Es ist Freitag und der Arbeitstag ist hier an der Ostküste der USA fast vorbei, aber wir sind immer noch hier und aktualisieren alle unsere WordPress-Seiten, während wir dies schreiben. Das WordPress-Team hat WordPress 3.5.2 veröffentlicht, ein Wartungs- und Sicherheitsupdate. In dieser Version hat das WordPress-Sicherheitsteam sieben Sicherheitsprobleme behoben und zusätzliche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen hinzugefügt. Wir empfehlen dringend, dass Sie Ihre WordPress-Websites sofort aktualisieren.
Die Sicherheitskorrekturen in WordPress 3.5.2 umfassen:
- Blockieren von Server-seitigen Request Forgery-Angriffen, die es einem Angreifer ermöglichen könnten, sich Zugang zu einer Website zu verschaffen.
- Verhinderung, dass Mitwirkende Beiträge missbräuchlich veröffentlichen oder die Autorenschaft eines Beitrags neu zuweisen.
- Ein Update der externen Bibliothek SWFUpload zur Behebung von Cross-Site-Scripting-Schwachstellen.
- Verhinderung eines Denial-of-Service-Angriffs, der Websites mit passwortgeschützten Beiträgen betrifft.
- Ein Update für eine externe TinyMCE-Bibliothek zur Behebung einer Cross-Site-Scripting-Schwachstelle.
- Mehrere Korrekturen für Cross-Site-Scripting.
- Vermeidung der Offenlegung eines vollständigen Dateipfads bei fehlgeschlagenem Upload.
Aktualisieren Sie auf WordPress 3.5.2. Gehen Sie zu Ihrem Dashboard “ Updates und machen Sie es mit 1 Klick.
Adnan Fasih
There are so many issues in 3.5.2 update. Admin panel is disappearing; I had to manually fix the wp-admin folder from FTP. This is disappointing first 3.5.2 contains multiple issues and now 3.6 is further delayed.
Gautam Thapar
There seems to be some changes related to date format as well. First of all I noticed it in google webmaster tools which displayed error related to sitemap date. I use sitemap generated through WordPress SEO by Yoast.
Then I noticed it in my custom post type backend where the list of posts use to display in this format – ‚2013/06/17 Published‘ but now after the update it is displaying in the format which I use for the frontend – ‚1 hour ago Published‘.
Len Printz
Hi guys! We updated to 3.5.2 and now our media library isn’t functioning properly…when trying to post an image to a page, we don’t see any of our images in the library and, also, our Nivo slider just chugs and we can’t manage that either!
Any ideas would be MOST appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Good to know, thanks so much.
Upgrade appears to have worked beautifully! Thanks much.
Fine for me! Everything worked just fine. I have two sites with different themes and both had no issues with the update.
I am always grateful for all the work the guys do behind the scenes keeping my site safe. But this really was the worst experience I have had with an update in all the years I have worked with WordPress, and from what I can see in the WordPress forums I am not the only one.
In the end I had to disconnect my CDN and remove all my security and deactivate every plugin, only then would it install.
Be very VERY careful with 3.5.2 and as you should do anyway, be sure to take a complete backup (website and SQL), before trying to install this update.
Editorial Staff
That is rather strange Terence. Our WordPress 3.5.2 update worked just fine. We did have an issue where caching stopped, but that was due to an update of another plugin „WordPress SEO by Yoast“, but he was very quick to roll out another update with fixes.
Which just goes to show how no two sites are alike, except superficially.
The one problem I didn’t have a problem with ~ at least nothing to do with 3.5.2 ~ was Joost’s.
Ooops! I take that back… WP SEO is now showing a red banner and claiming I have to remove `<meta name="description" content="“ />` from my theme, and it then offers to fix it for me automagically, but although it offers, it doesn’t work.
Editorial Staff
Well you shouldn’t have meta description tag in your theme if you are using WordPress SEO by Yoast.
Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you for this awesome rundown.
I do tend to „shake in the knees“ whenever I update anything. Of course, I do it antway!!!
I have lost headers and footers. I hope it doesnt happen with a WP update.
Nonetheless, the WordPress team is truly amazing.
I really like your site alot. You cover so many important topics and you do it well!
Thank you! Mary
Editorial Staff
Thank you for the very kind words Mary. We really appreciate your support.
being new to wordpress and your site…. is there proper things I should before I update? I read BACKUP, deactivate all plugins and then update. Is the the correct thing to do? can you please steer me in the right direction… I am in the middle of building a huge ecommerce site with woocommerce and I don’t want to loose or affect anything I am currently working on. I have woodojo launchpad enable during this build
thank you! I love your blog!
would love to see more info on e commerce like SEO, builds etc just an idea for you
Editorial Staff
Having a regular backup is necessary. We use a paid service VaultPress by Automattic to handle our real-time backup. We simply click on the one-click update and it works.
Keith Davis
Thanks guys
All sites now updated and looking good.
Love the WordPress one-click update.
I am done updating with my membership sites but there is this strange activity happening – I keep on receiving spam registrations…i am using si captcha for security…i have disabled the registrations for the moment.
Anmol Makkar
Does it changes, any edits I’ve made to themes and plugins in PHP editor?
Editorial Staff