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Deaktivieren von Gutenberg und Beibehalten des klassischen Editors in WordPress

Gutenberg ist der neue Block-Editor in WordPress und wurde erstmals mit WordPress 5.0 im Dezember 2018 eingeführt.

Nicht jedem gefällt die Änderung – einige Benutzer finden es schwierig, damit zu arbeiten, und viele wollen das, was sie kennen, oben halten.

Wenn Sie also den klassischen Editor vermissen, sind Sie nicht allein.

In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Gutenberg deaktivieren und den klassischen Editor in nur wenigen Schritten beibehalten können.

Disable Gutenberg and keep classic editor in WordPress

Was ist Gutenberg?

Gutenberg ist der Name für den Block-Editor in WordPress. Er wurde erstellt, um das Schreiben in WordPress moderner zu machen.

Es versucht, wie ein Seitenerstellungs-Plugin zu funktionieren, und ermöglicht es Ihnen, Elemente per Drag & Drop in einen Beitrag oder eine Seite zu ziehen. Das Ziel ist es, mehr Flexibilität zu bieten und WordPress-Benutzern zu ermöglichen, einzigartige Layouts für ihre Inhalte mit reichhaltigen Multimedia-Inhalten zu erstellen.

WordPress block editor on the 2021 theme

Seit der Veröffentlichung von WordPress 5.0 ist der Block-Editor der Standard-Editor in WordPress.

Warum den Gutenberg Editor in WordPress deaktivieren?

Viele Website-Besitzer, die WordPress schon seit Jahren nutzen, sind mit dem klassischen Editor besser vertraut. Und da der Block-Editor relativ neu ist, sind einige Plugins möglicherweise nicht vollständig mit ihm kompatibel.

Zum Glück gibt es Möglichkeiten, den klassischen Editor zu verwenden, auch unter WordPress 5.0 oder später.

Im folgenden Abschnitt zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Gutenberg ganz einfach deaktivieren und den klassischen Editor von WordPress weiter nutzen können.

Hier finden Sie einen kurzen Überblick über alle Methoden, die wir in diesem Leitfaden vorstellen:

Sind Sie bereit? Dann fangen wir an.

Methode 1. Gutenberg mit dem WPCode-Plugin deaktivieren (empfohlen)

Wir von WPBeginner empfehlen, Gutenberg mit dem WPCode Plugin zu deaktivieren, dem besten Code Snippets Plugin für WordPress.

WPCode's homepage

Mit WPCode können Sie ganz einfach individuellen Code in WordPress hinzufügen, ohne die Datei functions.php Ihres Themes bearbeiten zu müssen. Sie brauchen sich also keine Sorgen zu machen, dass Ihre WordPress-Website beschädigt wird.

Dieses Plugin verfügt außerdem über eine integrierte Code-Snippets-Bibliothek, mit der sich WordPress-Funktionen leicht individuell anpassen lassen.

In der Bibliothek finden Sie verifizierte Codeschnipsel für beliebte Funktionen wie das Deaktivieren von Gutenberg, das Deaktivieren der WordPress REST-API, das Deaktivieren automatischer Updates und vieles mehr. Damit entfällt die Notwendigkeit, eine Reihe von Plugins für den einmaligen Gebrauch zu installieren.

Um loszulegen, müssen Sie das kostenlose WPCode Plugin installieren und aktivieren. Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, finden Sie in unserer Anleitung zur Installation eines WordPress Plugins eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung.

Sobald das Plugin aktiviert ist, müssen Sie zunächst von Ihrem WordPress-Dashboard aus zu Code Snippets Bibliothek gehen.

Als Nächstes müssen Sie nach dem Snippet „Gutenberg Editor deaktivieren (klassischen Editor verwenden)“ suchen und auf den Button „Snippet verwenden“ klicken.

Search for the Disable Gutenberg snippet in WPCode library

In der nächsten Ansicht sehen Sie, dass WPCode den Code automatisch hinzugefügt hat.

Es hat auch die richtige Einfügemethode festgelegt und einen Titel und Schlagwörter hinzugefügt, damit Sie sich merken können, wofür der Code bestimmt ist.

WPCode Disable Gutenberg (use Classic Editor) snippet

Von hier aus müssen Sie lediglich den Schalter von „Inaktiv“ auf „Aktiv“ umstellen.

Danach klicken Sie auf den Button „Aktualisieren“.

Switch the code snippet to Active and click Update in WPCode

Das war’s. Der Gutenberg-Block-Editor ist jetzt deaktiviert und Sie können den klassischen Editor verwenden.

Methode 2. Gutenberg mit dem Classic Editor Plugin deaktivieren

Für diese Methode verwenden wir das Plugin „Klassischer Editor“, das von den mitwirkenden Entwicklern von WordPress entwickelt und gepflegt wird.

Als Erstes müssen Sie das Plugin „Klassischer Editor “ installieren und aktivieren. Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, können Sie unsere Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Installation eines WordPress Plugins einsehen.

Das Plugin funktioniert direkt nach der Box und deaktiviert den Gutenberg Editor bei der Aktivierung.

Außerdem können Sie sowohl Gutenberg als auch den klassischen Editor gleichzeitig verwenden.

Sie können dies in den Einstellungen des Plugins konfigurieren. Gehen Sie einfach in Ihrem WordPress-Administrationsbereich auf Einstellungen “ Schreiben. Die Option dazu finden Sie unter „Einstellungen für den klassischen Editor“.

Classic editor settings

Vergessen Sie nicht, auf den Button „Änderungen speichern“ zu klicken, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Unter dem Menüpunkt Beiträge finden Sie nun einen neuen Link zum Erstellen neuer Beiträge mit dem klassischen Editor.

Switched to classic editor

Sie können auch ältere Artikel mit dem klassischen Editor bearbeiten.

Gehen Sie einfach auf die Seite Beiträge “ Alle Beiträge, und Sie sehen einen Link „Bearbeiten (klassisch)“ unter den Beiträgen.

The Edit classic button

Methode 3. Klassischen Editor mit deaktiviertem Gutenberg-Plugin verwenden

Wenn Sie Gutenberg für bestimmte Benutzerrollen und Beitragstypen deaktivieren möchten, können Sie dies mit dieser Methode tun.

Zunächst müssen Sie das Plugin “ Disable Gutenberg “ installieren und aktivieren. Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, können Sie unsere Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Installation eines WordPress Plugins einsehen.

Nach der Aktivierung müssen Sie die Seite Einstellungen “ Gutenberg deaktivieren besuchen, um die Plugin-Einstellungen zu konfigurieren.

Disable Gutenberg settings

Standardmäßig deaktiviert das Plugin Gutenberg überall für alle Benutzer auf Ihrer Website. Wenn Sie es jedoch auf bestimmte Benutzerrollen und Inhaltstypen beschränken möchten, sollten Sie die Option „Vollständig deaktivieren“ deaktivieren.

Wenn Sie das Häkchen entfernen, werden weitere Optionen angezeigt, um Gutenberg für bestimmte Benutzerrollen, Beitragstypen, Themenvorlagen oder einzelne Beiträge selektiv zu deaktivieren.

Selectively disable Gutenberg

Diese Option ist hilfreich, wenn Sie ein WordPress Plugin verwenden, das nicht mit Gutenberg kompatibel ist, aber Gutenberg für andere Bereiche Ihrer Website verwenden möchten.

WordPress ist der weltweit beliebteste Website-Baukasten, auf dem mehr als 43 % aller Websites im Internet basieren. Es verfügt über Tausende von Plugins und Themes und unterstützt alle Arten von Websites, von E-Commerce-Shops bis hin zu Mitglieder-Communities.

Viele dieser Plugins sind jetzt mit dem Block-Editor kompatibel. Zum Beispiel enthält WPForms einen individuellen Kontaktformular-Block, mit dem Sie Ihre Formulare einfach in jeden Beitrag oder jede Seite mit dem Block-Editor einfügen können.

Viele Werkzeuge von Drittanbietern stützen sich jedoch immer noch stark auf den klassischen Editor von WordPress und sind möglicherweise nicht vollständig mit dem Block-Editor kompatibel.

Wenn das der Fall ist, könnten diese Einstellungen sehr hilfreich für Sie sein.

Vergessen Sie nicht, auf den Button „Änderungen speichern“ zu klicken, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern.

Wir hoffen, dass dieser Artikel Ihnen geholfen hat, Gutenberg zu deaktivieren und den klassischen Editor in WordPress beizubehalten. Vielleicht interessiert Sie auch unsere Liste mit Antworten auf häufige Gutenberg-Fragen oder unsere Anleitung zum Deaktivieren des Fullscreen Editors in WordPress.

Wenn Ihnen dieser Artikel gefallen hat, dann abonnieren Sie bitte unseren YouTube-Kanal für WordPress-Videotutorials. Sie können uns auch auf Twitter und Facebook finden.

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Reader Interactions

145 KommentareLeave a Reply

  1. Moinuddin Waheed

    classic editor has been great for writing content and specially for bloggers where the main aim is to publish regular content.
    moreover, making table is a lot of easier when it comes to classic editor whereas Gutenberg editor still lags flexibility in table customisations.
    I had to use classic editor mainly for making table.
    Is there a way we can have both the editors and can make a switch to utilise the best features of both the editors?
    or will we need to disable one to use the other?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to only use one editor at a time as swapping editors can cause formatting issues.


  2. mohadese esmaeeli

    One of the issues with Gutenberg that has bothered me is the absence of the ‚Show Revisions‘ feature, which is available in the classic editor. Another problem is that Ctrl+Z doesn’t work in this editor, and I’m always afraid that my writing might be lost due to an internet interruption, WordPress hang-ups, or any other reasons.

  3. Ahmed Omar

    As a new beginner on wordpress, I found that classic editor is easy for me to use.
    Should I continue using it or I should train myself to use block editor from now

    • WPBeginner Support

      If possible it would be good to start learning the block editor as WordPress updates there will be more and more added to the block editor.


  4. Tikyda

    Thanks a lot. I did not know it could be so quick to get rid of the new wordpress text editor. I used the plugin you recommended.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful!


  5. VickyR

    WOW! Did this article „find me“ at the right time! I think this is the best WordPress site on the internet, have been following it a long time and decided put foot in the waters and test a new site with WordPress 6.0.1 (local install). The toggle button popping up and hiding all the dashboard options was driving me crazy every time I tried to create a new page or post! Have been sitting here all day trying to figure out stop the Dashboard menu from dissappearing. Didn’t realize it was Gutenberg vs Classic Editor. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST wpbeginner! :-) :-) :-)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear our article was helpful!


  6. Theresa Southern

    Seems to be working like a charm! Thanks for the tip!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear it is working for you!


  7. Frances Sinclair

    Unfortunately I can’t install the plugin as it requires me to have a Business Plan. I know I had plugins on my blogs but can’t install any now. Have been forced into block editor.

  8. Brigitte

    Hi, I’ve downloaded the plug in for the classic Editor since I couldn’t figure out how to Indent paragraph in the Block editor. I’m now able to „indent“ a paragraph in the Classic Editor. I then save the Classic editor and close it.

    However, as soon as I open the Classic Editor, my „indents“ are gone (Even though I had saved my post)? I’m used to the Block Editor, but it’s missing some functionalities (like indents). Not sure what to do? I prefer not to use the Classic Editor too much, only for the missing functionalities. Can we not use both?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would not want to swap between editors as that can cause different issues like the one you are running into. For those situations, you would want to use the Classic block for that styling or stay in the classic editor.


  9. John


    installing the classic editor was easy on WP 5.6
    Only thing is that the classic „look“ is not there ? It has a different interface ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to ensure you’ve enabled the classic editor in the plugin’s settings for it to be visible.


  10. Angelina

    I’m using, but when I go to the writing settings this option isn’t there..? I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to ensure the plugin is installed and activated for the option to be available.


  11. Frank White

    I’m using WordPress COM. On Oct 1, 2020 when I added a post to my blog I was shocked to discover that the familiar Classic interface had been replaced by Gutenberg without my permission.

    Even worse, when I tried to restore the Classic interface I got this message — „To install plugins you need to upgrade to a business plan.“

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to reach out to’s support for what the current options that they have available are without upgrading to be able to use plugins. Our guides are for sites currently.


    • Matt

      On free plans, you can’t install the plugin, but it’s still possible to use the old editor. Go to the WP Admin page which is located at Click Posts->All Posts to get a list of your posts. If you hover over a post title, you can choose Classic Editor below it. Note: This may not work if your WP account is new.

  12. Pam

    Thank you for this plugin. I’ll want to create blog posts again, thanks to this plugin! :-)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation was helpful :)


  13. Hendrik

    I recently updated my site to WP 5.5.1 – no choice, but Gutenberg. When I install the Classic Editor plugin, the article previews get a 404 error. Any ideas, whether it’s the theme or other plugins interferring?

  14. Mark

    I happened to do a fresh WP installation last night and noticed that block editing is the default status as now the block editor is built into the WP core. A couple years ago I installed the Gutenberg plugin. Is it possible to uninstall the plugin and retain the block editor or will uninstalling the Gutenberg plugin disable block editing? It would be a disaster to uninstall it and find pages and posts created with the Gutenberg plugin all in a mess.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If your site is up to date you should be able to uninstall the Gutenberg plugin safely.


  15. Heather Davis

    Hi. I have been using the Classic Editor plugin, but isn’t there an expiration to that? I thought I remember they will require everyone to move over to Gutenburg by a certain date. Do you know about this?

    I ask because I was going to hire someone to recreate my blog in Gutenburg blocks… because I thought I had to eventually. But I don’t want to do the dust has settled on Gutenburg and all the kinks are worked out.


    • WPBeginner Support

      They mention this on the Classic editor plugin page itself. Currently, the plugin will be supported until 2022, or as long as necessary.


  16. Michael

    The new block editor sucks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Some people think that which is why the Classic Editor plugin is available, should you not want to use the block editor you can use that plugin. We would recommend trying the block editor when you can as it has improved over time.


  17. ali

    tnq for sharing this amazing information, that’s work wonderful for me

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  18. Bapan Mistri

    Thanks a lot for the information.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  19. Dharmesh Patel

    Great post. It helped me a lot.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad our tutorial was helpful :)


  20. ValerieB

    I’ve read the post above and do not see these options when I look at settings on my 2nd site. When I choose plug-ins, I get the message that I have to upgrade to a paid plan in order to be able to use either the disable gutenberg plugin or the classic editor plugin.

    Is this correct? People with free sites are not allowed to disable the „new block editor“? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Our tutorials are for sites, not sites. should be able to let you know the options available but they may have an option in the top right of the post editor unless it has been removed


  21. Cheryl

    In trying to find a way out of Gutenberg I installed Classic Editor, also Classic Editor add-on, and then finally Disable Gutenberg. A third party tool I used to use used to work perfectly for months. Now it does not, even with this plugins. Do I have too many plugins at this point? Suggestions? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would only want one plugin for the classic editor active, you may be running into a conflict between the plugins that is preventing the classic editor from displaying.


  22. Sameer Kumar

    I have followed all the processes but my problem is not yet resulted.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If neither of these plugins was able to revert you to the classic editor, you may want to disable your other plugins to ensure this isn’t a plugin conflict.


  23. Le Hunt

    Thank you, I don’t like Gutenberg at all, and was able to get my website, which I’m still working on, back to normal.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide can help, as Gutenberg evolves the editing experience should improve for the future :)


  24. Aimee

    You cannot install ANY plugins on WordPress if you don’t „upgrade to the business plan“ as is what happens when you go to the plugin page. For the zillions of us who have blogs on there and are forced into the block editor, what do we do?

  25. Andrew

    Gutenberg is very annoying. Add the below code to your theme function file

    add_filter(‚use_block_editor_for_post‘, ‚__return_false‘);

    Save and have fun.

    • WPBeginner Support

      That is one method, we recommended the plugins as those are easier for beginners to disable if they would like to use the editor in the future


  26. Michele Hollick

    I’ve been using the Classic Editor for awhile now and it works great. Some of my editing features are missing though. There is no longer an option to change the color or font size and underline is missing too. Is there a way to fix that?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Those were likely added by the tinyMCE Advanced plugin if you were using that previously


  27. Dieter

    Thanks! Your post about the classic editor plugin solved my issue with new default editor of WordPress immediately!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  28. Mada

    Just started panicking when first saw this update! But now I’m back on track! Thank you so much!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  29. Karina

    Thanks, this worked for me. Horrible wordpress update

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation worked, it is continuing to be developed so as it is worked on the editing experience should improve :)


  30. Brooke

    I gave myself two weeks to adjust to this and reinstalled the old editor months ago on my personal site. Now I’m having to work with it again for a client and man do I hate this editor.

    • WPBeginner Support

      There is a learning curve but this editor should hopefully reduce the barrier to entry for new users to WordPress


  31. elena

    I used your method and it worked instantly… after hours of despair!
    Super Mega Thank you!!!

    Would you have any estimated idea of when wordpress developer intend to force everyone to use the Gutenberg editor?

    Where best to leave them feedback?

    It messes up my whole website structure and all of a sudden pictures disappeared from post without me being able to access.

    • WPBeginner Support

      The classic editor plugin plans to be officially supported until December 2021 at the moment. If you visit the Gutenberg plugin page they have information on how to leave feedback :)


  32. Mario Boutin

    THank you for the article. I have searched for hours trying to get my drafts saved and my posts published with no success. I even played the permissions in the files sections of my cPanel. Nothing worked until after many searches through WordPress forums and after reading 10’s of Google suggestions on „How to get my posts saved“ or „Posts won’t save in WordPress“ I finally found your article and I didn’t know that was so simple to solve that problem. I simply installed the plugin Classic Editor and it worked right away! Thanks again!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  33. Marialena Sarris

    Thank you for the informative article. The new editor is the most time consuming and complicated editor ever, (this thing is unresponsive and lugs continuously) which they shoved it to our throats. forcing us to run yet another plugin, for something that didn’t need a plugin in the first place.
    Thank you again for the article.

    • WPBeginner Support

      There are certainly parts that are works in progress, as it improves it should hopefully help new users to WordPress :)


  34. Solomon Mwale

    Thank you so much for sharing this information I have been off my blog for long.

    Today I was trying to post something and I got stuck with this.

    But after a very long search, I have finally managed to get the results that I wanted and finally on the read again.

    Keep on sharing this great information all the time you are such a great help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our content could be helpful :)


  35. Brick Wall

    Excellent information!! Thank you. As of 20180321 a couple of the menu items listed above have been removed but other than that this was a life saver for editing previous content. Outstanding!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know :)


  36. manuel

    Thanks, thanks, thanks. The Gutenberg editor is a nightmare, headache and time consuming.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help return you to the editor you were accustomed to :)


  37. Alec

    Thank you so much for showing me the way out of my Gutenberg Nightmare. What on earth are the WP development team thinking?!?!?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It can certainly be confusing if you’re accustomed to the classic editor but it is the current attempt to make creating a post on WordPress more beginner friendly.


  38. Lisa Alford

    Was having so much trouble with Gutenberg I wasn’t blogging anymore. The work around you showed wasn’t appearing on my „writing“ page. There was no option for Classic Editor on there. I had to reinstall Classic Editor. YAY!!! Back up and off to work I go!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you were able to get it working again :)


  39. Keith Berger

    Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for this!!! The new editor ought to be called Clunky Anxiety Producer. Your article just gave me my blogging life back!

    thanks you! :-) <3

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  40. Ben

    Ive been experiencing issues with the editors today. We had the Classic editor installed on a few sites but two of them will now not change to text tab view from visual tab in the editor screen. Both have Bakery visual builder plugin installed which i thought might be the issue but even when disabling that plugin i still have same issue. Ive tried both suggested plugins and get the same results. Im now looking for any other option as really dont want to use Guttenburg. Any ideas would be gratefully received. Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We would recommend first reaching out to the support for the classic editor plugin to see if this is a known issue or if they have a recommended solution.


  41. SgtDeathAdder

    Gutenberg was a nightmare to me, so many issues with it. Thanks for your article it really helped!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation could help :)


  42. ethan

    Thank God for Classic Editor!!!!! Hahahaha. The new WP was a culture shock for me when I went back to blogging.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could let you know about this plugin :)


  43. ClemzyBoss

    I had to Install the Uninstall Gutenberg plugin..thanks a whole lot!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help and you found a plugin that worked for you :)


  44. Janni

    Oh, Thank you very much! It works like charm! I love you! You save me from so much stress. You’re a lifesaver. It works like charm.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  45. Alex

    Thank you for the instructions! We went with option 1 and it put us back on the classic editor. Worked like a charm!

    Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  46. Ed

    I have tried all of the instructions offered above and unfortunately for me, any page that i open to edit with classic editor contains nothing but red wavy lines. I do not have time to try more failed suggestions, so please tell me how to revert back to a previous word press version that worked as advertised.
    Thank you.

  47. Estefania Campoblanco

    Hi, I’m currently taking way longer than intended whenever I’m writing a new post. My editing tool bar doesn’t have the tools i need it to have and is very limited, as it seems to be not compatible with the puglin I downloaded for it to adjust to my needs. As I was half through a post when I decided to install the new version of WordPress, it wasn’t as hard to use because i had little work left to do. So my question here is: if I download the classic editor, will my published post (that used images blocks) remain the way it is right now? Or will it be altered when i switch back to classic one?

    Thank you,

  48. Magnus Andersson

    Gutenberg is a disaster and it seriously inhibits my workflow. Thanks for your great advice.

  49. Jeffrey Fry

    Installing the „Classic Editor“ plugin worked like a charm. Automatically disabled gutenberg editor.

  50. Dann

    Thanks! The new editor is horrid!!

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