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Wie man WordPress-Websites repariert, die sich nicht sofort aktualisieren

Verzögerungen bei der Aktualisierung Ihrer WordPress-Website können frustrierend sein. Wenn Änderungen nicht sofort angezeigt werden, unterbricht dies Ihren Arbeitsablauf und die Besuchererfahrung. Dieses Problem ist weit verbreitet und kann verschiedene Gründe haben.

Caching-Probleme, Browser-Probleme und Server-seitige Verzögerungen sind die typischen Schuldigen. Wenn Sie diese Ursachen verstehen, können Sie das Problem schnell beheben.

Diese Anleitung hilft Ihnen bei der Problembehandlung und Behebung von Problemen, die verhindern, dass Ihre WordPress Website sofort aktualisiert wird. Befolgen Sie diese Schritte, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Updates sofort auf Ihrer Website erscheinen.

Fixing a WordPress website not updating right away

Warum wird meine WordPress-Website nicht sofort aktualisiert?

Die häufigste Ursache dafür, dass eine WordPress-Website nicht sofort aktualisiert wird, ist das Caching.

Viele WordPress-Hosting-Unternehmen aktivieren standardmäßig ihre eigenen Caching-Systeme, die eine temporäre Kopie Ihrer Seiten speichern, um die Geschwindigkeit der Website zu verbessern und die Serverlast zu verringern.

Außerdem verwenden Sie möglicherweise selbst ein WordPress-Caching-Plugin, das möglicherweise nicht richtig konfiguriert ist.

Nicht zuletzt kann Ihr Browser auch eine zwischengespeicherte Version Ihrer Seiten im temporären Speicher ablegen.

Wenn Sie eine Änderung an Ihrer WordPress-Website vornehmen, laufen diese zwischengespeicherten Versionen normalerweise ab, und Sie können Ihre Änderungen sofort sehen.

Es kann jedoch sein, dass dies aufgrund eines Konfigurationsfehlers nicht sofort geschieht. In diesem Fall sehen Sie eine Zeit lang die alte Version der Seite.

Das häufigste Symptom dieses Problems ist, dass neue Beiträge nicht auf der Startseite Ihrer WordPress-Website angezeigt werden.

Sie können den einzelnen Beitrag zwar immer noch anzeigen, indem Sie im WordPress-Administrationsbereich auf den Link „Beitrag anzeigen“ klicken, aber Sie können ihn nicht auf der Hauptseite sehen.

Schauen wir uns also an, wie man dieses Problem leicht beheben kann.

Tipp: Benötigen Sie fachkundige WordPress-Hilfe für Ihre Website? Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unsere professionellen WordPress-Dienste. Gegen eine geringe Gebühr können unsere WordPress-Experten Ihre Website pflegen und häufige Fehler für Sie beheben.

Behebung des Problems, dass die WordPress-Website nicht aktualisiert wird

Zunächst müssen Sie den Browser-Cache leeren. In den folgenden Anweisungen erfahren Sie, wie das geht.

Bei den meisten Benutzern sollte das Problem damit behoben sein, und Sie müssen nicht mit Schritt 2 fortfahren.


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Schritt 1. Zwingen Sie den Browser zum Neuladen oder Löschen des Cache

Manchmal zeigt Ihr Browser (insbesondere Google Chrome) eine zwischengespeicherte Kopie Ihrer Website an, anstatt die neue Website anzuzeigen.

Um dieses Problem zu beheben, drücken Sie einfach die Tasten F5 oder Strg+R in Windows (oder Cmd + R in Mac) auf Ihrer Tastatur, um die Seite neu zu laden.

Dadurch wird der Browser aufgefordert, die Seite neu zu laden, indem er eine neue Version abruft. In den meisten Fällen würde dies das Problem für viele Benutzer beheben.

Wenn das jedoch nicht funktioniert, ist der nächste Schritt, den Cache Ihres Browsers zu leeren. Klicken Sie in Google Chrome auf das Drei-Punkte-Menü in der oberen rechten Ecke. In diesem Menü müssen Sie auf Weitere Tools “ Browserdaten löschen gehen.

Clear cache in Google Chrome browser

Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in unserer Anleitung zum Löschen des Cache in allen gängigen Browsern.

Schritt 2. Löschen Sie den WordPress-Cache für Ihre Website

Die zweite und wahrscheinlichste Ursache für dieses Problem ist ein schlecht konfiguriertes WordPress Plugin für das Caching. Die meisten Caching Plugins machen es super einfach, Ihren Cache mit einem Klick auf einen Button zu löschen.

1. WP Rakete

Wenn Sie WP Rocket auf Ihrer Website verwenden, gehen Sie einfach auf die Seite Einstellungen “ WP Rocket und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Cache löschen“ unter der Registerkarte Dashboard.

WP Rocket clear cache

2. WP Super Cache

Wenn Sie das Plugin WP Super Cache verwenden, gehen Sie auf die Seite Einstellungen “ WP Super Cache.

Scrollen Sie unter der Registerkarte „Einfach“ zum Abschnitt „Zwischengespeicherte Seiten löschen“ und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Cache löschen“.

Delete cache in WP Super Cache

3. Bluehost

Auch wenn Sie kein WordPress-Caching-Plugin auf Ihrer Website installiert haben, setzen viele WordPress-Hosting-Unternehmen ihr Caching-System standardmäßig ein.

Wenn Sie z. B. die Hosting-Plattform von Bluehost nutzen, werden Sie in der Verwaltungssymbolleiste eine Schaltfläche „Caching“ finden.

Clear cache in Bluehost

Wenn Sie mit dem Mauszeigerkontakt über „Caching“ fahren, sehen Sie die Option „Alle löschen“. Dadurch werden alle zwischengespeicherten Dateien von Ihrer Website gelöscht.

4. SiteGround

SiteGround ist ein weiteres Top-WordPress-Hosting-Unternehmen, das sein eigenes integriertes Caching-System anbietet.

Sie können den SiteGround-Cache verwalten, indem Sie das SG Speed Optimizer Plugin installieren und aktivieren. Weitere Details finden Sie in unserer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Installation eines WordPress Plugins.

Nach der Aktivierung müssen Sie in der Symbolleiste der WordPress-Verwaltung auf die Schaltfläche “ SG-Cache löschen “ klicken.

Purge SiteGround cache

Dadurch wird der SiteGround-Cache für Ihre Website geleert.

Weitere Hosting-Unternehmen und Caching-Plugins finden Sie in unserer vollständigen Anleitung zum Löschen des WordPress-Cache.

Wir hoffen, dass dieser Artikel Ihnen geholfen hat, das Problem zu beheben, dass die WordPress-Website nicht sofort aktualisiert wird. Vielleicht möchten Sie auch unseren Leitfaden über die häufigsten WordPress-Fehler und deren Behebung lesen.

Wenn Ihnen dieser Artikel gefallen hat, dann abonnieren Sie bitte unseren YouTube-Kanal für WordPress-Videotutorials. Sie können uns auch auf Twitter und Facebook finden.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

111 KommentareEine Antwort hinterlassen

  1. Jessie

    None of these options worked for me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If none of our recommendations are able to assist, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure they do not have a caching or are seeing an error on your site.


  2. Oliver

    Hello! Firstly, always amazing guides! you are 100% my goto!

    I have this issue, the changes i am making aren’t updating (partially)

    layout changes aren’t updating. i have tested to see if its just a delay, by slightly changing some text. The text updates instantly, but the layout remains unchanged.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If it is not your caching then you would likely want to reach out to your theme’s support to ensure the theme changes aren’t being overridden by a setting in the theme.


  3. Jack

    After i update wordpress version i also update yoast. Then the site won´t load. it just keeping processing and does not show anything but a orange layer that is the main color of the website. Now the same thing is happening when i try to update different plugins but not all of them. I don´t receive any error msg from wordpress or the site. I also clear the cache etc…

  4. Kathi

    Hi, I have updated my entire website’s design but for some reason, it will always show me the wrong front page.

    It’s always the front page, also on different devices, as well on my phone. The other pages will be shown completely right.

  5. Javed Iqbal

    I have updated my WordPress Version 5.5.I have created a posts after that but my post now showing completely on my site. plz how can I resolved this issue.I used above mentioned method but same result.plz guide me how can i fix this issue.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to the support for your specific theme and they would be able to assist.


  6. Junaid

    I was the same issue in my WordPress website. But I solved this issue Through Reading This Post.. Thanks Buddy…..

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  7. Abhishek Gupta

    I have updated the payment method (COD) in my wordpress panel but it is not updating in the website. I don’t know why??

    • WPBeginner Support

      As this article states, you would want to clear any caching on your site, and should that not work you may need to reach out to your ecommerce plugin’s support to ensure that there isn’t an issue with the plugin itself.


  8. Marelize

    Thank you! CTRL + F5 worked perfectly! This was on Chrome.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation was able to help :)


  9. Gman

    Great, thanks for the article. ctrl+F5 worked for me.
    I had previously tried clearing the cache, but still it didn’t work, but ctrl+F5 worked right away for some reason.
    Thanks again

    • WPBeginner Support

      Good to know to check your browser cache as well as the website cache as it sounds like that was your issue :)


  10. Octopus

    How come all of the Wordpress „solutions“ never work?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Our recommended solutions should work unless you have an odd niche error. Feel free to reach out to us using our contact form should none of our recommendations help you :)


  11. Archit

    Hi, I have updated php version on my host but its not reflecting on wordpress . What to do ??

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to your host to ensure you changed the PHP in the correct location and if you did you may want to try deleting your htaccess file and resaving your permalinks to recreate the file.


  12. Zeeshan Alam

    Thank you for sharing this post, its really Cached plugin I remove the cache and my post update text showing on Homepage

    Thanks a lot

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendations could help :)


  13. Colton

    You’re a lifesaver, seriously. Couldn’t figure out why my pages weren’t updating but once I deleted and deactivated my cache, they all appeared. I’m so relieved!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  14. Judith

    Thank you, this helped tremendously!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  15. Robin

    I have done everything suggested several times and my updates are still not showing on my front page. What else can I do?
    Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would likely want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure there are no errors or caching from your host’s end


  16. Peter

    I don’t understand. When I’m on the homepage its empty, then I click „Customise“ in the bottom right and it takes me to the version I’ve worked on, but when I go back to the homepge it’s still empty. I can’t see anything anywhere about plugins apart from the download page but it says I need to be on the business plan (I’m on premium).

    Is my webpage stuck like this until I upgrade to business? Do I need to install a plugin or does the premium plan come with one already? Clearing the cache on my computer does nothing unfortunately.

  17. Rahul

    Really it is a very helpful article.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you :)


  18. Arfaan

    Great video! however, I do not have any cache plugins of any sort. I have cleared my brower cache and still no luck :( Any other suggestions? im using Chrome.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Have you checked with your hosting provider to ensure they don’t have caching for your site?


  19. Adam

    I had a problem with my website today and found this solution and it worked perfectly. Thank-you very much. WPBeginner is always the first place that I look whenever I have a problem with my WordPress website and so far I have always been able to resolve it with the material that I find here. Very helpful. Thank-you very much.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help solve the issue :)


  20. chinweike onwuchekwa

    thank you very much for this. being having problem with my website not updating immediately. after this video. I uninstalled the wp super cache and my website updated immediately. thank you so much.

  21. Kevin

    Hello! Great article. Unfortunately it didn’t help me, and I don’t have a caching plugin. Any other solutions? I have cleared cache in Chrome as well.

    • Bailey

      I am also having the same issue. Do you have any solutions?

  22. Heather

    I made a few minor changes to our website content. When I test it on my computer using chrome, the updates are there. If I use IE on my computer I do not see the changes and co-workers using IE, chrome or Mozilla do not see the changes. I made the changes and then clicked update on the page in the dashboard. Please help.

  23. Ashley

    Any suggestions for this issue? Wordpress says ‚All themes are up to date‘ but my theme is not up to date therefore I can’t install the latest version. My site is broken because the developer says I need the lastest version but I am stuck because Wordpress says all themes up to date. Ever heard of this? My site has been down for 13 months because of this and the developer offers no support once you pay for the theme.

  24. robiul islam

    thanks for this post i benefited from it

  25. Christopher

    I am having a devilish problem. I changed an image on my home page… (woocommerce storefont) — and also a product image. I have done every variation of purging possible… but the home page keeps reverting to the previous form. I have changed it other times… had a some problems but managed to get it to work. IN fact these times… I purge and reload, etc… and get the correct page. Then I immediately purge everything again… including browser of course… then it seems to work. Then I close and open and it is the wrong page again…. OR I press the top icon which takes you back to the front page and it is the old one. The mobiles show the previous home page… and the old images in other locations. ?? – totally feel like I wasting huge amounts of time over something shouldn’t even happen. I disabled super cache… got it right right… and then boom it reverted again… reenables super cache… purged everything… got it right… one click… back to the old home page… ANY IDEAS??

  26. Raj Trivedi

    Hey Team,

    I do not have any WordPress caching plugin and the posts do not get updated for at least 2 hours or less. We have cloudfare cdn. We have tried everything in the books to resolve the problem This problem persists with posts and category listing where all the posts are shown of its category, This happens randomly, sometimes it will get updated and sometimes not. When logged in to WordPress we are able to see the updated content but not when we are logged out or as a visitor visiting the website.

    Ideally, after 2 hours everything gets updated at once.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Raj,

      Have you tried disabling Cloudflare temporarily to see if this resolves your issue. We will also suggest contacting your WordPress hosting provider particularly if they have their own caching solutions in place.


  27. Vince

    No good. I have tried everything and suddenly today NO changes of menus, widgtes, logo ect are reflected on the site, unless I’m logged in to wordpress admin panel.

  28. Lucy

    I’ve had so many problems with my updates not showing, and after following every piece of advice I could find online was at my wits end.

    However, I think I have solved it – for me, at least.

    My hosting is done through Bluehost and there is an automatically installed plugin called Endurance Cache (I’ve since learned this through Googling), which I think defaults to Level 2 setting. In a last ditch attempt, I set this to Level 0 and low and behold my updates appear.

  29. Sommer Arruda

    Im have a strange issue. The Wordpress has updated… But only on certain computers. 3 computers have the updated version of my website, where the other 2 do not.

    I had a small problem with text randomly fading away and never coming back on my front page, I went to fix it and now Im having the issue with different computers seeing different things. I am not sure if this is a wordpress problem, a plugin problem, or something else.

    Anyone else had this problem? And have you fixed it?

  30. Mohamed atef

    I don’t have any cache plugin and i have this problem what is should do ?
    Please help me

  31. Alex Legard

    Unfortunately, I still have this issue even though I never had any caching plugin installed in the first place. The web page isn’t updating even after using ctrl-F5. I installed W3 Total Cache and followed the steps in this article. I don’t know what the issue could possibly be.

  32. mohit

    nothing works for me.
    this is my website, plz help me out.

  33. June

    So I installed W3 cache plugin, and it actually seemed to slow down my site. I uninstalled it, but now my site is not reloading on google chrome no matter what I do. I don’t know how to fix it. Do I need to resinstall W3 cach plugin to fix it? Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey June,

      If your website loads correctly on other browsers, then try to clear your browser cache.


  34. Abhishek Sharma

    Thanks a lot. It works.

  35. Mak

    Please Help !!

    I changed the email address and location of my website in wp editor ..after updating am unable to see the google map and also my email icon not showing on live site .please help

  36. Mark Perkins

    Yet again fantastic help

  37. Mister Z

    Thank you very much for this post! I was wondering why my date on a post was not updating! It was because of the caching.

  38. Steve

    „To resolve this issue, you need to simply hit CTRL + F5 (or Cmd + R in Mac) buttons on your keyboard to reload the page.“

    And who’s going to tell my readers this? Why doesn’t anyone answer the obvious question of how to make readers get the latest version? All other websites out there seem to load the latest version so there’s clearly a solution.

  39. Nirdosh

    Thank you so much for writing this article. I have been trying all sorts of things to resolve this issue but nothing worked unless I found this article. Thanks once again for helping us out!

  40. Fred Haycock

    I wanted to know How to Fix WordPress Website Not Updating Right Away I have been trying all sorts of things within in my admin area for the last 2 days with no luck.
    I then came on your site and followed the instructions on the video and within seconds my problem was solved AMAZING. I will bookmark and will also recommend as a matter of course, thanks very much for information and help

  41. Ecole Maison

    Hi, this did not work for me. I deactivate all my plugins, I cleared the cache, I changed my theme, and the 3 together… and my posts/pages still do not update. Even deleted widget stil appear in the sidebar. And it is 3 days now, of searching an answer. Do you have an idea ?

  42. Ecole Maison

    You are wrong in our case. It’s been 1 week that we are changing pages which do not change on line. We remove widgets on theses pages / articles and they are still there. We completely remove plugins and widgets on all pages / articles and the pages/articles are still the same. It is really the strangest thing We’ve seen sinc we started 10 years ago.

  43. Rick

    We are having a problem where our blog content is showing updates we make but any text links are not being updated. For example, changing text in a headline will show up but changing a link in the text from a location on our dev site to a location on our live site does not show up. The original link to our dev site persists and the update to the link is not reflected in the updated page. One other quirky thing is that when I am logged in as an admin the link update to our live site is shown while regular users see the old link to the dev site.

  44. Arthur Hicken

    What if none of the above work. IE I have no cache plugins, browser refresh doesn’t work, loading from a fresh browser on a fresh machine still shows the original page? I’ve copied the .htaccess file from a working wordpress blog I have and there is nothing in the WP section in that file.

  45. Neil Speers

    Found an odd cure based on something I read above in one of the other comments. Been fighting with WordPress for about 8 hours trying to get the new site look to appear. It had nothing to do with browser caches – I looked on machines that hadn’t loaded the site yet. Wasn’t the cache plugin in WordPress, I didn’t even have one installed on the site. Tried installing one and deleting the cache to see if that would trick it into fixing things. Tried changing between themes, turning off plugins, and so on.

    Finally – after reading about the .httaccess file, I went in by ftp and deleted everything off the file, reloaded the site on my browswer and the new theme and page showed up. Reinserted the text into the .httaccess file and everything seems to be working. But of course, if I change things in the future they are not going to show up.

    So now – any suggestion on which line in .httaccess is causing the problem? And what can be done about it.

    • WPBeginner Support

      .htaccess file in WordPress is used for setting up SEO Friendly Urls. Some other plugins may also add code to this file. Generally, it has the same code which starts with #Begin WordPress and ends with #End WordPress lines. If you have just that particular code block, then this can be a bug in your theme or a plugin you are using. Try updating your permalink structure. Simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the save changes button without changing anything.


      • Neil Speers

        That would make sense, except it happened with several themes including the stock themes with wordpress installs, and no plugins active. The ONLY thing that I did that actually fixed it was the change the .htaccess file. However I didn’t try the permalink change – if I run into this issue again I’ll give that a try.

  46. VicHaunter

    Hello and thanks for the explanation. If you disable all caches in the plugins and CDN, and you can see the updates of the website, but in feedburn, ifttt, zapier, gtmetrix, pagespeed, etc continues appearing the cached content what can be happening?

  47. Dheeraj Singh

    Somehow I am unable to see the results even after deactivating and deleting the plugin. Tried on multiple devices as well.

    I can see the changes when logged in as an admin, however not for non logged in users in WP.

    • VicHaunter

      I had the same problem, was solved changing WP Super Cache from htaccess to php and deleting the rules from the .htaccess file. If you entered some time must delete it if change the configuration. See also if you have any CDN configured like cloudflare and change to development mode in the cdn panel to see if changes occur.

      Also can be if you have server cache like varnish or nginx proxie.

  48. Greg Johnson

    Thank you so much for the quick video. I have been fighting it for hours and simply deleting my cache helped resolve the issue immediately!

  49. Ali

    information was very helping. By Deactivating caches its working properly. Thank You

  50. John

    Is there a way to force a browser to load the latest version of my page thus overriding the browser cache? It is all well and good me emptying my browser cache so I can see the updates but that approach does nothing to fix the issue for my readers. Any tips would be appreciated?

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