostinger

  • Limitaciones de los planes: Para mantener viable su alojamiento de bajo coste, Hostinger realiza limitaciones en los planes de alojamiento de entrada / registro. Sin embargo, a medida que su sitio web crece, siempre se puede actualizar a los planes de nube o VPS para deshacerse de esas limitaciones.
  • No hay copias de seguridad diarias: Su plan Premium ofrece copias de seguridad semanales en lugar de diarias. Sin embargo, recomendamos a los usuarios que configuren siempre su solución de copia de seguridad independientemente de que su proveedor de alojamiento ofrezca copias de seguridad diarias.

Conclusión: ¿Es Hostinger adecuado para usted?

Ahora que ha leído toda nuestra reseña / valoración del alojamiento web Hostinger, puede que se esté preguntando si Hostinger es el alojamiento web adecuado para usted.

Recomendamos Hostinger a los principiantes que quieran crear un sitio web sin gastar demasiado dinero. Las opciones de alojamiento compartido a bajo precio de Hostinger ofrecen una buena relación calidad-precio, con un gran rendimiento y un panel de control muy fácil de usar.

Ahora bien, como servicio de alojamiento compartido de bajo coste, necesitan poner ciertos límites a las cuentas para garantizar un modelo de negocio sostenible. Una vez que su sitio alcance los límites de tráfico, se le pedirá que actualice al siguiente plan.

También puedes instalar WordPress fácilmente con 1 clic, migrar sitios web gratis, caché LiteSpeed, soporte CDN de Hostinger, protección de servidor de nombres Cloudflare y algunas otras características ingeniosas. También puedes instalar cualquier plugin de WordPress, plantillas, editores de arrastrar y soltar páginas, y mucho más.

¿Listo para los primeros pasos con Hostinger? Haga clic aquí para seleccionar su plan Hostinger.

Cupón Hostinger

Los usuarios de WPBeginner obtienen un 77% de descuento en su alojamiento web y un dominio gratis (Excepto para el plan Single) con nuestro código de cupón Hostinger.

Sólo tiene que hacer clic en este enlace para comprar. El descuento se aplicará automáticamente.

Preguntas frecuentes acerca de Hostinger

He aquí las respuestas a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes acerca del servicio de alojamiento Hostinger.

1. ¿Dónde se encuentra Hostinger?

La sede central de Hostinger está en Kaunas (Lituania), pero tiene establecimientos en varios países, como Brasil, Indonesia y Singapur.

Los servidores de Hostinger se encuentran en Estados Unidos, Europa (Países Bajos, Lituania, Reino Unido), Asia (Indonesia y Singapur) y Sudamérica (Brasil).

2. ¿Por qué Hostinger es tan barato?

Hostinger ofrece planes de alojamiento baratos limitando los recursos del servidor de CPU disponibles para los clientes en función de su plan de alojamiento. Así es como la mayoría de las empresas de alojamiento compartido pueden ofrecer servicios de alojamiento web asequibles.

Una vez que su sitio web crece y alcanza un límite, puede actualizar a sus planes VPS o en la nube. Esto activa / activa a los clientes a pagar a medida que crecen.

3. ¿Es Hostinger una buena empresa de alojamiento?

Sí, Hostinger es una empresa de alojamiento fiable con años de experiencia en el sector del alojamiento compartido. Ofrecen una plataforma robusta a un precio asequible, que activa millones de clientes para hacer su primer sitio web o iniciar un nuevo negocio.

4. ¿Ofrece Hostinger un nombre de dominio gratuito?

Sí, Hostinger ofrece un nombre de dominio gratuito con los planes compartidos (Premium, Business y Cloud Startup).

5. ¿Es Hostinger mejor que Bluehost?

Hostingery Bluehost ofrecen servicios ligeramente diferentes y ambos son grandes proveedores de servicios de alojamiento. Hostinger es mejor para usuarios que buscan alojamiento de sitios web más barato con ciertas limitaciones. Por otro lado, Bluehost es mejor para los usuarios que buscan todo ilimitado pagando un poco más.

6. ¿En qué se diferencia Hostinger de otras empresas de alojamiento?

A menudo nos preguntan cómo se compara Hostinger con otras empresas de alojamiento compartido como GoDaddy, HostGator o SiteGround.

Creemos que Hostinger supera a GoDaddy en cuanto a precios y experiencia de usuario. Compite codo con codo con HostGator en muchos aspectos.

SiteGround ofrece un servicio de alojamiento ligeramente diferente y es más caro que Hostinger. Si el bajo precio es más importante para usted, entonces Hostinger sería una opción perfecta para empezar.

¿Listo para empezar con Hostinger? Consigue un 77% de descuento en tu plan Hostinger al hacer clic aquí para registrarte en Hostinger. El descuento se aplicará automáticamente.

WPBeginner users get an exclusive 77% off discount and free Domain!

Reader Interactions

896 Hostinger Opiniones de usuariosDejar un comentario

  1. David

    Really disappointed with Hostinger. They’re great until you have an issue that’s slightly complex.
    At that point, the contradictions begin. The support bot gives out incorrect information, different human support reps give different answers to the same question and then lead you round and round in circles instead of actually trying to help.

    My most frustrating experience with a web hosting company in a 16 year career. Avoid these guys if you have anything more than the most basic of websites.

  2. George

    Terrible hosting. My entire site was blocked only because one of the visitors posted a comment under one of the posts that violated the hosting policy. Imagine an analogy: the New York Times website is blocked entirely because one of the thousands of comments contains information that, in the opinion of the hosting company, violates their internal policies. This is what I encountered. I have used many hosting services, but this only happened to me with hostinger. I advise them to change the system of notifications about violations of their policies; it is not always possible to read one notification by email. I don’t recommend hosting

    • Hostinger

      Hello, George,

      Our customers’ trust is essential to us. For this reason, we thank you for sharing your experience with us. We hope to ensure everything’s clear!

      At Hostinger, we are committed to a safe internet and have a dedicated Abuse team that follows rigid procedures and investigates every report we receive to ensure complete fairness during the process. When the content is in a comment, we notify the customer before suspending via the email they registered in their account. As stated in our Terms of Service (available here:, the website’s owners are responsible for all content within them, and we reserve the right to suspend them if necessary.

      We’ll forward your feedback to the responsible team, and invite you to reach out to the Customer Success Team if any other questions remain.

      Team Hostinger

    • Hostinger

      Hello, George,

      Our customers’ trust is essential to us. For this reason, we thank you for sharing your experience with us. We hope to ensure everything’s clear!

      At Hostinger, we are committed to a safe internet and have a dedicated Abuse team that follows rigid procedures and investigates every report we receive to ensure complete fairness during the process. When the content is in a comment, we notify the customer before suspending via the email they registered in their account. As stated in our Terms of Service (available here:, the website’s owners are responsible for all content within them, and we reserve the right to suspend them if necessary.
      We’ll forward your feedback to the responsible team, and invite you to reach out to the Customer Success Team if any other questions remain.

      Team Hostinger

  3. Tanya Burgwin

    Terrible and disappointed with con business Hostinger. I have consistently raised this issue multiple times in the past. Each time, I was given assurances that the technical team was actively addressing the matter and that a prompt resolution was imminent. I was also informed that I would receive an email notification once the issue had been successfully resolved. Regrettably, despite these assurances, I find myself still awaiting a resolution. This persistent delay is becoming increasingly frustrating and raises concerns about the commitment to customer service. It appears that there is a significant discrepancy between the promptness in taking payments and the lack of action and communication regarding the actual service provided. This ongoing situation has led me to question the value of further communication, as it seems that my concerns have fallen on deaf ears. It is disheartening to experience a situation where clear promises are repeatedly made but not fulfilled. It is my sincere hope that this matter can be rectified promptly and professionally, in line with the standards that should be expected in a business relationship.

    • Hostinger

      Dear Tanya,

      We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us. Although we’re sorry that it didn’t meet the standards we have established for ourselves, your input will help us improve as a service provider.

      Our team investigated your account and noticed the recent interactions with our Customer Success Team. If any questions remain, please let us know — and don’t hesitate to share via if you have any other feedback points for us.

      Best regards,
      Team Hostinger

  4. Tracy L Smith

    I thought Hostinger was a good company until I inadvertantly followed their prompts to enable MFA without a Mobile Authenticator app – course instructions weren’t there. It’s now week 3, can only work through email with support, chat isn’t available unless you are logged in. They have requested my bank statement displaying payment, my ID and after that now they want my credit card displaying 10 numbers. I am locked out and they keep asking for more to release stating ‘security’ issue. My bank has less process than this. I am so angry right now and want people to know that if you get locked out – good luck.

    • Hostinger

      Dear T.Smith,

      Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We are grateful for the opportunity to learn more about your concerns and work on them.

      As security is paramount to us, we have a specific account recovery process. After providing the required documentation, we noticed your account email was changed — so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have further questions. We’re here for you, right?

      All the best,
      Team Hostinger

  5. Juan

    Hostinger service is good. I my opinion their renewal prices is high, maybe they come up with better renewal prices.

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Juan,

      We’re glad you took a few minutes to share your experience with us! Listening to our customers is always great; this suggestion will be sent to the team.

      Team Hostinger

  6. Khaled

    I have recently moved from bluehost to hostinger. I am impressed with their chat support. Quick response and friendly support staff. I tried to migrate my site manually but I faced many problems. So I decided to go for their free migration service; they did it quickly and perfectly. Also, they helped me with redirecting mx records.

    Excellent job. Keep up the good work.

    • Hostinger

      Dear Khaled,

      Thanks for reaching out and sharing a bit of your experience. Your insights help us grow and improve.

      Best regards,
      Team Hostinger

  7. Dhruv

    It is a good hosting provider!!

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Dhruv,

      That’s exactly the experience we want to offer our customers! Thanks for the review, and let us know if you ever need a hand.

      Best wishes,
      Team Hostinger

  8. santosh kumar

    Great service fully technical support

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Santosh,

      What a great thing to hear — count on our Customer Success Team whenever you need a hand!

      Team Hostinger

  9. Samran

    Hostinger hosting is best, cheap and their custom support is on another PRO level. I recently hosted my site on it and it is performing very well.

    • Hostinger

      Hello there,

      Your feedback is always welcomed, Samran, as we believe our customer’s opinions are the best tool for our improvement. Thanks for bringing it to us!

      All the best,
      Team Hostinger

  10. Loudberg

    They’re the best Hostinger Service provider period

    • Hostinger

      Hey there, Loudberg,

      It’s lovely to know your feedback of our service — we’ll let the team know.

      Thanks for sharing,
      Team Hostinger

  11. Omkar Dewangan

    Best Service in the all hosting provider market

    • Hostinger

      Hi there, Omkar,

      Only the best for our beloved customers! Thanks for sharing.

      Kind regards,
      Team Hostinger

  12. Aniruddh Bhat

    Really great service and articulation by the live specialist.

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Aniruddh,

      That’s great to hear! Let us know if you have any suggestions to improve our services even further.

      See you around,
      Team Hostinger

  13. BHARAT

    Like It Great support from Hostinger team.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Bharat,

      Our whole team is pleased to receive your feedback! Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences with the community.

      Let’s keep in touch!

  14. Soumya Ghorai

    Very good co-operation and great service …

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Soumya,

      We are blushing. The feeling is indeed mutual; it is lovely to have the best customers in the World!

  15. Roshan Vishwas

    Amazing service. Did help with my issues. You saved my hours of work from getting ruined.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Roshan,

      It is a pleasure to be a part of your projects’ success Hostinger team is looking forward to our long-lasting and joyful partnership! If you need any advice, we are always here for you.

  16. mayur patil

    Best Performace
    Quick Support
    Cheap Hosting as compare to other providers
    Amazing H Panel

    Just Amazing

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Mayur,

      Thank you for your recognition! Our team is glad to know that you are enjoying our services. Keep going with your online projects!

  17. Kamaljeet Singh

    The Support Agent was well experienced and quite helpful in solving my issue…

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Kamaljeet,

      Thank you! We truly appreciate your shared insight. Our team is ready to assist you at any time of the day.

  18. Alex

    Their service is simply Awesome!!!

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Alex,

      Thank you! We want nothing more but your happiness and success. Let’s keep reaching for the stars!

  19. Shantanu Singh

    After I moved my hosting to Hostinger, my life has really become so easier. Their customer service is top notch and they take care of your website and everything like it’s their own. I’m really impressed by the professionalism and patience that their team presents. Kudos and keep up the good work.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Shantanu,

      Thank you for letting us know that you are delighted to be on board with us! The feeling is mutual as we are extremely glad to offer hosting services for you.

      Our team is ready to assist you at any time and ensure that you enjoy our services to the maximum.

  20. Srimoyi Banik

    I am really glad, how the customer serrvice agent – Gytis, helped me to solve my problem. I am grateful to hostinger

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Srimoyi,

      Happy to help at any time! Please always feel free to contact us when you have even a tiny question. Good luck!

  21. Barada

    immediate issue was resolved by support team, I’ll really appreciate it.

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Barada,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback! We will do everything to maintain this high level of excellence.

      Please allow yourself to count on us, and let’s conquer the Internet together!

  22. Krishan

    Lina was very helpful. Thank you for your support.

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Krishan,

      Your success is our success! We are happy to assist you 24/7, so let’s keep in touch and continue growing your online project to the maximum.

  23. Mohit Makkar

    Hey Hostinger Team,

    It was really a great experience with your executive to chat with. All the problems were solved by your executive. I totally understand everything. There is just one thing I want to ask that can you shift my hosting plan and domain which I have purchased on this email id onto another e-mail.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Mohit,

      Our team is glad to know that your questions were answered! Would you be able to contact us once again, and let’s talk about shifting your hosting? Let’s stay in touch!

  24. Zahid

    Nice customer support, I really appreciate.

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Zahid,

      It is a pleasure to assist you! Our team is ready to help you whenever you need us. Take care!

  25. Ashish Mehta

    Changing the hosting provider come along with host of confusion, queries and concerns. This was true for me as well, changing my hosting provider after many years. But the process was smoothened by wonderful support that I got from customer service team of Hostinger, right from handling all my queries with clarity, knowledge and promptness to being ever ready to help me with all the steps, the experience was wonderful.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Ashish,

      Our team is delighted to welcome you on board! It is a joy to receive your feedback and ensure your happiness.

      Please allow yourself to count on us for the further development of your online projects. Good luck!

  26. Vinay raj

    Wonderful customer support by Annisa.

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Vinay,

      Thank you for these kind words – we are doing, and we will do our best to impress you! Our Customer Success Team is ready to assist you whenever you need us.

  27. Vaibhav Shukla

    Awesome response from customer support team. Ask them for support and sit relax..

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Vaibhav,

      Yes, you are completely right! Our goal is to ensure your smooth and joyful online journey. Thank you very much for trusting us!

  28. shaik mustaf

    good service grate response from team

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Shaik,

      Thank you for sharing this with us. We want to let you know that we will always be here for you whenever you need us!

  29. Abhiranjan

    I am really happy that the support team of hostinger was really helpful and sorted my queries. I would recommend hostinger for friends , though hostinger doesnt have voice call support the chat support was really helpful.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Abhiranjan,

      Thank you for sharing your experience and recommending our services.

      We strive to ensure your online success 24/7. To reach this goal, we use Live Chat, which allows you to receive visual information such as screenshots and video tutorials instantly. On top of that, all of the assistance will stay recorded for you to use anytime again.

      It is thrilling to know you can work on your projects with peace of mind. We wish you all the best!

  30. SHIJU B B

    I was experiencing long time issue on installing wordpress.I was given chat support and the person fixed the issue within 15 minutes.Am getting great support from hostinger.

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Shiju,

      It is a pleasure to assist you at any time! Thank you for choosing us.

  31. Bharath Bhat

    I have hosted my websites on many other Hosting providers, but Hostinger is my Best because they are Honest, they provide great customer support, you can find FAQ questions if you didn’t got the answer you can go for live chat. While purchasing Hosting packages they provide Complete details like SSD storage space and other things, many other hosting companies hide these things from us, & their servers are extremely Fast so this will help your website to Rank, These people helped me Karolis, Rokas, Živilė, Ni, Lina. Hostinger is the Best. Thank You.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Bharath,

      Thank you for this comprehensive and valuable feedback! Our team is pleased to know that your needs are completely fulfilled, and you trust us as your hosting provider!

      Our team will do everything to maintain and even upscale your hosting experiences with us. Let’s stay in touch and continue our cheery partnership!

  32. firoz alam

    They are very professional and helpful. Hostinger and Teams help you to achieve your personal digital journey. They are cost-effective too.

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Firoz,

      We are delighted to be a part of your online success. Our mission is to offer a stable, fast, and simple website hosting solution at a price so low that nobody can beat it – it is fabulous to see that our mission has been completed!

  33. Sunny Singh

    Rokas Was very helpful and it was a fantastic Customer service experience

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Suuny,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback about our fantastic team! We will do everything to maintain this high level of excellence

  34. Ami

    Hugo is great at his work.
    he understood my concern and then he resolved very wisely. Although he took a lil extra time to respond but that dosent matter in the end because he has done a great job.
    I ‘ll give 9.9 out 10.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Ami,

      Thank you for your feedback – our team is thrilled to assist you!

      Please rest assured that our team is constantly growing to eliminate any extra waiting! We wish you the best of luck while continuing to build up your online projects.

      Cheers to our cooperation!

  35. Abhay

    The response from help team was quicker than expected. Awesome experience.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Abhay,

      It is delightful to hear your success story!

      Our whole team is happily ready to assist you as many times as needed, so please know that you are in good hands.

      We wish you the best of luck with the further development of your online project!

  36. Afroze eqbal

    Very helpful and friendly smart team

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Afroze,

      Wonderful to know that you feel this way! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We wish you a fantastic day!

  37. Chandra Nishant

    Yes the help provide by Amalia H, proved to be amazing,I am not facing any issues with SSL for now and I hope Iwont be facing it again.She really helped me ,she was sincere and polite,gave her time and understood my issue.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Chandra,

      It is excellent to know that! Please count on us at any time – it is our pleasure to ensure your online happiness.

  38. Deepak Kerkar

    A reliable hosting provider with an amazing customer support!

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Deepak,

      Thank you for your review; we truly appreciate it. Your success is our success, so let’s take the Internet by storm together.

  39. Shivendra Chaurasia

    Very Nice. Really loved the support. Keep supporting and helping us and thanks for giving the pinpoint information. Thank you

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Shivendra,

      Thank you very much for your trust! Your feedback makes us even more motivated to continue surpassing the market standards.

      Our team wishes you the best of luck while continuing to build up your online projects. Cheers to our cooperation!

  40. Ritu Mehra

    It is very good experience to take support. I was able to solve all the problems with your help.

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Ritu,

      Thank you for your evaluation. We are pleased to know that we can be part of your online success!

  41. Subhendu Dutta

    It was a great experience. If support team was not there I could lost everything. They helped a lot.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Subhendu,

      You will always be our priority, and we are ready to help you 24/7. Thank you for choosing us, and let’s keep in touch to ensure your smooth and joyful online adventure!

  42. Sayed Fahad

    I’m experience with Hostinger is really great. The customer support I really appreciate, whenever you go to them they help you by going out of the way. I am using Hostinger from a long time and never had issues I am thankful for the service.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Sayed,

      It is bliss to receive applauses from a loyal customer like you. Thanks a lot for sharing, and cheers to our long-lasting partnership!

  43. Farukh shaikh

    The person who talked to me was very informative and patient. I need a bit more help with cloudfare and stuff. Thank you to the amazing staff

    • Hostinger

      Hey, Farukh,

      Thank you for letting us know about your experiences! Our team is more than happy to assist you and make sure that you can enjoy our services to the maximum.

  44. Chetna

    This amazing hosting platform and their customer support is excellent. I AM very happy with its services

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Chetna,

      Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! It is good to know that you trust us as your hosting provider and your expectations are fulfilled!

  45. Ejas

    Hostinger provides Great service at a very reasonable price. My WordPress website is loading pretty fast because of the lite speed server. I recommend hostinger for WordPress site. Load times are good. I am using business wordpress hosting.

    • Hostinger


      Thank you for choosing us and recommending our services! It is an absolute pleasure to be a part of your online success, Ejas!

  46. Suryakant Tripathi

    I have great experience with hostinger Customer Service team – this really warms my heart.
    I’m extremely happy with Hostinger quality service, support and with professional team.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Suryakant,

      You cannot imagine how important your satisfaction is to us. Knowing that we are doing a good job and that our customers feel safe and well-received is priceless.

      Thank you for letting us know about this and don’t hesitate to count on us for whatever you need. We are always here for you!

  47. Mohsen Azimi, Azimi Legal Services

    I recently moved my domain name from GODADDY to Hostinger.

    I am extremely impressed with the Hostinger’s customer service and I would not hesitate to recommend Hostinger.

    Thank you Hostinger, keep up with your good services.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Mohsen,

      Welcome on board, and thank you for your excellent recommendations! Our team is ready to help you whenever you need us.

  48. Arnab Paul

    Very good service. All the time they help you and guide you. They are like Family who take care of you and make you understand Things. Thanks!

    • Hostinger

      Hi, Arnab,

      Oh, it is truly fantastic to receive such warm feedback from you! Thank you for letting us know about this, and let’s continue our online journey together.

  49. David Jonathan

    Things was fast & smooth. All the stuff here are more than pro & fast

    • Hostinger

      Hey, David,

      Thank you very much. We promise to work hard each day not only to keep it this way but ensure you with even better services in the future to come.

  50. Vijay

    Response was quick and concise. Also my work was done within a few steps.

    • Hostinger

      Hello, Vijay,

      Wonderful to know that – thank you very much for sharing! We strive to keep it this way, and we are delighted to have you on board.

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