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Wie man: Verwandte Beiträge mit Thumbnails in WordPress ohne Plugins

Möchten Sie eine Liste verwandter Beiträge auf Ihrer WordPress-Website anzeigen und lieber Code als ein Plugin verwenden?

Bei WPBeginner betonen wir oft, wie wichtig es ist, Ihr Publikum zu fesseln und es dazu zu bringen, Ihre Inhalte zu erkunden. Eine effektive Strategie, die wir auf unzähligen erfolgreichen WordPress-Websites gesehen haben, ist die Anzeige von verwandten Beiträgen.

Wenn die Besucher Ihres Blogs einen Artikel, der sie interessiert, zu Ende gelesen haben, können Sie ihnen eine Liste mit verwandten Beiträgen anbieten, um sie bei der Stange zu halten und ihnen zu helfen, neue Inhalte zu lesen.

In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mit WordPress verwandte Beiträge mit Code anzeigen können, ohne dass ein Plugin erforderlich ist.

How to: Related Posts with Thumbnails in WordPress Without Plugins

Warum verwandte Beiträge in WordPress anzeigen?

Wenn Ihr WordPress-Blog zu wachsen beginnt, kann es für die Benutzer schwieriger werden, andere Beiträge zum selben Thema zu finden.

Die Anzeige einer Liste verwandter Inhalte am Ende jedes Blogbeitrags ist eine gute Möglichkeit, Ihre Besucher auf Ihrer Website zu halten und die Seitenaufrufe zu erhöhen. Es hilft auch, die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer wichtigsten Seiten zu verbessern, indem Ihre besten Inhalte dort angezeigt werden, wo die Besucher sie leicht finden können.

Wenn Sie mit Code nicht vertraut sind, ist es einfacher, eines der vielen WordPress-Plugins für verwandte Beiträge zu wählen, die verwandte Beiträge ohne Code anzeigen können.

Wenn Sie sich aber schon immer gefragt haben, ob Sie verwandte Beiträge auch ohne Plugins anzeigen können, stellen wir Ihnen zwei verschiedene Algorithmen vor, mit denen Sie verwandte Beiträge mit Vorschaubildern allein mit Hilfe des Codes erzeugen können:

Hinweis: Wenn Sie zu jedem verwandten Beitrag ein Thumbnail anzeigen möchten, müssen Sie diesen Beiträgen zunächst ein Bild hinzufügen.

Methode 1: Wie man verwandte Beiträge in WordPress nach Tags anzeigt

Eine effiziente Möglichkeit, verwandte Inhalte zu finden, besteht darin, nach anderen Beiträgen zu suchen, die dieselben Tags aufweisen. Tags werden oft verwendet, um sich auf die spezifischen Details in einem Beitrag zu konzentrieren.

Daher sollten Sie den Beiträgen, die Sie miteinander in Verbindung bringen möchten, einige gemeinsame Tags hinzufügen. Sie können sie in das Feld „Tags“ im WordPress-Editor eingeben.

The ‘Tags’ Settings Box in the WordPress Editor

Nachdem Sie Schlagwörter zu Ihren Beiträgen hinzugefügt haben, müssen Sie als Nächstes das folgende Code-Snippet in das Template single.php Ihres Themes einfügen.

Wenn Sie Hilfe beim Hinzufügen von Code zu Ihrer Website benötigen, lesen Sie unsere Anleitung zum Einfügen von Snippets aus dem Internet in WordPress.

$orig_post = $post;
global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
if ($tags) {
$tag_ids = array();
foreach($tags as $individual_tag) $tag_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id;
'tag__in' => $tag_ids,
'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
'posts_per_page'=>5, // Number of related posts that will be shown.
$my_query = new wp_query( $args );
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
echo '<div id="relatedposts"><h3>Related Posts</h3><ul>';
while( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
$my_query->the_post(); ?>
<li><div class="relatedthumb"><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?--></a></div>
<div class="relatedcontent">
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_title(); ?--></a></h3>
<!--?php the_time('M j, Y') ?-->
<!--?php }
echo '</ul--></ul></div>';
$post = $orig_post;

Dieser Code sucht nach Tags, die mit einer Seite verbunden sind, und führt dann eine Datenbankabfrage aus, um Seiten mit ähnlichen Tags zu finden.

Wo sollten Sie den Code platzieren? Das hängt von Ihrem Theme ab, aber in den meisten Fällen sollten Sie den Code in die Vorlage single.php Ihres Themes nach dem Hauptbeitrag und direkt über dem Kommentarbereich einfügen können.

Wenn Sie das Twenty Twenty-One-Theme verwenden, wie wir es auf unserer Demoseite tun, dann ist ein guter Ort, um den Code in die Datei template-parts/content/content-single.php nach dem Header und direkt nach <?php the_content(); einzufügen.

Related Content by Tags Preview

Dadurch werden verwandte Inhalte automatisch in jedem WordPress-Beitrag angezeigt. Sie müssen das Styling und das Aussehen Ihrer verwandten Beiträge ändern, um sie an Ihr Theme anzupassen, indem Sie benutzerdefiniertes CSS hinzufügen.

Related Posts example

Tipp: Anstatt die Dateien Ihres Themes zu bearbeiten, was Ihre Website zerstören könnte, empfehlen wir die Verwendung eines Code-Snippets-Plugins wie WPCode.

WPCode macht es sicher und einfach, benutzerdefinierten Code in WordPress hinzuzufügen. Außerdem bietet es „Einfügeoptionen“, mit denen Sie automatisch Snippets an bestimmten Stellen Ihrer WordPress-Website einfügen und ausführen können, z. B. nach einem Beitrag.

WPCode insertion options for custom code snippets

Weitere Details finden Sie in unserem Leitfaden zum Hinzufügen von benutzerdefiniertem Code in WordPress. Sie können auch unseren ausführlichen WPCode-Test lesen, um mehr über das Plugin zu erfahren.

Methode 2: Verwandte Beiträge in WordPress nach Kategorie anzeigen

Eine weitere Möglichkeit, verwandte Inhalte anzuzeigen, ist die Auflistung von Beiträgen, die sich in derselben Kategorie befinden. Der Vorteil dieser Methode ist, dass die Liste der verwandten Beiträge fast nie leer ist.

Wie bei Methode 1 müssen Sie einen Code-Snippet in die Vorlage single.php Ihres Themes oder in ein Code-Snippets-Plugin wie WPCode einfügen. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie unter Methode 1 und in unserer Anleitung zum Hinzufügen von benutzerdefiniertem Code in WordPress.

$orig_post = $post;
global $post;
$categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
if ($categories) {
$category_ids = array();
foreach($categories as $individual_category) $category_ids[] = $individual_category->term_id;
'category__in' => $category_ids,
'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
'posts_per_page'=> 2, // Number of related posts that will be shown.
$my_query = new wp_query( $args );
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
echo '<div id="related_posts"><h3>Related Posts</h3><ul>';
while( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
<li><div class="relatedthumb"><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?--></a></div>
<div class="relatedcontent">
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_title(); ?--></a></h3>
<!--?php the_time('M j, Y') ?-->
<!--?php }
echo '</ul--></ul></div>';
$post = $orig_post;

Jetzt sehen Sie eine Liste mit verwandten Inhalten am Ende jedes Beitrags.

Wenn Sie die Gestaltung und das Erscheinungsbild Ihrer verwandten Seiten ändern möchten, müssen Sie benutzerdefinierte CSS hinzufügen, die zu Ihrem Thema passen.

Möchten Sie mehr über die Anzeige von verwandten Beiträgen in WordPress erfahren? Sehen Sie sich diese hilfreichen Tutorials zu verwandten Beiträgen an:

Wir hoffen, dass dieses Tutorial Ihnen geholfen hat zu lernen, wie man verwandte Beiträge mit Miniaturansichten in WordPress ohne Plugins anzeigt. Vielleicht möchten Sie auch erfahren, wie Sie die Besucher Ihrer WordPress-Website verfolgen können, oder unsere Liste mit 24 Tipps zur Beschleunigung Ihrer Website lesen.

Wenn Ihnen dieser Artikel gefallen hat, dann abonnieren Sie bitte unseren YouTube-Kanal für WordPress-Videotutorials. Sie können uns auch auf Twitter und Facebook finden.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

182 KommentareLeave a Reply

  1. Abhijit Badgujar


    I have a ‚Related post‘ option from my wordpress theme and i am already using it. I have displayed 6 posts after the content. The problem is, it only shows 3 related posts and next three can be seen when you slide it horizontally. I don’t want that option, i want the site to display all 6 posts outright. Can you tell me how to do it?

  2. Gyuricza Laszlo


    Your guidance was amazing but how can i exclude a specific category from the related posts in order to not display it?

    Thank you, in advance!
    LAszlo Gyuricza

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Tuta,

      You can use #relatedposts .relatedthumb and .relatedcontent selectors in your CSS to style it.


  3. Dev Rathore

    How to Display All Post List in one Page

  4. Suraz

    How to Show Related Post It In two Columns Like here in WPBeginner??

  5. Tom

    Nice solution but not definitive for my exigence. Infact the mean problem is that this code sort the related posts from the most recent in the same category or tags. The result is that when you browse inside a category/tag you’ll always display the same few last posts, limiting hardly the older posts of your site. That’s a right conclusion? Please if you tried it share your opinion!

    • Joy

      1. After ‚caller_get_posts’=>1 put a comma(,)
      2. Hit enter button [next line]
      3. Add ‚orderby’=>’rand‘
      You are done. Now related posts will be shown randomly. Thank you.

  6. Zane DeVault

    This code works great. I was wondering if you could explain what this part of the code does?

    $orig_post = $post;
    global $post;

    $post = $orig_post;

    I think I have a grasp on what the rest is doing, but this is throwing me for a loop.

    Thanks for all your great content!

  7. may nghe len

    Let me ask the Code Related Posts by Category posted in public places. thank you

  8. atiq

    in Twentyfifteen default theme where should i insert this code in single.php file? If i inserted above the endwhile; it shows syntax error, unexpected ‘endwhile’ and if i inserted below the endwhile; but above the endif; it shows syntax error, unexpected ‘endif’

    Any solution for this?


    • Mohammad Kazemi

      You must use ‚<?php' not '<?'

  9. atiq

    in Twentyfifteen default theme where should i insert this code in single.php file? If i inserted above the enwhile; it shows syntax error, unexpected ‚endwhile‘ and if i inserted below the enwwile but above the endif; it shows syntax error, unexpected ‚endif‘

    Any solution for this?


  10. Marcel Tripoux

    Hi! Great post!

    Is there a way to combine both option, in order to call related tags only in the current category ?

  11. Bambang

    my single.php layout :

    //the_content bla bla bla code here

    //Copy paste Related Posts by Tags code here

    //comments_template bla bla bla code here

    the result i got error :
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‚endwhile‘ (T_ENDWHILE) in …
    after i change “ <? } " to " <?php } " it worked,

    just sugestion, maybe it better if you put complete php open tag
    thanks :)

  12. Alex

    Works perfect. How to exclude the definite tag from Related Posts by Tags? I mean how to change the code when algorithm would find other posts with any one of the tag (except tag 595 for instance) that the current post has and will list them.

  13. Mohammad

    Thanks for the great code
    It works great but you didn’t address any css codes for a more beautiful look for this section. Can you please do this? I’m newbie to coding and I tried some codes but they didn’t work. In your codes there is:
    echo ‚Related Posts‘;
    but in some similar codes I found in other resources there is:

    and in css some codes like this:
    .relatedposts {
    font-size: 12px;
    width: 640px;
    .relatedposts h3 {
    font-size: 20px;
    margin: 0 0 5px;
    will get that a nice look but it didn’t work with your code.

  14. Muthu

    Dear collegue this is an error am getting while pasting this code on single.php file.kindly tell me exacctly where should i paste this code.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\xampp\htdocs\beingusefull\wp-content\themes\TechPlus\single.php on line 78

  15. WPBeginner Staff

    That will depend on your individual theme and template. You need to add the conditional tag after the WordPress loop begins. After this line:
    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    • Jenny

      I got that error too and this is my updated code:
      if ($tags) {
      $tag_ids = array();
      foreach($tags as $individual_tag) $tag_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id;
      ‚tag__in‘ => $tag_ids,
      ‚post__not_in‘ => array($post->ID),
      ‚posts_per_page’=>5, // Number of related posts that will be shown.
      $my_query = new wp_query( $args );
      if( $my_query->have_posts() ) { ?>
      Related Posts
      have_posts() ) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
      <a href="“ rel=“bookmark“ title=““>

      <a href="“ rel=“bookmark“ title=““>

  16. wiyono

    When the post i share on facebook, the thumbnail getting from related post, can i get the thumbnail from the main page? thx

    • Lacey Tech Solutions

      If you’re using Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin you can specify the thumbnail URL under the social tab for the post. If the social tab isn’t shown then you need to click the Yoast SEO link in the WordPress admin menu then click „Social“. In the social page tick the option for, „Add Open Graph meta data“ and save. Go back into your post and you can specify the thumbnail image you want to use when the post is shared. If you don’t implicitly set the post image the user has the option of selecting any image that appears on the page, which is why your recent post images are being pulled in when you share the article link.

  17. Gretchen Louise

    Any thoughts on how much of a database/server load this would be on a large self-hosted site? Looking for a related posts alternative now that #nRelate is no longer available.

    • vipul

      can you tell where and how?

  18. Rachael

    This doesn’t work in the single.php for me, b/c related posts show up at the very bottom of the page. It works with loop.php but then they also show up on the homepage – any ideas on a fix so it just shows in single posts and not the homepage?

  19. kate // always craving //

    Hi, I must be the only one who is not doing this correctly. My theme supports featured images, I added this code before the comments within the single.php file. Any tips on exactly where to input in the code?

  20. Keyko Sakura

    All the codes I find never work. Or they don’t change anything on my page or they display an error message. I don’t know what else to do!

  21. Mason Coulter

    Is there a way to add pagination to the related posts query? I cant seem to get pagination to work on a secondary query within single.php. Thanks!

  22. Tom K.

    Hello , i want to ask , is there way to make , that related posts would be by category and tags in one place? Thanks.

  23. Jonas

    My thumbnails are too big, help. How can you limit the related posts thumbnails?

  24. Jonathan

    Is there a way to choose a single category (let’s call it Brands) and then have it display related posts only affiliated with the child categories under Brands? So, the hierarchy for the cats would be Brands > JCPenny. I want to only show related posts for JCPenny. But, that child category could be different per post. So if a post uses a different child category it’ll show related posts for that child cat. Can this code be modified to handle that somehow?

    • Jonathan

      OH! I think I’ve got it. I just added ‚parent‘ => ‚the cat id number‘, to the args and I think that did it.

    • Jonathan

      wait… no, that didn’t work :(

  25. Miro

    Hi, thanks for the code, but instead of grabbing the featured image as a thumb, can i grab instead the first image in my posts? Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      This sounds like a nice post idea, we will cover it soon in a new article. Thanks for the feedback.


      • Miro

        It would be great if you guys would make a post on it. Thank you very much and will be waiting. Hope that you can kindly post here a notification once you made the post so we know.

  26. Caleb

    Great post thanks! I run a website that uses WP more as a CMS with a large number of pages rather than posts. Can I do this with as related pages instead, so that it’s grabbing related pages and not posts? If so how do I go about doing this.

    Thanks for the help :)

  27. Muhammad Hadi Qureshi

    Really thanks for this helping post

  28. Phil Simon

    This. Is. Awesome. WPEngine understandably doesn’t allow for related posts plugins, save for a few exceptions. I tried a few and really didn’t like them. I threw this code into single.php and voila! Thank you.

  29. Lucas Bishop

    This is good, but i wanna do it with title of post rather then tags or category. Any suggestions for it, syed!!

  30. Alexandros

    Hi friends little problem it appears to me: „Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‚endwhile‘ (T_ENDWHILE) in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ z1 \ wp-content \ themes \ mytheme \ single.php on line 65“ find
    But what ..? Thanks

  31. Britt

    Love this piece of code, use it on the regular! One question: Is there a way to exclude some tags in the code?

  32. Rakesh

    Take a look at the category related posts code. It wont work unless you add some php , the three letters before getting started with echo. Add php and it will not be ignored. In either case, it is ignored and wordpress cries every time with an error note. Thanks for the code by the way and it made my work a lot easier. Thanks a ton for that and do adjust it ,

  33. Dennis

    Also, I have one more question,

    What if I wanted to display a certain post containing a certain tag to all posts, how would I do this?

  34. Dennis

    Hi, this is so awesome! Now I can just get rid of my related post plugin, so thanks A LOT for that!

    One question I have is, how can I display the related post in 2 column?

    Once again, this has been such a BIG help for me!

  35. Christina

    Hi!! Thanks for your helpful information for those, like myself, who have no idea of any coding, but still want to have a blog!! I have just incorporated your ‚relate posts by tags“ code to my single post file. It works except for the pfotos. They dont show at all and the titles of my related posts are shown the one under the other, like a list. What have I done wrong?? Thanks in advance for your answer!!

  36. TheFran


    This code is amazing! Thank you so much. Is there a way I can make the code show related posts from ANOTHER SITE? So it searches the posts from another site that I show below the post as a related post on my site?


  37. Carlos

    I’m using a theme that works with custom posts. I wonder if I try your code, which part should I edit to display just those custom posts instead of the regular posts.


  38. Miz.Chellie

    Hello – yours is the first tutorial that I found that works but I would like the list vertical. Can you give an example of the CSS for that?

  39. Livius


    I cannot, find the single.php where I have to insert this code.

    The problem is that I am using Balance Theme + Genesis. So in the genesis, I can find the Single.php, but it says to „Not Edit Under Any Circumstances“, and I have actually pasted the code in there, but it made my site to stop opening pages at all.
    And in the Child Balance Theme, there is no Single.php ….

    Any suggestions?

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes, don’t edit the framework file. You would have to familiarize yourself with Genesis hooks and filters. Then add the code in one of the loop hooks for single page using your functions.php file. Unfortunately, due to the amount of frameworks out there, we can’t possibly cover our tips for all frameworks.


    • Mark

      Use Genesis Hooks then put the code in there.

  40. peter

    Hello is there any way to change the thumbnail size? i get only one related post and its thumbnail is huge

  41. Dean

    Hi! this is very useful coding. Is it possible to use this for making a custom page that will show all the posts, like a sitemap but with thumbnails? Something like this:

    Category 1
    —– related posts code (all posts from that category) ——

    Category 2
    —– related posts code (all posts from that category) ——

    etc. It would make a great showcase for categories with few posts. Thank you for reading and help!

  42. Nuno Marques


    very handy your „Related Posts by Category“.

    Sometimes I believe it’s better to have add a raw code rather than use a plugin doesn’t is so expansible…

    Thank you!

  43. Silverbadger

    Is it possible to display the posts horizontal instead of vertical?

    Thanks :)

  44. Paul

    Thank you thank you thank you!! A simple copy paste bit of code that just gets on with it and works – does exactly what it says. This is exactly what I was looking for :)

  45. Editorial Staff

    Yes, you can use post thumbnails by itself. Not sure why you would want the related feature…


  46. Raheek

    Thanks for the helpful article. I now just added elated posts by using this code.

  47. Ferdy

    What if there are no related posts. can it be coded such that it falls back to category related.

  48. tobalseverin


    i need some help…

    How i can filter.. the category, but if i have parent and child categories and only i show the child post. ex:

    – product (all product, this is the parent) (id 104)

    – KindOfProducts (subcategory, this is the child) (id 109)

    – KindOfProductsTwo (subcategory, this is the child) (id 110)

    in products have all post but just need show related from the child: KindOfProducts.

    i try whit this:

    $args = array(

    ‚category__in‘ => $category_ids,

    ‚category__not_in‘ => 104,

    ‚post__not_in‘ => array($post->ID),

    ‚orderby’=> ‚rand‘,

    ’showposts‘ => 100,

    ‚ignore_sticky_posts‘ => 1


    but dont showme nothing…

    and i try whit this other one:

    $args = array(

    ‚category__in‘ => $category_ids,

    ‚child_of‘ => 104,

    ‚post__not_in‘ => array($post->ID),

    ‚orderby’=> ‚rand‘,

    ’showposts‘ => 100,

    ‚ignore_sticky_posts‘ => 1


    and nothing

    help? tnks!

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