Cada instalación de WordPress viene con el plugin Akismet preinstalado, pero no está activado por defecto. Por eso, muchas personas nos preguntan a menudo qué es Akismet y si es necesario activarlo en su sitio web WordPress.
Es un plugin de filtración de Spam para WordPress creado por Automattic. Desde nuestra experiencia, recomendamos el plugin para cualquiera que quiera proteger su sitio de comentarios spam. Lo mejor es que Akismet aprende de sus errores y mejora su proceso.
En este artículo, le explicaremos qué es Akismet y por qué debería empezar a utilizarlo de inmediato.

¿Qué es Akismet?
Akismet es un servicio de filtrado de Spam de comentarios para WordPress. Automattic es la empresa que está detrás de Akismet, fundada por el cofundador de WordPress Matt Mullenweg.
Akismet revisa los comentarios de tu blog y filtra el Spam mediante sus algoritmos. El algoritmo aprende de sus errores y de las acciones realizadas por otros sitios web.
Por ejemplo, si varios sitios web empiezan a informar de que un contenido similar es Spam, Akismet aprenderá a identificar ese tipo de contenido como Spam en el futuro.
En la actualidad, Akismet ha detectado más de 554.000 millones de comentarios de spam, y la cifra sigue creciendo.
¿Por qué debería utilizar Akismet?
En los sitios web populares de WordPress, el número de comentarios Spam puede llegar al 85%. Esto significa que de cada 100 comentarios, solo 15 son legítimos.
Además, la moderación de comentarios es una tarea que lleva mucho tiempo. Tendrías que pasar incontables horas filtrando manualmente los comentarios de Spam.
Aquí es donde Akismet puede ahorrarle horas. El plugin de WordPress detecta automáticamente los comentarios de Spam antes de que lleguen a la cola de moderación como pendientes. Esto le permite centrar su energía en moderar los comentarios de usuarios reales.
Cuando un comentario es marcado como Spam por Akismet, no se mostrará el aviso Esperando Moderación como ves normalmente con otros comentarios. En su lugar, los moverá automáticamente a la carpeta de Spam.
Veamos ahora cómo puede configurar Akismet en su sitio web.
Cómo establecer Akismet en WordPress
Lo primero que debe hacer es instalar y activar el plugin Akismet Spam Protection para WordPress. Para más detalles, consulta nuestra guía sobre cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress.
Una vez activado, puede ir a Ajustes ” Akismet Anti-Spam desde su escritorio de WordPress. A continuación, siga adelante y haga clic en el botón “Configurar su cuenta de Akismet”.

Ahora, se abrirá una nueva pestaña o ventana en tu navegador, y verás la página de precios de Akismet. Akismet ofrece planes de precios gratuitos y premium.
Si su sitio no tiene fines comerciales, es decir, no tiene publicidad, puede elegir el plan Personal. De lo contrario, tendrás que elegir uno de los planes comerciales.
Para este tutorial, utilizaremos el plan Personal.

Por defecto, el precio se establecerá en 36 dólares al año. Sin embargo, puedes mover el carrusel / control deslizante de precios en ‘Qué valor tiene Akismet para ti’ a cualquier precio de 0 a 120 dólares al año.
Minientrada a esto, Akismet también le pedirá que marque / compruebe las casillas para decir que no está publicando anuncios, vendiendo productos y servicios, o promocionando un negocio en su sitio.

En la pantalla siguiente, tendrá que finalizar el proceso de compra y elegir el precio que desea pagar por su cuenta.
Una vez hecho esto, simplemente haga clic en el botón “Finalizar compra / pago”.

A continuación, verás la clave API de Akismet que tendrás que introducir en tu sitio web.
Adelante, copia la clave.

Para completar la configuración, puede volver al escritorio de WordPress de su sitio y navegar hasta la página Ajustes ” Akismet Anti-Spam.
A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Introducir manualmente una clave API”.

Al hacer clic en el botón, aparecerá un nuevo campo en el que tendrá que introducir la clave API.
Una vez conectada la clave API, Akismet empezará a proteger tu sitio web de comentarios Spam.
También puedes retocar los ajustes de Akismet. Por ejemplo, el plugin te permite mostrar el número de comentarios aprobados junto a cada autor del comentario, revisar los comentarios de Spam o descartarlos automáticamente y mostrar un aviso de privacidad bajo los formularios de comentarios.
Cuando hayas hecho los cambios, sigue adelante y haz clic en el botón “Guardar cambios”.

A continuación, puede revisar los comentarios de spam accediendo a Comentarios desde su escritorio de WordPress y seleccionando la pestaña “Spam”.
Si cree que un comentario legítimo ha sido marcado como Spam, sólo tiene que hacer clic en el botón “No Spam” situado bajo el comentario.
También puedes borrar comentarios de forma permanente o hacer clic en el botón “Vaciar Spam” para vaciar la carpeta de correo no deseado.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a aprender qué es Akismet y por qué deberías empezar a usarlo ahora mismo. También puedes comprobar nuestra guía práctica sobre cómo bloquear el Spam de referencias de WordPress en Google Analytics y cómo poner fin al Spam de trackbacks de WordPress.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Egbah Ikpomwosa Andrew
I just want to say thank you for this information. Initially one would be happy seeing 50000 comments in the comment box, but Askimet surely helps you to identify real comments. Nice write-up.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you liked our guide
Jamal Aezaz
I have created my first WordPress blog. as of your step by step guide. i’ve activated Akismet plugin. but I can’t see Akimest Stats in my WordPress dashboard menu. there are only two options Home and Updates.
WPBeginner Support
They may have modified the plugin’s interface since this article was created, we’ll certainly take a look
I have it and I was just looking at the date as of today it hasn’t been updated in two months…that to me is a very long time for a plugin not to update.
This is why I was searching for something better.
WPBeginner Support
If you feel that that is too long between updates you can certainly look for a plugin you would prefer. As a word of warning, not all plugins need constant updates so the updated date is not always the best indicator of quality
Scott Ramadge
This may be a silly question but now that I beleive I have this downloaded on my site will this mean that inappropriate language is stopped from being posted in the comments section of my blog(that is once I actually write a blog) Or do I need a seperate thing to stop profanity and if so can you suggest somthing for as all I seemed to find was things for
WPBeginner Support
Hi Scott,
Akismet will block spam comments containing links to bad websites, comment bots, and many more. It may not consider profanity as spam. The best way to filter that out is by turning on comment moderation for all comments on your website.
Dhiraj Thapa
Thanks to you, now i am using Akismet anti-spam. I got spam comments during the initial days of my blogging few months ago and I didnt know about that.
Daniel Cornelius
I am trying to activate Akismet. I have an kismet key, but I don’t know what to do with it.
Sandeep Kumar
Thank very much for this information.
it is not free any more
WPBeginner Support
Hi Shumaila,
It is still free. It is set to select your own price model. You can select your price to be zero when signing up.
I just activated this on my blog but there’s no Stats. Anywhere. The plugin is activated and it has just two options and that’s all. Is that ok…? Or what?
Bikas Gurung
I got 5K+ comment everyday with 90% above spam and automated pingback system into my blog. At first I was glad thinking that my blog is having higher amount of traffic but later I found that they are spam while tracing with Akistmet Plugin recommend by you. Thank you so much. Anyway, which captcha plugin are best, please give me some hints.
Do I need to install the Akismet plugin if I haver blocked all comments on my site?
In other words, I do not allow comments on my site.
Hoping for a reply
Thank you
WPBeginner Support
No you don’t need Akismet then.
It is really helpful as I have just started using WordPress.
John Rajesh
What are the Pros and Cons of Akismet Plugin?
If my web doesn’t have comment and registeration section, do I still need Akismet?
WPBeginner Support
HI Admin, I have one doubt is it a paid version or available for free of cost??
WPBeginner Support
It is available for free and optionally if you like it you can choose to pay for it.
Ralph Musgrave
Akismet is a pain in the whatsit. It keeps classifying me as spam.
WPBeginner Support
On WPBeginner Akismet didn’t mark you as spam
What does Akismet look like to the user? Can they sign in using multiple options (Disqus, Facebook, Twitter, Google+) like you do here?
WPBeginner Staff
Akismet is a spam filtering system not a commenting system. It works in the backgrouns and not visible to your users.
Akismet is an awesome plugin. I do agree with some of the other posters here that it’s worth pointing out that it is not free. The Editors point out that it’s free for personal, non-business blogs, but I don’t believe the majority of your readers are interested in personal, non-business websites.
I was saddened when Akismet went the paid route, but I understand. It’s a great plugin if you have the budget for it…
John Brinkley
What does the ‘Filter’ button do between ‘Show all comments’ dropdown box and ‘Empty Spam’ button?
This Akismet is marking almost every reply I write as spam.
It is getting rather frustrating. I see that they like to keep a running count as to how
much spam it is blocking, however, if 8 out of 10 of my replies are being marked as spam,
this is a highly inflated number of comments that are not spam.
I tried using my wordpress account to log in and make my comments, this did not work,
so I tried logging in via my Twitter account, this also did not work.
The Admins inform me that they are not able to retrieve my comments.
Can you help me???
any suggestions as to what I should do????
any suggestions as to how the Admins of that blog can release my comments????
WPBeginner Support
Contact Akismet support. Your comment is not marked spam for no reason. For example, if you comment on and a moderator thinks that your comment is spammy and marks it as spam. Then your future comments on will automatically go to spam. Until an admin or moderator on looks into spam and unmarks your comment.
Dineen Miller
I made a query at the Akismet site but didn’t get an answer so maybe you can answer my question? I’m looking at the Pro plan for my site but I want to know if commenters will be required to answer some kind of security question. Is this standard on Akismet? A feature we can turn on or off? Or does this plug in work completely in the background of the site? Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
It works completely in the background.
Abdullah Munir
Its not free which was worth mentioning.
Editorial Staff
It’s free for personal blog users.
Abdullah Munir
Yes, but do you really think that it would provide that professional level service for spamming?
if it is free why do I have to give Credit Card info? It says an amount I will have to pay next year, am I committed to that, what if I don’t like it.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Debra,
You don’t need to pay anything if you don’t want to. On the pricing page, select ‘Name your price’ option and then slide your price to $0.
Does it bother anyone else that and are used interchangeably? I’m trying to figure out if Akismet works with but all I can find is that it’s a plugin available for .org. Meanwhile, you need to register in .com to get an API account. I have a blog through but since they don’t allow plugins, I can’t figure out how or if Akismet runs on Does anyone have the answer to this? Am I missing something?
I know there is a widget that I can put on for Akismet but all it does is allow you to show it on your sidebar but it doesn’t actually do anything. Very frustrating!
Editorial Staff automatically runs Akismet. But if you want to register an API, there are more than one ways available now. You can go to the official Akismet site to apply for an API. Furthermore, you can also register a account without a blog, and get an API as well. although, the plugin must be enabled for it to run. It does not run by default like site does.
Its not free, though, which is important to mention.
There’s some changes with akismet. Now you can actually apply directly from akismet website.
83% spam seems low to me. I would have guessed mid to upper 90s for the percentage of spam comments. But that would just be a guess and Akismet has the data to back it up.
I’m always amazed how many people don’t know about Akismet when they setup a blog. Almost seems like it should be on by defaults and signing up for an API key should be part of the process setting up a new blog.
Editorial Staff
Yeah even though Akismet comes bundled with WordPress, Many bloggers continue to ignore it because they do not know how to get this API.
Caitlin Dundon
The thing that is currently confusing me is that I switched from to and I downloaded the plugin – but when I go to the Askimet site it asks for my login…which I still have, but I am not using that blog anymore since I am now selfhosted…Will that key still work with my selfhosted blog?
Editorial Staff
This is a recent change that they made. The answer to your question is yes it will still work.
Tim Live Chat
Fighting spam is a must. My previous company has a forum. Guess PHPBB is too popular, we need to spend several hours per day to clean up the spam posts.
Sergej Müller
Please test anti-spam bee – the simple antispam plugin for wordpress. It’s easy.
Is this comment about another product an example of SPAM since this feed is about Askimet?
If it is, should ASKIMET have caught it?
When is something considered SPAM?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jamie,
No it wasn’t spam.