Muchos principiantes se debaten entre y De hecho, esta es una de las preguntas más frecuentes de nuestros lectores.
Debido a la similitud de los nombres, los usuarios no están seguros de cuál es la diferencia y cuál es mejor para sus necesidades. ofrece una plataforma WordPress totalmente alojada para crear sitios web. Sus planes gratuitos y de bajo nivel son bastante limitados, pero si pasas a los planes Business o Commerce se eliminan muchas restricciones., por su parte, alberga el creador de sitios web de código abierto WordPress. Es ideal para los usuarios que quieren un control total y opciones de personalización ilimitadas para su sitio web.
Esta guía le explicará las diferencias, destacará los puntos fuertes de cada plataforma y le ayudará a decidir cuál es la más adecuada para sus necesidades.
Puesto que elegir la plataforma adecuada es crucial para su éxito en Internet, hemos creado la comparación más detallada de frente a (comparación de texto, comparación basada en tablas y una infografía completa).
Puede utilizar los siguientes enlaces para ir a una sección concreta:
Si lo que desea es crear un blog o un sitio web de la forma correcta, puede omitir este artículo y consultar nuestras guías aquí:
- Cómo crear un blog con WordPress (paso a paso)
- Cómo crear un sitio web con WordPress (paso a paso)
- Cómo crear una tienda online con WordPress (paso a paso)
- Cómo crear y vender cursos en línea con WordPress (paso a paso)
Dicho esto, veamos las diferencias entre autoalojado y frente a (Infografía)
Nota: Esta infografía y este artículo comparan el potente servicio de autoalojamiento con el servicio gratuito de alojamiento de sitios web Puede desbloquear funciones adicionales en actualizando a su servicio de pago. También hemos destacado esas funciones.
Si prefiere una comparación por escrito, siga leyendo.
Comparación entre y
La mejor manera de entender la diferencia entre y es examinar cada plataforma por separado.
He aquí una comparación de ambas versiones de WordPress:, también conocido como “WordPress autoalojado”, es la popular plataforma web de la que ha oído hablar maravillas.
Es un software de código abierto y 100% gratuito. Todo lo que necesitas es un nombre de dominio y alojamiento web.
A continuación se exponen los pros y los contras de utilizar el sistema de alojamiento propio para crear tu sitio web o blog.
Ventajas de te ofrece un control total sobre tu sitio web. Puedes personalizar cada aspecto y adaptarlo a tus necesidades sin restricciones.
Estas son las principales ventajas de
- El software WordPress es gratuito, de código abierto e increíblemente fácil de usar. Hace funcionar más del 43% de los sitios web de Internet, lo que lo convierte en el creador de sitios web más popular del mundo. (Véase: ¿Por qué WordPress es gratuito?)
- Usted es el propietario absoluto de su sitio web y de sus datos. A diferencia de otras plataformas, tu sitio no será retirado a menos que infrinjas la ley. Tienes el control total.
- Puede utilizar plugins de WordPress gratuitos, de pago o personalizados para añadir potentes funciones a su sitio web.
- El diseño de tu sitio web es totalmente personalizable. Elige entre temas de WordPress gratuitos o premium o crea un diseño personalizado que se adapte a tu marca.
- Puede monetizar su sitio web publicando sus propios anuncios sin compartir los ingresos, lo que abre muchas oportunidades de ganar dinero en Internet.
- Tienes acceso a potentes herramientas como Google Analytics para seguir y analizar el rendimiento de tu sitio web.
- Es una plataforma excelente para el comercio electrónico. Con, puedes crear una tienda online para vender productos digitales o físicos, aceptar pagos y gestionar los envíos, todo desde tu sitio.
- Puede crear un sitio de afiliación para vender contenidos premium, cursos o incluso acceso a una comunidad privada.
Contras de
Aunque está repleto de ventajas, también conlleva algunas responsabilidades. Esto es lo que debes tener en cuenta antes de elegir
- Costes dealojamiento: Dado que requiere autoalojamiento, tendrás que pagar a un proveedor de alojamiento. Los costes empiezan entre 3 y 10 dólares al mes, pero pueden aumentar a medida que crezca el sitio. Dicho esto, un sitio web en crecimiento debería generar ingresos suficientes para cubrir estos costes.
- Instalación de WordPress: Tendrás que instalar tú mismo el software de WordPress. Por suerte, la mayoría de los proveedores de alojamiento más populares ofrecen la instalación con un solo clic, por lo que es muy fácil empezar. Para más información, consulta nuestro tutorial sobre cómo instalar WordPress.
- Actualizaciones: Tendrás que actualizar tu sitio WordPress manualmente. Afortunadamente, es un simple clic desde el panel de control.
- Copias de seguridad: Eres responsable de mantener copias de seguridad de tu sitio. Sin embargo, hay muchos plugins de copia de seguridad que te permiten automatizar este proceso, por lo que es libre de complicaciones.
El coste total de crear un sitio web en depende de su proyecto. Por ejemplo, un blog sencillo cuesta menos que una tienda de comercio electrónico o un sitio de afiliación. Puede crear un sitio web por tan sólo 46 $ al año utilizando temas y plugins gratuitos. (Ver: ¿Cuánto cuesta realmente crear un sitio web con WordPress?)
Por qué recomendamos
Para el 99% de los usuarios, es la mejor opción por su flexibilidad, propiedad y capacidad de ampliación. Llevamos más de 16 años creando sitios web con WordPress, y casi todas nuestras empresas tienen sitios web creados con WordPress. Puedes leer más sobre nuestra experiencia en nuestra reseña completa de WordPress.
Si está listo para empezar, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo crear un sitio web.
Bonificación: Nuestros amigos de Bluehost ofrecen a los lectores de WPBeginner un 75% de descuento en alojamiento web más un nombre de dominio gratis. Son uno de los proveedores de hosting para WordPress recomendados oficialmente. es un servicio de alojamiento creado por Automattic, la empresa cofundada por el creador de WordPress, Matt Mullenweg. Debido al mismo fundador, muchos usuarios confunden con la plataforma autoalojada ofrece varios planes de precios para satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de los usuarios:
- Gratuito: Funciones básicas con limitaciones.
- Personal: 48 $ al año.
- Prima: 96 $ al año.
- Empresas: 300 $ al año (120 $ al año con nuestro cupón de
- Comercio: 540 $ al año (270 $ al año, 50% de descuento con nuestro cupón de
- Para empresas: Precios personalizados para necesidades a gran escala.
Analicemos los pros y los contras de utilizar
Ventajas de es una opción excelente para los usuarios que buscan una plataforma de bajo mantenimiento, especialmente los blogueros aficionados o los particulares que crean sitios web personales.
He aquí las principales ventajas:
- Mantenimiento gestionado: se encarga de las actualizaciones, las copias de seguridad y la seguridad, para que tú puedas centrarte en tus contenidos.
- Entrada rentable: El plan gratuito ofrece una manera fácil de empezar sin costes iniciales. Sin embargo, los planes de pago ofrecen un valor real con más personalización, almacenamiento y funciones que necesitarás.
- Escalabilidad: Actualizar a los planes Business o Commerce desbloquea potentes funciones como plugins personalizados, temas premium y herramientas avanzadas de comercio electrónico.
- Funciones integradas: Los usuarios del plan gratuito obtienen funciones preinstaladas de Jetpack, que ofrecen herramientas básicas de rendimiento y seguridad.
Contras de
Aunque es fácil de usar, tiene algunas limitaciones, sobre todo en los planes de nivel inferior:
- Publicidad: Los sitios de planes gratuitos muestran anuncios de los que no obtienes ingresos. Los planes de pago eliminan estos anuncios.
- Restricciones de monetización: La venta de anuncios en su sitio está prohibida en los planes Free y Starter. WordAds está disponible en planes superiores pero requiere compartir ingresos.
- Limitaciones de plugins: Los plugins personalizados están restringidos a los planes Business y Commerce, que son más caros que los planes de alojamiento de
- Personalización de temas: Los usuarios del plan gratuito tienen temas limitados. Los planes de pago permiten temas premium y CSS personalizado.
- Analítica: La integración con Google Analytics solo está disponible en los planes Pro y superiores.
- Nombres de dominio: Los sitios del plan gratuito utilizan un subdominio de (por ejemplo, Los dominios personalizados requieren un plan de pago.
- Control de contenidos: Los sitios deben cumplir las condiciones de servicio de, con la posibilidad de ser eliminados en caso de infracción.
- Marca: Los sitios de planes gratuitos muestran “Powered by”, eliminable con los planes de pago.
- Características eCommerce: Disponible solo en los planes Business y Commerce, diseñado para tiendas online que utilizan WooCommerce.
- Sitios demembresía: La creación de sitios de membresía no es compatible con los planes de nivel bajo.
Por qué recomendamos
Creemos que los planes Business y Commerce de ofrecen una plataforma totalmente gestionada ideal para los usuarios que no quieren preocuparse por los gastos técnicos.
Tiene algunas limitaciones, pero la facilidad de escalabilidad, la seguridad y la protección las compensan. Para más detalles, consulta nuestra reseña completa de frente a (FAQ)
Dado que este es un debate popular y WPBeginner es el mayor sitio de recursos gratuitos de WordPress para principiantes, recibimos toneladas de preguntas acerca de vs.
A continuación hemos intentado responder a las preguntas más frecuentes:
1. vs. – ¿Cuál es mejor?
Si eres un bloguero personal y no te importa ganar dinero con tu sitio web, opta por gratuito.
Si usted es un negocio o un blogger que quiere ganar dinero con su sitio, entonces le recomendamos que utilice el auto-alojado Te da la libertad y flexibilidad para hacer crecer tu sitio web como quieras.
Por otro lado, el plan Business de (120 $ / año por cada sitio web) ofrece una potente plataforma con alojamiento totalmente gestionado. Si estás dispuesto a gastar un poco exta por una configuración sin preocupaciones, entonces puede resultarte una opción excelente.
En opinión de nuestros expertos, es mucho mejor en términos de coste, flexibilidad y control. Es la plataforma que utilizan casi todos los blogueros profesionales, propietarios de pequeñas empresas e incluso grandes marcas como Disney.
2. ¿Puedo monetizar un sitio web gratuito de no permite publicar anuncios en los sitios web gratuitos de Si estás en el plan Premium o superior, puedes unirte a su programa WordAds y compartir tus ingresos por publicidad con
Puedes enlazar algunos sitios web de afiliados, pero eso es todo.
Básicamente, tienes opciones muy limitadas para monetizar el contenido de tu sitio web
Con, tendrá un control total sobre el sistema de gestión de contenidos de sunuevo sitio web y un número ilimitado de opciones de monetización.
3. vs. – ¿Cuál es mejor para el comercio electrónico? ofrece la forma más sencilla de crear un sitio web de comercio electrónico. Puedes usar WooCommerce para crear tu tienda o elegir entre muchos otros plugins de WordPress para comercio electrónico, membresía y LMS. también ofrece un plan Commerce a partir de 270 dólares al año, que es una cantidad considerable si estás empezando. Sin embargo, sigue teniendo funciones limitadas y tendrás que cumplir las condiciones de servicio de para tu tienda de comercio electrónico.
Consulta nuestra guía sobre cómo crear una tienda online sin un presupuesto elevado. Incluye cómo conseguir tu dominio gratis y todas las potentes características que necesitas para crecer online.
4. ¿Cómo puedo crear un sitio web en
Para crear un sitio web WordPress autoalojado, necesita un nombre de dominio y alojamiento WordPress.
Un nombre de dominio es la dirección de tu sitio web en Internet, como o El alojamiento web es donde se almacenan los archivos de su sitio web en Internet.
Recomendamos utilizar Bluehost para alojar su sitio web porque es una de las mayores empresas de alojamiento web del mundo. También es un alojamiento web oficial recomendado por Por último, pero no menos importante, ofrece a nuestros usuarios un dominio gratuito, SSL gratuito y un 75% de descuento en alojamiento.
Para obtener instrucciones paso a paso, puede marcar / comprobar nuestra guía gratuita sobre cómo hacer un sitio web.
Si necesitas ayuda, el equipo de WPBeginner puede incluso instalar WordPress y crear tu sitio web gratis. Obtén más información sobre cómo funciona nuestra configuración gratuita de blogs de WordPress.
5. ¿Puedo pasar de a
A menudo, los nuevos usuarios que no conocen la diferencia entre y empiezan con el servicio gratuito de Una vez que ven las limitaciones de la plataforma, quieren cambiar a autoalojado.
Por suerte, puedes cambiar de a y trasladar todo tu contenido con bastante facilidad.
Hemos creado una guía paso a paso sobre cómo trasladar tu blog de a, o puedes aprovechar nuestro servicio gratuito de instalación de blogs, y trasladaremos tu blog gratis. vs. – Resumen
La mejor forma de considerar las diferencias entre y es compararlas con el alquiler o la propiedad de una casa. es similar a alquilar una casa. Tienes poder y control limitados sobre lo que puedes y no puedes hacer. es como ser propietario de una casa. Tienes todo el control, nadie puede echarte y puedes hacer lo que quieras.
A continuación encontrará un resumen de todo lo que hemos comentado en nuestra comparativa entre y
Feature | (Self-Hosted) | (Free Plan) | (Business Plan) | (Commerce Plan) |
Cost | $46 – $100/year | Free | $120/year | $270/year |
Custom Domain | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Hosting Storage | Unlimited | 1 GB | 50 GB | 50 GB |
Monetization Freedom | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Branding Freedom | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
SEO Features | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Analytics | Yes (Google Analytics, etc.) | No | Yes | Yes |
Theme Support | Yes | Limited | Yes | Yes |
Plugin Support | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
eCommerce | Fully customizable | No | Yes | Yes |
Membership Site | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Migration Options | Flexible | Limited | Flexible | Flexible |
Developer Resources | Extensive | Limited | Limited | Limited |
Control and Ownership | Full ownership | Limited | Improved | Improved |
Maintenance | User-managed | Fully managed | Fully managed | Fully managed |
Community Support | Extensive (forums, docs, etc.) | Limited | Limited | Limited |
Tutorial en vídeo
Reflexiones finales
La confusión creada por dominios similares, vs., es bastante desafortunada para los principiantes. Hay mucha historia detrás de estas decisiones, y puedes leer más acerca de ello en nuestro artículo sobre cómo se relacionan y
Esperamos que este artículo le haya sido útil para comprender las principales diferencias entre y
Le deseamos lo mejor con su sitio web y esperamos que elija la plataforma adecuada.
Si ha elegido, le recomendamos que siga estas útiles guías:
- Cómo aprender WordPress en 7 días o menos
- Los mejores plugins de WordPress para tu sitio web (selección de expertos)
- Guía definitiva de seguridad en WordPress para mejorar la seguridad de tu sitio web
- Guía definitiva sobre cómo acelerar WordPress (incluidos consejos para usuarios avanzados)
- Guía definitiva de optimización SEO para WordPress que te ayudará a mejorar el posicionamiento de tu sitio web (sin necesidad de contratar a un experto)
- Consejos probados para aumentar el tráfico de tu blog
Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a entender la diferencia entre y Quizás también quieras ver nuestra guía sobre la historia de WordPress y formas probadas de ganar dinero online con WordPress.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
how do i get 60% off bluehost?
WPBeginner Support
You would use one of the links to BlueHost from our site to receive the discount such as one from the article
Wow! Informative article. Thanks
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
L. Jay Patterson
Hello, I am very interested in setting up my website with my domain name, web hosting from Bluehost and everything else…but one question though. I have a ton of artwork to upload – black and white art, 4-color art, and some digital photography. What are the required Photoshop specs for my images in terms of file resolution sizes, file formats, etc.? Will I have time to visually see how my content appears on my page(s) to see if my files sizes and resolutions look okay for my viewers to see clearly (not pixelized or low res rasterized) and also my online store images before making my website public? Thanks.
WPBeginner Support
For optimizing your images for the web, you would want to take a look at our article here:
Beatriz Becker
Thank you so much for this detailed explanation of the pros and cons of each platform. Very useful!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article could help
This helped me a lot! I’ve been on and have been scratching my head for awhile and THIS Is the information i was looking for
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could clear things up
Really helped me. Thanks.
WPBeginner Support
Glad it could help
Bob Colvin
I am considering using WP for an author website. It would include the book description, author bio, contact page, photo gallery, possible blog articles, possible links to you tube videos, and definitely links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. I do not think I will do any direct selling from the site. What would be the best way for me to go, .com or .org with maybe an upgrade to a paid service, but not to break the bank? I have a Hover domain name but if I can get a free alternative I might go for that.
WPBeginner Support
You may want to look into to start with depending on your specific needs and if you find you need to use later you can transfer your site using:
Jane Soriano
Been up and around, studied and analyzed too many ‘WordPress Friends’ sites – Most of them simply cunningly selling their own Non-WordPress.Org Products that start off as “Free” . . . I’m telling my WordPress clients to strictly, never go anywhere else for all their FYI Needs but here Big Thanks to all you do!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jane,
Thanks for your support.
It is NOT true that you can’t have ecommerce shop with wordpress business plan. I am on the business plan and I have a woocommerce shop. I even had Shopify at first before I moved over to woocommerce. I also have a Genesis theme installed on my wordpress business plan blog. You are not limited to only using themes.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, added eCommerce support after our most recent update to this article. We do mention that the business plan allows you to upload custom themes.
I’m in my second year with and have a Premium account, but my costs will go up dramatically next year to $96 for hosting and $26 for my domain name. I can always go back to a Personal account at renewal for $48 + $26 (no more free domain name registration next time) but I’m wondering whether and Bluehost would be more economical. I researched Bluehost before I started my blog last year and found mixed reviews.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Wayne,
The cost of your website will depend on hosting, plugins, themes, and other tools you use. Please see our article on the cost of building a WordPress site for a detailed breakdown.
Actually I wanted to transfer my website from wix to and had no idea about I want to thank you for the article. I am looking for some help on how to transfer my website from wix to as I have heard that transferring website from wix is very difficult.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Ritesh,
Please see our guide on how to transfer your site from Wix to WordPress.
Kelli Welch
I am a new blogger and made the mistake of starting a site instead of site.. and then paid to upgrade to premium (like a month ago – paid for the year).. is there a way to switch over to the and transfer the money I already paid for the year? or if I transfer do I take the loss?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Kelli,
You can always move your site from to You can use the same domain on a self-hosted .org website without transferring it. As for refund, they offer full refunds for cancellations during 30-days of purchase.
Thanks for this awesome write- up. Keep it up! It is now easy to compare between the both and decide.
Hi, thank you for discussing the difference between vs and that really helps.
I’m planning to create a website that has an online tutorial content (i.e. like of Java Programming Tutorial, Testing Automation Tutorial). It will have 2 contents:
– Free Contents (No Membership)
– Paid Contents (Paid Membership)
However, this will be my first time to create a website and do not have much knowledge into it. Do you have a suggestion how will I start? Or what type of website do you recommend for me to create? Any recommendation or ideas will help. Thank you!
Tebesenghan Ayibatarimi E
I have read through the advantages of setting up a blog for free and paying for it.However,i am confused and i want to know the difference(s)between,my worries or confusion stems from the table where you drew your analogy of renting a house and owing a house.From ecommerce to full control,you said No to business but Yes with platform.I need the clarification to assist me taking decisions,please.
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
I am an absolute new bee,wanting to start my own blog.I was to get a website designed by a web designer,when a friend suggested to go in for paid plan.Then I came across this article explaining how and are different.
My question is,if I choose bluehost and make payment,how easy or difficult is further job to create a blog/website,given that I am not a technical person.secondly ,do you guys provide any support?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Neeta, is quite easy to use. It does come with a slight learning curve. Having helped thousands of absolute beginners over the years, we can confidently tell you that most beginners quickly get over it.
Thankyou!! you made that so easy to understand
I already paid for a Personal account through not realizing that it was not the right choice for me. Can I either get a refund or switch the credit over to Thank you.
Peggy Vlismas
Hey, We run a Peer to Peer Support group in Australia for married partners of Bi and Gay people called the Straight Spouse Group and we have a site but want to create a better website, with more capabilities so we’re looking to change to I am a bit new to this and want to just confirm that if we do, we can keep our domain name, but have the .org extension instead? Correct?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Peggy,
If you are using a custom domain ( on your website, then you can use the same domain name on your self hosted website. If you are using a sub domain (, then you will need to register a new domain name when moving your website to self-hosted
The .org extension is a domain extension, moving your site to doesn’t mean that you will get a .org domain extension, unless you already have a custom domain with .org extension.
For more information. Please see our guides:
domain names and how do they work
Difference between domain name and web hosting
I have a bit of an issue and I hope you can help me with it;
I have recently started my blog on and immediately noticed all the limitations that comes with it. So Im now in the process of switching to
Im using bluest, and according to the rules I have to wait 60 days before I can im currently still waiting.
I have of course paid for a premium version of and now that I have switched and paid for blue host, it seems like a waste of money.
Can I cancel the subscription I have with to receive a refund without complicating the transfer to (as I still have to wait to transfer it) ?
looking foward to your reply
WPBeginner Support
Hi Nani,
Yes, you can request a refund please contact support. You will not be able to get a refund for your domain name.
You can still transfer your website and don’t need to wait for 60 days. You can point your domain to your Bluehost website without migrating the domain name to Bluehost.
i already have a domain name and host. i now want to build my website. any guide on how to go about it?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Takyi,
Please see our complete WordPress installation guide.
Hi! I am having a billing issues on I accidentally charged the wrong card and need to get that card refunded and the other card charged (for our premium plan) Is there a way to go about this? I have done so much digging on google and so far have found nothing. Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jessica, does not accept any payments. You are probably using Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
I signed up for’s free plan and bought a domain name. If i got it right i can move to (with bluehost) and move there my domain name. But bluehost appart from web hosting offers a free domain name. Now, will i have to continue paying my domain every month? if yes, can i still use the free bluehost domain and have two web sites?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, you will have to pay for just the domain name every year. You can also move your domain name to Bluehost.
I’m a professional artist and I want to create a website that would contain a slide show or video, bio, contact, gallery, and blog. which plan would be the best one for me and how much would it cost. I would be dropping photos of my own work into the gallery page?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Karen,
A basic plan on a shared hosting would be best for you. Please see our guide on how to start a blog for step by step instructions.
Aditi Bisen
I’m debating between business plan and please answer my queries to help me decide.
1) How expensive can hosting get for high traffic sites for example? In
2) Also is there a plug-in for online store in business plan, or it’s not allowed altogether?
Thank you
WPBeginner Support
Hi Aditi,
For costs, please our article on how much does it cost to build a WordPress website.
You can install WooCommerce on business plan.
Aditi Bisen
Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated!
Aditi Bisen
Hi, if I choose to switch from to, can I still have a blog that ends with ‘.com’?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, you can use the same custom domain name on However, if your blog URL was like then you will not be able to use it any more.
Alice Ren
Thank you for the explanation, I was very confused.
I’m about to start my personal blog and I was trying to make some things and searching for info. but al the tutorials talk aboutl…
I really appreciate your information.!
I’d like to start a blog which will make money. According to everything I am reading that means But I come with several concerns:
+ You make it all sound so simple for even the most tech challenged. My tech skills are a little more than basic. Usually once I learn something it sticks. That said when you talk themes and plug-ins it sails in one ear and out the other.
+ I was learning SEO from my former employer in 2015 when I was let go so I have insufficient knowledge.
+ Once upon a time I signed up with Blue Host on the Word Press recommendation that it is very easy to work with. It wasn’t. It was near impossible. And it took a lot of cajoling to get a refund. I understand you work with other hosting sites, but are they as good in helping novices as Blue Host is supposed to be?
+ I am sure I will have additional questions but first things first
WPBeginner Support
Hi William,
You can take advantage of our free blog set up service.
In this article you have a table where you compare the features against the 3 features and in the row for “maintenance” it says that the includes “maintenance” but not on the Business. I am not sure what you are referring to when you say maintenance. My understanding is that with I am responsible for updates and backups. Is that what you mean by maintenance? Is the chart correct?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Esther,
Yes, your updates, backups, security, and performance are all part of maintenance.
Surabhi Siddaiah
Hey. I have decided to create my blog through but i am not sure which Web host to use. I have had mixed reviews about BlueHost. I have read that few bloggers have been facing error issues and payment issues on bluehost. Please provide me some insights about BlueHost. Can you please tell me if there are other good web hosts? I am having a hard time deciding this.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Surabhi,
To see which other hosts we recommend, please take a look at our WordPress hosting page.
As an aspiring freelancer, would it be better to use instead of .org? I don’t know too much about hosting and servers to be confident enough to completely host a website on my own. Or do you recommend I take the time to learn more about hosting and servers?
WPBeginner Support
Hey Jesus,
We will recommend you to learn more about hosting and servers, it will come in handy and bring you many more opportunities as a freelancer.
Amarbir Singh
I am dealing in diamond jewelry and I have been in the business in the last 25years. My inventory is maintained in an access database. Each product ID is unique and the parameters of diamonds and gold that determine the price are listed separately for each product id.
My question is that can the integrity of this database in which the inventory is maintained can be extended to my online store, so that the inventory details can be uploaded via excel sheet with all the parameters intact. I could send you the screen shot of the product page in my inventory if you so desire.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Amarbir Singh,
It would be quite hard to do that without any custom coding. We will recommend you to hire a professional WordPress developer to write a custom plugin for you to do this.
I am and Adobe Muse user and that’s how I created my website. Adobe just announced discontinuation of support for this product, hence I would need to move to a different platform. I know a little bit of a coding, but have never used any versions of WP. If I activate WP on my host, am I going to lose all the existing website information? With .org version, do I need to remove all my exiting files and upload .org files? I just want to test this for now, till I feel comfortable with the site that I create…
WPBeginner Support
Hi Ron,
If you install WordPress on the same domain name as your old website, then your old website will become inaccessible. Muse is a static website builder, which means your website files are served directly. WordPress is a dynamic platform that stores content in database instead of static files.
We recommend that you install WordPress on your computer to test it out and to import content from your existing website. Once you are ready you can move your local site to the live server.
Paul Miller
As a new web wannabe designer, just like everybody in the world, .com’s chat support for new users on the business plan and above seems a great way to get your feet wet. Given the complexity and chance for dead ends with selfhosting can you really say .org is best for even old, weakminded, or otherwise ordinary bloggers/budding Mark Zuckerbergs?
This is just so timely as I was about to upgrade my free plan to premium. I was doubtful there are still better options so I searched some points to consider before switching and I found your site. Honestly, I didn’t realize was even different from until I read this post. This is very helpful. Thank you.
The business plan for the .com site converts to mobile with ease. Is the .org the same?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Corey,
Yes, the appearance of your website is controlled by your WordPress theme. Most WordPress themes available on .com are also available for .org websites. You need to make sure you are using the same theme or a theme that is mobile-responsive.
Adrian Sin
Thank you for this article. I wish I had known more before. I’ve been using for one year and I feel like I’m not getting my money’s worth at all. the support is barely constructive, often saying the plugin is at fault and not there is often little explanation why something is incompatible. When the site breaks there is frustration and little education on how to manage a website for beginners, other than you should create a child theme, but then they don’t guide you how to manage a child theme except try out your theme on Ampps before uploading to there was little guidance for plugins that would not be needed, such as caching, backups, etc. Only recommendations for using as little plugins as possible. That’s about it. I’m done with and would not recommend it. moving on.
In google site and using the classic site, it is easy to simply change text and put your own. It makes it very easy for the beginner. While will wordpress not do same.
Piali Chatterjee
What if I have a free blog and now I want to move my content to a, but will I lose everything the views, comments etc. ?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Piali,
You will lose pageviews as those are specific to your website. You will not lose any of your content including comments.
Dip Raj Karki
I am currently using the premium plan from wordpress, it is fairly good, but I feel like I should switch to, will it affect my SEO rankings, my email subscribers ??? and additionally, what other things are affected ???
WPBeginner Support
Hi Dip Raj,
If you are on a custom domain, then you can preserve your SEO. Please see our guide on moving your blog from to
Hi! This information was SO helpful! I need to move my website from Wix. Do you have a tutorial on how do that? I’m afraid I’ll lose my contacts, stats, Google rankings, etc. I’ve worked hard to get my website where it’s at now so I’m slightly terrified but I need the plug-ins that WordPress offers. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Anna,
Yes, we do have a tutorial on moving your website from Wix to WordPress. Our advice will be to do it sooner than later, because the more your website grows, harder it will become to move it later.
Im still bit confused.
I currently have a website for my podcast on but with the premium package, I have access to plug-ins.
I want to switch over to when my contract is up in a few months.
My question is:
Does self hosting mean I have to install WordPress on my Mac and configure with localhost?
Can I just go to and use bluehost to avoid all the complicated stuff?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jamie,
No, self-hosting means you will have to install WordPress on a hosting service provider. Please see our guide on how to start a blog to learn more.
Ledi Rose Villanueva
Is it okay if i have both? and
WPBeginner Support
Hi Ledi,
You can have blogs on both platforms. However, if you have exactly the same content on both blogs then search engines would consider it duplicate content and that would affect your search rankings.
adelola daniel
please I want to create a video blog using bluehost and installing WordPress
but I am having issue with theme because i am not good at coding or so,i am only familiar with using theme when i ask support he said their theme dont work for kind of weird
please explain and also suggest a theme good for video blogging
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
I have a self-hosted blog, but I still have the WordPress app in my phone, to check things easier. However, it wouldn’t sync with my blog. For example, whenever I go to the ‘Blog Posts’ setting in the sidebar, it says “No posts found”, along with a pop-up, that says “Jetpack unable to sync”. Can you please help me? Am I doing something wrong? Thank you.
Thought was separate from Tried to sign up with and got transferred to Is that because I opted for a free acct? Like what you wrote about Don’t want to have anything to do with
WPBeginner Support
Hi Darryl, offers the free open source WordPress software. You can simply download it without creating an account. Please see our guide on how to start a WordPress blog for step by step instructions.
Hey, very helpful article. But i wanted to know whether they put ads on my free website or not? And can i use my own hosting?
Great post on the comparison if a client ever asks. Most articles on the topic are dated so it’s nice to see something updated and tangible.
Thank you for such an informative article. Answered all my questions! Glad I came across your website. I will be using it to help me build my own website. Thank you!
Andrew Flexing
If I start a site, can I self host with a company of my choosing??
I want to have the hosting located in the country that I’m targeting.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Andrew,
Yes, you can do that.
This might be a really stupid question… but I have a site and I’m not sure how to tell if it’s or I have bluehost and I know I had the intention of doing the not free one, but when I log in, I think it’s or whatever the url is. How can I be sure I have the version?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Meridith,
Here is how you can easily identify whether you are using or
Login to your website by visiting
Once logged in, take your mouse over to WordPress logo at the top left corner of the screen.
If you are using, then you will see mouseover menu with links labeled About WordPress,, Documentation, Support Forums, and Feedback.
If you are using, then nothing will happen on mouse over. However, if you click on the WordPress logo, you will see a slide in menu popup with a light blue color scheme.
Hope this helps.